General catalogue of books printed from 1500 to july 1997 9-361 book two: Magazines, Museum Catalogues, Private and Puble Libraries, Contributions from Diallists, etc

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A Bibliography of Gnomonica : from 300 to around 11.500 titles (N. Severino) pag. 4

An Opusculum of dialling references (C.K. Aked) 7

Some notes and observations (C. K. Aked) 8

BOOK TWO: Magazines, Museum Catalogues, Private and Puble Libraries, Contributions from Diallists, etc.

Ancient times 362 Medieval Times 364

Bibliography on Achaz Sundial 365

Catalogue of medieval manuscript 367

Catalogue of Incipit of medieval manuscripts 386



Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 412




British Horological Institute 425


United States Clock & Watch Patents 427







C. K. Aked Nicola Severino
International Bibliography of Gnomonica

West Drayton, Middlesex, England - Roccasecca, Lazio, Italy
September 1997


GENERAL CATALOGUE in alphabetical order, around 9500 titles


AAHA Archives alsaciennes d'Histoire de l'Art, Strasbourg

AH Antiquarian Horology

AIHS Archives internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, Paris

AN Astronomische Nachrichten, Berlin

ASG Atti Seminario Gnomonica, Crespano del Grappa 1992

ASG 3 Atti Seminario Gnomonica, Feltre, 1990

BANCHA Bulletin de l'Association nationale des collectionneurs et amateurs d'horlogerie ancienne

BSS Bulletin  Bulletin of the British Sundial Society - London

BMI Book reported in the opera “Biblioteca Matematica Italiana” di Pietro Riccardi, Arnaldo Forni ed.

BpNL Private Library of Nicoletta Lanciano, Roma

BSAF Bulltin of the Astronomical Society ofi France

CAAH Cahiers alsaciens d'Archéologie, d'Art et d'Histoire, Strasbourg

COMPENDIUM Bulletin of North American Sundial Society

GdA Giornale di Astronomia

GZU Die Geschichte der Zeitmessung und der Uhren, Berlin and Lipsia

JIN Journal of the Institute of Navigation, London

JRASC Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Toronto

N.N. Nicht Nominiert = anonymous

NASS  North American Sundial Society

OMT Orologi. Le misure del Tempo, Technimedia, Roma

Pag. Page

PLNY Public Library of New York

PP. pages

RM Rivista Marittima

S. page

SFAU Schriften der Freunde alter Uhren, Ulm

SHAM Société d'Histoire et d'Archeologie de Molscheim, Molscheim

UAB Unione Astrofili Bresciani, Italy

Italian Magazine
PEGASO: Notiziario di divulgazione astronomica dell'Ass. Astronomica Umbra, Perugia

ARS: Notiziario dell'Ass. di Ricerca Scientifica di Villanova Mondovì

L'ASTROFILO: Notiziario dell'Associazione Astrofili Bresciani, Specola Cidnea, Brescia

CORTINA ASTRONOMICA: Associazione Astronomica Cortina d'Ampezzo

I have ignored dialling - the art of making sun-dials.

Its literature is enormous, particularly in the eighteenth century.

It is a simple art, but the older books make it appear complicated.

Some small modern books have been written explaining the art simply

and clear and, in comparison with these, the older books

are without use or interest.
Granville Hugh Baillie


This Bibliographical Listing of Dialling References has been derived from the general unification of material from many sources, including computer files. The conversion of files via ASCII has caused some problems, particularly with accented letters. Also there are the difficulties of the language differences between the main contributors.

There may be some duplication of titles, this is inevitable when there are several categories into which these may be fitted. Occasionally there may be additional information appended in a duplicated entry. The authors have done their best to eliminate duplicate titles, but often works are included in older bibliographies which contain only part of the title. Rather than omit this information, the variations are listed. Apologies are offered where there is redundacy, the authors have tried to avoid it.

Some entries have explanatory notes and some details of the author. These are placed separately from the work itself, the author details being placed last of all. For those authors with multiples entries, these are placed in chronological order. In the case of magazines and bulletins, the entries are in chronological order, issue by issue. Because of lack of space and the increased cost, it has not been possible to list authors separately as well.

Comments and notification of errors which may be found should be reported to the authors so that these may be eliminated in a future edition.

