Phalacrocorax nigrogularis Socotra Cormorant Cormoran de Socotra
IOC Leucocarbo nigrogularis
Breeds: Socotra; visitor, sea: Gulf of Aden.
Phalacrocorax capensis Cape Cormorant Cormoran du Cap
IOC Leucocarbo capensis
Resident, coasts and offshore: Congo R. - KZ-Natal.
Phalacrocorax neglectus Bank Cormorant Cormoran des bancs
Resident, coasts: S Angola, Namibia - Cape.
Phalacrocorax aristotelis European Shag Cormoran huppé
desmarestii; riggenbachi
IOC Leucocarbo aristotelis
Resident, coasts: Morocco - Egypt, less common in east.
Phalacrocorax pygmaeus Pygmy Cormorant Cormoran pygmée
IOC Microcarbo pygmaeus
Vagrant: records in Tunisia; formerly bred Algeria.
Phalacrocorax africanus Reed Cormorant Cormoran africain
Long-tailed Cormorant
africanus; pictilis
IOC Microcarbo africanus
Resident, mainly fresh water: all S of Sahara except NE Somalia (africanus); Madagascar (pictilis); vagrant: Seychelles.
Phalacrocorax coronatus Crowned Cormorant Cormoran couronné
IOC Microcarbo coronatus
Resident, coasts: Namibia - Cape.
Phalacrocorax melanogenis Crozet Shag Cormorant de Crozet
HM subsumes into Phalacrocorax (IOC Leucocarbo) albiventer King Cormorant Cormoran à ventre blanc
SAM subsumes into Phalacrocorax atriceps Imperial Shag Cormoran impériale (CMT, HBW include albiventer as race of this,
but keep melanogenis separate)
IOC, BL presumed to subsume into either P. (L.) albiventer or P. atriceps
Resident: Crozet, Prince Edward, Marion.
(Phalacrocorax auritus Double-crested Cormorant Cormoran à aigrettes )
Vagrant: Azores.
Phalacrocorax verrucosus Kerguelen Shag Cormoran des Kerguelen
IOC Leucocarbo verrucosus
BL subsumes into Phalacrocorax atriceps
Resident: Kerguelen.
Anhinga rufa African Darter Anhinga d’Afrique
[Darter]* [Anhinga]
rufa; vulsini
BoA, CMT, HBW subsume into Anhinga melanogaster Darter Anhinga
Resident, mainly fresh water: all S of Sahara except NE Somalia (rufa); Madagascar (vulsini).
Pelecanus onocrotalus Great White Pelican Pélican blanc
Resident, mainly larger fresh water bodies: all S of Sahara except forest area, Somalia and C South Africa; north along Nile to Egypt and west along N coast to E Algeria.
Pelecanus rufescens Pink-backed Pelican Pélican gris
Pélican roussâtre
Resident, wetlands: all S of Sahara except Namibia, W South Africa.
Pelecanus crispus Dalmatian Pelican Pélican frisé
Visitor, wetlands: Nile Delta.
Fregata magnificens Magnificent Frigatebird Frégate superbe
Breeds: Cape Verde Is; uncommon visitor, sea: West Africa.
Fregata aquila Ascension Frigatebird Frégate aigle-de-mer
Breeds: Ascension Is; vagrant: Gulf of Guinea - DRC.
Fregata minor Great Frigatebird Frégate du Pacifique
Greater Frigatebird
Breeds: Indian Ocean Is; rare visitor, sea: coastal areas Kenya - KZ-Natal.
Fregata ariel Lesser Frigatebird Frégate ariel
Breeds: Indian Ocean Is; visitor, sea: coasts Red Sea - Kenya.
Botaurus stellaris Eurasian Bittern Butor étoilé
Great Bittern
stellaris; capensis
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, reedbeds, and other vegetation in water outside breed season: resident to the east of E South Africa north to E Angola - S Tanzania (capensis); resident and visitor North Africa, visitor up Nile to Kenya, and west to S Nigeria (stellaris).
(Botaurus lentiginosus American Bittern Butor d’Amérique)
Vagrant: Azores, Tenerife.
Ixobrychus minutus Little Bittern Blongios nain
payesii; minutus; podiceps
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, fresh water marshes: North Africa (minutus); all S of Sahara except much of Angola (payesii); Madagascar (podiceps).
Ixobrychus sinensis Yellow Bittern Blongios de Chine
Resident, aquatic vegetation: Seychelles; vagrant Socotra.
