TEYSSEDRE, M. Nouveau manuel de Gnomonique ou l’art de faire les cadrans solaires et de régler les pendules et les montres d’aprés Dom Bedos. (New manual of Gnomonics or the art of making sundials and of regulating clocks and watches after Don Bedos). See the entry BEDOS DE CELLE for the work of the French Dominican friar first published in 1760. Paris, 1837.
Th. J. L. (1859) Die Minuten-Sonnenuhr - Das einfachste und für das praktische Leben zweckmäßigste Bestimmungsmittel der wahren Zeit. Römer, Kronstadt.
THAUDIN T.-CHABOT, A transparent window Dial, Compendium Vol 1, n°3, August, 1994
THAUMATURGI PHYSICI prodomus id est problematum physicorum liber singularis lectu jucundus et utilis. (Treatise on natural science bringing forth natural science problems one by one, uniquely chosen or enjoyment and use). Includes dialling. Cologne, 1649.
The description & Use of the ring dyall. A tract addressed, probably as a New Year's gift, to King Edward VI, circa 1552/3. Author probably Ottuel Hollyshed.
The Description and Use of his Maiesties Dialls in Whitehall Gardens. Gunter, 1624. Reg 17A xxxviii. The dials were destroyed in 1697 after severe deterioration. See Gunter, Hall and Line entries in the previous Listings.
The uses of Tetraedrum transformatum garnished with dyalls. Folio 64. Lansd 724. This tract belonged to Lord Burghley who entitled it: "The use of the dyall, 1576".
The uses of the double Horizontal Dial, circa 1713 by Mr Scott, pages 1-6.
THEBES, SKRIPU’, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, n° 3, p. 16, 1894 (su tre orologi solari bizantini).
Theißen, Robert (1990) Berechnung des Richtungswinkels t ohne Quadrantenabfrage. ZfV (NR. 5) S. 193-195
THEOFANIDIS, J. Sur l’instrument en cuivre, dont des fragments se trouvent au Musee Archeologique d’Athenes et qui fut retire du fond de la mer d’Antikythere en 1902, Praktica tes Akademias Athenon, 9, pp 140-149, 1934.
THESES, Gnomonicae..., 1716 (BMI)
THIBOUST, G. La Gnomonique ou la maniere de tracer des quadrans ou horloges solaires sur toutes sortes de plans par deux methodes differentes, Paris, 1690. See P, N entry. This must be the same work.
Thielen, Peter G. (1963) Die Rolle der Uhr im geistlichen und administrativen Alltagsleben der Deutschordenskonvente in Preussen. Festschrift für Erich Keyser, Hrsg. E. Bahr S. 392-396
THIOUT Antoine, Traitè de l’horlogerie mechanique et pratique, Paris, 1767
THOENE K. Ein Chronometer, der genaue Zeit nach der Sonne zeigt. Helveticus, Hallwag-Verlag: Bern, p. 169-180, 1943
THOM, A. "A New Study of All Megalithic Lunar Lines". Journal for the History of Astronomy, Volume 2, S 78. 1980.
THOM, A. "The Solar Observatories of Megalithic Man". Journal of the British Astronomical Association, Volume 64, No 8, Page 396. London 1954.
THOM, A. Megalithic Lunar Observatories. Oxford 1971.
THOM, A. Megalithic Sites in Britain. Oxford 1967.
Thomas-Gottesberg, Fritz (1982) Zeit - Geburt aus Licht und Schatten - Einiges über die Sonnenuhr. Die Kommenden (NR. 36) S. 15-16
Thome, Günther (1968) Sonnenuhren aus Kunststoff mit verschiedenen Erdbefestigungsvorrichtungen auf und über der Erde, sowie mit Barometer, Thermometer und Hygrometer. Gebrauchsmuster (NR. 1996 488) S. 1-3
THOMPSON, Anthony. The Uses of a Quadrant for Daily Practice. This work was published to accompany the improved form of Gunter's Quadrant made by Thompson to the design of Samuel Forster. 1652.
Thompson also wrote The Art of Dialling, of which there is no copy extant, although there was a copy in Sir Jonas Moore's library. Anthony Thompson worked from 1638 until 1665 when he probably died in the Great Plague of London. In the last year of his life he made a sextant to Robert Hooke's design which was shown to the Royal Society, there is a universal ring-dial signed by him at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. He worked at Gresham College for some time, probably for Samuel Foster, Professor of Geometry at that time.
