Accipiter melanoleucus Black Sparrowhawk Autour noir
Great Sparrowhawk; Black Goshawk
melanoleucus; temminckii
Resident, forest, woodland: Senegal - S Kenya south to N Angola - E and S South Africa; Ethiopian highlands.
Accipiter gentilis Northern Goshawk Autour des palombes
Eurasian Goshawk
arrigonii; gentilis; (BoA, HM have arrigonii in NW Africa, HBW, CMT say gentilis is there, with arrigonii in Corsica and
Resident, woodland: extreme NW Africa.
Accipiter henstii Henst’s Goshawk Autour de Henst
Resident, forest: Madagascar.
Urotriorchis macrourus Long-tailed Hawk Autour à longue queue
Resident, forest: forest of West Africa and DRC.
Butastur rufipennis Grasshopper Buzzard Busautour des sauterelles
Buse des sauterelles; Busard des sauterelles
Intra-African migrant, arid savanna: breeds Sahel zone; non-breeding soudanian savanna zone and south to S Tanzania in east.
Kaupifalco monogrammicus Lizard Buzzard Autour unibande
Buse unibande
monogrammicus; meridionalis
Resident, moist deciduous woodland: Senegal - S Angola east to E Sudan - NE South Africa.
Buteo buteo Common Buzzard Buse variable
Eurasian Buzzard
vulpinus; buteo; insularum; rothschildi (HM incl in insularum); bannermani; (HM + harterti)
ROB (+SL, SS) raise Buteo vulpinus Steppe Buzzard Buse des steppes; (RSF notes that the form on Socotra may be a separate
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, wood edges, non-breeding to very open: resident Canary Is (insularum); Azores (rothschildi); Cape Verde Is (bannermani); Madeira (buteo); winters Ethiopia to Cape on eastern side of continent (mainly vulpinus), very few NW Africa - Liberia (buteo).
Buteo oreophilus Mountain Buzzard Buse montagnarde
oreophilus; trizonatus
IOC, ROB (+SL, SS) raise Buteo trizonatus Forest Buzzard Buse forestière
Resident, montane forest and adjacent grassland: Ethiopian highlands - S Tanzania, E Zambia (oreophilus); Cape and moves north into Drakensberg (South Africa) in non-breeding (trizonatus).
Buteo brachypterus Madagascar Buzzard Buse de Madagascar
Resident, forest, woodland: Madagascar.
Buteo rufinus Long-legged Buzzard Buse féroce
rufinus; cirtensis
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, steppes, semi-deserts, open woodland: resident North Africa and into Sahara (cirtensis); winters Sahel zone to N Kenya.
Buteo lagopus Rough-legged Buzzard Buse pattue
Roughleg*; Rough-legged Hawk
race presumed to be lagopus
Vagrant: North Africa.
Buteo auguralis Red-necked Buzzard Buse d'Afrique
Buse à queue rousse
Resident and intra-African migrant, forest edge, woodland; resident Ethiopia, Congo forest - N Angola; breeds Sierra Leone - W Uganda, moving north in non-breeding into Sahel zone.
Buteo rufofuscus Jackal Buzzard Buse rounoir
[Augur Buzzard] [Buse augure]
(BoA + rufofuscus; augur; archeri here considered 2 species (see below))
Resident, open steppe, grassland: South Africa extending to Namibia.
Buteo augur Augur Buzzard Buse augure
(HM (+ROB presumed) + augur; archeri – see below)
BoA subsumes into Buteo rufofuscus
Resident, grassland, savanna, especially hills: Ethiopia - Zimbabwe; isolated population SW Angola - C Namibia.
[Buteo archeri Archer’s Buzzard Buse d’Archer]
Status uncertain. It is considered a separate species by some (eg CMT, SAM, HBW) but subsumed by others into B. rufofuscus
(eg BoA), or B. augur (eg DFW, HM (+SS)). Clark (2003) considers it a colour form of B. augur.
Aquila pomarina Lesser Spotted Eagle Aigle pomarin
pomarina (CMT, ROB monotypic as raise extralimital A. hastata)
Palearctic winter visitor, forest edges: S Tanzania - NE South Africa extending west to Zambia, N Botswana.
Aquila clanga Greater Spotted Eagle Aigle criard
Palearctic winter visitor, semi-arid plateaus and grasslands: Nile Valley, Ethiopian highlands - N Kenya, vagrant Zambia.
