toulou; insularis; assumptionis (extinct)
Resident, dense undergrowth: Madagascar (toulou); Aldabra (insularis).
Centropus senegalensis Senegal Coucal Coucal du Sénégal
flecki; senegalensis; aegyptius
Resident, rank grass in savanna to forest edges: Senegal - W Ethiopia south to extreme NW Angola - SW Kenya (senegalensis); extreme S DRC - S Tanzania south to N Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi (flecki); NE Egypt (aegyptius).
Centropus monachus Blue-headed Coucal Coucal à nuque bleue
Coucal moine
fischeri; monachus; (BoA + verheyeni (CMT, HM incl in fischeri))
Resident, swamps, marshes: Ivory Coast - S Cameroon to mouth of Congo R; E DRC to W half Ethiopia and into W Kenya.
Phodilus prigoginei Congo Bay Owl Phodile de Prigogine
Chouette de Prigogine
Resident, montane forest: E DRC.
Tyto capensis African Grass Owl Chouette du Cap
Grass Owl Chouette Effraie du Cap; Effraie du Cap
(HM + capensis (because of subsuming into the otherwise extralimital Tyto longimembris))
Resident, grasslands mainly in moister areas: W Cameroon; W, S and E DRC, N Angola, SW Tanzania to E South Africa; E Uganda, W Kenya.
Tyto alba Barn Owl Effraie des clochers
Western Barn Owl* Chouette effraie
affinis; alba; thomensis; schmitzi; gracilirostris; erlangeri (not in HBW); detorta; (HM, CMT, HBW + poensis (BoA incl in affinis); HM + hypermetra (CMT, HBW incl in affinis, extralimital for BoA))
(IOC raises Tyto javanica Eastern Barn Owl hence English name)
Resident, woodland, man-made habitats: North Africa, W Canary Is (alba); E Canary Is (gracilirostris); Cape Verde Is (detorta); Madeira (schmitzi); all S of Sahara except central forest area and NE, Madagascar and many Indian Ocean Is (all affinis); Bioko (poensis); São Tomé (thomensis).
Tyto soumagnei Madagascar Red Owl Effraie de Soumagne
Red Owl* Chouette effraie jaune
Resident, forest and edges, cultivation for feeding: NE Madagascar.
Otus icterorhynchus Sandy Scops Owl Petit-duc à bec jaune
icterorhynchus; holerythrus
Resident, forest: small areas of Liberia - S Ghana (icterorhynchus); S Cameroon - E DRC (holerythrus).
Otus ireneae Sokoke Scops Owl Petit-duc d’Irène
Petit-duc de Sokoke
Resident, coastal forest: Arabuko-Sokoke forest, Kenya
Otus brucei Pallid Scops Owl Petit-duc de Bruce
exiguus (BoA exiquus); (BoA + socotranus here placed in Otus senegalensis)
Resident, open habitats: Sinai, Nile Delta.
Otus scops Eurasian Scops Owl Petit-duc scops
European Scops Owl; Common Scops Owl Hibou petit-duc
scops; pulchellus; mallorcae; turanicus; (BoA + senegalensis; feae; nivosus here considered to be races of O. senegalensis)
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, many woodland and savanna habitats: resident Morocco - Tunisia (mallorcae); winters south almost to equator (other races).
Otus senegalensis African Scops Owl Petit-duc africain
senegalensis; nivosus (HM incl in senegalensis); socotranus (BoA places in O. brucei, RSF in O. sunia (an Asian species)); feae
BoA, SAM subsume into Otus scops
Resident, many woodland and savanna habitats: all S of Sahara except forest area and most of NE and SW (feae -- Pagalu Is; nivosus -- SE Kenya; socotranus -- Socotra; senegalensis -- the rest).
Otus hartlaubi São Tomé Scops Owl Petit-duc de São Tomé
Resident, forest: São Tomé.
Otus rutilus Madagascar Scops Owl Petit-duc malgache
Malagasy Scops Owl; Rainforest Scops Owl*
(HBW (+DFW by implicaton) + rutilus; mayottensis here considered separate species)
Resident, forest, bush, town parks: Madagascar.
Otus mayottensis Mayotte Scops Owl ??
DFW, HBW subsume into Otus rutilus
Resident, forest and bush: Mayotte.
Otus madagascariensis Torotoroka Scops Owl ??
HM notes this as a recently described species; no mention in DFW, SAM, HBW
Resident, ???: W Madagascar.
Otus pembaensis Pemba Scops Owl Petit-duc de Pemba
DFW, SAM subsume into Otus rutilus
Resident, trees with dense foliage: Pemba Is.
Otus capnodes Anjouan Scops Owl Petit-duc d’Anjouan
SAM (+IOC presumed) subsume into Otus rutilus
Resident, primary forest: Anjouan.
Otus pauliani Grand Comoro Scops Owl Petit-duc de Karthala
Comoro Scops Owl; Karthala Scops Owl*
Resident, forest and edges in uplands: Grand Comoro.
Otus insularis Seychelles Scops Owl Petit-duc scieur
Hibou petit-duc scieur
DFW, SAM subsume into otherwise extralimital Otus magicus
Resident, secondary forest on slopes: Mahé Is (Seychelles).
Otus moheliensis Moheli Scops Owl Petit-duc de Mohéli
Resident, dense humid forest: Mohéli.
Ptilopsis leucotis Northern White-faced Owl Petit-duc de Temminck
Petit-duc à face blanche
(BoA + leucotis; granti here considered separate species)
BoA, DFW, SAM, ZTP (+SF) Otus leucotis; (SL, SS Ptilopsus leucotis)
Resident, savannas: Senegal - Somalia north of forest and south to N Uganda, N Kenya.
Ptilopsis granti Southern White-faced Owl Petit-duc de Grant
BoA, DFW, SAM, ZTP, BD (BL presumed) (+SF) subsume into Ptilopsis (Otus) leucotis
(SL, SS Ptilopsus granti)
Resident, savannas: south of forest area, north to S Uganda, S Kenya and south to all but S South Africa.
Jubula lettii Maned Owl Duc à crinière
Hibou à crinière
Resident, forest: patchy in all forest areas.
Bubo bubo Eurasian Eagle Owl Grand-duc d’Europe
Eagle Owl; [Desert Eagle Owl] Hibou grand-duc
hispanus; interpositus; (BoA + ascalaphus here considered a separate species)
Resident, rocky country in desert and semi-desert: Egypt (interpositus); Atlas Mts Algeria where may be extinct (hispanus).
Bubo ascalaphus Pharaoh Eagle Owl Grand-duc ascalaphe
[Desert Eagle Owl] Grand-duc du desert
(CMT + ascalaphus; desertorum)
BoA, DFW, BD subsume into Bubo bubo
Resident, rocky country in desert and semi-desert: S of Altas Mts in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia south through desert to Mauritania, C Mali.
Bubo capensis Cape Eagle Owl Grand-duc du Cap
Grand-duc de montagne
capensis; mackinderi (Mackinder’s Eagle Owl); dillonii
Resident, grassland, usually in montane areas: W, S and E (not C) South Africa, S Namibia (capensis); scattered in mts E Zimbabwe, N Malawi, Mozambique north to Kenya (mackinderi); Ethiopian highlands (dillonii).