THOMPSON, Antony. Uses of the Quadrant fitted for Daily Practise, both with the ordinary lines for the Houre and Azimuth, and other things of the Sun’s course in reference to the Horizon. London 1652
THOMPSON, David. Lunar and Horary Tables, for new and concise Methods of performing the Calculations necessary for ascertaining the Longitude by Lunar Observations ... ... London, 1852.
THOMPSON G., The Longwood Sundial”, A Man and His Garden, Chapter X, Longwood Gardens, Kenneth Square PA, 1976
THOMPSON, I. A description of the orrery: wherein the structure and several parts of that curious machine are fully explain’d. With the method of ordering the instrument, and the uses and purposes which it is adapted to answer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, n d but circa 1750. (Note that ‘ordering’ here means preparing the instrument for use).
THOMPSON, S P. Petrus Perigrinus de Maricourt and his Epistola de Magnete, Proceeding of the British Academy, 2, pp 377-408, London, 1907.
THOMPSON, S P. The epistle of Petrus Perigrinus of Maricourt to Sygerus of Foucaucourt, soldier, concerning the magnet, London, 1902. This translation from the Latin into English was the best made up to then. Thompson was an electrical engineer by profession.
THOMPSON, Sylvanus P. The Rose of the Winds: The Origin and Development of the Compass-Card. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume VI, Oxford, 1913.
THOMSON Wm., Theoretical description of a new “azimuth diagram” by Capt. Proceedings of Royal society of Edinburg , 16 - p. 345-361
THON, C F G. Lóttfattlig auwisning hureledes mechaniska ur skola pràfvas skôtas o stóllas. (The clock lover or intelligible instructions on the art of mechanical clocks, as well as tower clocks, watches and sundials with surety of examination). Swedish text. Stockholm, 1842. This work was translated into German as: Der Uhrenfreund oder fassliche Anleitung alle Arten mechan ischer Uhren als Thurm-Pendel-Taschen und Sonnenuhren mit Sicherheit zu prõfen. Weimar, 1864. Third edition Weimar, 1869.
Thon, C.F.G. (1864) Der Uhrenfreund oder fassliche Anleitung aller Arten mechanischer Uhren als Thurm-Pendel-Taschen und Sonnenuhren mit Sicherheit zu prüfen., Weimar.
THON, Theodor. Der sonnenzeiger oder anweisung alle Arten der Sonnenuhren, Leipzig, not dated.
THON, Theodore. Der Sonneziger oder Practische Anleitung alle Arten der Sonnenuhren in Górten und an Wónden auf waagerechten Flóchen, ohne Vorkennisse ohne Berechnungen ... herzustellen. (The Diallist or Practical Introduction to the Art of Sundials in Gardens and on Walls or upon horizontal surfaces, without previous Knowledge or Calculation) . Leipzig, 1860.
Thöne, Karl (1970) Astronomie als Hobby - Ein Bastel- und Experimentierbuch für jedermann. Goldmann, München.
THOREN V.E., New light on Tycho’s instruments, Journal for the history of Astronomy, 1973
THORNDIKE L., Of the cylinder called the horologe of travelers, Isis, XIII, pp. 51-52, 1929/30
THORNDIKE Lynn, John de Dondis and scientific measurement (A History of magic and experimental science vol III), New York 1934
THORNDIKE, Lynn. "Robertus Anglicus". Isis, Volume XXXIV, pages 467-9. 1943.
THORNDYKE, Lynn. The Sphere of Sacrobosco and its Commentators. The Latin text with contemporary commentaries and an English translation are given for this work by Sacrobosco qv. The work was in wide use from the thirteenth to the seventeenth century. Chicago 1949.
THORNE, Colin 37 Walker, Fecit, Dublin, Bulletin 97.2, April 1997, p. 37.
THORNE, Colin Portable Ring Dial, Bulletin 96.1, February 1996, pp. 30-32. A constructional article with plans included.
THORNE, Colin. "There's a Thingey on that Whatsit", BSS Bulletin 93.3, October 1993, p. 22.
THORNE, Colin. Altitude Dials at Extreme Latitudes, Bulletin 97.2, April 1997, pp. 24-28.
THORNE, Colin. Letters to the Editor - Meridian Dial, Bulletin 96.3, October 1996, p. 50.
THORNE, Colin. Letters to the Editor - North Declining Sundials, Bulletin 96.1, February 1996, pp. 48-49. Pointing out errors in P. Meadow's article.
