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Farm Bill Bad 

Farm subsides crush small farmers

Infozine, 6/26/07,

“Because American producers…international trade negations.” 

The biodiversity gained form sall farms is key to prevent extinction

James K Boyce, Department of Economics & Poitical Economy Research and Environmental research at the University of Massachusetts, July 2004, “A Future for Small Farms? Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture”. Political Economic Research Institute, ideap/w/86.html

“there is a future…northwestern United States” 

Heg Bad 

Multipolarity emerging—centers of power throughout the world now

UPI, March 26, 2006 [Outside View: Pentagon’s New Strategy, l/n]

“A lot of unforeseen events …choose the tools it needed.”

China views US heg as threatening—in this environment miscalculation, war likely

Lieber, Prof of Gov’t at Georgetown, 2002

[Robert, Eagle Rules: Foreign Policy and American Primacy in the Twenty First Century]

“Why, then, would rulers …a threat to peace.”

Impact is extinction

Strait Times, 6/25/2000, l/n

“THE high-intensity scenario … sovereignty above everything else.”


Multipolarity key to solve inevitable disease outbreak—US unable to go-it-alone to stop it

Weber et al, professor of political science and director of the Institute of International Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, Jan/Fed 2007

[Steven, Naazneen Barma, Matthew Kroenig, and Ely Ratner, How Globalization Went Bad, Foreign Policy, Jesuit Proquest]

“How would things …can't change that alone.”

Unchecked disease spread threatens human survival

South China Morning Post, 1996

[Jan 4, “Leading the way to a cure for AIDS”, l/n]

“Despite the importance … human race," he said”.

US primacy guarantees terrorist attacks—terrorists feel violence is only means to advance their political objectives

Layne, Associate Professor of International Affairs at the Bush School of Gov’t and Public Service at Texas A&M, 2007 [Christopher, American Empire: A Debate, pg. 69-70]

“Terrorism: When Over There Becomes Over Here… groups like al Qaeda.”

Impact is nuclear war and extinction

Sid-Ahmed, 2004

[Mohamed, Extinction!,, 7/7/07, Stevens]

“We have reached a point … we will all be losers.”

Primacy guarantees discretionary federal spending trading off with domestic programs key to the US economy

Layne, Associate Professor of Int’l Affairs at the Bush School of Gov’t and Public Service at Texas A&M, 2007

[Christopher, American Empire: A Debate, pg. 124]

“Why? Because under the Bush … needs here at home.”

Impact is extinction

Bearden, Lt Col US Army, 2000

[Tom, The Unnecessary Energy Crisis,]

“History bears out …for many decades.” 

Hegemony leaves no room for rogue states guaranteeing proliferation and oil shocks. Multipolarity cuts off the temptation to go bad by giving them a place to play

Weber et al, professor of political science and director of the Institute of International Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, Jan/Fed 2007

[Steven, Naazneen Barma, Matthew Kroenig, and Ely Ratner, How Globalization Went Bad, Foreign Policy, Jesuit Proquest]

“Axiom 3: Without a real chance … constraining American power.”

Proliferation causes nuclear war

Scheffran et al, Research Associate at Darmstadt Univ, 1995

[Carlton, Controlling the International Transfer of Weaponry and Related Technology, pg 26]

“For each country …adverse environmental concerns.” 



Global fund

Conditions (on Kenya)


Cap K---rejection alt and African socialism (Saul, the next liberation struggle  2005) 

Security K –

Alt = Its Dillon evidence and Doty, Professor of Political Science at Arizona State University, 2002

[Roxanne Lynn, The Politics of Representation in North-South Relations, pg 170-171]

Other disads

China---relations = war

Dutch Disease

Damien (All Teams) – Affirmative – Chinese Medical Teams

Observation One: The Status Quo

First, China is racing to increase aid, investment, and influence in Africa.  They view it as a critical national security objective.

Gill, Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for International Studies, 2K7 (Bates, “Assessing China’s Growing Influence in Africa,” China Security, Summer, Volume 3, Number 3)

China’s emergence as...a global influence.

