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    1. The Legacy of Roman Art

  1. Roman art was especially influenced by the __________.

  2. Roman sculptors were good at making______________ _______ and _________.

  3. What are

    1. Murals?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2. Mosaics?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. Frescos?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  4. How might a Roman artist give a sense of style and luxury to an everyday object such as a wine bottle? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  5. A __________ is a carved decoration showing a portrait or a scene.

  6. Roman art was rediscovered during the period called the _____________ .

*Where might we find a modern example of the following forms of Roman art?





-An Everyday Object (in the shape of something else)-_______________

    1. The Legacy of Roman Architecture and Engineering

1. Define the following terms:



2. The ___________ is an ancient Roman temple in Rome which uses a huge dome.

3. Concrete is made by mixing broken stone with _______, ________ and ________.

4. The _________ of the Colosseum made it easy for spectators to reach their seats and to exit the stadium.

5. A _________ arch is a huge monument built to celebrate great victories or achievements.

  1. Romans were the greatest builders of _______, bridges and aqueducts.

  2. Define aqueduct __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  3. Roman roads were built with layers of _______, ______ and _______.

  4. Aqueducts brought ________ from about 60 miles away to the homes of Rome’s wealthy citizens.

*Name an example of a modern use of the following Roman architectural or engineering achievements:



-Triumphal Arch-_____________________




    1. The Legacy of Roman Language and Writing

  1. ________ continued to be used by scholars and the Roman Catholic Church after the fall of Rome.

  2. Church ______ used Latin to record important documents.

  3. Define Scribe __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  4. ________, ________ and ________ were all European languages which developed from Latin.

  5. We use the Latin alphabet, but our version has ____ letters while the Latin version has _____ letters.

  6. Many English words come from ________ root words.

  7. Our calendar is derived from a Roman one. The month of ________ was originally meant to honor Caesar Augustus.

  8. Define Proverb __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  9. What quantities do the following Roman numerals stand for:

    1. I _______

    2. II _______

    3. III _______

    4. V _______

    5. X _______

    6. L _______

    7. C _______

    8. D _______

    9. M _______

*Name two modern uses of Latin phrases and Roman numerals?


    1. The Legacy of Roman Philosophy, Law and Citizenship

A Philosophy Called Stoicism

  1. Define Philosophy __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  2. A ____________ school of thought that became popular in Rome was Stoicism.

  3. To the Stoic, the one truly good thing in life was to have a good _________. This meant having virtues such as _______ _______ and _________.

  4. Stoics prized the welfare of the ____________ over their personal comfort.

  5. Roman Stoics were famous for bearing _______ and ________ bravely and quietly.

*Give an example of a person we celebrate for not complaining when they do their jobs________________________________

Law and Justice

  1. The modern legal codes of _________ and _____________ are based in part on ancient Roman laws.

  2. Romans believed that there was a universal law of justice that came from ________. By this ___________ law, every person had rights.

  3. Romans did not always live up to their own ideals. ________ and ________ people were not treated as equal to the rich in Roman courts.

  4. The idea of natural rights is echoed in the _____________ of Independence.


  1. Roman citizenship was extended to all ______ people in the empire. Citizens were subject to Roman _____, enjoyed the same _______, and owed __________ to the emperor.

  2. Citizenship is a __________ and a ____________. For example, citizens of this country enjoy rights contained in the Bill of Rights. Citizens must also obey the law.


Class Period__________________

Eng – Social Studies

Guide for Chapter 2 – The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe

Goal: To understand how Europeans organized themselves politically and economically after the fall of Rome.

    1. Introduction

*After the Roman Empire collapsed, life was __________ and ___________ in Western Europe. People worked hard to simply survive and have enough to eat.

*People needed _____________ from invading barbarians and nearby kingdoms.

*This gave rise an economic and political system called ____________.

*In a feudal system, people pledged _________ to a lord and a promise to work his land as farmers. In return, the lord would provide _________ (armed warriors) to protect the people.

    1. Western Europe During the Middle Ages

*Rome controlled most of Europe, but other groups called __________ controlled the other parts. After Rome fell, these groups took control and set up separate kingdoms.

Charlemagne’s Empire

*The ____________ were a powerful group who developed a new style of warfare using heavily armed warriors who fought on horseback.

*In return for their service, rulers rewarded knights with _____ and privileges.

*___________ was made king of the Franks at 15 and defeated the last great Roman army in Gaul. He was eventually baptized into the _______ ________ Church.

*Charlemagne, another king of the Franks, was able to unify nearly all the Christian lands of Europe into one kingdom. For his help the pope crowned Charlemagne _________ _________ emperor.

*Define the following:

*Barbarian __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Christianity __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Roman Catholic Church __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Pope __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

A Need for Order and Protection

*Three groups threatened Western Europe in the 9th and 10th centuries, the ___ from the Near East and northern Africa, the ________, a central Asian people and ____________ from present day Norway and Denmark.

*Vikings were best known for their terrifying ________ on towns and villages.

    1. Feudalism: Establishing Order

*The feudal system provided people with protection and safety by establishing a __________ social order.