Ixobrychus sturmii Dwarf Bittern Blongios de Sturm
Resident and intra-African migrant, woody areas near water and swamps: all S of Sahara except Somalia, much of Angola, Namibia, W South Africa and coastal Tanzania; southern birds move north after breeding (Nov-Mar); vagrant, Canary Is.
(Ixobrychus cinnamomeus Cinnamon Bittern Blongios cannelle)
Vagrant: Seychelles.
(Ixobrychus exilis Least Bittern Petit Blongios)
probably race exilis
Vagrant: Azores.
Tigriornis leucolopha White-crested Tiger Heron Onoré à huppe blanche
White-crested Bittern
HM notes often incorrectly spelt T. leucolophus
Resident, forest: all forest area Sierra Leone - CAR, N DRC, Gabon.
Gorsachius leuconotus White-backed Night Heron Bihoreau à dos blanc
(ROB + natalensis, (+leuconotus presumed))
HBW Nycticorax leuconotus
Resident, forest and woodland near water: Senegal - Gabon - W Ethiopia, Kenya south to E South Africa through Tanzania, Zambia, S Angola, W Mozambique.
Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crowned Night Heron Bihoreau gris
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, woody vegetation near water: North Africa; all S of Sahara except forest area and driest parts of NE and SW; Madagascar; Seychelles; vagrant Azores probably Nearctic origin (hoactli).
Ardeola ralloides Squacco Heron Crabier chevelu
Common Squacco Heron
(ROB + paludivaga (+ralloides presumed))
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, mainly fresh water: North Africa; all S of Sahara except Namibia desert area.
Ardeola idae Madagascar Pond Heron Crabier blanc
Malagasy Squacco Heron; Malagasy Pond Heron* Héron Crabier blanc
Breeds, near water: Madagascar; Aldabra; visitor to water in all habitats including forests, mainly May-Oct; S Kenya - N Mozambique inland to S DRC.
Ardeola rufiventris Rufous-bellied Heron Crabier à ventre roux
Héron à ventre roux
Resident, swamps and floodplains: S Kenya - NE South Africa, inland to L. Victoria, S DRC, E Angola, NE Namibia.
(Ardeola grayii Indian Pond Heron Crabier de Gray)
Vagrant: Seychelles; Socotra.
Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret Héron gardeboeufs
Western Cattle Egret*
ibis; seychellarum (HM incl in ibis)
(IOC raises Butorides coromandes Eastern Cattle Egret, hence English name)
Resident, savannas: throughout except Sahara Desert (ibis); Seychelles (seychellarum).
Butorides striata Striated Heron Héron strié
Green-backed Heron; [Green Heron] Héron à dos vert; Héron vert
atricapilla; brevipes; rutenbergi; crawfordi; rhizophorae; degens
HM notes often incorrectly spelt B. striatus (and race atricapillus)
(Green Heron is only used for this species if the New World Butorides virescens is considered the same species)
Resident, dense vegetation near water: all S of Sahara except parts of South Africa and S Namibia (atricapilla, brevipes); Madagascar (rutenbergi); Aldabra, Amirantes (crawfordi); Comoro Is (rhizophorae); Seychelles degens).
(Butorides virescens Green Heron Héron vert)
HBW subsumes into Butorides striata
Vagrant: Azores.
Egretta ardesiaca Black Heron Aigrette ardoisée
Black Egret
Resident, mainly near fresh water: West Africa south of Sahara desert - S Sudan - Ethiopia south to Cape excluding Congo forest area and much of Namibia and W South Africa; Madagascar.
Egretta vinaceigula Slaty Egret Aigrette vineuse
Resident, marshes and water with some vegetation: S and C Zambia, N Botswana.
Egretta caerulea Little Blue Heron Aigrette bleue
Vagrant: South Africa, Azores.
(Egretta tricolor Tricoloured Heron Aigrette tricolore)
Vagrant: 1 record Azores.
Egretta gularis Western Reef Heron Aigrette à gorge blanche
Reef Heron; Western Reef Egret Aigrette des récifs
gularis; schistacea (BoA = asha); (BoA + dimorpha here considered a separate species (CMT, HBW place in garzetta))
HBW subsumes into Egretta garzetta
Resident, coastal waters: coastal West Africa Mauritania - Gabon; all Red Sea coast and south to Kenya.
