Vagrant: Morocco; introduced Johannesburgarea of South Africa.
(Aix sponsa Wood Duck Canard branchu)
Canard carolin
Vagrant: Azores, Canary Is.
Anas penelope Eurasian Wigeon Canard siffleur
Palearctic winter visitor, mainly coastal marshes: North Africa, parts of Sahel zone, Nile Valley south to Uganda.
Anas americana American Wigeon Canard d'Amerique
Canard siffleur d'Amerique
Vagrant: Senegal, N Atlantic Is.
Anas strepera Gadwall Canard chipeau
(BoA, ZTP, BD have race strepera but the only other race (extralimital) noted by HM and CMT is probably extinct)
Palearctic winter visitor, freshwater: North Africa south to Senegal and Nile Valley to S Ethiopia.
Anas crecca Common Teal Sarcelle d'hiver
Green-winged Teal; Eurasian Teal*
crecca; carolinensis
IOC raises Anas carolinensis Green-winged Teal Sarcelle à ailes vertes
Palearctic winter visitor, usually freshwater: North Africa, Nile Valley, Sahel zone and reaches equator in Kenya; carolinensis is a vagrant to N Atlantic Is.
Anas bernieri Madagascar Teal Sarcelle de Bernier
Bernier’s Teal*
Resident, small saline lakes and surrounds: NW Madagascar.
Anas capensis Cape Teal Canard du Cap
Sarcelle du Cap
Resident and visitor, mainly saline and brackish water: S Sudan, Ethiopia through mainly W half of East Africa to South Africa.; non-breeding visitor to L Chad area.
Anas platyrhynchos Mallard Canard colvert
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, wetlands: North Africa, occasionally up Nile south to Ethiopia; feral in Cape and NE South Africa.
(Anas rubripes American Black Duck Canard noir)
[Canard noirâtre]
Vagrant: Azores, Canary Is (1 record).
Anas melleri Meller’s Duck Canard de Meller
Resident, freshwater swamps in forest: E and High Plateau of Madagascar; Mauritius (introduced).
Anas undulata Yellow-billed Duck Canard à bec jaune
undulata; rueppelli
Resident, wetlands mainly inland: Ethiopia, Kenya to Angola - South Africa.
Anas sparsa African Black Duck Canard noirâtre
[Canard noir]
sparsa; leucostigma; maclatchyi (not in CMT, HM incl in sparsa))
Resident, especially fast-flowing rivers in mountains and wooded areas: Cameroon, Gabon forests; E Sudan, Ethiopia through W Kenya - E and S DRC, Angola.
Anas acuta Northern Pintail Canard pilet
(BoA, ZTP + acuta (see A. eatoni); HBW + acuta; eatoni; drygalskii; latter 2 here considered a separate species)
Palearctic winter visitor, mainly freshwater: all around Sahara and south to L. Victoria area.
Anas eatoni Eaton’s Pintail Canard d'Eaton
Kerguelen Pintail
eatoni; drygalskii
HBW (+ by implication BoA, ZTP (see above)) subsume into Anas acuta
Resident, freshwater: Kerguelen (eatoni); Crozet (drygalskii); St Paul, Amsterdam (eatoni introduced).
Anas erythrorhyncha Red-billed Duck Canard à bec rouge
Red-billed Teal*
Resident, mainly freshwater: to the south and east of E Sudan, S Ethiopia - Angola.
(Anas flavirostris Speckled Teal Sarcelle tachetée)
Vagrant: Tristan.
Anas hottentota Hottentot Teal Sarcelle hottentote
Resident, freshwater: L Chad area; Ethiopia - Namibia and south; Madagascar.
Anas querquedula Garganey Sarcelle d'été
Palearctic winter visitor, wetlands and coast: Sahel zone and south to L. Victoria, fewer to Zambia.
Anas smithii Cape Shoveler Canard de Smith
[Canard du Cap]
Resident, mainly larger water bodies: all of southern Africa, south of Zambezi R..
Anas discors Blue-winged Teal Sarcelle à ailes bleues
Sarcelle soucrourou
Vagrant: NW Africa, Senegal, N Atlantic Is.
Anas clypeata Northern Shoveler Canard souchet
Palearctic winter visitor, freshwater: all around Sahara and south to L. Victoria.
Marmaronetta angustirostris Marbled Teal Marmaronette marbrée Marbled Duck* Sarcelle marbrée
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, freshwater with abundant vegetation: resident North Africa, unpredictable in a few areas in Sahel zone.