Bubo africanus Spotted Eagle Owl Grand-duc africain
africanus; tanae (BoA tanai; HM (+ROB presumed) incl in africanus); (BoA + cinerascens here considered a separate species)
Resident, desert to woodland: all to south of forest and north to S Uganda, S Kenya.
Bubo cinerascens Greyish Eagle Owl Grand-duc du Sahel
BoA, SAM, ZTP, BD (+DFW, BL by implication) (+SF) subsume into Bubo africanus
Resident, desert to woodland: all between Sahara and forest area, N Uganda, N Kenya.
Bubo poensis Fraser's Eagle Owl Grand-duc à aigrettes
(BoA + poensis; vosseleri here considered separate species)
Resident, forest: Liberia to E DRC, all N half of DRC.
Bubo vosseleri Usambara Eagle Owl Grand-duc des Usambaras
BoA, DFW subsume into Bubo poensis
Resident, montane forest: Usambara and Uluguru Mts, NE Tanzania.
Bubo shelleyi Shelley's Eagle Owl Grand-duc de Shelley
Grand-duc bandé
Resident, forest: scattered Liberia, Ghana, Cameroon, Gabon, NE DRC.
Bubo lacteus Verreaux's Eagle Owl Grand-duc de Verreaux
Giant Eagle Owl
Resident, large trees especially riverine in savannas: all S of Sahara except forest area and SW, very patchy W of Sudan.
Bubo leucostictus Akun Eagle Owl Grand-duc tacheté
Resident, forest, mainly edges and clearings: Liberia to E DRC to north of Congo R.
Scotopelia peli Pel's Fishing-owl Chouette-pêcheuse de Pel
Resident, lowland rivers: patchy W of Nigeria and in East Africa but mainly as rivers scarce; Nigeria - Uganda - C Mozambique south to E Angola - KZ-Natal.
Scotopelia ussheri Rufous Fishing-owl Chouette-pêcheuse rousse
Ussher’s Fishing-owl Chouette-pêcheuse à dos roux
Resident, lowland forest rivers: Sierra Leone - Ghana.
Scotopelia bouvieri Vermiculated Fishing-owl Chouette-pêcheuse de Bouvier
Bouvier’s Fishing-owl
Resident, larger rivers in forest: S Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, N half DRC.
(Ketupa zeylonensis Brown Fish Owl Kétoupa brun)
Vagrant: Seychelles (unknown origin)
Glaucidium perlatum Pearl-spotted Owlet Chevêchette perlée
licua; perlatum; (ROB + diurnum (HM incl in licua))
Resident, savannas: Senegal - Ethiopia south to N South Africa, Namibia and up coast of W Angola (not in forest or most of C Angola).
Glaucidium tephronotum Red-chested Owlet Chevêchette à pieds jaunes
tephronotum; pycrafti; medje; elgonense (CMT incl in medje)
Resident, forest and forest-scrub mosaic: patchy Liberia - W Kenya.
Glaucidium capense African Barred Owlet Chevêchette du Cap
Barred Owlet Chevêchette à poitrine barrée
ngamiense; capense; scheffleri; (BoA, HM + etchecopari; castaneum here considered a separate species; HM + albertinum here
considered a separate species)
SAM raises Glaucidium ngamiense Ngami Owlet Chevêchette de Ngami, Glaucidium scheffleri Scheffler’s Owlet
Resident, large trees in woodland, riverine vegetation: S Angola east to SE Kenya and E coast South Africa; (capense S Mozambique - E Cape, scheffleri E Kenya, NE Tanzaniia, Somalia, ngamiense in between).
Glaucidium castaneum Chestnut Owlet Chevêchette châtaine
castaneum; etchecopari
BoA, DFW, HM, IOC, BD (+SF, SS) subsume into Glaucidium capense
Resident, forest, dense secondary growth: Mt Nimba, W Ivory Coast (etchecopari); E DRC, SW Uganda (castaneum).
Glaucidium albertinum Albertine Owlet Chevêchette du Graben
DFW, HM (+IOC presumed) subsume into Glaucidium capense
Resident, montane forest: E DRC, N Rwanda.
Glaucidium sjöstedti Sjöstedt’s Owlet Chevêchette à queue barrée
**Chestnut-backed Owlet; Sjöstedt’s Barred Owlet*
Resident, forest: S Cameroon, N Gabon; some records N and C DRC.
Athene noctua Little Owl Chevêche d’Athéna
Chouette chevêche
glaux; saharae; solitudinis (CMT, HM incl in saharae); spilogastra; somaliensis
Resident, open wooded areas: all North Africa into desert to N Niger, N Chad; up Nile and Red Sea coast to NW Somalia, E Ethiopia.
Ninox superciliaris White-browed Owl Ninoxe à sourcils blancs
White-browed Hawk-Owl* Chevêchette à sourcils blancs
Resident, open areas, wooded savannas, dry forest: NE and SW Madagascar.
Strix aluco Tawny Owl Chouette hulotte
Resident, woodland and large trees: N of Atlas Mts Morocco - Tunisia.
Strix butleri Hume's Owl Chouette de Butler
Hume’s Wood Owl
Resident, rocks in wadis: Red Sea Mts, E Egypt.
Strix woodfordii African Wood Owl Chouette africaine
Wood Owl
woodfordii; nuchalis; nigricantior; umbrina
Resident, forest and dense woodland: Sierra Leone - S Kenya south to S Angola - NE South Africa extending south along coast of South Africa to Cape and into Ethiopian highlands; gap L. Victoria to N Mozambique including much of Tanzania.
Asio otus Long-eared Owl Hibou moyen-duc
Northern Long-eared Owl
otus; canariensis; (BoA + abyssinicus; graueri here considered a separate species)
Resident, woodland: N of Atlas Mts Morocco - Tunisia, Azores (otus); Canary Is (canariensis).
Asio abyssinicus African Long-eared Owl Hibou d’Abyssinie
Abyssinian Owl*
abyssinicus; graueri
BoA, DFW subsume into Asio otus
Resident, montane forest and moorland: Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands (abyssinicus); Mt Kenya, Ruwenzori to Mt Kabobo (E DRC) (graueri).
Asio madagascariensis Madagascar Long-eared Owl Hibou malgache
Madagascar Owl*
Resident, all forest types: Madagascar but not central highlands.
Asio flammeus Short-eared Owl Hibou des marais
Palearctic winter visitor, open areas, often marshy: Mediterranean coast; N Atlantic Is; scattered records just south of Sahara Senegal - Kenya.
Asio capensis Marsh Owl Hibou du Cap
capensis; tingitanus; hova
Resident and intra-African migrant, all grasslands: rare in NW Morocco (tingitanus); W Ethiopia, E Sudan, Uganda, S Kenya, S DRC south to N Namibia to E and S South Africa but not in dry SW; scattered West Africa Senegal - L. Chad south to W Cameroon (all capensis); Madagascar (hova).
Caprimulgus batesi Bates's Nightjar Engoulevent de Bates
Resident, forest: S Cameroon, N Gabon across N half DRC to W Uganda.
Caprimulgus binotatus Brown Nightjar Engoulevent à deux taches
HM, IOC Veles binotatus
Resident, primary forest: patchy Mt Nimba; S Ghana; N Gabon, S Cameroon; C DRC; S CAR.