A R.A. Maniére de décrire un cadran par deux points d’ombre pris à volonté, Paris, 1644

A W. Agreement between the Dean and Chapter of St Paul’s, London, and Walter the Orgoner, of Southwark, relating to a clock in St Paul’s Church. Dated November 22 1344. Archaeological Journal, 12: pp 173-7.

The interest in this document is that Walter is commissioned to make a new dial for the clock. A much fuller account, with the first accurate translation of the archaic French of the agreement, written on vellum, and now preserved in the British Library, is given in The Clock of Old St Paul’s London - Old Facts, New Views, by Charles K Aked, NAWCC Bulletin, Vol 29/3, pp 191-201, June 1987.

A.B. Una mostra sulle meridiane al Forte di Bard, La Sentinella del Canavese, 18 luglio 1996

A.F.A.H.A. This is the abbreviation commonly used for Horlogerie Ancienne, Revue de l'Association Française, the journal published by the Association Française des Amateurs d'Horlogerie Ancienne, the French Association of Amateurs of Antiquarian Horology, based at - Palais Granvelle, PP 33 - 25012

A.S. Noi che osserviamo il cielo, La Sentinella del Canavese, 17 ottobre 1996

AA.VV. Concorso di gnomonica, OMT, n° 48, 1991

AA.VV. Estudi d'un rellotge de sol, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1985

AA.VV. Il tempo, l’uomo, la natura, in “Piemonte Parchi - Speciale”, ed. Regione Piemonte, n° 6, Dicembre 1995. Estratto della mostra tenutasi a Cascina Vallere, Moncalieri dal 20-3 al 21-6 1995.

AA.VV. La mesure du temps dans les collection belges, National maritime museum, 1984

AA.VV. Quadranti solari in Provincia di Brescia, Catalogo della Mostra, UAB, Brescia, 1992

AA.VV. Studi e ricerche per Alberto Alpago Novello, Famiglia Feltrina, Feltre, 1988

AA.VV. Ad Avigliana ogni scuola costruirà la sua meridiana, La Stampa, 19-9-1992

AA.VV. Andar per meridiane, censimento degli orologi solari del comprensorio di Burolo effettuato dagli alunni della scuola Media E. Fermi di Burolo, 1995

AA.VV. Atti del Convegno “L’Ombra del tempo”, Comune di S. Germano Chisone, 1996

AA.VV. Cadrans Solaires de Paris, ed. CNRS, 1993

AA.VV. Cadrans Solaires des Hautes-Alpes, Comitè departemental du Tourism, 1994

AA.VV. Campanile restaurato, La Stampa, 18-4-1987

AA.VV. Che ora è in Monzambico, Corriere di Chieri e dintorni, 14-9-1985

AA.VV. Chivasso e dintorni, come erano i quadranti solari del Duomo, Il Secolo d’Italia “Le Cento Citta’”, 1899

AA.VV. Concorso Caccia alla meridiana, La Stampa, 20-4-1983

AA.VV. Concorso di Gnomonica, OMT, 1989

AA.VV. Convegno a Feltre sugli Orologi solari, La Gazzetta delle Dolomiti, 12-10-1990

AA.VV. descrizione di orologi solari dell’ex convento di Valperga ora Società Operaria, in rivista ‘L Ciochè ‘d Valperga, n° 3, Valperga 1985

AA.VV. Ecco di nuovo le vecchie meridiane, Corriere di Chieri e dintorni, 1-6-1985

AA.VV. Il romanzo del tempo, La Stampa, 20-4-1984

AA.VV. La meridiana del dito a Lusigliè, in ‘L Chiucher ‘d Lusiè, maggio 1987

AA.VV. La meridiana di Torino, La Stampa, 15-16-nov. 1989

AA.VV. Le bugie del sole : la meridiana di S. Lorenzo, La Stampa, 18-9-1990

AA.VV. Le meridiane del duomo stanno per tornare all’antico splendore, Corriere di Chieri e dintorni, 4-5-1985

AA.VV. Le ombre del tempo, Orologi solari inediti e complessi, Il Sagittario, dicembre 1995.

