Academic Program Review Policy Summary

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Academic Program Review
Policy Summary: The aim of the Academic Program Review at Fort Lewis College is to improve the quality of its academic programs. All degree and certificate-granting academic programs/majors will engage in program review every 7 years or in accordance with external accreditation requirements.
Policy statement

All degree and certificate-granting academic programs will engage in program review every 7 years or in accordance with external accreditation requirements, and will follow explicitly the program review procedures accompanying this policy. Non-degree or certificate-granting programs may go through program review at the request of the Dean or Provost. Externally accredited programs are required to address specific Fort Lewis College program review questions. Academic program reviews that are not part of the 7 year program review, but are at the prerogative of the dean, should not be scheduled at the same time as the 7 year academic program review.

Reason for policy

In accordance with Colorado Higher Education Statute 23-1-107(3) and the Higher Learning Commission accreditation criteria 4.a.1, all institutions of higher education shall engage in systematic review of their academic programs. The Higher Learning Commission accreditation criteria 4.a.4 states that the institution must maintain authority over the rigor of courses and expectations for student learning. At Fort Lewis College this oversight occurs within the program review process.

Failure to comply

Failure to comply with this policy will result in notification to the Board of Trustees that the program is out of statutory compliance. Additional sanctions may include placement of the program in a receivership, disciplinary action against the program faculty under Section 17 ii of the Faculty Handbook, or elimination of the program. Sanctions may be applied for noncompliance.

Scope of policy

Faculty Programs or departments (11/12/14)

Accountability for policy


1. The academic Dean will be responsible for notifying department chairs of timing and procedures for program review.

  1. Procedures for applying for completing program review can be found in the faculty handbook [add link]

Responsibility for Procedures

The Provost is responsible for all procedures associated with this policy.

Credit hour - Consistent with USDOE, HLC and CCHE, for face-to-face courses one semester credit shall be equal to not less than 1 hour (50 minutes) of direct faculty instruction plus two hours of out-of-class work over the span of 15 weeks (to include final exam week). Credit Hour Policy
Rigor – Pending faculty discussion and definition

Cross-Referenced Policies
Credit Hour Policy

Academic Program Review Procedures 11/14/2014 draft

The aim of the Academic Program Review at Fort Lewis College is to improve the quality of its academic programs/majors. The program review provides department faculty, the College administration and the Board of Trustees with critical information about the quality, size, strengths, weaknesses, students, resources, and contributions of each program/major to the mission of the college. This process facilitates discussion about change and developing strategies for improvement. The Academic Program Review process not only assesses the current state of a program/major, but is forward-looking and focused on improvement. The aim is to assess what and how well our students are learning in each distinct department/program, while at the same time achieving the college-wide Liberal Education Outcomes.

There are four distinct parts of the program review process:

To begin the planning process the department chair or program director will submit a timeline outlining the review plan to the appropriate dean. The outline of the review plan will include identifying faculty responsible for addressing each of the criteria, a timeline for completing activities, and suggestions for the review team.

The department chair or program director and the dean review the timeline and set the specific steps for completing the review, including organizing the review team. Review teams will include both internal and external reviewers. The process for recommending and approving internal and external review team personnel will be as follows. The department will provide recommendations for internal and external review team personnel to the dean. If the dean does not agree with the submitted list, he/she will provide reasons and alternative recommendations to the department. If the department does not agree with the dean’s alternative list, the department will provide a second list with reasons for not approving the dean’s alternative recommendations. If the dean does not agree to the department’s new list, arbitration will be conducted by the provost who will be provided with the reasons of both groups for lack of approval of the recommended reviewers.

During the planning process, the dean and the department chair or program director will discuss specific questions, expectations, and/or issues pertaining to the review process. The department chair or program director will submit the review plan to the dean by October 15 for review and approval. Feedback will be provided to the department chair or program director by October 30.

    The department or program faculty will complete a comprehensive and evaluative self-study with information focusing on student learning data, curriculum, faculty, and resources. Programs are also encouraged to engage in evidence-based long-range planning. Each self-study must address criteria in four areas: program information, student learning, program assessment, and faculty. Included will be goals for the future, a timeline for accomplishing those goals, and follow-up plans for addressing problems identified in the review process. The self-study will be completed and submitted to the dean by January 20.

All self-studies must include, at a minimum, the following information:

A) Program Information

  1. Identify the program/major mission description statements and program/major learning outcomes

  2. Specify the degree requirements for the program/major, using the format of the catalog description of the program/major

  3. Demonstrate the alignment between course and program/major learning outcomes, national standards and expectations in the discipline or profession, and the College-wide learning outcomes

  4. Demonstrate the alignment between course and curricular goals, courses, and prerequisites

  5. Describe the methods used to ensure comparable learning outcomes among multiple sections of a course

  6. Describe efforts to assure that required courses and electives are offered on a schedule to meet the needs of various student constituencies

  7. Describe the advisement procedures and the way the department/program assesses advisement effectiveness

  8. Discuss the adequacy of the infrastructure supporting the program/major: physical facilities, technology, resources, general infrastructure

B) Student Learning

  1. Provide assessment results and evidence that the information is being utilized by the program/major to make needed adjustments

  2. Provide examples of outcome measurements and results that provide evidence of student learning

  3. Provide follow-up data from Institutional Research on graduate placement for the last five years. Indicate year(s) of data collected and total number of student responses: percentage employed in the field, percentage employed elsewhere, percentage seeking employment, and percent-age continuing education.

