August 9, 2015 Call to order (saa): Meeting called to order at 1: 07pm Pledge of Allegiance

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August 9, 2015

Call to order (SAA): Meeting called to order at 1:07pm

Pledge of Allegiance (SAA): SAA and Marine MC

Invocation (Chaplain / Volunteer): Preacher, Centauros MC

Moment of Silence for our Military / First Responders and fallen brothers and sisters (Chair)

Welcome (Chair) – Welcomes membership, guests and thanks Elks staff for hosting, serving of BBQ and desserts by Combat Vets Ladies Aux. Selling 50/50 tickets for Waco Defense fund. Photos showing unity!

Roll Call: (Sec)

-The following board members present: Willie (Combat Vets), Scar (VNV/LV MC), Tex Bandidos MC, Dave (Centauros MC), JT (Combat Vets) and Ratchet Man (Independent)

-Member organizations present: Bandidos MC, Blox Starz, Brotherhood 74, Centauros MC, Combat Vets, Dominion, Embudos MC, Guardians of the Children, Lumbre, Marines MC, Ruff Ryders, Soldados MC, Survivors, The Huns, Vaqueros, Vietnam Vets / Legacy Vets MC

-Member organizations absent: Badland Saints, Christian Riders, Freedom Riders, Guerreros, Iron Sons, Pack

-Guest organizations present: OG’s (Originals), Regulators, Rifa, American Veterans and several out of state organizations.

CoC Lawyer: Legal updates: Discussed hiring of private investigator, former Texas Ranger Bill Smith, as an independent investigator of the Waco incident. Little updates available due to court restrictions on pending legal cases in Waco. Mongols MC save the patch case moving forward positively. Ensure that you submit any and all incident reports so that any profiling cases may be addressed.
U.S. Defenders / NMMRO: Upcoming NM Legislation, 2016 NCOM is in Atlantic City and 2017 NCOM will be held in Reno, both on Mother’s Day weekend in May. (SNMCOC will select and send a representative). See attached CALL TO ACTION

-web page updates

+google calendar link, event flyers, call to action and no color establishments

+please forward your event details and flyers early to Chair to get placed on calendar. This allows SNMCoC members to plan to support events in their area.

Chairman Notes:

-July Denver National CoC meeting notes

In July representatives from all state CoC were called to a meeting of patch holding clubs in Denver, due to great concern of threats to each of our patches, profiling and RICO prosecutions in the wake of the Waco incident. Most of the state CoC’s were represented from all regions, all the 1% clubs were represented. All agreed to set aside individual disputes and remain neutral for these meetings in order to come together for a common good. Both JT and I represented the SNMCoC and we were joined by Bandido Tom Tom and War Hippie Mikey from the NNMCOC and we welcomed and treated very well.

-This was not a meeting of the NCOM organizations, nor was it intended to replace or NCOM, nor was it intended to contradict the work being done by Richard Lester’s law firm.

-Meeting was called to allow a forum for the patch holding clubs to communicate separately, while allowing us to continue to participate with the NCOM organizations.

-There was little additional information available about the cases in Waco due to pending legal actions and RICO concerns. However, several of the Christian motorcycle clubs have taken the lead on the collection and distribution of aid to the families in Waco through the umbrella of some of the churches in order to not to appear to have a conflict of interest and to account for all funds donated. The ACLU has now become involved with the Waco cases and looking at class action suits related to constitutional violations.

-Primary concern was that there was little or no public relations voice in the media to counter the false information being fed to the media in Waco and causing the public to have negative perceptions about motorcycle clubs and what the real objectives of the CoC’s are. How do we respond in the future, when this happens again? In order to effectively counter these negative publicity, prevent profiling, protect our right to wear patches, meet, and put a stop to RICO actions, we must all stand united and speak with one voice. Our power in in our numbers and standing together, no matter which patch we wear. To accomplish this it was determined it would be best to form a separate organization of patch holders to allow better communication between CoCs in the states and unify our public relation responses. The National Council of Clubs was formed (confederation/coalition of clubs already trademarked) and that we should meet periodically several times a year. We voted to appoint a Spokesperson to represent the CoC’s as a whole with one united voice. David “Double D” Devereaux from Washington state has stepped up to the challenge. He is well respected, spoken and will represent us perfectly. He will coordinate rapid responses to media events that may affect us.

