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Loss of biodiversity causes extinction The Straits Times, Nirmal Ghosh, Thailand Correspondent, November 16, 2007 They concluded that more than 16,… until it is too late.'

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Loss of biodiversity causes extinction
The Straits Times, Nirmal Ghosh, Thailand Correspondent, November 16, 2007
They concluded that more than 16,… until it is too late.'

Subpoint B-terrorism—

Status quo War on Terror strategies will inevitably fail without addressing the root causes of terrorism in Africa
Charlene D. Jefferson, Lieutenant Colonel, United States Air Force, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Strategic Studies Degree at the U.S. Army War College, under Margaret K. McMillion, former ambassador to Rwanda, Strategic Studies Institute, USAWC STRATEGY RESEARCH PROJECT, THE BUSH AFRICAN POLICY: FIGHTING THE GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM, 3/15/06,
Traditionally, Africa has had a … to see lasting progress against this enemy.

Terrorist recruitment in Sub-Saharan Africa poses a unique threat to global security --- only U.S. led family planning efforts solve
Richard Cincotta, senior research associate at Population Action International - a policy research organization in Washington, D.C, State of the World 2005 Global Security Brief #2: Youth Bulge, Underemployment Raise Risks of Civil Conflict, World Watch Institute, March 1, 2005,
Washington, DC— From continent to continent… through the UN Population Fund.

And, we control long-term uniqueness --- absent family planning, the Horn of Africa will collapse under uncontrolled population growth, unleashing widespread conflict and serving as a springboard for international terrorism
The Economist, “The path to ruin - The Horn of Africa”, August 12, 2006, lexis
A region endangered by Islamists, guns and… education a girl has, the fewer children she is likely to have.

Family planning can eliminate terrorism quickly --- comparatively more effective than any other terrorism prevention measure
Bruce Sundquist, Ph. D., Metallurgy from IIT, Senior Engineer in Westinghouse’s Advanced Reactors Division, Edition 6 - August, 2007, st1/terror.html
Supporting family planning… improved East-West relations

Africa’s the primary source of international terrorism --- only effective family planning can solve a long-term spillover
Robert I. Rotberg, Director of the Belfer Center’s Program on Intrastate conflict and Conflict Resolution at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University & adjunct Professor of public policy & former member of the Secretary of State’s Advisory Panel of Africa in 03-04, Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa, Brookings Institution Press, 2005, p 93-4
Ethiopia has experienced… regimes in neighboring states. 3

Terrorists in Africa can and will get nukes to use against the US
Cohen, 5 (Ariel, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at Heritage, 5/20, “Preventing a Nightmare Scenario: Terrorist Attacks Using Russian Nuclear Weapons and Materials,” /Research/HomelandSecurity /bg1854.cfm)
Osama bin Laden has called … bomb. The IAEA has documented cases of HEU theft.[11]

A nuclear terror attack invites Russian and Chinese aggression and causes massive U.S. retaliation against the muslim world—guarantees the termination of the planet
Corsi 5 [Jerome, PhD - harvard, Atomic Iran, pg176-8]
The combination of horror and outrage that will surge upon the nation… absorb the blow and recover.

And, an attack is inevitable absent the plan
Graham Allison, director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, the Douglas Dillon Professor of Government and the faculty chair of the Dubai Initiative at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, “The Three 'Nos' Knows,”11/12/07, The National Interest
How Serious is the Threat of Nuclear Terrorism? … hide it in a bale of marijuana.

1ac solvency


An increase in US support for family planning’s essential to curb overpopulation and lower fertility rates.
Easterbrook, 99 (Greg, senior editor @ new republic, current fellow @ brookings institute, “Reproductivity,” 10/11, p. New Republic)
To sustain the presently favorable trends in … more than contraception.

US must take the lead in family planning or else lose valuable time and expertise—it’s key to program sustainability
Susan A. Cohen, policy development associate at the Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1997 ( /ib15.html)
For this small price, the U.S. population … and Depo-Provera.

Increasing US family planning is the only way to sustain global involvement
Wendy Turnbull, policy analyst at PAI, January 1996 ( /articles/mi_m0KDK/is_1996_Jan _1/ai_n18607203/pg_1)
Currently, about three-quarters of the roughly $4 billion spent …. in a more integrated manner.

USAID involvement’s essential to engaging African leaders solving for local adaptation

Donald S. Shepard health policy at Brandeis University, June 3 (Studies in Family Planning 34.2)
The regionalization strategy featured a forced … management and ensured consistent messages.

Increasing family planning access quickly stabilizes population rates

Brown, 3. – President of the Earth Policy Institute (Lester, Chapter 10 Responding to the social challenge. Plan B: Rescuing a planet under stress and a civilization in trouble. 2003. /Books/PB/PBch10_ss2.htm)
Slowing world population …children per family.

Democracy promotion adv

(we sometimes read this at the end, if time)

A. The gag rule hurts democracy promotion

Zampas, 02 Center for Reproductive Rights' Legal Adviser for Europe (Christina, "European Parliamentarians Speak Out, Bush Abortion Policy Hinders Other Nation’s Funding to Developing Countries" http://www.reproductiverights .org/pr_02_0605zampasggr.html)
NEW YORK "__Yesterday__, members of the Dutch, … time President Bush listened to his allies."

B. The plan’s key to fostering stable democratic transitions

CRR, 2003 (“Breaking the Silence: The Global Gag Rule’s Impact on Unsafe Abortion,” http://www.reproductiverights .org/pdf/bo_ggr.pdf)
It has long been recognized that … authoritarian manner.

C. Democracy promotion is solves multiple scenarios for extinction

Diamond, 95 (Larry Diamond, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, December 1995, Promoting Democracy in the 1990s, /ccpdc/pubs/di/1.htm)
OTHER THREATS This hardly exhausts the … and prosperity can be built.

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