Netta rufina Red-crested Pochard Nette rousse
Palearctic winter visitor, mainly deep water: North Africa, Nile Valley.
Netta erythrophthalma Southern Pochard Nette brune
Resident, large bodies of deeper water: Ethiopia - S Angola, South Africa but not east coast.
Aythya collaris Ring-necked Duck Fuligule à collier
Fuligule à bec cerclé
Vagrant: Morocco, N Atlantic Is.
Aythya ferina Common Pochard Fuligule milouin
Palearctic winter visitor, freshwater: all around Sahara, Ethiopian highlands, occasional south to L. Victoria.
Aythya nyroca Ferruginous Duck Fuligule nyroca
Ferruginous Pochard
Palearctic winter visitor, mainly shallow water: all around Sahara, Ethiopia.
Aythya innotata Madagascar Pochard Fuligule de Madagascar
Resident, freshwater: L. Alaotra area of Madagascar.
Aythya fuligula Tufted Duck Fuligule morillon
Palearctic winter visitor, large deep freshwater bodies: all around Sahara, south to N Kenya.
Aythya marila Greater Scaup Fuligule milouinan
marila; (BoA monotypic)
Vagrant: North Africa coast, N Atlantic Is.
(Aythya affinis Lesser Scaup Petit Fuligule)
Fuligule à tête noire
Vagrant: N Atlantic Is, Morocco.
Melanitta nigra Black Scoter Macreuse noire
Common Scoter
Palearctic winter visitor, mostly at sea: Morocco - Mauritania in Atlantic, occasional east to Tunisia.
Melanitta fusca Velvet Scoter Macreuse brune
[White-winged Scoter]
[White-winged Scoter now refers to Melanitta deglandi sometimes split as a species from M. fusca.]
Vagrant: Morocco - Algeria.
(Melanitta perspicillata Surf Scoter Macreuse à front blanc)
Vagrant: Azores, Madeira.
(Somateria spectabilis King Eider Eider à tête grise )
Vagrant: 1 record Azores.
(Somateria mollissima Common Eider Eider à duvet)
Vagrant: Azores.
(Clangula hyemalis Long-tailed Duck Harelde kakawi)
Vagrant: Azores, Madeira.
Bucephala clangula Common Goldeneye Garrot à oeil d'or
Vagrant: Mediterranean, North Africa.
(Bucephala albeola Bufflehead Petit Garrot)
Garrot albéole
Vagrant: 2 records Azores.
Mergellus albellus Smew Harle piette
Vagrant: Algeria, Egypt.
Mergus serrator Red-breasted Merganser Harle huppé
Vagrant: seas off Algeria, Tunisia, N Atlantic Is.
Mergus merganser Common Merganser Grand Harle
Goosander Harle bièvre
Vagrant: North Africa.
(Lophodytes cucullatus Hooded Merganser Harle couronné)
HBW Mergus cucullatus
Vagrant: Azores, 1 record Tenerife.
Oxyura leucocephala White-headed Duck Erismature à tête blanche
Resident, water with vegetation: Algeria, Tunisia.
Oxyura maccoa Maccoa Duck Erismature maccoa
Resident, freshwater usually with extensive vegetation: Ethiopia - L. Victoria; South Africa, Namibia north to Zimbabwe.
[Oxyura jamaicensis Ruddy Duck Erismature rousse]
Vagrant: North Africa from birds escaped in Europe (mainly UK).
Pandion haliaetus Osprey Balbuzard pêcheur
Western Osprey*
CMT, HBW, IOC, BD place in Pandionidae
(IOC raises Pandion cristatus Eastern Osprey, hence English name)
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, near shallow waters: breeds North Africa coast, Canary Is, Cape Verde Is; winters all S of Sahara except desert SW.
Aviceda cuculoides African Cuckoo Hawk Baza coucou
**African Cuckoo Falcon; African Baza
cuculoides; batesi; verreauxii (BoA verreauxi)
Resident, forest and dense woodland: southern half of West Africa - W Ethiopia, W Kenya south to N Angola - E South Africa.
Aviceda madagascariensis Madagascar Cuckoo Hawk Baza malgache
Madagascar Baza
Resident, forest and clearings: Madagascar.
Pernis apivorus European Honey Buzzard Bondrée apivore
Honey Buzzard; Western Honey Buzzard
(BoA + apivorus)
Palearctic winter visitor, forest and dense woodland: forest area and equator south to NE South Africa, scarce in E.