Double D has already been hard at work.

-In order to have a wider and more credible voice as Spokesperson for Confederations and patch holders at a national level, he is working on increasing the reach of our voice and credibility of our messages. He started a "Public Figure" page on Facebook as part of this strategy, to LIKE and FOLLOW the page. This will help him be a more visible and effective Spokesperson going forward. 

-National COC webpage will be created and will include forums, contacts from each state, state links, discussion boards and can be encrypted with the primary purpose of improving the communication between states and clubs. Central location for information, Cost estimate $5 per state per year.

1. January 16, 2016 Meeting: things are moving along well and we have a confirmed hotel for our second Council of Clubs meeting in Gulfport Mississippi on January 16, 2016. The Alabama COC is working on an announcement with all details. I plan to attend and will cover my own cost.

2. The Rapid Response Media plan is developing well too. He is working with a nationally syndicated attorney named Brent Coon that will be one of the civil attorneys in Waco. He asked Double D to be spokesperson for the community for his legal efforts there. He also offered to make his national media network connections available to us. The model and access to the media has been secured.
3. The PR Committee is next. He have quite a few people in mind, but he would ultimately like to implement a very good suggestion from a patch holder from New Jersey that suggested we try and have a contact in every state. So that's the goal.
It will initially begin with regional, then build state by state. We have to find top notch people though.
4. Forming the Entity: He is working with Jerry T, Wade Eldridge and Mike Myers, all proven motorcycle attorneys in support of our goals, to file for a 501c4 nonprofit political organization. The Council will be structured so the membership controls all decisions. A trademark and bank account will be secured by the 501c4 so the membership controls it. A CPA will monitor and there will be ABSOLUTE TRANSPARENCY WITH ALL MONEY INVOLVED.
5. The website will go live, it's basically ready, as soon as we secure the trademark for the name we all decided on. We are attempting to not go live with anything that we want secured, including the name. Slim (from the Colorado COC) is on top of the technology and system development. He working with Colt and Double D to design the site around our requirements.
-Formation of this umbrella organization will require work, time, and effort and may require each state to pay membership dues (TBD) in order to cover the cost involved in sponsoring a national spokesperson requiring travel, administrative fees and website. CoC’s shared fundraising ideas, including business sponsorship; that treasurer will present. We may have to slightly increase membership dues and / or utilize these sponsorship opportunities to offset costs.
MOTION: SNMCOC confirm membership and participation in National Council of Clubs


-The meeting included open discussion between the different CoC’s and individual clubs on how each of us operate and many recommendations were shared:

-In order to not to leave CoC’s open to unjustified RICO prosecution, CoC’s should play no role in managing clubs in their area; no clearance for territory. Keep separate COC and Club protocols.

-Should CoC’s meet with LE public relations periodically to dispel rumors and bad intel? Some states do. Many are against this line of communication. If done, recommend it be an attorney, do not go alone, leaves you open to have information turned. Use caution if this is the path we chose. –Has there been a change in attitude of LE toward bikers locally?

-What should clubs expect from their CoC’s? -Information, communication, education, two way communications, calendar deconflict, no colors, protest runs and organize response.

-How do we change public image and perception of clubs and CoC’s? Asking Secretary to take on some PR responsibilities to start assisting each of us in getting the positive things our organizations do out to the media. Please share this and follow up with him. We will start making contacts with local media, pics, stories, social media, etc. Headline: “Goat Herders MC, a SNMCOC member, raises $3 million dollars for the Save the Ugly Baby Fund”. Include the SNMCOC logo when you can.

-ACLU mobile application called Mobile Justice that uses iphone to record video and automatically send it to their state office, even if your phone is confiscated.