AA.VV. Le ombre del tempo. Il catalogo del concorso, Il Sagittario, sett. 1996

AA.VV. Lo Calandrè d’Ayas 1984

AA.VV. Meridiana di Feletto, La Stampa, 28-5-1985

AA.VV. Meridiana recuperata, La Stampa, 1-12-1988

AA.VV. Meridiane a Pont d’Ingria, Il Canavesano, 1990

AA.VV. Meridiane, ne parlano gli esperti per tre giorni, Il Gazzettino di Belluno, 12-10-1990

AA.VV. Meridiane. Tutte decorate le vecchie case (67 meridiane in Ala di Stura), La Stampa, 15-7-1992

AA.VV. Per chi legge il tempo sul duomo di Torino, La Stampa, 26-5-1983

AA.VV. Resoconto dei vincitori del concorso “Caccia alla meridiana”, La Stampa, 20-7-1983

AA.VV. Ripristino della meridiana di S. Lorenzo, La Stampa, 8-8-1989

AA.VV. Rivoli, la meridiana ristrutturata, La Stampa, 18-9-1990

AA.VV. Scandire l’ora secondo il sole, La Stampa, 8-8-1989

AA.VV. Seminario di Gnomonica, i tecnici parlano di meridiane storiche e si computer factotum, Il Gazzettino di Belluno, 13-10-1990

AA.VV. Tebenghi Mario, La Stampa, 24-7-1992

AA.VV. Torna l’ora di Torino, La Stampa, 14-11-1989

AA.VV. Valsangone censimento : a settembre scatta l’operazione meridiana, La Stampa, 7-6-1992

AA.VV. Voglia di meridiane dell’astigiano, Bell’Italia, n° 69, gennaio 1992

AA.VV. Le pitture antiche d’Ercolano, Regia stamperia, 1762

AA.VV. Notiziario dell'Accademia del Sole arti e scienze applicate, Torino, 1988, numero unico.

Aankondiging herfatvergadering 22 Sept/ Ledenlijst/ Van de redactie. Zonnewijzerkring 86.2, pp 201-202.

ABATE A., STOMEO E., Horologium viatorum, in ASTRONOMIA U.A.I., n.1, 1983

ABBATT, Richard. The Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, London, 1826.

ABBOT, Francis, A Treatise on the Management of Public Clocks... and the Means of Regulating Them. 44 pages, plus four plates containing 15 figures. Paper covers. 21 x 13 cm. Moore, London, 1837, second edition.

First published in 1835, third edition 1839. The first seventeen pages are devoted to public clocks, the rest to regulating these by sundials, meridian lines, and by means of a transit instrument. Descriptions of how to lay out horizontal and vertical dials are included. A very sound book.

ABBOTT, Francis. A Treatise on the Management of Public Clocks ...

From page 16-34 the modes of correcting public clocks by a sundial, meridian line and transit instrument are outlined clearly as well as the construction and use of each. It is of great interest in showing how intimate the relationship of the mechanical clock and the sundial remained until the advent of the electrical communication of time. The sundial still remained the time standard for mechanical clocks when its own hourly indications were no longer of any value. First edition London, 1833; second 1835, third 1839. See Clocks Volume 8, No 1, pages 49-53 - “A Treatise for Public Clocks”; for a discussion on this work. July, 1985.

ABELER, Jürgen “Himmel und Zeit auf Münzen” - Eine Spezialsammlung des Wuppertaler Uhrenmuseums. Neue Uhrmacher-Zeitung (NR. 24) S. 1-6 (1924)

ABELER, Jürgen 5000 Jahre Zeitmessung., Wuppertal. (1968)

ABELER, Jürgen Das Wuppertaler Uhrenmuseum., Berlin. (1971)

ABELER, Jürgen, Ullstein Uhrenbuch. Under the heading of 'Elementaruhren' (Elementary clocks), on pages is a good account of sundials with some excellent illustrations of examples. Berlin, 1975.

ABELER, Jürgen Ullstein Uhrenbuch. Eine Kulturgschichte der Zeitmessung (Ullstein clock book. A cultural history of Time Measurement).The second section entitled ”Elementaruhren” covers the sundial in a short account with 17 supporting plates. Astrolabes are treated much more briefly. Berlin 1975.

ABELER, Jürgen Meister der Uhrmacherkunst. Selbst, Wuppertal. (1977)

Abeler, Jürgen 5000 Jahre Zeitmessung. International Nickel Revue (NR. 22) S. 1-8(1978)

ABELER , Jürgen, Uhrenbuch, Ullstein-Verlag, 1994

ABELLA Enric, Estudi d’un rellotge de sol, Generalidad Cataluna, feb. P. 87-89, 1985

ABELLI, Antonio. Construzione di an Orologio Solare, Guiglielmo Braumüller Libraio, Vienna, 1876.