Egretta dimorpha Dimorphic Egret Aigrette dimorphe
BoA, DFW subsume into Egretta gularis; CMT, HBW, BL subsume into Egretta garzetta
Resident, near water: Madagascar and nearby islands; visitor, wetlands and coasts: S Kenya - N Mozambique.
Egretta garzetta Little Egret Aigrette garzette
garzetta; (CMT, HBW + dimorpha; HBW + gularis; schistacea from above)
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, near water: all round coast and islands; inland all of Africa except deserts and forest area.
Egretta thula Snowy Egret Aigrette neigeuse
brewsteri is most likely race
Vagrant: Azores, Cape Verde Is, South Africa.
Egretta intermedia Intermediate Egret Aigrette intermédiaire
Yellow-billed Egret* Héron intermédiaire; Héron à bec jaune
CMT, SAM, ZTP (+SF) Mesophoyx intermedia
Resident, near water: all S of Sahara except Congo forest area, Somalia and parts of S Namibia.
Egretta alba Great Egret Grande Aigrette
Great White Egret; Western Great Egret*
melanorhynchos; alba; egretta
CMT, HM, IOC Ardea alba (CMT + race melanorhyncha); SAM, BL, ZTP (+SF) Casmerodius albus
(IOC raises extralimital Egretta (Ardea) modesta Eastern Great Egret, hence English name)
Resident, wetlands: all S of Sahara except Namibia, NW South Africa, N Somalia (melanorhynchos); North Africa mainly coastal strip (alba); vagrant Azores (egretta).
Ardea purpurea Purple Heron Héron pourpré
purpurea; madagascariensis; (SAM, BD + bournei)
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, open shallow water and swamps: all S of Sahara except much of Namibia, breeding mainly in northern half (purpurea); Cape Verde Is (sometimes separated as race or species bournei); Madagascar (madagascariensis).
Ardea cinerea Grey Heron Héron cendré
cinerea; monicae; firasa
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, shallow water: all except Sahara Desert (cinerea); Banc d’Arguin islands (monicae); Madagascar, Seychelles (firasa).
Ardea melanocephala Black-headed Heron Héron mélanocéphale
Resident, grassland, less restricted to water than other herons: all S of Sahara.
Ardea humbloti Humblot’s Heron Héron de Humblot
Madagascar Heron
Resident, mainly coastal: W half Madagascar, Comoro Is.
Ardea goliath Goliath Heron Héron goliath
Resident, near water: all S of Sahara and north along Red Sea coast, except Namibia, Botswana, W South Africa and NE Somalia.
(Ardea herodias Great Blue Heron Grand Héron)
Vagrant: Azores.
(Ardea cocoi Cocoi Heron Héron cocoi)
Vagrant: Gough Is.
Scopus umbretta Hamerkop Ombrette africaine
Ombrette du Sénégal; Ombrette
umbretta; minor
Resident, near water, needing trees for nesting: all S of Sahara; Madagascar; (minor is coastal Sierra Leone - W Cameroon).
Mycteria ibis Yellow-billed Stork Tantale ibis
Tantale africain
Resident, near water: all S of Sahara except seasonal in much of South Africa, and up W coast Senegal - Morocco; W Madagascar.
Anastomus lamelligerus African Openbill Bec-ouvert africain
Openbill Stork; **African Openbill Stork; African
Open-billed Stork
lamelligerus; madagascariensis
Resident and visitor, near water: all S of Sahara except most of Namibia, W South Africa but rare in forest areas (lamelligerus); W Madagascar (madagascariensis); dry season only to much of West Africa.
Ciconia nigra Black Stork Cigogne noire
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, woodland and nearby: resident South Africa north to Malawi, S Angola; visitor Sahel zone south to L. Victoria.
Ciconia abdimii Abdim's Stork Cigogne d'Abdim
Intra-African migrant, open areas: breeds Sahel and Sudan zones south to N Kenya; ‘winters’ S Kenya - Angola, Botswana, N South Africa.
Ciconia episcopus Woolly-necked Stork Cigogne épiscopale
Resident, usually near water: all S of Sahara except Namibia, much of South Africa, W Botswana, and NE Somalia.
Ciconia ciconia White Stork Cigogne blanche
European White Stork
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, open areas: all S of Sahara except forest area and Somalia; small numbers resident near Cape.
Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis Saddle-billed Stork Jabiru d’Afrique
Jabiru du Sénégal
Resident, mainly near water: all S of Sahara except most of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Somalia.