Caprimulgus prigoginei Prigogine’s Nightjar Engoulevent de Prigogine
Itombwe Nightjar
Resident, forest: 1 specimen only Itombwe Forest, E DRC.
Caprimulgus natalensis Swamp Nightjar Engoulevent du Natal
Natal Nightjar; (African) White-tailed Nightjar
natalensis; accrae; (ROB + carpi (HM incl in natalensis))
Resident, wet grasslands, swamps: coastal strip Sierra Leone - W Cameroon (accrae); very patchy Senegal - W Ethiopia, W Kenya south to E and SE Angola, N Zambia; KZ-Natal coast of South Africa (all natalensis).
Caprimulgus climacurus Long-tailed Nightjar Engoulevent à longue queue
climacurus; sclateri; nigricans
Resident and intra-African migrant, all savanna habitats: Senegal - W Ethiopia south to equator (not in forest areas of West Africa); lower Congo R.; SC DRC.
Caprimulgus clarus Slender-tailed Nightjar Engoulevent de Reichenow
Resident, Acacias and other woodland: much of Ethiopia, W Somalia, SE Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, N Tanzania and perhaps down coastal strip into N Mozambique.
Caprimulgus fossii Square-tailed Nightjar Engoulevent de Mozambique
Gabon Nightjar; Mozambique Nightjar
welwitschii; fossii; griseoplurus; (ROB + mossambicus)
Resident and intra-African migrant, grassy savannas, especially woodland edges: Gabon - N Namibia to N DRC, S Kenya - NE South Africa; old records Ghana, Ivory Coast; mainly a non-breeding visitor to northern parts of range.
Caprimulgus pectoralis Fiery-necked Nightjar Engoulevent musicien
fervidus; pectoralis; shelleyi; crepusculans; (last 2 not in BoA)
Resident and local migrant, woodland: South Africa north to N Angola - SE Kenya except drier parts of Namibia and NW South Africa.
Caprimulgus nigriscapularis Black-shouldered Nightjar Engoulevent à épaulettes noires
(SS Caprimulgus nigroscapularis)
DFW, ZTP subsume into Caprimulgus pectoralis
Resident, thick woodland, forest clearings, gallery forest: few records Senegal - Sierra Leone; S Nigeria, W Cameroon, Bioko; SW Sudan, E DRC, SW Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi; lower reaches of Congo R.
Caprimulgus poliocephalus Abyssinian Nightjar Engoulevent d'Abyssinie
**Mountain Nightjar; [Montane Nightjar*]
(BoA, SAM + poliocephalus (implied by SAM); guttifer; koesteri; latter 2 are here placed in C. ruwenzorii)
Resident, edges of montane forest: Ethiopia - N Tanzania.
Caprimulgus ruwenzorii Ruwenzori Nightjar Engoulevent du Ruwenzori
[Montane Nightjar]
guttifer; ruwenzorii; koesteri (not in CMT, HBW); (BoA monotypic as places guttifer; koesteri in C. poliocephalus))
DFW, ZTP subsume into Caprimulgus poliocephalus; (SF raises Caprimulgus guttifer Usambara Nightjar)
Resident, edges of montane forest: several separate populations: Ruwenzori Mts area; NE Tanzania; SE DRC; W Angola; N Malawi.
Caprimulgus donaldsoni Donaldson Smith's Nightjar Engoulevent des épines
Resident, arid and semi-arid thorn scrub: E Ethiopia, NW and SW Somalia, E Kenya to NE Tanzania.
Caprimulgus inornatus Plain Nightjar Engoulevent terne
Resident and intra-African migrant, semi-desert to forest clearings: resident Senegal - S Kenya, E Tanzania south to edges of forest area; moves nearer desert to breed north to S Mauritania - Eritrea, N Ethiopia, NW Somalia.
Caprimulgus stellatus Star-spotted Nightjar Engoulevent étoilé
(ZTP + simplex)
Resident, semi-desert: C Ethiopia to C Kenya; few records to north and south and SE Sudan.
Caprimulgus nubicus Nubian Nightjar Engoulevent de Nubie
torridus; jonesi; nubicus; tamaricis; (BoA + taruensis (CMT, HM, HBW incl in torridus))
(SS Caprimulgus nubius)
Resident and visitor from Arabia, arid and semi-arid bush: Nile Valley in Sudan (nubicus); Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya (torridus); Socotra (jonesi); winters Red Sea coast, Sudan (from breeding in Arabia) (tamaricis).
Caprimulgus tristigma Freckled Nightjar Engoulevent pointillé
granosus; sharpei; tristigma; lentiginosus; pallidogriseus
Resident, rocky hills: widely scattered all S of Sahara except forest areas and drier NE.
Caprimulgus eximius Golden Nightjar Engoulevent doré
eximius; simplicior
Resident, semi-desert scrub on stony ground: Sahel zone S Mauritania, Senegal - Nile Valley; 1 record S Morocco.
Caprimulgus madagascariensis Madagascar Nightjar Engoulevent malgache
aldabrensis; madagascariensis
Resident, all woodland: Madagascar (madagascariensis); Aldabra (aldabrensis).
Caprimulgus enarratus Collared Nightjar Engoulevent à collier
Engoulevent à nuque rousse
Resident, forest mainly humid areas: lowland Madagascar.
Caprimulgus aegyptius Egyptian Nightjar Engoulevent du desert
Engoulevent du Sahara
saharae; aegyptius; (BoA + arenicolor (CMT, HM, HBW incl in aegyptius))
Palearctic winter visitor and intra-African migrant, desert and semi-desert steppes: breeds Morocco - Tunisia S of Atlas Mts; Nile Delta; winters Sahel zone Senegal - Red Sea coast.
Caprimulgus ruficollis Red-necked Nightjar Engoulevent à collier roux
ruficollis; desertorum
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, scattered trees with ground cover: breeding visitor C Morocco - Tunisia; winters mainly Senegal - Niger.
Caprimulgus fraenatus Sombre Nightjar Engoulevent sombre
Dusky Nightjar
Resident and intra-African migrant, bushy savannas on stony or rocky ground: Eritrea, Ethiopia - N Tanzania.
Caprimulgus europaeus European Nightjar Engoulevent d'Europe
Eurasian Nightjar
europaeus; sarudnyi (BoA incl in europaeus); meridionalis; unwini; plumipes; dementievi
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, light woodland: breeds C Morocco - Tunisia; winters Senegal - E Nigeria, W and S Cameroon; S Uganda, S Kenya south to E and S South Africa.
Caprimulgus rufigena Rufous-cheeked Nightjar Engoulevent à joues rouses
rufigena; damarensis
Intra-African migrant, open wooded savannas and semi-desert: breeds S Angola - S Zimbabwe south to all but E and S South Africa; winters mainly Cameroon, E Nigeria but recorded in W Sudan, W DRC, N Zambia.
Caprimulgus solala Nechisar Nightjar Engoulevent de Nechisar
Known only from 1 wing Ethiopia, although sightings claimed in May 2009. CMT, IOC, BL (+RSF) include it, BoA, HBW do not, HM has as provisional.
Macrodipteryx longipennis Standard-winged Nightjar Engoulevent à balanciers
Intra-African migrant, light woodland: breeds Senegal, NW Liberia - SW Sudan, NW Uganda; after breeding moves north to edge of Sahara and east to W Ethiopia, W Kenya.