Pernis ptilorhynchus Oriental Honey Buzzard Bondrée orientale
Crested Honey Buzzard*
orientalis is most likely race
Vagrant: Egypt, 1 record Gabon.
Macheiramphus alcinus Bat Hawk Milan des chauves-souris
Resident, forest and dense woodland: Senegal - S Kenya south to S Angola - S Mozambique; Ethiopian highlands; Madagascar.
Elanus caeruleus Black-shouldered Kite Elanion blanc
Black-winged Kite*; Common Black-shouldered Kite
Resident, open country except very arid: NW Africa, Nile Valley, all S of Sahara.
(Elanoides forficatus American Swallow-tailed Kite Milan à queue fourchue)
Vagrant: Fuerteventura (Canary Is).
Chelictinia riocourii African Swallow-tailed Kite Elanion naucler
Swallow-tailed Kite; Scissor-tailed Kite* Milan de Riocour; Naucler d’Afrique
Intra-African migrant, arid steppe and savanna: breeds across Sahel; non-breeding moves further south in west, to Kenya in east.
Milvus migrans Black Kite Milan noir
Milan d’Afrique
parasitus; migrans; aegyptius; lineatus
(SL, SS raise Milvus aegyptius Yellow-billed Kite Milan à bec jaune)
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, all habitats except dense forest, usually near humans: breeds Egypt and E coast to Kenya (aegyptius); rest of S of Sahara, Cape Verde Is, Madagascar, Comoro Is (parasitus); migrans breeds North Africa and winters all S of Sahara.
Milvus milvus Red Kite Milan royal
milvus; fasciicauda
Resident, open woodland, other open country: Morocco (milvus); Cape Verde Is (fasciicauda); disperses further east in North Africa.
Haliaeetus vocifer African Fish Eagle Pygargue vocifer
Resident, margins of lakes, rivers: all S of Sahara except parts of NE and SW.
Haliaeetus vociferoides Madagascar Fish Eagle Pygargue de Madagascar
Pygargue malgache
Resident, margins of fresh water and coast: NW Madagascar.
Haliaeetus albicilla White-tailed Eagle Pygargue à queue blanche
White-tailed Sea Eagle
albicilla; (CMT, HBW monotypic)
Vagrant: North Africa.
Gypohierax angolensis Palm-nut Vulture Palmiste africain
Palmiste d'Angola; Vautour palmiste
Resident, forest edges, coast, rivers where oil palm occurs: Senegal - S Kenya south to N Namibia - S Mozambique; non-breeding moves a little further south.
Gypaetus barbatus Bearded Vulture Gypaète barbu
meridionalis; barbatus
Resident, mountains and nearby: Atlas Mts; Nile Valley; Rift Valley Sudan - Kenya; Drakensberg Mts (South Africa).
Neophron percnopterus Egyptian Vulture Vautour percnoptère
Percnoptère d'Egypte
percnopterus; (HM, CMT + majorensis)
Resident and breeding visitor, mainly arid and semi-arid areas: breeding visitor North Africa; resident southern half of Sahara, Sahel zone extending south to L. Victoria in east; S Angola, N Namibia; Cape Verde Is; Socotra; Canary Is (majorensis on Fuerteventura, percnopterus on remainder).
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture Vautour charognard
(BoA + monachus; pileatus)
Resident, open woodland, savanna: all S of Sahara except forest area and south of N Namibia - extreme NE South Africa.
Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture Vautour africain
African White-backed Vulture
Resident, savannas: all S of Sahara south to N Namibia, N South Africa except forest area.
Gyps rueppellii Rüppell's Vulture Vautour de Rüppell
Rüppell's Griffon Vulture; Ruppell’s Griffon
rueppellii; erlangeri
Resident, arid steppe grassland (cliffs for breeding): West Africa north of forest - W Somalia south to N Tanzania.
Gyps fulvus Griffon Vulture Vautour fauve
**European Griffon; Eurasian Griffon;
Eurasian Griffon Vulture
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, open areas: resident NW Africa, Egypt; some winter just S of Sahara Senegal - Ethiopia.
Gyps coprotheres Cape Vulture Vautour chassefiente
Cape Griffon Vulture; Cape Griffon
Resident and intra-African migrant, open areas: breeds E and N South Africa, and extends to all southern Africa in non-breeding season.
Aegypius monachus Cinereous Vulture Vautour moine
Eurasian Black Vulture; [Black Vulture]
Palearctic winter visitor: Nile Valley.
