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Report No.: AB5106

Project Name

CAADP4 (Agricultural Research Program)




Agricultural extension and research (80%); Tertiary education (10%); Adult literacy/non-formal education (5%); Vocational training (5%)

Project ID




Implementing Agency


Environment Category

[ ] A [X] B [ ] C [ ] FI [ ] TBD (to be determined)

Date PID Prepared

September 29, 2009

Estimated Date of Appraisal Authorization

September 15, 2009

Estimated Date of Board Approval

February 27, 2009

  1. Key development issues and rationale for Bank involvement

The WDR 2008 argues that Sub-Saharan Africa will only meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) with significant growth in the agricultural sector – and such growth is dependent upon growth in agricultural productivity. Agricultural technology is fundamental to growth in productivity. National systems within the sub-region face a number of challenges in improving their technology systems including a lack of capacity to implement technology transfer, effective extension services, and bottlenecks in information systems for innovation. To successfully address the region’s pressing agricultural productivity challenges and achieve sustained agricultural growth, countries will need to work together to pool resources for undertaking collective action on issues of common interest and to mobilize global knowledge.

In line with its agricultural strategy and with the principles outlined in the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Program (CAADP) and the Framework for African Agricultural Productivity (FAAP), SADC has signaled its intent to complement its existing agricultural productivity programs with additional investments and programs in technology generation and dissemination. Since the 2007, SADC has supported the development of the SADC Multi-Country Agricultural Productivity Program (SADC MAPP), which lays out a comprehensive agenda for regional agricultural productivity investments to be implemented through the re-establishment of a SRO called the Centre for Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CARDESA).
The draft charter for CARDESA identifies five major objectives for the organization: (i) to coordinate and promote collaboration among regional and national agricultural research and extension systems (NARES) through regional and international cooperation; (ii) to facilitate the exchange of information and technology among the SADC regional R&D institutions; (iii) to promote SADC region partnerships between public, private, civil society and international organizations in R&D; (iv) to improve agricultural technology generation, dissemination and adoption in the region through collective efforts, training and capacity building; and (v) strengthening national R&D institutions by mobilizing human, financial and technological resources to implement and sustain demand-driven activities.
A core group of development partners (IDA, CIDA, DfID, EC, USAID) has been instrumental in supporting agricultural technology and Pillar IV of CAADP at the sub-regional level. They have provided leadership in donor coordination and harmonization and have contributed to strengthening African capacity in the area of agricultural innovation. African capacity and ownership are crucial in an environment in which external support is both large and, often, fragmented.
The proposed Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) for CARDESA is in line with a larger effort to support agricultural technology within the SADC sub-region.

  1. Proposed objective(s)

The objective of the MDTF is to support integrated agricultural research for development within Southern Africa through implementation of the proposed Operational Plan (OP) of the Center for Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CARDESA) with the aim of contributing to sustainable improvements in the productivity, competitiveness, and markets of the agricultural systems in the region. The MDTF is expected to generate following key results:

    • Strengthened relationships between national, sub-regional, and international R&D institutions as evidenced by joint activities on sub-regional priorities, provision of effective support to national systems of participating countries, and increased generation or adaptation of technology within the sub-region;

    • More effective sub-regional and national technology dissemination based on increased smallholder farmer participation in priority setting and enhanced adoption of pluralistic approaches, participatory mechanisms and empowered farmer support systems within the sub-region;

    • Improved access to and greater uptake of productive, profitable, and ecologically sustainable technologies in participating SADC countries

  1. Preliminary description

The establishment of CARDESA and its proposed program of activities were provisionally approved by the SADC Ministers responsible for Agriculture and Food Security in November 2008 and May 2009. Within the sub-region there is recognition of the need for a joint and sustained effort by donors concerned with the establishment of CARDESA and the implementation of its OP. In the absence of a legal and fully functioning entity with sufficient capacity to absorb and manage its own resources, however, there is also recognition of the need to develop the appropriate mechanisms to continue providing support for CARDESA during its critical establishment phase as well as when CARDESA will be fully operational. As a result, two phases of support are proposed: a short transition phase during which the governance and administrative structures as well as initial program activities would be established; followed by a full support Phase covering all activities in the CARDESA OP.

The proposed MDTF will support activities through two child trust funds: one for the CARDESA transition phase, and the second supporting full operation of the CARDESA OP.

Activities to be funded under Child Trust Fund #1:
Establishment of the CARDESA Secretariat Institutional Structure. This includes establishing the human resources and technical, administrative, and financial systems needed for a fully functioning CARDESA Secretariat; appointment of a Director and recruitment of core staff; and establishment of the administrative, financial and technical structure for CARDESA operations and the logistics related to the formal accreditation of CARDESA and location of its headquarters.
Priority setting. A detailed priority setting analysis will be undertaken to identify strategic priorities for regional R&D investments and convening of stakeholder consultations by CARDESA to develop specific entry points within the priority areas identified by the analysis.
Early implementation activities from the CARDESA Operational Plan. A number of activities identified in the CARDESA OP can be implemented in parallel to the establishment of the CARDESA structures. They include studies on themes relating to farmer empowerment, agricultural education and knowledge and communication, capacity building for the development and implementation of regional sub-projects, which will be the primary mechanism for implementing activities under CARDESA. This will include specific training on proposal development and management of grants, and identification and formation of the networks and partnerships that will implement sub-projects.
Activities to be funded under Child Trust Fund #2:
Activities under the second child trust fund will support the two areas of the CARDESA OP: (i) CARDESA thematic programs whose implementation will be done through sub-project grants, and which form the largest expenditure under the MDTF; and (ii) CARDESA management and governance, which includes financing of CARDESA's operational costs and its governance mechanisms. Sub-projects will vary according to the six CARDESA themes but will generally support agricultural research by national agricultural research systems; technology dissemination activities through national agricultural advisory services systems; support for lesson learning and exchanges; training and education; and improvement of information systems. Sub-projects will be executed by partnerships or consortia of sub-regional institutions. They will address agreed upon sub-regional technology generation and dissemination priorities and focus on solutions to problems that are common across the sub-region.

The MDTF will also finance the costs incurred by the World Bank in its management, administration, and supervision of the MDTF.

Implementation arrangements and timing: The first child trust fund will be implemented by FARA and SADC Secretariat. FARA will have primary implementation responsibility and will amend their existing MOU with SADC on support for the CARDESA to include implementation of the transition phase. The newly established CARDESA Secretariat would implement the second child trust fund.
The first child trust fund would be implemented between June 1st, 2010 and March 1st, 2012 and the second child trust fund between January 1st, 2012 and December 31st, 2014.

  1. Safeguard policies that might apply

There are no potential large-scale, significant or irreversible environmental impacts anticipated with any of CARDESA’s proposed activities. There are, however, potential risks or negative impacts that could arise from implementation of sub-project grants that support generation and dissemination of agricultural technologies. Sub-project grants will be implemented under the second child trust fund and trigger safeguard policies in the areas of environmental assessment and pest management. Because sub-project grants will be developed only during the course of implementation, an environmental and social management framework (ESMF) is the most appropriate mechanism for preventing or mitigating any negative impacts.
Preparation of an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and PMP for CARDESA will be carried out during implementation of the first child trust fund and the documents would be disclosed prior to appraisal of the second child trust fund of the MDTF.

  1. Tentative financing





CAADP Pillar 4 institutions




  1. Contact point

Contact: David J. Nielson

Title: Lead Agriculture Services Specialist

Tel: (202) 473-0628



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