Macrodipteryx vexillarius Pennant-winged Nightjar Engoulevent porte-étendard
BoA Macrodipteryx vexillaria
Intra-African migrant, mature woodland and wooded grassland: breeds Brachystegia Angola - S Tanzania south to NE Namibia, N Botswana, extreme NE South Africa; winters mainly SE Nigeria, Cameroon, S Chad east to Uganda; vagrant Gambia, E Sudan, S Somalia, C Cape Province.
(Chordeiles minor Common Nighthawk Engoulevent d’Amérique)
Vagrant: Azores, Canary Is (1 record), Tristan.
Note: many swifts are overlooked so the recorded distribution is often very patchy; many also will overfly many different habitats.
Aerodramus francicus Mascarene Swiftlet Salangane des Mascareignes
Mauritius Swiftlet
DFW, SAM, BL Collocalia francica
Resident, most habitats, nests in caves: Mauritius, Réunion.
Aerodramus elaphrus Seychelles Swiftlet Salangane des Seychelles
DFW, SAM, BL Collocalia elaphra
Resident, most habitats: Seychelles.
All Spinetails are also known as Spine-tailed Swifts
Zoonavena thomensis São Tomé Spinetail Martinet de São Tomé
Resident, near large trees in forest clearings: São Tomé, Príncipe.
Zoonavena grandidieri Madagascar Spinetail Martinet de Grandidier
Malagasy Spinetail
grandidieri; mariae
Resident, forest: Madagascar (grandidieri); Grand Comoro (mariae).
Rhaphidura sabini Sabine's Spinetail Martinet de Sabine
Resident, forest: Sierra Leone - W Cameroon and more scattered to W Uganda; Mt Elgon, Kakamega in W Kenya.
Telacanthura melanopygia Black Spinetail Martinet de Chapin
Chapin’s Spinetail
Resident, forest: scattered records Liberia - E DRC, 1 in NE Angola.
Telacanthura ussheri Mottled Spinetail Martinet d'Ussher
stictilaema; ussheri; sharpei; benguellensis
Resident, dry deciduous woodland mainly in forest zone: scattered Senegal - S Kenya south to S Angola - S Mozambique.
Neafrapus cassini Cassin's Spinetail Martinet épineux de Cassin
Martinet de Cassin
Resident, forest: Liberia - W Uganda to C DRC, NW Angola.
Neafrapus boehmi Böhm's Spinetail Martinet de Böhm
Bat-like Spinetail
boehmi; sheppardi
Resident, arid mature woodland to forest edges: W Angola - SW Tanzania south to extreme NE South Africa; SE Kenya, NE Tanzania.
(Hirundapus caudacutus White-throated Needletail Martinet épineux)
Vagrant: 2 records Seychelles.
Schoutedenapus myoptilus Scarce Swift Martinet de Shoa
chapini; poensis; myoptilus
BoA Schoutedenapus myioptilus (and race)
Resident, usually in highlands: E DRC, W Uganda, Rwanda (chapini); S Ethiopia, E Uganda, SC Kenya, Malawi, E Zimbabwe (myoptilus); Bioko (poensis); some records elsewhere.
Schoutedenapus schoutedeni Schouteden's Swift Martinet de Schouteden
Resident, probably highlands: small area of E DRC.
Cypsiurus parvus African Palm Swift Martinet des palmes
Martinet des palmiers
laemostigma; parvus; brachypterus; myochrous; hyphaenes; celer; griveaudi; gracilis
Resident, savannas, forest clearings wherever there are palms: all S of Sahara except NE of S Ethiopia and S of N Namibia to NE South Africa; Madagascar (gracilis); Comoro Is (griveaudi).
(Chaetura pelagica Chimney Swift Martinet ramoneur)
Vagrant: Tenerife.
Apus alexandri Alexander’s Swift Martinet du Cap-Vert
Cape Verde Swift*
Resident, all habitats: Cape Verde Is.
Apus barbatus African Black Swift Martinet du Cap
African Swift
barbatus; glanvillei; sladeniae; serlei; roehli; hollidayi; oreobates; (HM, HBW + mayottensis; balstoni here considered a separate species)
DFW, IOC, BD, BL (+SS) raise Apus sladeniae Fernando Po Swift Martinet de Fernando Po
Resident and intra-African migrant, most non-forest habitats especially in mountains; breeds highlands but occurs widely in lowlands: main range SW Kenya - S Malawi, E Zimbabwe; also Sierra Leone - Namibia (sladeniae SE Nigeria, W Cameroon, NW Angola, Bioko), E South Africa.
Apus balstoni Madagascar Swift Martinet malgache
Malagasy Black Swift*
balstoni; mayottensis
DFW, HM, HBW subsume into Apus barbatus
Resident, most non-forest habitats breeding mainly in mountains: Madagascar (balstoni); Comoro Is (mayottensis).
Apus bradfieldi Bradfield's Swift Martinet de Bradfield
bradfieldi; deserticola
Resident, rocky hills in desert areas: SW Angola and C coastal Namibia but moves in between and to NW Cape Province.
Apus berliozi Forbes-Watson's Swift Martinet de Berlioz
berliozi; bensoni
Resident, over many habitats especially arid areas: coastal Somalia, Socotra; records on Kenya coast.
Apus pallidus Pallid Swift Martinet pâle
brehmorum; pallidus; illyricus
Resident, breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, most habitats: breeds all North Africa where some resident but most breeding visitors; probably breeds coastal Mauritania and parts of Sahara; winters mainly Senegal to Sudan and rarer to the east in Sahel zone and more rarely south to equator.
Apus niansae Nyanza Swift Martinet du Nyanza niansae; somalicus
Resident and intra-African migrant, mainly in highlands: Eritrea - E Uganda, W Kenya; visitor N Somalia, N Tanzania.
Apus unicolor Plain Swift Martinet unicolore
Plain-coloured Swift
Resident, many habitats: breeds Madeira, Canary Is; winter records in Morocco, Cape Verde Is.
Apus apus Common Swift Martinet noir
European Swift; Eurasian Swift
apus; pekinensis
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, all habitats: breeds Morocco - Tunisia; winters mainly south of Gulf of Guinea - Kenya except S South Africa but widely seen all S of Sahara and Nile Valley to Egypt.
(Apus pacificus Fork-tailed Swift Martinet de Sibérie)
Pacific Swift
Vagrant: Seychelles.
Apus batesi Bates's Swift Martinet de Bates
Resident, rocks and hills in forest: SW Cameroon, N Gabon; Semliki Valley, E DRC; records Liberia - Nigeria.
Apus caffer White-rumped Swift Martinet cafre
Resident and intra-African migrant, savanna and farmland: C Morocco where probably summer visitor; all S of Sahara except forest area and large area of DRC to NW South Africa but occurs along coastal strip Gabon - N Namibia.
Apus horus Horus Swift Martinet horus
horus; fuscobrunneus
SAM, BL raise Apus toulsoni Loanda Swift (CMT incl in race horus)
Resident and intra-African migrant, mainly savannas: all S of Sahara from Nigeria eastwards; especially known in parts of East Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and as breeding visitor to E South Africa; (toulsoni NW Angola, Zimbabwe).