Second, The U.S. is also massively increasing its aid and influence in Africa

Gill, Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for International Studies, 2K7 (Bates, “Assessing China’s Growing Influence in Africa,” China Security, Summer, Volume 3, Number 3)

China’s ambitious, new...its oil imports.

Third, The problem is that there is no substantial cooperation between the two.

Gill, Freeman Chair in China Studies at the CSIS, 2K7 (Bates, “China’s Expanding Role in Africa: Implications for the United States,” A Report of the CSIS Delegation to China on China-Africa-U.S. Relations, January,

Up to now...into that commitment.

Plan 1: The United States federal government should pass legislation substantially increasing funding for Chinese medical teams sent to topically designated areas.

Plan 2: The United States federal government should pass legislation substantially increasing grants for Chinese Provincial Health Bureau Medical Team programs for topically designated areas.

Plan 3: The United States federal government should pass legislation substantially increasing assistance to topically designated areas through the provision of grants for Chinese Provincial Health Bureau Medical Team programs in topically designated areas.

Advantage One: Medical Teams

Lack of U.S. funding collapses China’s ability to send medical teams.

Shinn, former ambassador to Burkina Faso & Ethiopia & Professor at Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University, 2K6 (David, “Out of the Box Idea: China, Africa, and the United States Health Care Cooperation,” Washington Journal of Modern China, Volume 8, Number 1, Spring/Summer)

The time has...medical team obligations.

Second, Medical teams are critical to China’s ability to build good-will in Africa and allow them to open new export markets.  Africa is critical to China’s future.

Gu, Chair of East Asian Politics & Director of the Institute of East Asian Politics at Bochum University in Germany, 2K5 (von Wuewu, “China Returns To Africa,” Trends East Asia Study, Number 9, February,

The limited influence...the statistical level.

Third, Exports are critical to sustaining Chinese economic growth.  The alternative is collapse.

Stratfor 9-20-2K7 (“Global Market Brief: Major Economies' Recession-Fighting Tools,”


In China, growth...likely would ensue.

That causes World War Three

Plate, Prof at UCLA, 6-28-2K3 (Tom, “Neo-Cons A Bigger Risk to Bush Than China”, Straits Times)

But imagine a...seems to prefer.

That’s the biggest risk of nuclear war

Knight Ridder 3-10-2K (“Top administration officials warn stakes for U.S. are high in Asian conflicts”)

Few if any...for potential disaster.”

Advantage Two: China

Africa is a critical test case for U.S. Sino aid collaboration.  Now is the time to offer China a bigger stake in setting the foreign aid and global health agenda.

Kurlantzick, Visiting Scholar in the China Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2K6 (Joshua, “Beijing’s Safari: China’s Move into Africa and Its Implications for Aid, Development, and Governance,” Carnegie Endowment Policy Outlook, Number 29, November,


China’s new safari...responsible as well.

Second, It’s a critical time to reengage China and solidify cooperation

Hills, former U.S. Trade Representative, 4-26-2K7 (Carla, “Engaging the New China,” International Herald Tribune)

The relationship between...accordance international norms.

Scenario One: Cold War

First, The plan is critical to building the healthy development of U.S. – Sino relations

Wenping, Researcher with the Institute of West Asian & African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 4-10-2K7 (He, “SINO-US COOPERATION CAN BENEFIT AFRICA EVEN MORE,” China Daily)

As China increasingly...the African people.

Second, The plan is critical to building broad-based cooperation with China across the world

Gill, Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for International Studies, 2K7 (Bates, “Assessing China’s Growing Influence in Africa,” China Security, Summer, Volume 3, Number 3)

Given the rising...a damning confrontation.

Third, Cooperation on health in Africa is a litmus-test for the entire U.S. – Sino relationship.  If we can’t cooperate there, we won’t be able to cooperate anywhere.

Kurlantzick, Visiting Scholar in China Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 11-9-2K6 (Joshua, Continental Shift", The American Prospect,

Still, though some...anywhere else.

Last, Strong U.S. – Sino relations and cooperation prevents extinction.  Cooperation is the only way to solve economic stability, terrorism, crime, prolif, and disease spread.

Wenzhong, PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2-7-2K4 (Zhou, “Vigorously Pushing Forward the Constructive and Cooperative Relationship Between China and the United States,”

China's development needs...China-US relations.