Torgos tracheliotus Lappet-faced Vulture Vautour oricou
tracheliotus; nubicus; (BoA monotypic but notes that some authors do split these races)
BoA, IOC, ROB Aegypius tracheliotus; ROB Aegypius tracheliotos (+ race)
Resident, semi-desert and savanna: southern Sahara Desert (north to SW Morocco - S Egypt) and south to all except SW Africa, forest area and much of E coast.
Trigonoceps occipitalis White-headed Vulture Vautour à tête blanche
BoA, IOC, ROB Aegypius occipitalis
Resident, woodland and savanna: soudanian savanna zone Senegal - Ethiopia and south to N Namibia - NE South Africa.
Circaetus gallicus Short-toed Snake Eagle Circaète Jean-le-Blanc
**Short-toed Eagle
(BoA + gallicus; beaudouini; pectoralis here considered 3 separate species)
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, semi-desert to forest edge: breeds NW Africa; winters Sahel zone.
Circaetus pectoralis Black-chested Snake Eagle Circaète à poitrine noire
Black-breasted Snake Eagle
BoA, DFW subsume into Circaetus gallicus
Resident, open woodland to semi-arid steppe: Ethiopia - N Angola and south and east except forest area.
Circaetus beaudouini Beaudouin’s Snake Eagle Circaète de Beaudouin
BoA, DFW (+SF) subsume into Circaetus gallicus; SAM subsumes into Circaetus pectoralis
Resident, open woodland: Sahel zone Senegal - N Uganda, W Kenya.
Circaetus cinereus Brown Snake Eagle Circaète brun
Resident, savannas: all S of Sahara except forest area and drier parts of NE and SW.
Circaetus fasciolatus Southern Banded Snake Eagle Circaète barré
Fasciated Snake Eagle
Resident, coastal and riverine forest: S Somalia - NE South Africa.
Circaetus cinerascens Western Banded Snake Eagle Circaète cendré
Banded Snake Eagle; **Smaller Banded Snake Eagle
Resident, riverine forest, woodland: Senegal - S Kenya, along Rift Valley to Angola - Zambezi Valley - Malawi; Ethiopian highlands.
Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur Bateleur des savanes
Bateleur à queue courte
Resident, open wooded savannas: all S of Sahara except forest area and much of Somalia, South Africa, Namibia.
Dryotriorchis spectabilis Congo Serpent Eagle Serpentaire du Congo
Aigle Serpentaire du Congo
spectabilis; batesi
Resident, lowland forest: all of forest area, Liberia - N Angola.
Eutriorchis astur Madagascar Serpent Eagle Serpentaire de Madagascar
Aigle serpentaire malgache
Resident, primary forest: NE Madagascar.
Polyboroides radiatus Madagascar Harrier Hawk Gymnogène de Madagascar
Madagascar Gymnogene Gymnogène malgache
Resident, forest and woodland: Madagascar except central plateau.
Polyboroides typus African Harrier Hawk Gymnogène d’Afrique
Gymnogene Serpentaire gymnogène
typus; pectoralis
Resident, forest, woodland, savanna: all S of Sahara except NE and SW.
Circus maurus Black Harrier Busard maure
Resident and intra-African migrant, scrub, grassland: breeds S South Africa, non-breeding north to S Namibia, S Botswana, Transvaal.
Circus cyaneus Hen Harrier Busard Saint-Martin
Northern Harrier*
Palearctic winter visitor, open country: few reach North Africa, N Atlantic Is.
Circus macrourus Pallid Harrier Busard pâle
Palearctic winter visitor, open country: all S of Sahara except forest area, but only in eastern half to the south the forest area.
Circus pygargus Montagu's Harrier Busard cendré
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, open country: breeds Morocco, N Algeria; winters all S of Sahara except forest area, but only in eastern half to the south of forest area.
Circus ranivorus African Marsh Harrier Busard grenouillard
Resident, marshes and adjacent: E side of continent N Kenya - Cape (South Africa) extending west in S DRC, Angola.
Circus aeruginosus Western Marsh Harrier Busard des roseaux
Eurasian Marsh Harrier; [**Marsh Harrier]
aeruginosus; harterti
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, marsh vegetation: breeds Morocco - Tunisia (harterti); migrant Nile Valley, all between Sahara and forest area and south in east to Zambia, S DRC, rare further.