Aquila rapax Tawny Eagle Aigle ravisseur
[Steppe Eagle]
rapax; belisarius; (BoA + orientalis; nipalensis here considered a separate species)
Resident, open woodland to arid steppe: all S of Sahara except forest areas and parts of SW; Morocco, Algeria.
Aquila nipalensis Steppe Eagle Aigle des steppes
nipalensis, orientalis
BoA subsumes into Aquila rapax
Palearctic winter visitor, steppe and semi-desert: eastern half of continent S Egypt - S Mozambique extending west to Chad and Angola; (nipalensis 1 record DRC).
Aquila heliaca Eastern Imperial Eagle Aigle imperial
**Imperial Eagle; Asian Imperial Eagle*
(BoA + heliaca; adalberti here considered separate species)
Palearctic winter visitor, open areas: Nile Valley to Kenya.
Aquila adalberti Spanish Imperial Eagle Aigle ibérique
Spanish Eagle
BoA subsumes into Aquila heliaca
Vagrant: NW Africa.
Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle Aigle royal
Resident, open areas: Mauritania - Tunisia and into edge of Sahara Desert.
Aquila verreauxii Verreauxs’ Eagle Aigle de Verreaux
BoA Aquila verreauxi
Resident, river gorges, mountains, rocky outcrops: Ethiopia - Cape and north to S Angola; S Chad, W Sudan.
Aquila wahlbergi Wahlberg's Eagle Aigle de Wahlberg
HM, CMT, IOC Hieraaetus wahlbergi
Intra-African migrant, woodland, tree savanna: breeds Sahel zone and L. Victoria to NE South Africa west into Angola; non-breeding visitor soudanian savanna zone West Africa - Ethiopia.
Hieraaetus fasciatus Bonelli's Eagle Aigle de Bonelli
CMT, IOC Aquila fasciata
(SL has Hieraaetus fasciatus as African Hawk Eagle presumably a mistake for Hieraaetus spilogaster)
Resident, mountains usually with some vegetation: North Africa.
Hieraaetus spilogaster African Hawk Eagle Aigle fascié
Aigle autour fascié
CMT, ROB (+SS) Aquila spilogaster
Resident, woodland and tree savanna extending along rivers into drier areas: all S of Sahara except forest area and dry NE, south to N Namibia - NE South Africa.
Hieraaetus pennatus Booted Eagle Aigle botté
pennatus; (HM, CMT, HBW, BD monotypic)
ROB (+SS) Aquila pennatus
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, forest and woodland mixed with open areas: breeds Morocco - Tunisia and few pairs at Cape (South Africa); migrant to all S of Sahara except main forest areas.
Hieraaetus ayresii Ayres's Hawk Eagle Aigle d'Ayres
ROB (+SS) Aquila ayresii
BoA has this as Hieraaetus dubius but says ‘should be Hieraaetus ayresii’
Resident, dense deciduous woodland, forest edge: Ethiopia; Sierra Leone - C Kenya south to C Angola - C Mozambique; moves to north and south and up Kenya coast in non-breeding season.
Lophaetus occipitalis Long-crested Eagle Aigle huppard
Resident, forest edges and woodland: all S of Sahara except W South Africa, Namibia, much of Botswana and Angola and parts of NE.
Spizaetus africanus Cassin's Hawk Eagle Aigle de Cassin
Spizaète de Cassin; Aigle-autour de Cassin
CMT, IOC Aquila africana
Resident, lowland forest: main forest area Liberia - W Uganda.
Stephanoaetus coronatus Crowned Eagle Aigle couronné
Crowned Hawk Eagle; African Crowned Eagle Aigle blanchard
Resident, forest and dense woodland: forest area extending to W Kenya and south on eastern side to E and S South Africa; Ethiopian highlands.
Polemaetus bellicosus Martial Eagle Aigle martial
Resident, open habitats: all S of Sahara except forest area and parts of NE.
SAGITTARIIDAE (HM, IOC subsume into Accipitridae)
Sagittarius serpentarius Secretary Bird Messager sagittaire
Messager serpentaire; Serpentaire
Resident, steppe and savanna: all S of Sahara except forest area and much of Somalia.
Polihierax semitorquatus Pygmy Falcon Fauconnet d'Afrique
African Pygmy Falcon
(HM, ROB + castanonotus (also in ZTP as castanotus); semitorquatus)
Resident, arid and semi-arid steppes with trees: S Sudan - Somalia, Kenya; S Angola - NW South Africa.
Falco naumanni Lesser Kestrel Faucon crécerellette
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, open areas: resident North Africa; visitor to all S of Sahara except forest of DRC.