*Define the following:

*Monarch ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Fief ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Manor ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*The Monarch promised to give his lords a __________. In return, the lords (also known as the Monarch’s vassals) promised to provide ________ to the Monarch in times of war.

*A ___________ is a peasant who is “tied” to the land and cannot leave the lord’s land.

*A ___________ includes a castle or manor house, one or more villages, and the surrounding farmland.

*People were ________ into a social class for life. They had the same social position and often the same job as their parents.

    1. Monarchs During Feudal Times

*Define the following:

*divine right of kings ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*noble ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*duke ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Monarchs believed that ________ had given them the right to rule.

*Few kings had enough wealth to maintain their own __________. Instead, they had to rely on their vassals to provide enough _______ and soldiers.

*When a lord grew powerful and ruled over their fief as an independent state, the Monarch was little more than a ______________, a symbolic ruler who had little real power.

*William, Duke of Normandy, seized the throne from his cousin Harold after defeating Harold’s army at the battle of ___________ in 1066. For this, William became known as William the ____________.

    1. Lords and Ladies During Feudal Times

*If a Lord has more than one manor, he would usually _______ in one for a few months then move to another.

Manor Houses and Castles

*Manor houses were protected by high walls and sometimes a _________.

*Define the following:

*Moat- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Hierarchy- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*The great hall of the Manor was used for _________ and to hold special celebration feasts such as at ________ and harvest time.

*Castles’ strong walls and gates provided ____________ to their residents.

*The large size and central location of a castle served as a visual reminder of the __________ within a kingdom.

*__________ and ___________ castles were made of wood. After 1100 C.E. most castles were built of stone to resist _____________ arrows.

The Responsibilities and Daily Life of Lords and Ladies

*Lords were responsible for managing the estate – which included appointing _________ to make sure the land was farmed and taxes were collected.

*Lords served as _________ in manor courts and had the power to fine and punish.

*Lords would fight for higher ranking lords or a monarch and supply a well trained _______ ________.

*Ladies, who held fiefs, ran their estates, sat as judges and sent knights to serve in times of war. These ladies did not, however, ________ in war.

*Ladies were responsible for raising and training their __________ . Ladies were also responsible for overseeing the __________ – which could include hundreds of people.

*Lords and ladies enjoyed leisure activities such as hunting and _________ which involved hunting with birds.

*Castles were gloomy and ________ since heat only came from fireplaces. People might bathe ______ a week and fleas and _____ were in every medieval building.

    1. Knights During Feudal Times

*Define armor ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Becoming a Knight

*Knight training started early. Boys began their training at age _____ .

*Pages learned how to ride _________ and received __________ instruction from the local priest or friar.

*Pages spent most of their time with the ________ of the castle. The ladies taught the pages how to _______, ________, _________ _________ and _____ the harp.

*After _______ years, pages became squires. Squires polished the knights’ ________, ________, _________ and _________. He took care of the knight’s horse.

*Squires had to wait on the knight at ___________by carving the knight’s meat and filling his cup when it was empty.

*Squires trained with a sword and a __________ - a spear that measured up to fifteen feet long.

*Squires went into battle to help the knight put on his _______ and to look after the knight if he was ____________.

*In his early ____ a squire could be made a knight. A squire would spend the night before the ceremony in __________. The next morning he ______ and put on a ______ tunic. He knelt before his lord and said his vows. The lord then drew his _________ and touched the shoulders of the knight to be lightly.

*If a knight performed well in battle he could be __________ on the spot.

The Responsibilities and Daily Life of Knights

*Knights lived by a code of behavior called______________.

*Knights were expected to be loyal to their _______ and their lord, to be just and ________, and to protect the __________. They performed acts of _________ or respect paid to women.

*In a _____________, knights galloped at each other with their lances held straight out.

*Tournaments were fought between teams of knights in _____ on ______ battle.

*In the ____ century armor was made of metal rings linked together. In the ___century armor was mostly made of plate armor.

    1. Peasants During Feudal Times

*The primary job of peasants are to ______ the land.

*There were two classes of peasants – ____ peasants and ______. A free peasant ________ land from the lord and paid the lord for its use. A ____ was not free to leave the lord’s estate.

*Most peasants spent their days farming and tending to _________ (farm animals). Some peasants were carpenters, ________, smiths (metalworkers), and other skilled work.

*Peasants had to pay the lord ______. “Head money” was a fixed amount per person that had to be paid _________. A _______ was a tax a lord could impose whenever he needed money. A ________ was paid when a woman married and was paid by the woman, her father and her husband.

*Peasants had to grind their grain at the lord’s mill. The miller kept portions of the grain for the __________ and for himself.

*Peasant houses were made of _________strips of wood covered with straw and mud. Peasants had little ________. The fire was in the ________ of the main room.

*Peasants ate ________, meat such as pork, and dark, coarse _______ made of wheat mixed with rye or oatmeal.


Class Period___________________

Eng – Social Studies

Guide for Chapter 3 – The Role of the Church in Medieval Europe

Goal: To understand how the Roman Catholic Church strongly influenced the lives of Medieval Europeans

3.1 Introduction

*The church was the _________ of medieval life in Western Europe.

