Georgia associations of health underwriters

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Board of Directors

July 13, 2007
Present: Rick Bailey, CFP, RHU, REBC, ÇSA, Shan Rickets, RHU, FLMI, ACS, Ron Levine, Blake Watts, Michael Carmean, Susan Cook, David Johnson, RHU, LUTCF, CSA, Charles Green, Jeff Fishback, CHC, Lisa Wetherton, Trey Tompkins, J.D., Michael Wardrip, LUTCF, Bill Czajkoski, Donna Hill, FLMI, Carol Hayes, RHU, LUTCF, James R. Stephens, Jr., LUTCF, RHU and Gina Grantham, CAE of A.E.S.I.
Absent: Ronald Knight, Rob Fitzgerald, Sr., Matt Jernigan, Robert Kerr, III, Clifton McKnight, Sr., Lisa K. Sapp, CIC, AIP, Maggie D. Coley, Lisa L. Gilbert, Pam C. Fleming, Charles Shaw, Jr., Timothy M. Taylor, Sr., HIA, RHU, MHP and Kirk Rouse, HIA, MSA.
President Rick Bailey called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m. at 245 Perimeter Center, Atlanta, Georgia.
President’s Report: Rick Bailey expressed thanks to Michael Carmean for his leadership and all involved in the 2007-08 GAHU Board.
Minutes: Lisa Wetherton made a motion made to approve the June minutes of the board. Donna Hill seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
Regional Report: Lisa Wetherton encouraged all to attend the August 10-11, 2007 leadership meeting in Memphis. She advised travel and lodging arrangements should be made as soon as possible.
New Business: Donna Hill advised the Past President’s Counsel had been requested to review the bylaws and policies and procedures. She distributed and reviewed a new policy and procedure for the Kathy Cruce Award. Donna made a motion to approve the Cathy Cruce Award policy and procedure. David Johnson seconded the motion. Discussion followed with regards to HUPAC contributions and the present member terminology. Following discussion, Lisa Wetherton offered a friendly amendment to change the wording to “member” within the policy and procedure. Donna Hill accepted the amendment and motion carried with all in favor as amended.
Rick Bailey advised of two members that had to leave the NAHU Convention early and the policies and procedures do not allow for reimbursement without full attendance. David Johnson left due to a death in the family. Michael Carmean made a motion to approve board reimbursement for David Johnson. Lisa Wetherton seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor. Ron Levine was called away for business. Following discussion, Michael Carmean made motion to table this item until the next meeting. David Johnson seconded the motion and motion carried.
Chuck Green advised of a Friends of John Oxendine fundraiser to be held in Savannah, with costs of the event covered by members of the committee. He requested the opportunity to email the association membership and include a formal invitation in the GAHU Convention. A draft communication was reviewed. Contributions would be made to the Oxendine Better Georgia Committee. The communication was to be revised and distributed on behalf of the Friends of John Oxendine.
Trey Tompkins advised per the GAHUPAC bylaws, the GAHU board must approved the officers of GAHUPAC. Trey made a motion to approve the GAHUPAC officers. Motion seconded by Lisa Wetherton and approved.
Rick advised of recent discussions with David Johnson relating to changing Michael Wardrip’s contract. He proposed taking $3,255 previously budgeted for attending the NASCHIP meeting and allocate to Michael’s fee. Dave advised we no longer needed to continue to attend the NASCHIP meeting as Russ Childers could pick up information for us and most attendees were employees of the states with risk pools. Other NAHU State Chapter lobbyist rates were reviewed. David reviewed communications from Janet Trautwein and a number of legislators speaking highly of Michael’s efforts on our behalf. Dave made a motion to increase Michael Wardrip’s fee to $42,000.00 and remove the CPI. Motion seconded by Trey Tompkins. Following discussion, motion withdrawn. Chuck Green made a motion for GAHU to pay Michael an additional $314.25 per month consistent with his normal pay period over the next ninety days; form a committee with the Legislative Chair, GAHUPAC Chair, President and Treasurer to seek means of funding the amount, which would become a pay increase with funding secured. Lisa Wetherton seconded the motion. Following discussion, motion carried with ten in favor, 3 opposed and 2 abstentions.
Atlanta - Trey Tompkins reported Clifton McKnight was the new president of AAHU. He advised a strategic planning meeting had been held and added AAHU approved up to $300 to send board members to the Regional Leadership meeting.

Chattahoochee - No report.
Coastal Empire - No report.
CSRA - Carol Hayes distributed a report on progress with CSRA in many organizational and operational areas. He advised they raised $275 for the GAHUPAC last month.
Middle Georgia - No report.
Northeast Georgia – No report.
Northwest Georgia - No Report.
South Atlanta – Donna Hill reported the SAAAHU Summer Social was scheduled for July 17, 2007.

Federal Legislative: No report.

Technology: Donna Hill planned to distribute an update.
Past President’s Counsel: No report.
Awards: Jim Stephens congratulated GAHU for winning the Legislative Excellence Award for large chapters, as well as Rick Bailey and David Johnson for receiving Distinguished Service Awards. He planned to start to outline awards needs the following month.
Membership: Bill Czajkoski and Blake Watts planned to meet.
Media Relations: Trey Tompkins advised two press releases were being sent out on the DSAs.
Ethics: No report.
HUPAC: No report.
GAHUPAC: David Johnson reported just receiving $900 from Humana. He advised the GAHUPAC had $18,870.22 in the bank and 36 monthly bank draft contributors contributing a total of $971.00 per month.
Fundraising: Blake Watts reported the committee held a post event conference call. He encouraged all that donated items to make sure there was a good record of same.
Communications: No report.
Education: No report.
Government Affairs: David Johnson advised he had distributed his report via email that morning.
Convention: Rick Bailey advised of meeting Robby Keer that morning and estimated the GAHU Convention would generate between $32,000 to $38,000 in profit. He indicated there were not as many Gold and Silver Sponsors as in the past. Efforts were underway to increase registration.
Treasurer’s Report: Ron Levine reviewed Financial Report for period ending 6/30/07 with points noted: 1) Total income of $258,875.28; 2) Total expenses of $272,212.06; and, 3) Accounts receivable of $2,968.33. He advised the year end report was not complete with COBRA receipts and a few other areas. Lisa Wetherton made motion to accept financial statement as presented, Chuck Green seconded, motion passed.
Old Business – No report.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gina Grantham, CAE

Executive Director

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