ABERCROMBY, D. Academie Scientiarum ... (The Academy of Sciences). [English and Latin]. London, 1687. Contains a section on dialling, with the names of famous authors that had written on every science.

ABETTI A., Teoria e pratica della costruzione di un orologio solare in piano verticale , Vienna, 1876

ABETTI G., Storia dell’Astronomia, Firenze, 1949.

ABI, Jamil. The Determination of the coordinates of positions for the corrections of distances between cities, al-Biruni, Beirut, 1933. Translated 1967. See also al-Biruni.

ABRAHAM, Jean. L’Arithmetique Arpentage Universelle, Rouen, 1642.

ABRAM, J. “Curious Sun Dial”. Register of Arts and Sciences, Volume 3. London, 1829.

ACCADEMIA Olimpica di Vicenza, Quando il sole misurava le ore : strumenti, manoscritti e libri di gnomonica, 1994

ACCOLTI, Pietro. Lo Inganno de gl’Occhi, Florence, 1625.

ACHARD Paul, Les horloges pubbliques et les horlogers à Avignon et dans le département de Vaucluse, Avignon, 1877, in -8.

ACHINARD, Dr Margarida. "Le cadran solaire rectiligne universel". (The universal rectilinear sundial). Paper read by Dr Archinard, Musée d'Histoire des Sciences Genève, at the Symposium held 21-22 June 1986 at Budapest for the 550th anniversary of Regiomontanus. The dial was first described by Regimontanus in his work Kalendarium, published about 1474. The paper considers that if Regiomontanus was not the inventor since the 'navicula de Venetiis', a rectilinear dial was already known; he was the populariser of this type. The Genevan museum possesses an example of a dial by Regiomontanus. Budapest 1986.

ACKERMANN H-Chr., Die Zeit der Sonne. Basler-Magazin, n° 45, p. 7-9, 13.11.1982

Ackermann, Erich Holographische Sonnenuhr. Sterne und Weltraum (NR. 5) S. 285(1991)

Ackermann, H. C. Die Uhrensammlung Nathan-Rupp im historischen Museum Basel. Callwey, München. (1984)

Acosta, J. deUsus instrumenti cylindri dicti, una cum tabulis astronomicis., Köln. (1597)

Adamczyk, Jos. Über Sonnenuhr-Konstruktionen. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen XXXVI (NR. 11) S. 265-277(1907)

ADAMS, A J. Letters to the Editor - A Likely Story, Bulletin 96.1, February 1996, p. 48. Anecdote about a BSS sundial trip in the rain.

ADAMS, C Philip. The Celestial Sphere, A Talk and Demonstration given at the BSS Conference, Bath, 1992; BSS Bulletin 93.2, pp. 33-37. One of the most outstanding lectures given to the British Sundial Society.

ADAMS, G. A Treatise describing the Construction, and Explaining the Use of the New Celestial and Terrestrial Globes, London 1766. The author is G Adams senior.

ADAMS, G. Astronomical and Geographical Essays. Containing 1 A Comprehensive view of the General Principles of Astronomy; II The Use of the Celestial and Terrestrial Globes; III The Description and Use of the Armillary Sphere, Planetarium, Tellurian, and Lunarium, First edition, London, 1789. This book was reprinted many times. Adams junior.

ADAMS, G. Description and Use of Hadley’s quadrant and sextant, London, 1789. Adams junior.

ADAMS, G. The Description and use of a new sea quadrant, for taking the altitudes of the Sun from the horizon ..., London 1748. The author is G Adams, senior.

ADAMS, G. Astronomical and Geographical Essays, London, 1803.

ADAMS, H H. Catalogues of Books Printed on the continent of Europe 1501-1600 in Cambridge Libraries,Cambridge, 1967. Two volumes.

ADAMS, John. The Description and Use of a New Much Improved Sinical Quadrant, London, 1781.

Adamuv, Pavel Slnecné hodiny na solvensku (Katalog mit 128 ortsfesten Sonnenuhren in der Slowakei). Technické múzeum Kosice (Kaschau) S. 1-62(1980)

ADELSWARD, Baron Gosta. An unusual noonday cannon. Zonnewijzerkring, 90.1. pp 18-19.