Apus affinis Little Swift Martinet des maisons
galilejensis; affinis; aerobates; theresae; bannermani
Resident, especially in towns: Morocco - Tunisia; all S of Sahara except arid Somalia and Namibia but mainly breeding visitor only to much of South Africa; Bioko, São Tomé, Príncipe (bannermani).
Tachymarptis aequatorialis Mottled Swift Martinet marbré
gelidus; aequatorialis; furensis; lowei; (HM + bamendae (BoA, CMT incl in aequatorialis, not in HBW))
DFW, CMT, ZTP (+SF) Apus aequatorialis
Resident or visitor, rocky crags in highlands but travels widely: mainly eastern half of continent Eritrea - Zimbabwe; scattered records Sierra Leone - Angola.
Tachymarptis melba Alpine Swift Martinet à ventre blanc
Martinet alpin
melba; tuneti; archeri; africanus; maximus; marjoriae; willsi
DFW, CMT, ZTP (+SF) Apus melba
Resident, breeding visitor, intra-African migrant and Palearctic winter visitor, all habitats especially hilly areas but only few over forest area: breeding summer visitor Morocco - Libya; resident E South Africa; resident C Mali, much of East Africa (Eritrea - W Uganda, N Tanzania), Namibia; Madagascar (willsi); Palearctic visitors mainly north of equator.
Urocolius indicus Red-faced Mousebird Coliou quiriva
Coliou à face rouge
indicus; pallidus (ROB incl in transvaalensis); lacteifrons; mossambicus; transvaalensis
Resident, savannas and thickets: S DRC, SW Tanzania through W Malawi to South Africa, Namibia and up coast of W Angola and coast of SE Tanzania.
Urocolius macrourus Blue-naped Mousebird Coliou huppé
Coliou à nuque bleue
macrourus; laeneni; pulcher; abyssinicus; griseogularis; massaicus; (HBW + syntactus)
Resident, open arid and semi-arid savannas: Sahel zone S Mauritania, Senegal to Nile where extends to north, all of East Africa to extreme E DRC, Rwanda south to C Tanzania.
Colius colius White-backed Mousebird Coliou à dos blanc
(ROB + colius; damarensis)
Resident, semi-arid wooded and bushy savannas: Namibia, W Botswana and W half of South Africa.
Colius castanotus Red-backed Mousebird Coliou à dos marron
Coliou à dos roux
Resident, forest, woodland and scattered trees in savannas: W Angola.
Colius striatus Speckled Mousebird Coliou rayé
Coliou barré; Coliou strié
nigricollis; striatus; minor; integralis; simulans; rhodesiae (BoA rhodesia); affinis; mombassicus; cinerascens; berlepschi; kikuyensis; kiwuensis; congicus; jebelensis; leucotis; hilgerti; leucophthalmus; (HBW + erlangeri; ugandensis) (ROB has 16 in Africa)
Resident, evergreen woodland, bushland: Cameroon - Eritrea south to S Congo, N Zambia, S Tanzania excluding E Somalia and forest
area; Malawi, E Zimbabwe, S Mozambique and coastal South Africa to Cape.
Colius leucocephalus White-headed Mousebird Coliou à tête blanche
leucocephalus; turneri
Resident, arid and semi-arid bush country: S Somalia, Kenya, extreme NE Tanzania.
Apaloderma vittatum Bar-tailed Trogon Trogon à queue barrée
Couroucou à queue barrée
(CMT + vittatum, camerunensis)
Resident, montane forests: several separate populations: W Cameroon; W Rift Valley (E DRC, W Uganda); Kenya; NE and N Tanzania; S Tanzania, N Malawi, Namuli (Mozambique); W Angola.
Apaloderma narina Narina's Trogon Trogon narina
Couroucou narina
narina; littorale (CMT littoralis); brachyurum; constantia; (HBW + arcanum; HBW, ROB + rufiventre)
Resident, forest and savanna woodland: all forest and well-wooded areas S of Sahara south to S Angola - NE and E South Africa, and a corridor north into Eritrea.
Apaloderma aequatoriale Bare-cheeked Trogon Trogon à joues jaunes
Couroucou à joues jaunes
Resident, rainforest: S Cameroon, W Gabon; NE DRC.
SAM places Halcyon spp and Todirhamphus spp in Halcyonidae; ROB places Halcyon spp in Dacelonidae
Halcyon badia Chocolate-backed Kingfisher Martin-chasseur marron
(CMT + badia (also in BD); lopezi; BD + obscuridorsalis)
Resident, rainforest: all of forest area Sierra Leone - W Uganda (lopezi in Bioko, badia in rest).
Halcyon albiventris Brown-hooded Kingfisher Martin-chasseur à tête brune
albiventris; vociferans; orientalis; prentissgrayi
Resident, woodland and wooded grassland: S Kenya - E and S South Africa west to extreme E Angola; S Congo - S Angola on coastal strip; some records across Angola.
Halcyon leucocephala Grey-headed Kingfisher Martin-chasseur à tête grise
leucocephala; hyacinthina; pallidiventris; acteon
Resident and intra-African migrant, woodland, riverine, wooded grassland: all S of Sahara except forest area, south of N Namibia - extreme NE South Africa, and much of dry NE south to N Mozambique; Cape Verde Is (acteon).
Halcyon malimbica Blue-breasted Kingfisher Martin-chasseur à poitrine bleue
malimbica; torquata; forbesi; dryas
Resident, forest and moist woodlands: Senegal - SW Uganda south to N Angola; Bioko; SW Ethiopia.
Halcyon senegalensis Woodland Kingfisher Martin-chasseur du Sénégal
senegalensis; fuscopileus (BoA fuscopilea); cyanoleuca
Resident and intra-African migrant, woodland with scattered trees: resident S Senegal - E Uganda - N Tanzania south to N Angola - C Tanzania; wet season breeding visitor north to edge of Sahara east to W Ethiopia and south to N Namibia - NE South Africa.
Halcyon senegaloides Mangrove Kingfisher Martin-chasseur des mangroves
(CMT (+ ROB presumed) + ranivorus; senegaloides)
Resident, coastal mangroves and other wooded habitats: S Somalia - E Cape.
Halcyon chelicuti Striped Kingfisher Martin-chasseur strié
chelicuti; eremogiton; (ROB + damarensis (HM incl in chelicuti); hylobia)
Resident, woodland and thorn scrub: all S of Sahara except forest area, most of NE and south of NW Namibia - NE South Africa.
Halcyon smyrnensis White-throated Kingfisher Martin-chasseur de Smyrne
**White-breasted Kingfisher
Vagrant: NE Egypt.
Todirhamphus chloris Collared Kingfisher Martin-chasseur à collier blanc
**White-collared Kingfisher
BoA, DFW Halcyon chloris (and race abyssinica)
Resident, thick mangroves: Red Sea coast NE Sudan - NW Somalia.
Ceyx lecontei African Dwarf Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur à tête rousse
Dwarf Kingfisher
(HBW + lecontei; ruficeps)
CMT, SAM, IOC (+SF, SS) Ispidina lecontei
Resident, mainly streams in forest: all of forest area Sierra Leone - W Uganda.