Leptoptilos crumeniferus Marabou Stork Marabout d'Afrique
Resident, all open habitats and savannas: all S of Sahara except forest area, around Gabon, N Angola and W South Africa.
Balaeniceps rex Shoebill Bec-en-sabot du Nil
Resident, extensive swamps especially papyrus: S Sudan through L. Victoria area to N Zambia.
Plegadis falcinellus Glossy Ibis Ibis falcinelle
(ZTP + race falcinellus)
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, water, wet meadows: all Africa except Sahara and deserts in SW; breeds discontinuously, mainly in East Africa and eastern parts of southern Africa.
Bostrychia hagedash Hadada Ibis Ibis hagedash
**Hadada; Hadeda Ibis
hagedash; brevirostris; nilotica
Resident, savannas especially near water: all S of Sahara except NE Somalia, and W Angola, Namibia, NW South Africa.
Bostrychia carunculata Wattled Ibis Ibis caronculé
Resident, river courses with rocky cliffs, open areas: highlands of Ethiopia.
Bostrychia olivacea Olive Ibis Ibis olive
Green Ibis; African Green Ibis; African Olive Ibis Ibis olivâtre
olivacea; cupreipennis; rothschildi (extinct); akleyorum; bocagei
IOC, BD (+SS) raise Bostrychia bocagei São Tomé Ibis (Dwarf Olive Ibis) Ibis de Bocage
Resident, streams and rivers in dense forest, including mangroves: scattered Sierra Leone - Congo (olivacea, cupreipennis; São Tomé (bocagei); (rothschildi extinct on Príncipe); mts of Kenya, Tanzania (akleyorum).
Bostrychia rara Spot-breasted Ibis Ibis vermiculé
Resident, water in forests: main forest area round Congo, DRC; patchy Liberia - Cameroon.
Threskiornis aethiopicus Sacred Ibis Ibis sacré
African Sacred Ibis
aethiopicus; bernieri; abbotti; (ROB monotypic)
BoA Threskiornis aethiopica (and race)
IOC raises Threskiornis bernieri Malagasy Sacred Ibis
Resident, near water: all S of Sahara except parts of Namibia, W South Africa, NE Somalia (aethiopicus); W Madagascar (bernieri); Aldabra (abbotti); feral population on E Canary Is.
Geronticus eremita Northern Bald Ibis Ibis chauve
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, arid and semi-arid plains with rocky escarpments: S Morocco, disperses a little; C Ethiopia in northern winter; vagrant Cape Verde Is, Azores (old record).
Geronticus calvus Southern Bald Ibis Ibis du Cap
[Bald Ibis]
Resident, high altitude grasslands, nests on cliffs: highlands of E South Africa.
Lophotibis cristata Madagascar Crested Ibis Ibis huppé
Madagascar Ibis*
cristata; urschi
Resident, woodland and forest: Madagascar (cristata in E, urschi in W).
Platalea leucorodia Eurasian Spoonbill Spatule blanche
European Spoonbill
leucorodia; balsaci; archeri
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, water areas: breeds Red Sea coasts Sudan - N Somalia (archeri); Banc d’Arguin (balsaci); visitor around Sahara Desert south to S Sudan.
Platalea alba African Spoonbill Spatule d'Afrique
Resident, water: all S of Sahara except main forest area and Namibia and vicinity.
Phoenicopterus ruber Greater Flamingo Flamant rose
Grand Flamant
CMT, IOC, BL, ZTP raise this as Phoenicopterus roseus (P. ruber is New World species)
Resident and wanderer, saline lagoons and saltpans: coastal areas except Liberia - DRC; further inland in parts of East Africa and South Africa.
Phoeniconaias minor Lesser Flamingo Flamant nain
Petit Flamant
CMT, SAM, ROB (+SL, SS) Phoenicopterus minor
Resident and wanderer, saline and alkaline lakes: all S of Sahara but most in East African Rift Valley lakes Ethiopia - Tanzania; Namibia, Botswana; Mauritania, Senegal.
SAM, ROB place Dendrocygna spp and Thalassornis leuconotus in Dendrocygnidae
Dendrocygna bicolor Fulvous Whistling Duck Dendrocygne fauve
Fulvous Duck
Resident, marshes and swamps: Senegal - Sudan in Sahel zone and south to E South Africa in eastern half of continent.
Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygne veuf
White-faced Duck
Resident, fresh water in open country: all S of Sahara except forest area, Gabon - N Namibia and NE Somalia.
(Dendrocygna autumnalis Black-bellied Whistling Duck Dendrocygne à ventre noir)
Vagrant: 1 rec The Gambia of uncertain origin.
Thalassornis leuconotus White-backed Duck Dendrocygne à dos blanc
Erismature à dos blanc; Canard à dos blanc
leuconotus; insularis
Resident, fresh water: Senegal - W Chad, then Ethiopia, S Somalia south to Angola, South Africa (leuconotus); Madagascar (insularis).
Cygnus olor Mute Swan Cygne tuberculé
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, water: Egypt (migrant and feral); Cape area of South Africa (feral and probably extinct); vagrant Azores.
Cygnus cygnus Whooper Swan Cygne chanteur
Vagrant: NW Africa.
Cygnus columbianus Tundra Swan Cygne siffleur
**Bewick’s Swan
BoA raises this as Cygnus bewickii Bewick’s Swan Cygne de Bewick
Vagrant: North Africa.
Anser fabalis Bean Goose Oie des moissons
fabalis; rossicus
Visitor, grasslands: Algeria, Morocco; vagrant to Egypt, Niger Delta, Azores, old record in Madeira.
(Anser brachyrhynchus Pink-footed Goose Oie à bec court)
Vagrant: old records in Azores, Madeira.
Anser albifrons Greater White-fronted Goose Oie rieuse
White-fronted Goose
Palearctic winter visitor: Nile Delta.
Anser erythropus Lesser White-fronted Goose Oie naine
Vagrant: NE Africa.
Anser anser Greylag Goose Oie cendrée
anser; rubrirostris (BoA rubirostris)
Visitor, fields and marshes: Morocco - Tunisia.
Anser caerulescens Snow Goose Oie des neiges
CMT, IOC, BL Chen caerulescens
Vagrant: Morocco, Azores.
(Branta canadensis Canada Goose Bernache du Canada)
Vagrant: Azores.
Branta leucopsis Barnacle Goose Bernache nonnette
Vagrant: Morocco, Egypt, N Atlantic Is.
Branta bernicla Brent Goose Bernache cravant
Brant; Brant Goose*
Vagrant: North Africa, Azores (old record of hrota), Canary Is (uncertain origin).
Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose Bernache à cou roux
Vagrant: Egypt, Algeria.
Cyanochen cyanoptera Blue-winged Goose Ouette à ailes bleues
HM notes often incorrectly spelt C. cyanopterus
Resident, grassy areas near water: Ethiopian highlands.
Alopochen aegyptiaca Egyptian Goose Ouette d’Egypte
Oie d'Egypte
HM notes often incorrectly spelt A. aegyptiacus
Resident, wetlands: all S of Sahara except parts of forest area; extends to Upper Egypt on Nile R; wet season visitor to S Algeria and parts of Sahara.
Tadorna ferruginea Ruddy Shelduck Tadorne casarca
Resident and visitor, wetlands: NW Africa; Nile Valley from Mediterranean coast to Ethiopian highlands; Fuerteventura (Canary Is) of uncertain origin.
Tadorna cana South African Shelduck Tadorne à tête grise
Resident, water bodies: South Africa north to C Namibia, S Botswana.
Tadorna tadorna Common Shelduck Tadorne de Belon
Visitor, coastal mudflats: North Africa.
Plectropterus gambensis Spur-winged Goose Oie-armée de Gambie
Plectroptère de Gambie
gambensis; niger
Resident, wetlands: all S of Sahara except most of Namibia, W Botswana, central forest area and E of Ethiopian highlands.
Pteronetta hartlaubii Hartlaub's Duck Canard de Hartlaub
Ptéronette de Hartlaub
Resident, secluded water in forests: forest areas Sierra Leone - DRC.
Sarkidiornis melanotos Comb Duck Canard à bosse
Knob-billed Duck* Canard casqué
IOC has S. sylvicola as Comb Duck
Resident, wetlands: all S of Sahara.
Nettapus auritus African Pygmy Goose Anserelle naine
Sarcelle à Oreillons
Resident, wetlands: all S of Sahara except parts of NE Somalia and SW Africa.
(Nettapus coromandelianus Cotton Pygmy Goose Anserelle de Coromandel)
Vagrant: Socotra.
Aix galericulata Mandarin Duck Canard mandarin
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