Falco tinnunculus Common Kestrel Faucon crécerelle
Rock Kestrel; Eurasian Kestrel Crécerelle des clochers
tinnunculus; rupicolaeformis; archeri (CMT archerii); rufescens; rupicolus; canariensis; dacotiae; neglectus; alexandri
IOC, ROB (+SL, SS) raise Falco rupicolus (SL Falco rupicolis) Rock Kestrel Faucon crécerelle
Resident, most nonforest habitats: all of Africa except Sahara Desert and forest area (rupicolus -- Angola, S DRC, Tanzania and south); E Canary Is (dacotiae); Madeira, W Canary Is (canariensis); Cape Verde Is (neglectus in N, alexandri in SE).
Falco newtoni Madagascar Kestrel Crécerelle malgache
Malagasy Kestrel*
(HM + newtoni; aldabranus)
Resident, open country: Madagascar, Aldabra.
Falco punctatus Mauritius Kestrel Crécerelle de Maurice
Resident, forest: Mauritius.
Falco araeus Seychelles Kestrel Crécerelle des Seychelles
HM notes often incorrectly spelt F. araea
Resident, dense forest and more open areas: Seychelles.
(Falco sparverius American Kestrel Crécerelle d’Amérique)
Vagrant: Azores.
Falco rupicoloides Greater Kestrel Crécerelle aux yeux blancs
Faucon aux yeux blancs
rupicoloides; arthuri; fieldi; (ROB monotypic)
Resident, grassland and desert: NE Ethiopia, Somalia (fieldi); Kenya, Tanzania (arthuri); Namibia, SW Zambia - South Africa (rupicoloides).
Falco alopex Fox Kestrel Crécerelle renard
Faucon renard
Resident and intra-African migrant, rocky hills adjacent to Sahel vegetation: Senegal - E Ethiopia, NW Kenya.
Falco ardosiaceus Grey Kestrel Faucon ardoisé
Resident, woodland and savanna with dense tree stands: Senegal - W Ethiopia south through W Kenya, W Tanzania to S DRC, Angola (except SE).
Falco dickinsoni Dickinson's Kestrel Faucon de Dickinson
Resident, wooded savanna with clumps of palms: Angola - S Tanzania south to extreme N Namibia - extreme NE South Africa.
Falco zoniventris Banded Kestrel Faucon à ventre rayé
Resident, forest edge, woodland: Madagascar.
Falco chicquera Red-necked Falcon Faucon chicquera
ruficollis; horsbrughi
Resident, trees adjacent to open country especially palms by rivers: much of S of Sahara south to N South Africa except forest area and surrounds, and east of W Ethiopia, W Kenya.
Falco vespertinus Red-footed Falcon Faucon kobez
Western Red-footed Falcon
Palearctic winter visitor, grassland and scrub: S Angola, S Zambia to N South Africa.
Falco amurensis Amur Falcon Faucon de l'Amour
**Eastern Red-footed Falcon
Palearctic winter visitor, open wooded areas: mainly Malawi - E half South Africa west to Namibia.
Falco eleonorae Eleonora's Falcon Faucon d'Eléonore
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor: breeds islands off NW Africa, Canary Is; winters open woodland, mainly Madagascar, also East Africa, Mascarenes.
Falco concolor Sooty Falcon Faucon concolore
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor: breeds dry mountains, E Libya, Egypt, N Sudan; winters wooded areas, marshes, Madagascar and parts of SE Africa.
Falco columbarius Merlin Faucon émerillon
aesalon; insignis
Palearctic winter visitor, open country: mainly western North Africa, N Atlantic Is (aesalon); vagrant Egypt (insignis).
Falco subbuteo Eurasian Hobby Faucon hobereau
European Hobby; **Hobby
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, open wooded areas: breeds North Africa; winters S Tanzania - Angola south to South Africa.
Falco cuvierii African Hobby Hobereau africain
Faucon de Cuvier
BoA, ZTP (+SF) Falco cuvieri
Resident, moist woodland, tree savanna: West Africa except forests, patchy in east, S Ethiopia - NE South Africa.
Falco biarmicus Lanner Falcon Faucon lanier
biarmicus; abyssinicus; tanypterus; erlangeri; (ROB presumed monotypic)
Resident, dry desert to forested mountains: all of Africa except main forest area and including Sahara Desert.
Falco cherrug Saker Falcon Faucon sacre
Palearctic winter visitor, open areas: Tunisia, Egypt - N Kenya.
Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon Faucon pèlerin
minor; brookei; peregrinus; calidus; madens; radama; (BoA, HBW + pelegrinoides here considered a separate species)
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, most habitats except forest: all of Africa except Sahara Desert and Congo forests; Cape Verde Is (madens); Madagascar, Comoro Is (radama).
Falco pelegrinoides Barbary Falcon Faucon de Barbarie
pelegrinoides; (CMT monotypic)
BoA, HBW, ROB subsume into Falco peregrinus
Resident, cliffs and open areas: Mauritania, Morocco and all North Africa, Canary Is.
Falco fasciinucha Taita Falcon Faucon taita
**Teita Falcon
Resident, high cliffs and gorges: scattered S Ethiopia - NE Tanzania; Malawi, S Zambia - NE South Africa.
NUMIDIDAE (BoA subsumes into Phasianidae)
Agelastes meleagrides White-breasted Guineafowl Pintade à poitrine blanche
Resident, dense rainforest: SE Sierra Leone - SW Ghana.
Agelastes niger Black Guineafowl Pintade noire
Resident, dense rainforest: SE Nigeria - extreme N Angola east to NE DRC.
Guttera plumifera Plumed Guineafowl Pintade plumifère
plumifera; schubotzi
Resident, forest: S Cameroon - extreme N Angola east to N DRC - western edge of W Rift Valley.
Guttera pucherani Crested Guineafowl Pintade de Pucheran
Pintade huppée
pucherani; verreauxi; sclateri; barbata; edouardi
ROB raises Guttera edouardi as Crested Guineafowl (G. pucherani is extralimital to their area)
Resident, forest edge, gallery forest: scattered and patchy Guinea-Bissau - S Somalia south to E Angola - NE South Africa; (edouardi E Zambia, S Mozambique and south).
Acryllium vulturinum Vulturine Guineafowl Pintade vulturine
Resident, dry open country: S Ethiopia, Somalia, E Kenya, NE Tanzania.
Numida meleagris Helmeted Guineafowl Pintade de Numidie
Pintade sauvage; Pintade commune
meleagris; sabyi; galeatus; somaliensis; reichenowi; mitratus; marungensis; damarensis (HM=papillosus); coronatus
HM notes that galeatus, mitratus, coronatus, (and papillosus) are often incorrectly spelt galeata etc
Resident, all open habitats: NW Morocco (sabyi); all S of Sahara except forest area and parts of NE and SW; introduced Cape Verde Is.
[Pavo cristatus Indian Peafowl Paon bleu]
Common Peacock
Introduced to South Africa -- few isolated populations Cape Province.
[Phasianus colchicus Common Pheasant Faisan de Colchide]
Introduced to St Helena.
Afropavo congensis Congo Peacock Paon du Congo
Congo Peafowl
Resident, primary lowland rainforest: small area of C DRC.
Margaroperdix madagascariensis Madagascar Partridge Perdrix de Madagascar
Caille de Madagascar
There is confusion over the spelling of the specific name of this species. DFW, IOC, BL have the above, CMT, SAM have
M. madagascarensis, HM, HBW have M. madagarensis.
Resident, forest and brush, especially secondary: Madagascar; introduced to Réunion.
Coturnix coturnix Common Quail Caille des blés
erlangeri (not in HBW); coturnix; inopinata; conturbans (not in HBW); (HM, HBW + africana; HBW + confisa (HM incl in
coturnix)); CMT monotypic
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, open habitats with herb layer: breeds Morocco - Tunisia; Ethiopia south down east side to Cape; Madagascar; Comoros; Canary Is, Madeira (‘confisa’); Azores (‘conturbans’); Cape Verde Is (inopinata); Palearctic breeders winter mainly in Sahel zone; South African breeders winter in Angola, S DRC, W Zambia.
Coturnix adansonii Blue Quail Caille bleue
African Blue Quail
IOC Excalfactoria adansonii
BoA, DFW, BL, BD subsume into Coturnix chinensis Blue Quail Caille peinte
Resident with some movements, areas with dense grass: Sierra Leone - S Sudan, SE Kenya south to Angola, E Zimbabwe and down east side to E South Africa excluding forest area and C Tanzania.
Coturnix delegorguei Harlequin Quail Caille arlequin
delegorguei; histrionica
Nomadic, open grassland with scattered bush: Sudan, Ethiopia and to N South Africa except forest area and all of arid SW; non-breeders west to Ivory Coast; Madagascar (all delegorguei); resident São Tomé (histrionica).