Ceyx pictus African Pygmy Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur pygmée
Pygmy Kingfisher
natalensis; pictus; ferruginus (CMT ferruginea, HBW ferrugineus)
CMT, SAM, IOC, ZTP, ROB (+SL, SF, SS) Ispidina picta
HM notes often incorrectly spelt C. picta (+ races picta, ferrugina)
Resident and intra-African migrant, forest, by water in thick grass etc: all S of Sahara except NE and SW; most northerly and southerly areas only for breeding.
Ceyx madagascariensis Madagascar Pygmy Kingfisher Martin-chasseur malgache
Martin-pêcheur roux
madagascariensis; dilutus
CMT, SAM, IOC Ispidina madagascariensis (and CMT race diluta)
Resident, dry scrub and savanna woodland: lowland Madagascar except most of SW.
Alcedo leucogaster White-bellied Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur à ventre blanc
bowdleri; leucogaster; leopoldi; (BoA, CMT, HM + nais here considered a separate species)
BoA Corythornis leucogaster
Resident, dense forest: all of forest area Guinea - S Uganda; SW Mali; NW Angola; records in NW Nigeria, NW Zambia.
Alcedo nais Príncipe Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur de Príncipe
BoA, DFW, CMT, HM subsume into Alcedo (Corythornis) leucogaster
Resident, dense forest, woodlands: Príncipe.
Alcedo cristata Malachite Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur huppé
galerita; cristata; (HM, HBW + stuartkeithi; CMT, ROB + robertsi; ROB + cyanostigma); (BoA, CMT, HM + thomensis here
considered a separate species)
BoA Corythornis cristata
Resident, reedbeds and vegetation by water: all S of Sahara except NE and SW.
Alcedo thomensis São Tomé Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur de São Tomé
BoA, DFW, CMT, HM subsume into Alcedo (Corythornis) cristata
Resident, vegetation by water: São Tomé.
Alcedo vintsioides Madagascar Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur vintsi
Malagasy Kingfisher*
vintsioides; johannae
DFW subsumes into Alcedo cristata
Resident, near water: Madagascar (vintsioides); Comoro Is (johannae).
Alcedo quadribrachys Shining-blue Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur azuré
quadribrachys; guentheri
Resident, open water in forest: all forest area extending to S Uganda, NW Zambia, SW Mali, SW Senegal.
Alcedo atthis Common Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur d'Europe
European Kingfisher
atthis; ispida
Resident and Palearctic winter visitor, sluggish or still water: breeds C Morocco - Tunisia; winters all along North Africa coast and up Nile.
Alcedo semitorquata Half-collared Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur à demi-collier
tephria; heuglini; semitorquata; (HM, HBW monotypic)
Resident, sluggish or still water: WC Ethiopia; C Angola - SE Tanzania south to NE Namibia, N Zimbabwe, NE South Africa and along coast to Cape; few records Kenya.
SAM, ROB place Megaceryle maxima and Ceryle spp in Cerylidae
Megaceryle maxima Giant Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur géant
**African Giant Kingfisher Alcyon géant
maxima; gigantea
CMT, ROB (+SS) Megaceryle maximus (and races) (Note: HM explicitly says it is maxima)
Resident, near water: all S of Sahara except NE and SW.
Ceryle rudis Pied Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur pie
Alcyon pie
rudis; (BoA, ROB monotypic)
Resident, all waters: all S of Sahara except small parts of NE and SW; down Nile to Delta.
(Ceryle alcyon Belted Kingfisher Martin-pêcheur d’Amérique)
IOC Megaceryle alcyon
Vagrant: Azores.
Merops breweri Black-headed Bee-eater Guêpier à tête noire
Resident, secondary growth and plantations near forest often near water: main Congo forest area - S Sudan; SE Nigeria; N CAR.
Merops muelleri Blue-headed Bee-eater Guêpier à tête bleue
muelleri; mentalis
Resident, glades in forest: throughout forest area to E DRC, Bioko; W Kenya; (mentalis West Africa - W Cameroon, muelleri to east).
Merops gularis Black Bee-eater Guêpier noir
australis; gularis
Resident, forest clearings: all of forest area and surrounds.
Merops pusillus Little Bee-eater Guêpier nain
meridionalis; pusillus; ocularis; cyanostictus; argutus
Resident, savannas, usually near water: all S of Sahara except forest area, NE and SW.
Merops variegatus Blue-breasted Bee-eater Guêpier à collier bleu
White-cheeked Bee-eater
bangweoloensis; loringi; variegatus; lafresnayii
Resident, rank grass near forest, swamps, clearings: S Cameroon - N Angola east to W Kenya, S DRC, N Zambia; Ethiopia.
Merops oreobates Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater Guêpier montagnard
Cinnamon-breasted Bee-eater
Resident, wooded hillsides, forest edges: S Sudan; E DRC, W Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi; SW Kenya, N Tanzania.
Merops hirundineus Swallow-tailed Bee-eater Guêpier à queue d'aronde
hirundineus; furcatus; chrysolaimus; heuglini
Resident, tall savanna woodland: all West Africa between Sahel and forest; S Sudan, SW Ethiopia, N Uganda; N Angola - N Tanzania south to all across N South Africa.
Merops bulocki Red-throated Bee-eater Guêpier à gorge rouge
bulocki; frenatus
BoA Merops bullocki (and race)
Resident, bushy savannas: Senegal - S Chad, S Sudan, W Ethiopia, NE DRC, N Uganda.
Merops bullockoides White-fronted Bee-eater Guêpier à front blanc
bullockoides; randorum; (HM, HBW, ROB monotypic)
Resident, wooded savannas: S Gabon - S and E DRC - S Tanzania south to S Angola - NE South Africa except much of Mozambique; W and S Kenya.
Merops revoilii Somali Bee-eater Guêpier de Révoil
Resident, dry thorn scrub: E and NE Kenya, SE Ethiopia, Somalia.
Merops albicollis White-throated Bee-eater Guêpier à gorge blanche
Intra-African migrant, breeds semi-desert steppe, winters forest edges, woodland: breeds across Sahel zone and in corridor south to Kenya; winters all forest zone of West Africa, N half of Congo forest zone to W Kenya; passage to East Africa coast Somalia - C Tanzania.
Merops orientalis Little Green Bee-eater Guêpier d'Orient
Green Bee-eater*
viridissimus; cleopatra; flavoviridis (HM=synonym of viridissimus)
Resident, semi-desert woodland: all across Sahel zone Senegal to Sudan, NE Ethiopia and along Nile to Delta in Egypt.
Merops boehmi Boehm's Bee-eater Guêpier de Böhm
Resident, open moist woodland: SW Tanzania, S DRC, N Zambia; E Tanzania, E Malawi.
Merops persicus Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Guêpier de Perse
persicus; chrysocercus
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, near water: breeding visitor SE Morocco - Algeria, patchy Mauritania coast, L Chad area wintering across West Africa S of Sahara north of forest (chrysocercus); breeds Nile Delta (and Middle East and parts of Asia) wintering E Sudan - Somalia south to S Angola - NE South Africa (persicus).
Merops superciliosus Madagascar Bee-eater Guêpier de Madagascar
Olive Bee-eater* Guêpier malgache
superciliosus; alternans
Resident and intra-African migrant, mangroves, open woodland often near water: W and S Angola, N Namibia (alternans); to the east of E Ethiopia - Uganda - E Zambia, NE Botswana - NE South Africa, Madagascar, Comoro Is (all superciliosus).