-Incident (even minor encounters with LE) reports must be submitted so they may be tracked and utilized to build anti-profiling cases.

-Public Relations Data (recommend Sec lead)

-SNMCoC Ride (recommend SAA and VP lead)

Vice Chair Notes:

-With recent events, there will likely be more establishments that will not allow colors. Please be respectful and leave the establishment and report it to the board. We will make contact and try to resolve rather than getting into conflict with them.

-Excluded Establishments “No fly, no color, no patch”: The SNMCoC Board of Directors members will make periodic contact with the establishment and either confirm their status and attempt to repair any misunderstandings, if possible.  The SNMCoC will also inform the membership of these establishments to insure that none of the members inadvertently frequent these businesses and are placed in an awkward position by those with misperceptions about the biker community.  Please submit any know establishments to as soon as possible.

While the SNMCoC recognizes the “Right to Refuse Service” of businesses or establishments, the SNMCoC also maintains the right to recommend to its membership not to patronize these establishments.

+ Hooters (statewide)

+Farley’s (Las Cruces) (PENDING REMOVAL)

+Palacio Bar (Mesilla)

+10 Pin Bowling Alley (Las Cruces)

+Q-Time (Las Cruces)

+Jose Murphy’s Bar (Las Cruces)

+Whiskey Dicks (Las Cruces)

+Chope’s (La Mesa)

+Graham’s Central Station (Las Cruces)

+The Flame (Silver City)


-All patch wearing clubs, associations or organizations wishing to become members of the SNMCoC will be directed to coordinate with the SNMCoC SAA in order to insure that membership requirements are met and normal motorcycle community protocols are accomplished

-Petitioning of new member clubs: OG’s (Originals) petition for SNMCOC membership. MOTION TO APPROVE MEMBERSHIP OF OG’S ORIGIANLS


-Guest Clubs introduced (Regulators, Rifa, Regulators and American Vets)

-SNMCoC Ride Planning will begin for 2016 Solidarity Run

Secretary Notes: (Treas):

-Sign in rosters (make sure it email address is legible)

-Need to confirm primary and alternate point of contact for each member club (and each chapter) and all Independents immediately after meeting (phone and email)

-Public Relations: Please forward any positive public relations events for your organizations and we will work on getting media releases to assist in changing the community’s image of bikers and the SNMCoC.

Treasurer Notes:

-Finance Report, August 9th SNMCOC finance report: $926.50 checking, $758.00 cash on hand, after $1000.00 paid on this date for Elks BBQ and feeding homeless residents at Camp Hope.

-Club dues $100 / Independent $25


-Sponsorship opportunities

  • 12 month/1 year business/sponsor ad, $100 annually unless company/business is an active contributor to SNMCoC, then price will be negotiated by SNMCoC Officer(s)

  • All business/sponsor ads will be limited to common business card size and will be posted for 12 consecutive months, renewable

  • Website will have all ads posted on the “Business Ad” page

  • Sponsorship program will be managed by the current SNMCoC Secretary and Treasurer to insure conformity


Board Advisor: Encouraged all to participate and continue to support one another. Additionally, reiterates the need to file Incident Reports.
Open Floor:

-Upcoming rides / events (See event calendar at

-$100 donated to Combat Vets by Vietnam Vets Legacy Vets to the Vets Helping Vets Fund

-Handmade clock auctioned by Bandido Tone raising $220 for Bandido FatBoy Medical Fund.

-Additional meals and desserts served to the homeless residents of Camp Hope by Combat Vets Ladies Auxiliary on behalf of the SNMCoC.
Closing Remarks: (Chair)

-50/50 drawing ($76 / $76): $76 donated to WACO Defense Fund and $76 winner (Bandido Tiny) donated Bandido FatBoy Medical Fund.

-Next Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 4, 2015 at location Quarters, Ruidoso, NM at 1pm -remind all club reps to see vice or secretary to update point of contacts

-remind all to see Treasurer to pay dues

+Motion to adjourn meeting
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