  4. Provide the results data from of any alumni follow-up surveys

C) Program assessment

  1. Through the examination of syllabi from across the program/major, show evidence that courses are consistent with the fundamental identity of the original course proposed and approved by Curriculum Committee in terms of:

  • Consistency of learning outcomes

  • Credit hour and Rigor (as defined in the Program Review Policy)

  • Pedagogy / type of instruction

  1. Describe and evaluate departmental/program procedures for the development, review, and evaluation of courses

  2. Analyze the effectiveness of the program/major in achieving its goals and learning outcomes in the discipline based on annual assessment report data. Describe the procedures, criteria, and methods used for this assessment

  3. Analyze the effectiveness of the program/major in achieving its goals and objectives in general education. Describe the procedures, criteria, and methods used for this assessment.

  4. Describe the curricular or programmatic changes that have been implemented based on yearly assessment of student learning data

  5. Include an assessment of the program/major’s strengths and weaknesses making reference to assessment data as available.

  6. Describe how the program/major distributes its assessment responsibilities across faculty

  7. Identify future plans and goals; evidence of sustainable program planning

  8. Identify the program/major’s activities designed to enhance the success of freshman and the retention of students through graduation. Use student data to support your results.

D) Faculty

  1. Provide a list of program/major faculty, indicating rank and length of time at FLC

  2. Explain how the training and interests of the faculty contribute to appropriate breadth of the program/major’s mission description. Indicate areas, if any, in which greater strength would beneficial.

  3. Analyze the teaching loads and how they are distributed among faculty by rank, full-, part-time, and teaching assistants (number of courses/number of students).

  4. Highlight faculty innovations in teaching

  5. Describe the recent scholarly and creative contributions of the program/major faculty that are important to the program/major learning outcomes

  6. Describe the faculty members’ service activities to the university, such as committee work, administrative work, public service, and other activities that contribute to the fulfillment of the program/major’s mission description in relation to the university and the community

  7. Identify the steps taken to assure that faculty members maintain currency in their disciplines and the activities that result in the continuing growth of the faculty

In addition, include any other issues as determined by the Dean and the VPAA.

The review team spends approximately two days meeting with faculty, students, department or program staff, the respective dean and the VPAA. The review team will evaluate the quality of the program/major and submit a report using the template provided. The team looks to see that a critical inquiry was completed and that alignment exists between the evidence and the report findings. The review team will submit its report, written by the external reviewer and edited by the internal reviewer, to the appropriate dean for review no later than May April 1. The dean will provide a draft of her/his report of the review to the department chair or program director, the VPAA, and the Director of Assessment by May April 15th. The department/program will provide comments to the report regarding their program/major review by April 20th. By April 30th the dean submits the final report of the program/major review. If the department/program has concerns regarding the dean’s final report, the department/program may provide the Board of Trustees with a rebuttal by May 5th. The dean and the VPAA will meet with the program/major faculty during the following fall term to discuss the report and to set the program/major agenda for the next several years (goals, problems to address, improvements and advancements desired, timelines for each).

The Dean and VPAA will work together to summarize the review activities and prepare a report to the Board of Trustees based on the goal of continuous improvement of our academic programs/majors. If the department/program has concerns regarding the summary report they may provide a rebuttal that will be included in the report to the Board of Trustees. Presentation to the Trustees will occur at the May/June meeting. At the request of the Trustees, this summary will include the following elements extracted from the program review:

  • Evidence of student learning and student achievement towards meeting program/major learning outcomes and institutional Liberal Education Learning Outcomes

  • An executive summary of yearly assessment results including improvements made by the program/major

  • A list of the chair or director and program /major faculty and staff, including rank/title and how long each has been at Fort Lewis College

  • A table showing numbers of program majors and program graduates in the program/major for the last reporting period

  • Evidence of placement of graduates into graduate and professional programs or employment

  • A statement of program/major accomplishments during the review period and problems that need to be addressed

  • A description of program/major plans for the future, including assignment of responsibilities and a timeline

  • An attachment of course listings for the program/major

  • Degree requirements for all majors and minors in the program/department



October 15

Department chair/program director submits program/major review timeline to the dean for review and approval

October 30

The dean will review program/major timeline and meet with department chair/program director to finalize the review plan

January 20

Department/program will complete the self-study and submit report to the dean for review

May April 1

Review team will submit report to dean

May April 10

The dean sends draft report to department chair/program director, Director of Assessment, and VPAA

April 20

The department/program provides comments to the dean regarding the draft report

April 30

The dean submits the final report of the program/major review.

May 5

Department/program provides a rebuttal to the report


Dean and VPAA present summary of findings to Board of Trustees and any rebuttal to the report from the program/major

Fall term, following academic year

The dean and the VPAA will meet with the department during the following fall term to discuss the report and to set the departmental agenda for the next several years

Blue font color represents changes recommended by Academic Policy Committee. Red font color represents changes by the Handbook Committee

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