Merops apiaster European Bee-eater Guêpier d'Europe
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor: breeds broad river valleys Morocco - Tunisia; Cape and S Namibia; winters all habitats but mainly avoids desert and forest all S of Sahara especially Sierra Leone - Ivory Coast and Rwanda - South Africa.
Merops malimbicus Rosy Bee-eater Guêpier gris-rose
Resident, forest and moist woodland: Ivory Coast - Nigeria; Gabon - W half DRC.
Merops nubicus Northern Carmine Bee-eater Guêpier écarlate
(BoA, HM, HBW + nubicus; nubicoides here considered separate species)
Resident and intra-African migrant, savannas: Senegal - Eritrea south to forest area, NE Tanzania; breeding visitor to northern parts, non-breeding visitor to southern, resident in between.
Merops nubicoides Southern Carmine Bee-eater Guêpier carmine
BoA, HM, HBW, ZTP subsume into Merops nubicus
Resident and intra-African migrant, savannas: resident S Angola - E Zambia; breeding visitor N Botswana - NE South Africa; non-breeding visitor to NE Angola, S DRC, Burundi, SW Tanzania, N Zambia.
Coracias naevius Rufous-crowned Roller Rollier varié
Purple Roller*
naevius; mosambicus
HM notes often incorrectly spelt C. naevia (+ races naevia, mosambica)
SAM Coracias noevia (and race)
Resident, wooded savannas: 2 separate populations; Senegal - W Somalia south to the forest area and C Tanzania (naevius); Angola - N Zambia south to C Namibia - NE South Africa (mosambicus).
Coracias cyanogaster Blue-bellied Roller Rollier à ventre bleu
Resident, well-wooded savannas: Senegal - NE DRC.
Coracias abyssinicus Abyssinian Roller Rollier d'Abyssinie
HM notes often incorrectly spelt C. abyssinica
Resident, dry woodland with well-spaced trees: Senegal - W and N Ethiopia south to N DRC - NW Kenya.
Coracias garrulus European Roller Rollier d'Europe
garrulus; semenowi (BoA semenovi)
Breeding visitor and Palearctic winter visitor, dry open country with scattered trees: breeds Morocco - Tunisia; winters sparsely Senegal - Nigeria, and mostly W DRC, N Angola -S Ethiopia south to Cape.
Coracias caudatus Lilac-breasted Roller Rollier à longs brins
caudatus; lorti
HM notes often incorrectly spelt C. caudata (+ race)
Resident, dry open woodland: C and E Ethiopia, Somalia (lorti); Angola - S Kenya south to NE half Namibia and across N South Africa (caudatus).
Coracias spatulatus Racket-tailed Roller Rollier à raquettes
(HM, HBW + weigalli; spatulatus)
HM notes often incorrectly spelt C. spatulata (+ race)
Resident, mature dry woodland: Angola in band through S DRC, S half Tanzania south to N Botswana - S Mozambique.
(Coracias benghalensis Indian Roller Rollier indien)
Vagrant: Socotra
Eurystomus gularis Blue-throated Roller Rollier à gorge bleue
Rolle à gorge bleue
gularis; neglectus
Resident, secondary forest and clearings: all forest area.
Eurystomus glaucurus Broad-billed Roller Rolle violet
Cinnamon Roller Rollier violet; Rolle africain
afer; aethiopicus (HM (+ ROB presumed) incl in afer); suahelicus; glaucurus; (HM + pulcherrimus)
Resident and intra-African migrant, large clearings in forest, woodland, moister savannas: all S of Sahara except NE and large part of SW (only just reaches N Botswana and NE South Africa); only resident in central part of range; breeds Madagascar, non-breeding to E Africa (glaucurus).
Brachypteracias leptosomus Short-legged Ground Roller Brachyptérolle leptostome
HBW Brachypteracias leptostomus
Resident, undisturbed forest: E half Madagascar.
Brachypteracias squamiger Scaly Ground Roller Brachyptérolle écaillé
Scaled Ground Roller Brachyptérolle écailleux
often incorrectly spelt Brachypteracias squamigera
HM, IOC Geobiastes squamiger
Resident, dense rainforest: E half Madagascar.
Atelornis pittoides Pitta-like Ground Roller Brachyptérolle pittoide
Resident, dense rainforest: E half Madagascar.
Atelornis crossleyi Rufous-headed Ground Roller Brachyptérolle de Crossley
Crossley’s Ground-Roller
Resident, dense rainforest: E half Madagascar.
Uratelornis chimaera Long-tailed Ground Roller Brachyptérolle à longue queue
Resident, semi-arid thorn scrub and deciduous woodland: small area SW Madagascar.
Leptosomus discolor Cuckoo Roller Courol vouroudriou
gracilis; intermedius; discolor
Resident, all forest types, plantations, open parkland: Madagascar, Mayotte, Mohéli (discolor); Anjouan (intermedius); Grand Comoro (gracilis).
Phoeniculus castaneiceps Forest Wood-hoopoe Irrisor à tête brune
castaneiceps; brunneiceps (BoA brunniceps)
Resident, forest: Liberia - W DRC, E Gabon; NE DRC - W Kenya; (castaneiceps east to Nigeria, brunneiceps to east).
Phoeniculus bollei White-headed Wood-hoopoe Irrisor à tête blanche
jacksoni; bollei; okuensis
Resident, forest and woodland, often montane: Liberia - NW DRC; E DRC, Rwanda, Burundi - much of SW Kenya; Imatong Mts, S Sudan.
Phoeniculus purpureus Green Wood-hoopoe Irrisor moqueur
Red-billed Wood-hoopoe
marwitzi; purpureus; angolensis; niloticus; guineensis; senegalensis
Resident, wooded savannas: all S of Sahara except forest area and surrounds and NE and SW (larger gaps than many species).
Phoeniculus somaliensis Black-billed Wood-hoopoe Irrisor à bec noir
Grant’s Wood-hoopoe
somaliensis; neglectus; abyssinicus
Resident, thorn scrub and riverine: Eritrea, Ethiopia, NW and SW Somalia, N Kenya.
Phoeniculus damarensis Violet Wood-hoopoe Irrisor damara
damarensis; granti
IOC (+SS) raise Phoeniculus granti Grant’s Wood-hoopoe
Resident, dry bush country: extreme S Ethiopia - C Kenya coast (granti); SW Angola, NW Namibia (damarensis).
BoA has all 3 Rhinopomastus spp as Phoeniculus spp. SAM, ROB place all 3 in Rhinopomastidae
Rhinopomastus cyanomelas Common Scimitarbill Irrisor namaquois
cyanomelas; schalowi
Resident, thorn scrub, wooded savannas: S Kenya, S Uganda, S Somalia through S DRC to SW Angola south to N South Africa.
Rhinopomastus aterrimus Black Scimitarbill Irrisor noir
**Black Wood-hoopoe
aterrimus; emini; notatus; anchietae
Resident, wooded savanna and dry bush: Senegal - NW Somalia between desert and forest and south into Uganda; SW DRC and much of Angola (anchietae).
Rhinopomastus minor Abyssinian Scimitarbill Irrisor à cimeterre
minor; cabanisi
Resident, light woodland and arid thorn scrub: SE Sudan, S Ethiopia, Somalia to N Tanzania.