THORNE, Colin. Letters to the Editor - Time, BSS Bulletin 95.2, June 1995, p. 51. A short poem about Time.
THORNE, Colin. Letters to the Editor, The Ten Commandments, BSS Bulletin 94.1, February 1994, p. 16.
THORNE, James. Handbook to the Environs of London.
In this work is detailed the history of the Seven Dials Monument under the heading "WEYBRIDGE, Surrey" ... 'When the column was removed from Seven Dials in 1773, it was taken to Sayes Court, but never erected. It lay neglected there, till, on the death of the Duchess of York, the inhabitants of Weybridge conceived the design of commemmorating her by a memorial, when some one recollected the fallen pillar, and suggested that it would exactly serve their purpose. It was accordingly purchased; a pedestal with appropriate inscriptions erected on the Green, and the column placed upon it. But instead of the old dials, it was crowned with a royal coronet, and "inrailed" as of yore. The deposed stone of the seven dials was utilized as a horse-block at a road-side inn; but it has been removed and may now be seen on the edge of the Green opposite the column. It is sadly battered, however, and the directions on its six (not seven) faces are no longer legible'. 1876. Note that the column is still on Weybridge Green and in good condition, the old head of the column is mounted outside Weybridge Public Library and was in reasonable preservation in 1989.
THORNTHWAITE, W. Hints on Reflecting and Refracting Telescopes, London, 1914.
Tichy, Franz (1991) Die geordnete Welt indianischer Völker. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart.
Tichy, Franz (1991) Direction Lines in Central Mexico and in the Maya Area as Elements of Hypothetical Orientation Calendars. Rivista di Archeologia 9 S. 123-129
TIETEMA, R. Verslag van de excursie op 19.6.1993. Zonnewijzerkring 93.3, p 16.
TIEUTLER H., Populare Gnomonik, Weimar, 1864
Tijdaflezing bij maanlicht. Zonnewijzerkring 79.2, p 113.
TILLIER, Alain, et al, Restauration de Cadrans Solaires. 97 pages, 23 b & w illustrations, 31 colour illustrations. Thin card covers with colour illustration on front cover. Club du Vieux Manoir, Paris, 1987. 22 x 15-5 cm. Mainly concerned with the restoration of sundials in France.
TIME AND ITS KEEPERS, Volume I, Number 1, October 1878. (Author not known)
TIMEX. Time Through the Ages. An advertising brochure containing a short history of timekeeping with some examples from the Timex Museum. The most interesting engraving is that of the portable sundial made for Sir Francis Drake in 1569. It contained a quadrant, magnetic compass, tide table and a diag ram of the planets. London, 1957.
TIMSON, Alan Neale and DANIEL, C. J. H., The Cross Staff. Historical Development and Modern Use. 26 pages, 17 illustrations. Thin grey card covers, with illustration on front. Harriet Wynter, London 1977. 25 x 16-5 cm. Covers the history of the cross staff, its use, and the modern use of the instrument in navigation.
Tips voor musea en dergelijke. Zonnewijzerkring 78.1, p 15.
TISCORNIA Carlo, Metodo semplice per la costruzione perfetta di orologi solari sopra qualunque superficie, 1851
Tittlbach, Monika (1996) Wem die Stunde scheint. Garten International (NR. 1) S. 23-28, 128-129
TITULAER, Chr. Feestrede ter ere van het jubileum. Zonnewijzerkring, 88.2. p 302.
TM, Annuli astronomici...Paris, 1558, pp. 159
TOALDO G., Breve notizia del calendario, in “Giornale Astro-Meteorologico, Padova, 1773
TOALDO G., Degli orologi, termologia, geografia, manoscritto cartaceo conservato nella Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile di Padova, 1767 (1784).
TOALDO G., Delle ore oltramontane, in “Giornale Astro-meteorologico”, Padova, 1789
TOALDO G., Istruzione popolare sull’orologio oltremontano e tavole del levare e tramontare del Sole, Padova, 1797
TOALDO G., La meridiana del salone di Padova, Ms. cartaceo autografo conservato nella Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile di Padova, Tomo II, c. 191-195, padova, 1787
TOALDO G., Metodo facile per descrivere gli orologi solari, Ed. Storti,in -8, c.ca 50 pagine, con tavv. numeriche e figg. in rame, Padova, 1790
TOALDO G., Siderum observationes habite a Patavinae Speculae exordiis usque ad annum 1779 exeuntem, in Saggi scientifici e letterari dell’Accademia di Padova, Vol. 1, 278-290, padova, 1786
TOALDO G., La meridiana del Salone di Padova, Tipografia del Seminario, Padova, 1838.