ADEMOLLO, A. L’Abate Galiani e l’Obelisco Solare, Turin, 1880.

Adriani, Joh. Markscheidekunde., Wien. (1861)

ADVERTENTIE. “Notaris”-zonnewijzer. Zonnewijzerkring 97.2, p 12.

ADVERTISEMENT. An advertisement by the Sun Alliance Insurance Group showing a combined quartz timepiece and fanciful sundial in the Daily Telegraph, 12 January 1984. The artist showed no indication of any knowledge of dialling.

ADZEMA R. - JONES M., The great sundial cutout book, Hawthorn Books, New York, 1978

Adzema, Robert und Mablen Jones Sonnenuhren selber bauen - mit 16 Modellbögen. Hugendubel, München. (1990)

ADZEMA, Robert. A Sundial for Maribor, Compendium, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 20-22. (The design and construction of a huge concrete monumental sundial in Slovenia, the former Yugoslavia. A cut-out model of this dial was provided with this issue).

ADZEMA, Robert. The Great Sundial Cutout Book, Hawthorn Books, New York, 1978.

Aerdenhout 2. BRINKMAN, Prof Dr H. Zonnewijzerkring 85.4, pp 432-437.

AGAMENNONE G., Modo pratico per tracciare una meridiana, in "Rivista di Astronomia e scienze affini", Torino, Anno V, Agosto 1911.

AGNELLI Giacomo., Gnomonica ed arte rinascimentale, Atti del VII° Sem.Naz.Gnom., 1996

AGNELLI Giacomo., Progetto di un parco segnatempo arcaico all’Amiata, Atti del VII° Sem.Naz.Gnom., 1996

AGNELLI Giacomo, Metodi sofisticati ed impiego dei ritrovati della tecnica nella progettazione e nella costruzione di meridiane ed orologi solari, Atti del VI° Sem. Naz. Gnom., 1994

AGNELLI Giacomo, Monastero dell’Annunciata in Valcamonica, Atti del VIII° Seminario Nazionale di Gnomonica, Porto S. Giorgio (AP), Italy, 3-4-5 october 1997

AGNELLI Giacomo, L’orologio di Piazza delle Erbe a Mantova, Atti del VIII° Seminario Nazionale di Gnomonica, Porto S. Giorgio (AP), Italy, 3-4-5 october 1997

AGNES Luciano, Il restauro degli orologi solari dell’Università di Pavia, Documenti di Arte e Scienza, in 8°, pp. 84, ill., Cisalpino, ISBN 88-205-0073-0, 1995

AGNESONI Claudio, Meridiane: gli orologi di ieri, in "Il Carroccio", n;4, Siena, 1988

AGNESONI Mauro e Claudio, Meridiane nel Senese, Atti del V° Sem. Naz. Gnom., 1993

AGOSTINO, S Aurelio. Confessions, tradote da Onorato Tescari, Societa Editrice Internazionale, Torino, 5th edition, date not known.

AGRIPPA Camillo, Nuove inventioni sopra il modo di navigare, Roma, 1595 (soprattutto sul notturlabio)

AGUILAR Miguel, Cuadrantes solares, Imp. Clasica espanola, Observatorio Madrid, 68 p., 1983

AGUILLAR Miguel, Cuadrantes solares, Madrid, Imprenta classica espanola, in "Anuario del Observatorio Astronomico de Madrid", 1923

AINSA Blas, Gnomonica Popular, 1875

AKED, Charles K. The Saxon Sundial of St Gregory's Minster - Kirkdale, Yorkshire". Admiralty Engineering Laboratory Magazine, No 10, pp 15-19. An account of the Saxon Sundial uncovered in 1771. Dec. 1970.

AKED, Charles K. The Merton College Chapel Dial, BSS Bulletin 93.2, pp. 40-41. Derived from an article "The Chapel Dial" by Geoffrey Bath, in the Merton College Magazine - The Postmaster, 1972.

AKED, Charles K. Bewcastle Cross. Antiquarian Horology, Vol. 8, No 5, pp 497-505, with eight illustrations. The first account of this remarkable Anglo-Saxon artefact by an horologist. December 1973.