Circus maillardi Réunion Harrier Busard de Maillard
Malagasy Marsh Harrier*; Madagascar Marsh Harrier
maillardi; macrosceles
IOC, BL raises Circus macrosceles Madagascar Marsh Harrier (Malagasy Harrier*)
Resident, marshes: Madagascar, Comoros (macrosceles); Réunion (maillardi).
Micronisus gabar Gabar Goshawk Autour gabar
niger; aequatorius; gabar; (BoA monotypic)
DFW, BL, ROB Melierax gabar
Resident, open savannas: all S of Sahara except forest area.
Melierax metabates Dark Chanting Goshawk Autour sombre
Autour-chanteur sombre; [Autour chanteur]
metabates; theresae; neumanni; mechowi
Resident, well wooded savanna: SW Morocco (theresae); Senegal - Ethiopia south to Angola - S Mozambique except forest area, Somalia and E of C Kenya (other races).
Melierax canorus Pale Chanting Goshawk Autour-chanteur
Southern Pale Cahniting Goshawk Autour-chanteur pâle
canorus; argentior; (HM monotypic); (BoA + poliopterus here considered a separate species)
Resident, dry savanna, semi-desert: S Angola - Cape (South Africa) east to E Botswana, C South Africa.
Melierax poliopterus Eastern Chanting Goshawk Autour à ailes grises
BoA, DFW subsume into Melierax canorus
Resident, dry thorn woodland: E Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, N Tanzania.
Accipiter tachiro African Goshawk Autour tachiro
tachiro; sparsimfasciatus; pembaensis; unduliventer; croizati; (HM + canescens from A. toussenelii)
Resident, forest, woodland: Ethiopia, S Kenya south to S DRC, Angola to Mozambique, E and S South Africa; Pemba Is (pembaensis).
Accipiter toussenelii Red-chested Goshawk Autour de Toussenel
canescens (HM places in A. tachiro); toussenelii; macroscelides; lopezi; (some add unduliventer, croizati from A. tachiro
(W.Clark in litt.))
BoA, DFW, BL, BD (+ROB presumed) subsume into Accipiter tachiro
Resident, lowland forest: Senegal - DRC.
Accipiter castanilius Chestnut-flanked Sparrowhawk Autour à flancs roux
castanilius; beniensis; (CMT, HBW, BD monotypic)
Resident, lowland forest: central forest area SE Nigeria, DRC to W Uganda.
Accipiter badius Shikra Epervier shikra
polyzonoides; sphenurus
Resident, woodland savannas: all S of Sahara except forest area, dry NE and south of N South Africa.
Accipiter brevipes Levant Sparrowhawk Epervier à pieds courts
Palearctic winter visitor, wooded plains: just S of Sahara Desert, SE Niger - N Kenya.
Accipiter francesii Frances’s Sparrowhawk Epervier de Frances
Frances’s Goshawk
francesii; griveaudi; pusillus; brutus
DFW, HM, IOC, BL Accipiter francesiae
Resident, forest: Madagascar (francesii); Grand Comoro (griveaudi); Anjouan (pusillus); Mayotte (brutus).
Accipiter erythropus Red-thighed Sparrowhawk Epervier de Hartlaub
Western Little Sparrowhawk
erythropus; zenkeri
Resident, lowland forest: Senegal - DRC.
Accipiter minullus Little Sparrowhawk Epervier minule
**African Little Sparrowhawk
(HM + tropicalis; minullus)
Resident, woodland, trees in savanna: S of forest area except parts of SW, and north to Ethiopia.
Accipiter ovampensis Ovampo Sparrowhawk Epervier de l'Ovampo
**Ovambo Sparrowhawk*
Resident and intra-African migrant, forest, woodland edges: Ghana, Togo; C Nigeria - Ethiopia; S of forest area to S Angola - NE South Africa, moves north to Ethiopia and N Ghana; disperses further.
Accipiter madagascariensis Madagascar Sparrowhawk Epervier de Madagascar
Resident, forest, dry scrub: Madagascar.
Accipiter nisus Eurasian Sparrowhawk Epervier d'Europe
nisus; punicus; granti
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, forest, woodland: resident Morocco - Tunisia (punicus); Madeira, Canary Is (granti); visitor rest of North Africa, Nile Valley to Kenya (nisus).
Accipiter rufiventris Rufous-chested Sparrowhawk Epervier menu
Red-breasted Sparrowhawk; Rufous-breasted
rufiventris; perspicillaris
Resident, mainly montane forest, lower in parts of South Africa: patchy through Rift Valley Ethiopia - Malawi; coastal E and S South Africa.
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