Scenario Two: Hot War

First, Increasing health cooperation is critical to avoiding a strategic trap in Africa.  Lack of cooperation ensures that mutual suspicions will cause U.S. – Sino conflict.

Gill, Freeman Chair in China Studies at the CSIS, 2K7 (Bates, “China’s Expanding Role in Africa: Implications for the United States,” A Report of the CSIS Delegation to China on China-Africa-U.S. Relations, January,

China’s new strategic...civil society spheres.

Second, The focus on securing oil ensures that lack of cooperation escalates to a full geo-strategic conflict between the U.S. and China.

Hatemi, Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2K7 (Peter, “Oil and Conflict in Sino-American Relations,” China Security, Summer, Volume 3, Number 3)

As China’s petroleum...serious geo-strategic conflict.

Third, The plan is critical to building the overall strategic relationship.  It prevents misunderstandings and miscalculations from escalating.

Garrett, Director of Asia Programs and former consultant to the DOD, 2K4 (Banning, “U.S.-China Cooperation on the Problem of Failing States and Transnational Threats, USIP Special Report, Special Report Number 126,

The United States...their bilateral relationship.

Fourth, The risk of miscalculation is high.  Even in a world where nobody wants a war, absent better cooperation, increased U.S. assistance will be misperceived.  It will cause a miscalculated conflict between the U.S. and China.

Hatemi, Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2K7 (Peter, “Oil and Conflict in Sino-American Relations,” China Security, Summer, Volume 3, Number 3)

Because the economies...lead to war.

Conflict escalates and causes nuclear war

Johnson, Journalist, 5-14-2K1 (Chalmers, “Time to Bring the Troops Home,” The Nation, Volume 272, Number 19)

China is deterrent effect.

And, It destroys civilization

Cheong, Journalist, 2K1 (China, Will Taiwan Break Away? The Rise of Taiwanese Nationalism, p. 7)

The US estimates...above everything else.

Observation Two: Solvency

First, the plan increases the number of Chinese Medical Teams solving African health problems and boosts U.S. - Sino relations

Shinn, former ambassador to Burkina Faso & Ethiopia & Professor at Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University, 2K6 (David, “Out of the Box Idea: China, Africa, and the United States Health Care Cooperation,” Washington Journal of Modern China, Volume 8, Number 1, Spring/Summer)

Although there are...the Gates Foundation.

Second, the plan is necessary to build strategic trust between the U.S. and China – Which is the only way to ensure the success of other strategies of engagement.

Frost, Research Fellow at Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, Visiting Fellow at the Institute for International Economics, former Counselor to the USTR, 2K4 (Dr. Ellen, “Preventing State Failure: Steps Toward Closer Cooperation Between China and the United States,” Presented at The U.S.-China Conference on Areas of Instability and Emerging Threats,

The second and...of strategic trust.

Third, Arguments about whether Chinese aid is good or bad are irrelevant.  We can’t kick China out even if we wanted to.

Amosu, Senior Policy Analyst for Africa at the Open Society Institute, 3-9-2K7 (Akwe, “China in Africa: It’s (Still) the Governance, Stupid,” FPIF Discussion Paper,

China is effectively...could do so.

The plan is topical.  It is U.S. public health assistance provided through grant partners to sub-Saharan Africa.  They will not have a better card than this.

US AID (last updated – no publication date) 11-5-2K7 (“Doing Business With USAID,


USAID conducts competition…as “American aid.”

And, This is consistent with how aid actually works.  Most aid is given through third parties.

Engber, Slate Magazine Contributing Columnist, 5-26-2K5 (Daniel, consulted with Steve Radlet of the Center for Global Development & Roslyn Matthews of USAD for the article, “Do Governments Take Checks?: How the United States gives foreign aid,”

On Thursday, the...often minimally involved.

Last, Our policy of engagement is not a strategy of appeasement.  It is the only way to ensure that China becomes a responsible stakeholder in the international system while protecting our interests

Perry, Former Secretary of Defense, 10-30-95 (William, “U.S. Strategy: Engage China, Not Contain It,” Remarks as delivered by Secretary of Defense William H. Perry to the Washington State China Relations Council,

China is, any price.

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