TODD, D. A new optical projection planetarium for visualizing the motions of celestial bodies, as seen by the naked eye, from the earth, Popular Astronomy, 33, pp 446-456, USA, 1925.
TOLEDANO R., Una meridiana sulla facciata di casa, in “Vita in campagna”, Verona, 1988
Tölle, Renate (1969) Uhren auf Samos. Opus nobile, Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von U. Jantzen S. 164-171
TOLLE, Renate. "Eine Spùtantike Reisuhr". (A Portable Sundial). Archéologischer Anzeiger, Number 3, Pages 309-317, 1969.
TOMBA Tullio, L'uso del notturnale nell'arte nautica del XVI e del XVII secolo, in Physis, anno IV, 1962
TOMBA, Tullio, and BRUSA, Guiseppe. Museo d'Arti Applicate Stumenti Scientifici-Orlogi. 167 pages. Astrolabes, quadrants and sundials are to be found on pages 37-53 in the form of plates. Board covers, front cover bears illustration of astrolabe. Electra Editrice, Milan, 1983. 24 x 25 cm. Most of the book is devoted to mechanical horology.
TOMES, PATRICIA A., The Watch and Clock Museum of the NAWCC. Pro-duced by the Science Press to demonstrate their expertise in colour printing, an annual exercise. On page 1 is an illustration of a pocket sundial circa 1750, unsigned, with the latitudes for Lisbon, Rome, Venice, Vienna, Augsburg and Salzburg engraved under the base. On page 3 is an illustration of a noon cannon sundial, c.1780, signed L'Ing R. Chevallier, Paris. The cannon is of bronze, the base of white marble. On page 8 is a Dyptych sundial of about 1850 for use at Dokert, Germany, made of wood and paper with a string gnomon. This is shown next to a Floating Gnomon Pocket Dial, circa 1800, fruitwood and polychrome paper, unsigned. All illustrations are in colour except for page 3. Ephrata, USA, 1988.
TOMPKINS, P D G. Letters to the Editor - Computer Program, Bulletin 96.1, February 1996, pp. 47-8.
TONDINI DE QUARENGHI, L. Cadran de l’heure universelle ou le méridien initial combiné avec l’heure locale pour toutes les horloges et à toutes les longitudes avec la liste des longitudes des principales localités du monde d’après le meridien international de Jérusalem. (Dial of universal time or the initial meridian for all clocks and all longitudes with the list of longitudes for the principal localities of the world with respect to the International Meridian of Jerusalem). Paris, 1888. The French were the most bitter opponents of the Greenwich International Longitude zero. This instrument is a three-part volvelle with steel hands at the rear to turn it.
TONELLO Guido., Censimento dei quadranti solari in provincia di Alessandria, Atti del VII° Sem.Naz.Gnom., 1996
TONELLO Guido., TEBENGHI M., VALENTE T., Se ne va il tempo come l'ombra. Meridiane in Provincia di Asti, Amministr. Provinciale di Asti, 1992.
TONELLO Guido, CURTI A., Restauro delle meridiane ad ora italica e francese del Palazzo Ghilini di Alessandria, Atti del V° Sem. Naz. Gnom., 1993
TONELLO Guido, Le meridiane dei palazzi Ghilini e Municipale di Alessandria, in La Provincia di Alessandria - Rivista dell’Amm.ne Provinciale n° 1-2- Gennaio-Agosto, pagg. 70-73, Alessandria 1992
TONELLO Guido, MORRA Giulio, Meridiane in provincia di Asti, se ne va il tempo come l’ombra (formato A4 tutto a colori) Provincia di Asti, Ass.to alla Cultura, 1996.
TONELLO Guido, Restaurata la meridiana di Palazzo Duomo, in “L’Ancora”, Settimanale della diocesi di Acqui Terme, Ro luglio 1995
TONELLO Guido, Censimento delle meridiane del Piemonte, Atti del VIII° Seminario Nazionale di Gnomonica, Porto S. Giorgio (AP), Italy, 3-4-5 october 1997
TONNE, Friedrich (1948) Sonnenuhren, Wirkungsweise und Konstruktion. Baumeister (NR. 9) S. 331-335
TONNE, Friedrich (195!) Horizontoskop.