There is considerable difference of opinion in respect of the species limits in this family, with 1, 2 or 3 species recognised
Upupa epops Hoopoe Huppe fasciée
Common Hoopoe; Eurasian Hoopoe*
africana; senegalensis; waibeli; epops; major; (HM, HBW + marginata here considered a separate species)
SAM, IOC, ROB (+SF, SS) raise Upupa africana African Hoopoe Huppe d’Afrique (SAM includes marginata)
Resident, intra-African migrant and Palearctic winter visitor, wooded savannas with sparse ground cover: resident C Morocco - W Libya, Canary Is (epops); resident Nile Valley (major); resident and intra-African migrant all S part of Sahara and south except forest area and driest parts of NE and SW (africana, waibeli, senegalensis); Palearctic winter visitor Senegal - Eritrea (epops).
Upupa marginata Madagascar Hoopoe Huppe malgache
HM, HBW, SAM subsume into Upupa epops (SAM into africana)
Resident, open habitats: all Madagascar except E.
HM, SAM, IOC, BL, ROB (+RSF) place Bucorvus spp in Bucorvidae
Bucorvus abyssinicus Abyssinian Ground Hornbill Bucorve d'Abyssinie
Northern Ground Hornbill Grand Calao d’Abyssinie; Calao terrestre
Resident, savannas: Senegal, Guinea to S Sudan - N Uganda, W Kenya and into most of C Ethiopia, NW Somalia.
Bucorvus leadbeateri Southern Ground Hornbill Bucorve du sud
Grand Calao terrestre; Calao terrestre du Sud
BoA, DFW, BL Bucorvus cafer
Resident, woodland, savannas, grassland: Angola, W and S DRC, N Namibia to E South Africa and north to S Kenya excluding areas in S and N Mozambique.
Tropicranus albocristatus White-crested Hornbill Calao à huppe blanche
Long-tailed Hornbill
albocristatus; macrourus; cassini
BoA, CMT, SAM Tockus albocristatus
Resident, forest: all forest area to E DRC.
Tockus hartlaubi Black Dwarf Hornbill Calao de Hartlaub
Calao pygmée à bec noir
hartlaubi; granti
Resident, forest: rather sparse and patchy in all forest area.
Tockus camurus Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill Calao pygmée
Resident, dense forest: all forest area.
Tockus monteiri Monteiro's Hornbill Calao de Monteiro
Resident, semi-desert (drier than any other hornbill): SW Angola - WC Namibia.
Tockus erythrorhynchus Red-billed Hornbill Calao à bec rouge
Petit calao à bec rouge
erythrorhynchus; rufirostris; damarensis; kempi (not in BoA); (ROB + ruahae)
IOC, ROB (+SL, SS) raise Tockus damarensis Damara Red-billed Hornbill Calao de Damara
IOC (+SS) raises Tockus rufirostris Southern Red-billed Hornbill; Tockus ruahae Tanzanian Red-billed Hornbill; Tockus kempi
Western Red-billed Hornbill; (T. erythrorhynchus becomes Northern Red-billed Hornbill))
Resident, open savannas: rather patchy Senegal - Eritrea, E Ethiopia south through Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, S Zambia, N Botswana, N Namibia, SW Angola, NE South Africa; (kempi -- Senegal - inner Niger Delta; erythrorhynchus Niger Delta - Somalia south to Tanzania; rufrostris -- S Angola, N Namibia - Mozamboque, NE South Africa; damarensis NW and C Namibia).
Tockus leucomelas Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill Calao leucomèle
Petit calao à bec jaune du sud
(HM, ROB + elegans; leucomelas; ROB + parvior (HM incl in leucomelas))
Resident, savannas, semi-desert: SW Angola - S Malawi south to C Namibia - N South Africa.
Tockus flavirostris Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill Calao à bec jaune
Northern Yellow-billed Hornbill* Petit calao à bec jaune de l'est
Resident, arid and semi-arid savannas: N, E and S Ethiopia, N and E Kenya, Somalia away from coast, extreme N Tanzania.
Tockus deckeni Von der Decken's Hornbill Calao de Decken
Calao de von der Decken
(BoA, HBW + deckeni; jacksoni here considered separate species)
Resident, semi-arid savannas with trees and bushes: E Ethiopia, W Somalia - NE Tanzania.
Tockus jacksoni Jackson’s Hornbill Calao de Jackson
BoA, HBW subsume into Tockus deckeni
Resident, semi-arid savannas: SE Sudan, NE Uganda, NW Kenya.
Tockus hemprichii Hemprich's Hornbill Calao de Hemprich
Resident, rocky areas in hills: Eritrea, NW Somalia - NW Kenya, NE Uganda (occasional to C Kenya).
Tockus fasciatus African Pied Hornbill Calao longibande
Pied Hornbill
fasciatus; semifasciatus
Resident, forest: all forest area to W Kenya.
Tockus bradfieldi Bradfield's Hornbill Calao de Bradfield
Resident, dry woodland: narrow band S Angola, N Namibia, SW Zambia, N Botswana, W Zimbabwe.
Tockus alboterminatus Crowned Hornbill Calao couronné
(HM + alboterminatus; geloensis (also in ZTP); suahelicus (also in ZTP))
Resident, montane, coastal, riparian and secondary forest: SW Ethiopia; patchy N and W Angola, S DRC - S Uganda, S Kenya to W Zambia, N and E Zimbabwe to NE South Africa and along E coast to Knysna forest.
Tockus pallidirostris Pale-billed Hornbill Calao à bec pale
pallidirostris; neumanni
Resident, miombo woodland: C Angola - SE Tanzania, NW Mozambique.
Tockus nasutus African Grey Hornbill Calao à bec noir
Petit calao à bec noir
nasutus; epirhinus; (ROB + dorsalis (HM incl in epirhinus))
Resident, savannas and woodland: all S of Sahara although patchy Guinea - Ghana, not in NE or forest area and south to much of Angola, N Zambia, not in dry SW or South Africa except NE nor in Mozambique except extreme W.
BoA, CMT, SAM place all Bycanistes spp in Ceratogymna (and some specific names and races …a not …us)
Bycanistes fistulator Piping Hornbill Calao siffleur
White-tailed Hornbill
fistulator; sharpii; duboisi
Resident, forest: all forest area.
Bycanistes bucinator Trumpeter Hornbill Calao trompette
Resident, montane, coastal and riverine forest and moist woodland: N Angola, S DRC, Zambia, Tanzania (not NW), SE Kenya south to NE South Africa and along E coast to Knysna forest.
Bycanistes brevis Silvery-cheeked Hornbill Calao à joues argentées
Resident, montane and coastal forest, dense woodland: Ethiopia highlands; S Kenya, E Tanzania; S Malawi, S Mozambique.
Bycanistes subcylindricus Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill Calao à joues grises
subcylindricus; subquadratus
Resident, forest and tall woodland: isolated populations in West Africa; CAR - W Kenya south to Burundi; N Angola.
Bycanistes cylindricus Brown-cheeked Hornbill Calao à joues brunes
[White-thighed Hornbill]
(BoA, HM, HBW (+DFW presumed) + cylindricus; albotibialis here considered separate species)
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