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Politics Link Turns BUSH GOOD

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Politics Link Turns


plan is a win – saves millions of lives, WINNERS WIN

Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute 9/10/01 (Norman, Roll Call “Congress Inside Out”) 

“The compromise accomplished two ends. First, it changed the agenda base… thought he would lose on CAFE standards for SUVs.” 

foreign aid is a concession for bush. concessions key.

Dugger, 2-2-07 (Celia W. Dugger, staff writer, New York Times. “Bush Gets Aid of Democrats in Fighting Pandemics.” 

“At a time of intensifying…Bush will need the Democrats to sustain the growth.” 

a. Water is universally popular – all sides agree – the ability to stop water related problems is

Kyriakou, 05

(Niko Kyriakou, reporter,, progressive news organization. “U.S. Congress Pledges to Double Funds to Fight World's #1 Killer: Unsafe Water.” 11-29-05. 

“A widely unnoticed… on November 16.”s 

B. Popular acts don’t cost political capital – they boost it

ROBERTS 11/9/04 Political Science BA, University of New Mexico [Dane, “Democrats need sharp vision,” Daily Lobo, via University Wire] 

“Rivers and Rose thus show us that Bond and Fleischer’s are… too limited in scope to be relied upon in this context.” 

A. plan is bipartisan

Keating, 06 (Center for Strategic and International Studies, Laura Keating, Global Strategy Institute, March 22, 2006) 

“In late 2005, Congress highlighted the importance …State Department and USAID.” 

B. bipart = key

Thompson, 07 (Fred Thompson, U.S. Senator, Presidential Candidate, “First Blogger?”, on PajamasMedia blogsite, May 23 2007, 

“I believe this direct communication and …continue this conversation.”



the plan is a win, we save millions of people and eliminate poverty and diseases, both parties agree that foreign aid is necessary. and Winners lose – bush’s past victories prove

Jeremy Weidenhof, writer for the Lone Star Times, 2007 

“The economy is probably one of the President’s …the House Foreign Relations Committee.” 

A. Fiscal restraints and lack of political will make the “water for the poor” act unpopular

CSIS  2005 ( Global Water Futures Center for Strategic and International Studies, Sandia National Laboratories, September 30, 

“More money could be devoted to official development …the House Foreign Relations Committee.” 

B.Unpopular plans bad for the agenda – bills fail when popularity drops – but it doesn’t increase when it rises

LIGHT  99  Senior Fellow at the Center for Public Service

[Paul C., the President’s Agenda:  Domestic Policy Choice from Kennedy to Clinton, 3rd Edition] p. 28LIGHT  99  Senior Fellow at the Center for Public Service 

“As with virtually every other development program… however, that the lower the margin, the less the opportunity for coattails.” 

A. The plan is a flip-flop – Bush has resisted expansion of African water programs

AP, 5-16-07 (“U.N. official tells U.S. Congress about worldwide water deficit.”

“Rep. Donald Payne, a Democrat… State Department of ignoring the spirit of the legislation” 

“As with virtually every other development program… however, that the lower the margin, the less the opportunity for coattails.” 

B. Flip flops jack Bush’s agenda

Fitts ‘96

(Michael A., Professor of Law @ University of Pennsylvania Law School, Penn LR, Jan)  

“Centralized and visible power and ultimate weakness.”

Fullerton Union GS – Negative


Uniqueness – Democrats will win the white house in 2008

      Moulitsas 11/26/07 (Newsweek) 

Bush’s Popularity is key to republicans retaining the white house in 2008

      Sorg 5/2/07 (The Independent Weekly) 

Giving aid is popular – any reason it’s unpopular is based on misinformation

      Evans 5/07 (The Soapbox) 


India Deal 

Link – Aid to Africa jacks Bush’s political capital –funding health assistance trades off with Bush’s ability to pass 123.

Institute for International Economics 05


And Unique Internal Link, Political capital is key to passage of the deal.

Financial Times, 7/22

(Jo Johnson, Asia-Pacific, India, “US-India talks leave N-deal unclear,” 

Impact – the 123 agreement is key to sustaining good US-India relations.

Schaffer, 7/12, Director for the South Asia Program with the Center for Strategic & International Studies, Former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia & Former Ambassador to Sri Lanka

(Teresita, "Nuclear friends in need: Increasing business and education ties between India and the US lead to shared foreign-policy interests," Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, 

And, US-India relations prevent Indo-Pak conflict.

Rashid, 7/23, Former Bangladesh Ambassador to the UN, Geneva

(Harun ur, The Daily Star, Vol. 5, Num. 1118, “Growing US-India relationship,” 

Finally, Indo-Pak war is the most likely chance of extinction.

Fai, 2001, Executive Director of the Washington-based Kashmiri American Council

(Dr. Ghulam Nabi, “India Pakistan Summit and the Issue of Kashmir,” 7/8, Washington Times, 


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