TONNE, Friedrich (1955) Besonnung und Tageslicht im Hochbau. Handbuch des Bauwesens
TONNE, Friedrich (1960) Sonnenschutz. Bauwelt 43 S. 1-8
TONNE, Friedrich (1965) Taschen-Sonnenuhr. Auslegeschrift (NR. 1 207 290) S. 1-4
TONNE, Friedrich (1966) Taschensonnenuhr. Gebrauchsmuster (NR. 368 586) S. 1-4
TORRENS, David Smyth. "Clocks and Timekeeping", a lecture delivered at the Technical Institute, Bolton Street, Dublin, on Thursday 12 April 1934, by Mr (later Profesor) D S Torrens. The first part of this lecture dealt with the early time-keeping by the use of the sun, the use of sundials and shadow clocks in ancient times, some old Irish sundials, sun and star time, and the earth as a clock. Dublin 1934. A rare glimpse of David Torrens imparting his incomparable knowledge of horology to others.
TORROELLA, Rafael Santos. Los numeros del Tiempo (Antologia del reloj y las horas en la poesia Castellana, Madrid, 1953. (The numbers of Time. Anthology of clocks and the hours in Castilian poetry).
TOSCA Tomas, Vicente, Gnomonica, tomo IX, Vicente Cabrera, Valencia, 141p., 1707
TOSCA, Tomas Vincente. Compendio mathematica ... (Mathematical Compendium ... ). Book 9 of this work had the addition of "Gnomonica. Ordenacién del Tiempo. Astrologia" in 1694, with five more editions appearing between 1709 and 1794. See Tosca in Listing No 2. The book is written in the Catalan language, but is notable for the most complete account of the history of dialling up to then excepting that of Clavius in the Latin language.
TOSCA, Tomás Vicente Compendio mathematico ... (Mathematical Compendium). Valencia 1707 and 1715. The ninth volume of this massive work contains: "Tratado de la Gnomonica u de la theorica y practice de los reloxes de sol". Compuesto por el Doctor Thomas Vicente Tosca, Presbitero ... (Treatise of Gnomonics and the theory and practice of sundials. Composed by Doctor Thomas Vicente Tosca, Priest. The title page of Book IX is shown in Bibliografia Relojera Española, page 49. It was re-published without change as late as 1794.
Tóth L.S. (1982) Egtjmutátó Napóra (Himmelsrichtung anzeigende Sonnenuhr). Föd és ég (NR. 12) S. 366-369
TOULMIN, Steven and GOODFIELD, June. The Fabric of the Heavens, Pelican Books, London, 1963.
Tränkle, Eberhard (1990) Der wandernde Schatten von Sonnenuhren - eine Computersimulation. MNU 43 (NR. 4) S. 209-213
TRAVERSARI Gustavo, il “Pelecinum” - Un particolare tipo di orologio solare raffigurato su alcuni rilievi di sarcofagi di età romana, in Archeologia e Astronomia, Roma, 1991, pp. 66-73
TRENTO Paolo, L’astrolabio. Storia, Funzioni, Costruzione, Roma, Ed. Biblioteca del Vascello, 1989
TRESWELL, Ralph. A Publication of Surveying and Measuring, London, 1616.
Treue, Wilhelm (1954) Kulturgeschichte der Schraube von der Antike bis zum 18ten Jahrhundert. Bruckmann, München.
TREUTLER, H. Populóre Gnomonik und Chronometrie oder Konstruktion der Sonnenuhren mit dem immerwóhrenden Kalendar und Bestimmung der Zeit sur Regulirung der mechnischen Uhren so wie Auflôsungen einiger Astronomischen Aufgaben. (Popular Gnomonics and Time Measurement or Construction of Sundials with the perpetual calendar and indication of Time for regulation of mechanical clocks as well as solutions to some astronomical problems). Weimar, 1858.
Treutler, H. (Sternheim) (1836) Populäre Gnomonik und Chronometrie oder Konstruktion der Sonnenuhren mit dem immerwährenden Kalender und Bestimmung der Zeit zur Regulirung der mechanischen Uhren sowie Auflösungen einiger astronomischer Aufgaben. Voigt, Weimar.
