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Free Trade Advantage

Advantage two: Fair Trade not Free Trade 

Current US agriculture policies reinforce the global divisions of the world – regulating Africa to the global underclass – these policies benefit only the US – destroying the possibility of fair trade

Marian Tupy and Christopher Preble, policy analyst with the Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity and director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, 6/17/05, Reason Magazine, “Trade, Not Aid.”) 

This decrease in free trade has be exasperated by the continued restriction on US food aid – an increase is cash donation is key to reduce concern about the current trade distorting impact of food aid.

Kripke, Senior Policy Advisor Oxfam America, 2006  (CQ Congressional Testimony, May 25, Food Aid, Committee on House International Relations Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations Statement of Gawain Kripke l/n) 

Current protectionism guarantees nuclear war

Spicer 96 (sorry idk where the full sight is but I think you have this)

And, a transition to truly fair trade prevent any risk of major power wars

(we will email you this cite once sean gets home)


And, current aid only creates a cycle of dependency – the plan is key to allows Africa to break away from this cycle facilitating fair trade.

Shikwati, Director of the Inter Region Economic Network, 2K6 (James, “The Economic Progress and Development Aid in East Africa: The Case of Kenya,” The 2nd International Turkish – African Congress, 12/12 – 12/13,

Finally, the plan is uniquely key to satiated relations with other WTO members – absent increase of cash donations WTO member will continue in-fighting – guaranteeing protectionism

Deutsche Presse-Agentur, December 14, 2005 (Ministers open second day of WTO talks amid transatlantic discord, l/n) 

Dallas Jesuit HN – Affirmative – Brain Drain

Contention 1 is Our Failure

Current increases in aid are unable to overcome the lack of doctors in Africa because they fail to focus on doctors

Friedman, is the senior global health policy adviser for the Physicians of Human Rights, 6/11/07

(Eric, “Global Fund: At the Cross Roads” http://phrblog.orgbraindrain/2007/06/11/global-fund-at-a-crossroads/)

“With a handful of expectations…PEPFAR has failed to do so.”

Contention 2 is the Golden age of Individualism

The world we live in today has become obsessed with the individual and we have all forgotten the collective good. Globalization has breed a world wide care only for number one mentality that is making medical care in sub-Saharan Africa impossible to afford and dooming millions to poverty and diseases.

Meier and Mori, 2005

(Benjamin Mason and Larisa M.,International Development and Globalization Fellow, Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University. and J.D./M.P.H. Candidate, University of California, Los Angeles; B.A., University of California, Los Angeles. THE HIGHEST ATTAINABLE STANDARD: ADVANCING A COLLECTIVE HUMAN RIGHT TO PUBLIC HEALTH, Fall, 2005, 37 Colum. Human Rights L. Rev. 101, Columbia Human Rights Law Review, Lexis Nexis)

“Modern processes of globalization impact public health through myriad… for their own health status.”
Creation of the sacred order which closes off otherness solves the root cause of oppression, dehumanization, and violence, otherwise there is no value to life and genocidal extermination and extinction are inevitable

Fasching, Professor of religion at the US Florida, 1993

(Darrell J., The Ethical Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima, p 155-7)

“The Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima: From”

And, the public health sphere is completely dominated by Trans national corporations that greedily attempt to make a buck off the suffering of those in poorer countries. Only a movement to give healthcare freely can help people stave off this corporate domination and reverse the current trends of globalization and neoliberalism

Meier and Mori, 2005

(Benjamin Mason and Larisa M.,International Development and Globalization Fellow, Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University. and J.D./M.P.H. Candidate, University of California, Los Angeles; B.A., University of California, Los Angeles. THE HIGHEST ATTAINABLE STANDARD: ADVANCING A COLLECTIVE HUMAN RIGHT TO PUBLIC HEALTH, Fall, 2005, 37 Colum. Human Rights L. Rev. 101, Columbia Human Rights Law Review, Lexis Nexis)

“At the societal level, global financial institutions disadvantage public health structures… alleviate the insalubrious burdens of globalization.”

Globalization risks massive inequalities that lead to global wars civil strife that kills millions

Barraclough, 1994

(Solon, Former Director of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, “The Perils of ‘Free Trade’”, June 10,

“The warnings of imminent global environmental collapse induced by… pressures on the environment would worsen.”

After considering multiple philosophical perspectives:

The United States federal government should pass and implement the African Health Capacity Investment Act of 2007. Requisite funding Guaranteed.

Contention 3 – It’s the time for the US to act

Only the passage and implementation African Health Capacity Investment Act of 2007 can reverse the effects of brain drain and set up the infrastructure and send the needed medical personnel to overcome the disparities

Durbin, 2007

(The office of Sen. Richard Durbin. “Bipartisan group of senators introduce African health capacity investment act of 2007” March 7, 2007. Lexis)

“A bipartisan group of Senators today introduced the… the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.”

The US stands at a cross roads today, if it is willing to provide care for those in Africa that currently have none if can reaffirm the notion that healthcare is a right challenging the current social norms of globalization

Meier and Mori, 2005

(Benjamin Mason and Larisa M., International Development and Globalization Fellow, Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University. and J.D./M.P.H. Candidate, University of California, Los Angeles; B.A., University of California, Los Angeles. THE HIGHEST ATTAINABLE STANDARD: ADVANCING A COLLECTIVE HUMAN RIGHT TO PUBLIC HEALTH, Fall, 2005, 37 Colum. Human Rights L. Rev. 101, Columbia Human Rights Law Review, Lexis Nexis)

“Every individual positive right includes its underlying determinants… the mantle of a human right to public health.”

The current US approach fails to even the playing field between the west and sub-Saharan Africa. Now is the crucial time for the US and others to fulfill their ethical obligations and destroy these inequalities

Benatar and Fox, 2005

Solomon R Benatar, Dept. of Medicine and Bioethics @ Cape Town U and Renee C. Fox, Dept. of Sociology and Center for Bioethics @ Penn U, 2005 (“Meeting Threats to Global Health: a Call for American Leadership,” Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 48.3, p. 344-361)

“Current and widening disparities in health around the world…1995; Buchanan 2001; Lyons 1994; Ste-vens 2001).”

The act of the 1AC giving doctors and money to Africa to overcome the health crisis allows for healthcare to become a universal right within sub-Saharan Africa overcoming individualism and creating a universal ethic

Meier and Mori, 2005

(Benjamin Mason and Larisa M., International Development and Globalization Fellow, Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University. and J.D./M.P.H. Candidate, University of California, Los Angeles; B.A., University of California, Los Angeles. THE HIGHEST ATTAINABLE STANDARD: ADVANCING A COLLECTIVE HUMAN RIGHT TO PUBLIC HEALTH, Fall, 2005, 37 Colum. Human Rights L. Rev. 101, Columbia Human Rights Law Review, Lexis Nexis)

“The term "public health' refers generally to the obligations… are available, accessible, and acceptable to all. 87”

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