1. What if a document has no date?

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1. What if a document has no date?

A. It MUST have a date. If it doesn’t, it’s not a reliable source and can’t be used.

B. Use the date when you found it as the date of the document.

C. Write n.d. (that means “no date”) instead of a date.

D. Skip the date part and just write Author and then Title.
2. What if the computer underlines and colors the source’s Internet address?

A. That’s good. That proves that it’s a real source.

B. That’s bad. The address should only be underlined, not a different color.

C. That’s bad. Just don’t use the address on the reference page.

D. That’s bad. Stop it from underlining and coloring addresses.
3. What if a source has 10 authors?

A. That’s impossible. Only 1 person can be the author.

B. Write the name of the first author only.

C. Write the names of all 10 authors.

D. Write the names of the first 6 authors and the last author.

4. When do you use p. and pp. on a reference page?

A. Page numbers for newspapers.

B. Just page numbers for Internet documents.

C. Page numbers for newspapers, magazines, journals.

5. What if you write down the Internet address of a source incorrectly?

A. Your reader won’t be able to find it and will not trust your information.

B. It’s OK if you wrote down the author, date, and title correctly.

C. Your computer won’t underline and color it.

D. The document will be removed from the Internet.
6. Chang, A. (2001, August 13). Post-Castro Cuba. ABC News. Retrieved from http://abcnews.go .com/sections/world/DailyNews/cuba010813_castro75.html

  1. Circle the TRUE statement

a. This source was written by ABC News.

b. This source is on Chang’s personal web page.

c. This is an online news article.

d. The title of the article should be written as “Post-castro cuba.”

7. Himalayan Trust. (n.d.). Education in the Solokhumbu. Retrieved November 10, 2003, from


  1. Circle the FALSE statement

a. This source has no author.

b. This source is titled Education in the Solokhumbu.

c. http://www.himalayan-trust.org/Schooling.htm takes you directly to this source

d. This source is from a non-governmental organization’s website

8. Human Rights Watch. (2003, July 9). China: Police violence against HIV-positive protestors.

Retrieved from http://www.hrw.org/press/2003/07/china070903.html

  1. Circle the TRUE statement

a. This source is an article in a periodical.

b. This source is written by an organization and it's on the organization’s own website.

c. The words violence, against, positive, and protestors should be capitalized.

d. The organization's name should be written as HRW.

9. Investment New Zealand. (2003). Why NZ? Retrieved May 22, 2003, from http://www

.investnewzealand .govt.nz/page_Article/0,1300,3030,00.html
Circle the TRUE statement.

a. Investment New Zealand is the title of this document.

b. This source is from a periodical.

c. The address is divided correctly.

d. The source was written on May 22, 2003.
10. Reid, R. T. (2003, April 27). The Sherpas. National Geographic, 57, 42.

  1. Circle the FALSE statement

a. This source was on page 42 in the magazine.

b. This source is an article from National Geographic magazine.

c. This source was in volume 57 of the magazine.

d. This source was found on an online database.

11. Stanson, L. (2006, March 3). Symptoms of lung cancer. In Lung cancer and you (sect. 4). Retrieved from International Lung Group website:

Circle the FALSE statement.

  1. This source is a section in a larger document.

  2. The source was found on the International Lung Group’s website.

  3. The address is written correctly.

  4. The title of the source is “Symptoms of lung cancer.”

12. Every line in a reference page must be

a. single-spaced

b. 1.5-line-spaced

c. double-spaced

d. double spaced between sources, singled spaced for one source
13. Number these sources 1-6, in the correct order they should appear on a reference page.
_____ Charles, L. (2008). My mother is…
_____ The coolest kid. (2007). The Economist
_____ Charles, L. (2006b). Get the bad guys. The Washington Post
_____ Charles, L. (2006a). Bad boys. The New York Times…
_____ Carson, J., & Slim, L. (2007). Big bad bears….
_____ Crayson, P., & Jefforson, T. (2000). Mama Mia

1.C; 2.D; 3.D; 4.A; 5.A; 6.C; 7.A The author is an organization, Himalayan Trust; 8.B; 9.C;10.D If it was from an online database, it would have a retrieval statement; 11.C The address should start on the second line, be divided before a punctuation mark, and then continue on the third line; 12.C;

13. Carson, J., & Slim, L. (2007). Big bad bears

Charles, L. (2006a, March 4). Bad boys. The New York Times…

Charles, L. (2006b). Get the bad guys.

Charles, L. (2008). My mother is…

The coolest kid. (2007). The Economist

Crayson, P., & Jefforson, T. (2000). Mama Mia

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