TRINCHERO Aldo, Alla ricerca di romantiche meridiane, Corriere di Chieri e dintorni, 7-4-1984
TRINCHERO Aldo, Alla ricerca di romantiche meridiane, Gazzetta d’Asti, 4 gennaio, 1984
TRINCHERO Aldo, Caccia alla meridiana Corriere di Chieri, 7 aprile, 1984
TRINCHERO Aldo, L’ombra del tempo torna a segnare i giorni, Gazzetta di Asti, 24-12-1984
TRINCHERO Aldo, Orologi solari per le Alpi...., Experimenta, agosto, 1986
TRINCHERO Aldo, Orologio solare, Gazzetta d’Asti, 4 gennaio, 1984
TRINCHERO Aldo, PAVANELLO G., Le Meridiane, De Vecchi Editore, Milano, 1996
TRINCHERO, Aldo, Moglia Lando, Pavanello, Gian Carlo, L'Ombra e il Tempo. [Shadow and Time]. 431 pages + 15 unpaginated, 323 illustrations in text with 196 photographs - b & w. Board covers with gilt title and design and five metals stars. Vanel, Turin, 1988. 29 x 22 cm. This is a momental work on the Art, History and Science of Sundials, with special refeence to the locality of Piemonte, Italy. See Dr. Hagan's comments upon this book, BSS Bulletin 90.2, pages 26-27. There are a number of errors in the work, some caused by having three separate uncordinated authors.
TRINCHERO, Aldo. "L'Ombra del Tempo torna a segnare i giorni". (The Shadow of Time turns the mark of day). Gazetta d'Asti 21 December 1984. 1984.
TRINCHERO, Aldo. "Per capire bene i due Quadranti delle Meridiane della Cattedrale". (For a better understanding of the two Quadrants of the sundial of the Cathedral). Gazetta d'Asti, 4 January 1984.
TRINCHERO, Aldo. "Recenti restauri di antichi Orologi nell'area piemontese. Relazione presentata al XIX Congresso Nazionale 13/15 Settembre 1985". (Recent restorations of old sundials in the Piedmontese area. Report presented at the 19th National Congress held 13/15 September). Astronomia, No 2, April, June 1986. Bologna 1986.
TROILI, Domenico S J. Dell’ oriuolo oltramontano. (Of the mountain clock). Soliani, Modena, 1757. Evidently the Shepherd or Columnar Dial as used in the Pyrenees
Tropf, Klaus (1996) Hermannus Contractus, Hermann der Lahme, Hermann von Reichenau, Hermann von Altshausen. De Zonnewijzerkring 96(NR. 3) S. 6-8
Trotta, Giovanni Baptista (1631) Praxis horologiorum expeditissima per quam varia horologiorum genera praesertim verticalia per novas tabulas facilime describuntur., Napoli.
TROTTA, J Baptiste. Nova Horologio notturno per mezzo delle stelle ... con aggiunta arco dell’Horologio polare corretto, ed accresciuto, e dell’ horologio della luna. (New night clock by means of the stars ... with an addition in the arch of the correct polar clock, and a moon dial). Naples, 1651.
TROTTI Galeazzo, Oriuolo orizzontale..., 1683 (BMI)
TROUGHTON. Directions for Observing with Troughton’s Reflecting Circle, London, not dated.
TROVILLION, Violet and Hal W. The Sundial in our Garden. 56 page pamphlet published by the Trovillion Private Press. A poetical work. 1955.
TROYE, N C de. Waar komt de schrikkelseconde vandaan? Zonnewijzerkring 94.1, pp 9-14.
TSS (1555) Holzschnitt eines Sonnenquadranten “TSS 1555”.,.
TUCKER, A. Modula 2 une introduction, McGraw-Hill, 1987. A simple approach to programming in Modula 2. (Programming in Modula 2 for those who wish to write dialling programs). A number of program listings in Modula 2 can be found in Cadrans Solaires de Précision, Y Opizzo, Masson, Paris, 1990.
TUCKERMANN, B. Planetary, lunar, and solar positions AD 2 to AD 1649 at five-day and ten-day intervals, Philadelphia, 1964.
TUDELA Y TAFALLA, Lecciones de astronomia esferica, Madrid, 261p., 1868
TULASKI, -. Gnomonica facilitata seu methodus arithmetica delineandi horologia regularia et irregularia per tabulas recte calculatas. (Gnomonics made easy or an arithmetic way of drawing regular and irregular sundials by means of correctly calculated tables). Regimonti, 1751
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