[Perdicula asiatica Jungle Bush Quail Perdicule rousse-gorge]
Introduced Réunion.
Ammoperdix heyi Sand Partridge Perdrix de Hey
nicolli; cholmleyi
Resident, desert and semi-desert usually on steep slopes: Egypt, NE Sudan to east of R Nile.
Alectoris barbara Barbary Partridge Perdrix gambra
barbata; spatzi; barbara; koenigi
Resident, rocky areas, shrubby hillsides: S Morocco - Egypt; Ajjer Mts (SE Algeria) and Libya; Canary Is (perhaps only introduced).
[Alectoris chukar Chukar Partridge Perdrix choukar]
Resident, bare stony slopes: introduced to Sinai, Robben Island.
[Alectoris rufa Red-legged Partridge Perdrix rouge]
Introduced Gran Canaria.
Ptilopachus petrosus Stone Partridge Poulette de rocher
Poule de roche
petrosus; major; (HM + florentiae; brehmi (BoA incl in petrosus))
Resident, dense vegetation on rocky hillsides: Senegal - Ethiopia, NW Kenya.
IOC (and ROB (+SL, SS, RSF) for those occurring in their areas) split Francolinus into Peliperdix (lathami, coqui, albogularis, schlegelii), Scleroptila (streptophorus, africanus, levaillantii, finschi, shelleyi, psilolaemus, levaillantoides -- the three ending …us becoming …a), Dendroperdix (SL Peliperdix) (sephaena), Ptilopachus (nahani) and Pternistis (SL, SS Pternistes) (the rest) with ROB, SS naming the last group … Spurfowl and not … Francolin. (Francolinus pondicerianus remains as Francolinus.)
Francolinus lathami Forest Francolin Francolin de Latham
Latham’s Francolin; **Latham’s Forest Francolin
lathami; schubotzi
Resident, lowland forest: Sierra Leone - W Uganda south to Cabinda, Angola.
Francolinus coqui Coqui Francolin Francolin coqui
coqui; hubbardi; maharao; spinetorum
Resident, grassy areas with trees: scattered across Sahel zone of West Africa (spinetorum); parts of DRC; S Kenya to C Angola to NE South Africa.
Francolinus albogularis White-throated Francolin Francolin à gorge blanche
albogularis; buckleyi; dewittei
Resident, open, disturbed (especially burnt) areas: Senegal - N Cameroon; SE DRC, NW Zambia, E Angola (dewittei).
Francolinus schlegelii Schlegel 's Francolin Francolin de Schlegel
Resident, savanna woodland with no human settlement: N Cameroon - SW Sudan.
Francolinus streptophorus Ring-necked Francolin Francolin à collier
Resident, rocky hillsides: 4 separate populations: N Uganda; W Kenya; NW Tanzania; highlands of Cameroon.
Francolinus africanus Grey-winged Francolin Francolin à ailes grises
**Grey-wing Francolin
Resident, montane grassland, and to sea level in SW Cape Province: SW Cape - SE Transvaal in South Africa.
Francolinus levaillantii Red-winged Francolin Francolin de Levaillant
**Red-wing Francolin
levaillantii; kikuyuensis; (HM + crawshayi)
Resident, moist upland grassland: scattered W Kenya, S Uganda, S Tanzania - Angola, Zambia; S and E South Africa.
Francolinus finschi Finsch's Francolin Francolin de Finsch
Resident, woodland and grassland: 3 separate populations: lower R Congo in DRC and Congo; Kwando Province, DRC; WC Angola.
Francolinus shelleyi Shelley's Francolin Francolin de Shelley
shelleyi; whytei; (HM + macarthuri; uluensis; canidorsalis (BoA incl latter 2 in shelleyi))
Resident, grassland and woodland: patchy and scattered to the east of S Kenya - NW Zambia - NE South Africa.
Francolinus psilolaemus Moorland Francolin Francolin montagnard
psilolaemus; elgonensis
Resident, montane Erica moorland and grassland: Ethiopia (psilolaema); Mt Elgon and mts of C Kenya (elgonensis).
Francolinus levaillantoides Orange River Francolin Francolin d'Archer
levaillantoides; jugularis; gutturalis; lorti; (HM + pallidior (also in ROB, BoA incl in levaillantoides); archeri (also in ZTP, BoA incl in lorti))
(SS raises Scleroptila lorti Archer’s Francolin)
Resident, many grassland and wooded habitats: N Ethiopia (gutturalis); extreme SE Sudan, NE Uganda - N Somalia (lorti); SW Angola to
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