AKED, Charles K. Book Review. Sundials at an Oxford College. Bulletin NAWCC, Vol 22, No 1. February 1980.

AKED, Charles K. Book Review. The Pelican Sundial. Bulletin NAWCC, Vol 23, No 2. April 1981

AKED, Charles K. William Oughtred - An Early Horological Expositor. Antiquarian Horology, XIII, no 2, 192-Details the life and ork of one of the foremost diallers of the 17th century. December 1981.

AKED, Charles K. A Treatise on Public Clocks". Clocks, Volume 8, No 1, pages 49-53. July 1985. Showing how the time of public clocks was governed by sundials and transit observations.

AKED, Charles K. The Clock of Solomon to the Canonical or Scratch Dial". Clocks, Vol 8, No 3, pp 23-28. The first account showing the importation of the scratch dial from France to England. September 1985. Translation from the French of an article by M. Jean Laviolette.

AKED, Charles K. An Almost-forgotten Fragment". Clocks, Vol 9, No 5, pp 25-30. November 1986

AKED, Charles K. The Sundial of Bewcastle Cross". Clocks, Vol 9, No 2, pp 21-26. August 1986

AKED, Charles K. Trascription of "Horological Dialogues by J.S. Clockmaker, 1675", Ed. B.S.S., London, 1986

AKED, Charles K., Horological Dialogues by J. S. Clock-Maker 1675. ix + 66 pages, 1 illustration. Paper covers, illustration of balance wheel lantern clock on front cover. 23 x 21 cm. Drinkwater, Shipston-on-Stour, 1986. ISBN 0-946643-13 9-X.

Transcribed for the Modern Reader. The first part deals with the life of John Smith, clockmaker, the second part is a modernised version of the first book printed in England on the subject of Clocks and Watches. The third part of the book deals with the inequalities between solar and clock time, and the effects of refraction on the reading of sun-dials, it is negligible after the sun reaches 23 degrees of altitude. A table of values is given. Publication paid for by Charles K. Aked.

AKED, Charles K. Book review. Relojes de Piedra en Galicia by José Luis Basanta Campos. Antiquarian Horology, XVI, no 2, 188-9. (Sundials in Galicia - [northern Spain]). Winter 1987.

AKED, Charles K. Book review. The Art of Sundial Construction. Bulletin NAWCC, Vol 29, No 3 June 1987.

AKED, Charles K. Book review. Time: The Greatest Innovator of All. Antiquarian Horology, Volume XVI, No 5, The Whitehall Garden Sundial commissioned by Charles II illustrated on page 512. March, 1987.

AKED, Charles K. Book Review. Zonnewijzers in Nederland, by J G Van Cittert-Eymers & M J Hagen, published in 1984. [Sundials in the Netherlands]. Antiquarian Horology, XVI, no 5, 521. March, 1987.

AKED, Charles K. The Clock of Wisdom and the History of Horology". Clocks, Vol 9, No 8, pp 25-29. 1987

AKED, Charles K. In Praise of Sundials". Horological Journal, Vol 130, No 9, pages 22-26. March, 1988.

AKED, Charles K. A Preliminary Checklist of Dialling References. A listing of approximately one thousand entries mainly limited to books on dialling, but with some articles from modern literature. Additional information on entries are included in the present listing where such information has been obtained. Privately published in a limited edition of fifty copies. West Drayton 1989.

AKED, Charles K. Dialogue - News Items, BSS Bulletin 89.2, November 1989, pp. 1-2.

AKED, Charles K. Extract from William Stukeley’s Diary, BSS Bulletin 89.2, November 1989, p. 13.

AKED, Charles K. Helio-Tropes, Or New Poeses for Sundials, BSS Bulletin 89.2, November 189, pp. 7-11.

AKED, Charles K. Listing of Sundial articles in Clocks and Antique Clocks, BSS Bulletin 89.1, July 1989, pp. 2-5.

AKED, Charles K. Sundial Books. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society , Issue 89/1, Page 22, July 1989.

AKED, Charles K. Sundial Books, BSS Bulletin 89.1, July 1989, pp. 12-13.

AKED, Charles K. Sundial Books. Bulletin of the British Sundial Society, Issue 89/1, Page 22, July Article on the availability of dialling books, with addresses of suppliers. West Drayton 1989.

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