Subject: Social Studies 6 Outcome: in6. 1 Evaluate and represent personal beliefs and values by determining how culture and place influence them

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Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold identifies possible key indicators.

  • Delineate ways in which cultures might change over time.

  • Propose reasons for changes in cultures over time by referring to First Nations and Métis peoples and other peoples in Canada and in a selection of countries bordering the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Discuss examples of change created by cultural interaction in Canada and a selection of countries bordering the Atlantic Ocean, being sure to examine perspectives of both the cultural group and the host community (e.g., adjusting long-standing cultural traditions in a new environment, finding greeting cards in different languages, learning a different language).

  • Analyze the effect on youth of changes resulting from cultural interaction, and assess the response of youth to changes resulting from cultural interaction.

Refer to Saskatchewan Guide Social Studies 6

Subject: Social Studies 6

Outcome: DR6.1 Analyze the impact of the diversity of natural environments on the ways of life in Canada and a selection of countries bordering the Atlantic Ocean.

Beginning – 1

I need help.

Approaching – 2

I have a basic understanding.

Proficiency – 3

My work consistently meets expectations.

Mastery – 4

I have a deeper understanding.

With help I can explain how the different environments impact on the buildings, travel, clothing, work and leisure activities of the people who live there.

I can explain how the different environments impact on the buildings, travel, clothing, work and leisure activities of the people who live there.

I can analyze how natural environments have influenced the history, culture, and lifestyles of the people who live in Canada.

My understanding of the impact of natural environments on ways of life extends to the development of culturre in people who live in Canada and Atlantic Ocean countries.

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