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Berkley 1AC

The United States federal government should provide support to family planning programs south of the Sahara in Africa, regardless of their promotion of abortion.

1ac leadership adv

Advantage one is leadership--

The gag rule has caused massive waves of clinic closures in sub-Saharan Africa—this undermines health diplomacy and destroys maternal health

Motluk, 4 (Alison, New Scientist, “A healthy strategy for whom exactly?”, 10/9)

The impact of the Mexico City policy ….in New York.

The impact is 700 deaths a day

Frederick T. Sai, advisor to the president of Ghana on HIV/AIDS, Sept/Oct 2004 (

Pregnancy and unsafe abortion are … pregnancies and deliveries.

And, these ideological restrictions placed by the gag rule are detrimental to U.S. global health leadership—destroys US global health coordination that’s key to prevent the spread of rapidly emerging drug-resistant diseases

Ingram, 5 (Alan, Policy officer @ The Nuffield Trust (UK based health policy trust) & the lecturer in geography @ the University College London, Global Leadership and Global Health: Contending Meta-narratives, Divergent Responses, Fatal Consequences, International Relations,

Global health problems are … most significant divergence of all.

These diseases will cause extinction

Fox, 98 (C. William, M.D., Command Surgeon – Joint Readiness Training Center, “Phantom Warriors”, Parameters, Winter,

The diseases to be discussed are among the primary …. with the problems.

And, there’s a massive risk of a major pandemic now

s, Aug 23, 2007

Infectious diseases are … misuse of antibiotics.

1ac population adv

Advantage two is population—

USAID just increased family planning assistance

Daily Times, 1/23/08,

ISLAMABAD: The United States …, families and lives.

African population is sky-rocketing --- the most recent studies definitively disprove prior research --- plan solves

Flechet, 1/8/08 (Gregory, coordinator and DIC @ Institut de recherche pour le développement, French development thinktank, press release, “Sub-Saharan Africa: the population emergency”)

The report of a … development policies.

Subpoint A-environment—

This rapid population growth in sub-Saharan Africa destroys biodiversity and food security and makes all other efforts at development and reducing poverty impossible

Lelo et al, 2k (Dr. Francis, Ph.D, is senior lecturer and head of the department of environmental science @ Egerton University, Sustainable Use and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, IUCN, July,

The crux of this paper is that …being the ultimate losers.

Food insecurity is the root cause of African and global instability

Trudell 5, Robert H., JD Candidate @ Syrcause Law, Fall 2005, Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce, 33 Syracuse J., Int’l L. & Com. 277

Food security deserves its place in any …. the same amount of food.

Loss of biodiversity causes extinction

The Straits Times, Nirmal Ghosh, Thailand Correspondent, November 16, 2007

They concluded that more than 16,… until it is too late.'

Subpoint B-terrorism—

Status quo War on Terror strategies will inevitably fail without addressing the root causes of terrorism in Africa

Princeton N. Lyman, former U.S. Ambassador to South Africa and Nigeria & Ralph Bunche Senior Fellow and Director of Africa Policy Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, and J. Stephen Morrison, Director of the Africa Program and Task Force on HIV/AIDS at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, “The Terrorist Threat in Africa”, Foreign Affairs, Jan-Feb 2004, lexis

On August 7, 1998, two massive bombs exploded… are to be advanced.

Terrorist recruitment in Sub-Saharan Africa poses a unique threat to global security --- only U.S. led family planning efforts solve

Richard Cincotta, senior research associate at Population Action International - a policy research organization in Washington, D.C, State of the World 2005 Global Security Brief #2: Youth Bulge, Underemployment Raise Risks of Civil Conflict, World Watch Institute, March 1, 2005,

Washington, DC— From continent to continent… through the UN Population Fund.

And, we control long-term uniqueness --- absent family planning, the Horn of Africa will collapse under uncontrolled population growth, unleashing widespread conflict and serving as a springboard for international terrorism

The Economist, “The path to ruin - The Horn of Africa”, August 12, 2006, lexis

A region endangered by Islamists, guns and… education a girl has, the fewer children she is likely to have.

Family planning can eliminate terrorism quickly --- comparatively more effective than any other terrorism prevention measure

Bruce Sundquist, Ph. D., Metallurgy from IIT, Senior Engineer in Westinghouse’s Advanced Reactors Division, Edition 6 - August, 2007,

Supporting family planning… infrastructure associated with going to war.

Africa’s the primary source of international terrorism --- only effective family planning can solve a long-term spillover

Robert I. Rotberg, Director of the Belfer Center’s Program on Intrastate conflict and Conflict Resolution at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University & adjunct Professor of public policy & former member of the Secretary of State’s Advisory Panel of Africa in 03-04, Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa, Brookings Institution Press, 2005, p 93-4

Ethiopia has experienced… regimes in neighboring states. 3

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