*Church bells were used to ______ out the hours, call people to _______, and _______ of dangers.

*Churches were used for religious services and town meetings, ________, and __________.

*Markets, _____________ and _________ were all held in the shadow of the church’s spires (towers).

*People thought that storms, disease and famine were _________ sent by God. People hoped that _________ and devotion would keep away such disasters.

*__________, or the saving of one’s soul, would come to those who followed the church’s teachings.

3.2 The Christian Church Takes Shape

*Christians are followers of _________ ________. Christians believe that he was the _____ of God, that God sent him to ______ to save people from their sins. Christians believe that he _____ from the dead after his ____________.

*Define the following:

*persecute- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*monastery- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*monk- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*clergy- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Romans, at first, ________________ the Christians. However, the Romans later adopted Christianity as the recognized religion of the Roman Empire.

*After the fall of Rome, the Church provided help to the people. The Church organized the distribution of _______. ____________ provided hospitality to refugees and travelers. ________ copied and preserved old text.

The Organization of the Roman Catholic Church

*The _______ is the supreme head of the Roman Catholic Church.

*The pope was assisted by high ranking clergy called ____________.

*Archbishops were next in rank. They governed areas called _____________.

*__________ governed areas called dioceses.

*Within each diocese, local communities called ____________ were served by _________.

*Fill in the blanks on the chart

Church Rank

Area Governed






Local community

The Increasing Power of the Church

*The church was wealthy. It was the largest _____________ in Europe. The church seized land by force and received land as ______ from monarchs and wealthy lords. The Church collected a ________, or tax. Each person was expected to give ______ ________ of his money, produce or _______ to help support the church.

*Church officials became _________ to monarchs because they were the only ones who could read and write Latin.

*Define excommunicate- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*King Henry IV was angered that Pope Gregory VII took away his power to __________ church officials so he declared that Gregory was no longer Pope. Pope Gregory __________ Henry. King Henry begged forgiveness and was readmitted to the church.

3.3 Sacraments and Salvation in the Middle Ages

*Most people in Medieval Europe believed in God and an ____________. They believed that the ________ of a person lives on after a person’s body dies. They believed that the soul could go to ________ or to _________.

*The Church taught that people gained _________ or entry into heaven and eternal life by following the _________ teachings and living a _________ life.

*Define Sacrament- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*The Church taught that receiving the seven sacraments brought people _______ or a special blessing from God.

*Fill in the explanations of the Seven Roman Catholic Sacraments








Holy Orders


Extreme Unction

    1. Pilgrimages and Crusades

*Define the following:

*pilgrimage- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*relic- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*convent- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*nun- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

* People travel long distances to visit holy sites and relics to show their __________ to God, as an act of _________ for their sins, or in the hopes of being _________ of an illness.

*Pilgrimages were difficult and __________. Pilgrims traveled together for safety and sometimes even hired an _______ escort. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote _____ __________ ______ about a group of pilgrims traveling to the shrine of Saint Thomas Beckett.

*Another extraordinary service was fighting in the ____________.

*The crusades were _________ ________ to the land where Jesus had lived, the Holy Land. Many crusaders were motivated by deep religious feelings.

3.5 Art and Architecture

*__________ and __________ of Christ and Christian saints were placed in churches to help people worship as most people did not know how to _______.

*The large churches headed by bishops, ____________, were built to inspire awe and could be as tall as a 30 story building.

*Cathedrals were built in the shape of a ______________. The long central section of the cathedral was called the ________. The shorter sections were called the ________. The walls of gothic cathedrals were supported by stone arches called _____________ ________________.

*____________ are stone spouts projecting from the rain gutters of the roof. They were carved in the shape of ___________. It served as a warning that ________ and evil _______ would catch them if they did not attend church.

*The __________ glass windows often showed pictures which were useful in explaining stories from the ____________.

*Cathedrals could take from ____ to 100 years to complete on average.

3.6 Education

Define the following:

*university- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*rhetoric- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*theology- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*natural law- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*During the Middle Ages schooling took place in _________, _________ and cathedrals. Most people studying in the Middle Ages were preparing for careers in the __________.

*Students in universities studied Latin grammar and ____________, logic, _________, arithmetic, __________ and music. Books were rare because they had to be ___________ copied.

*Church leaders were apprehensive about ancient texts because they feared people would question church __________ if they read them.

*Thomas Aquinas argued that _____________ and religious belief worked together.

3.7 Holidays

*The word “holiday” comes from two words _____ _____.

*On Christmas, Christians celebrates the birth of ______. Medieval Europeans celebrated for ____days. Homes were decorated with evergreens, _______ ______, and mistletoe. People attended church and enjoyed a great __________ given by the lord.

*On Easter, Christians celebrate the _________ (the Christian belief that Christ rose from the dead). People attended church, __________ and played _______. One game involved an _______, a symbol of new life.

*Music, _________, and food were all part of medieval holiday celebrations. People drank ________ (a strong beer) and ate baked and fried foods. Other holiday entertainment included __________, acrobats and jugglers, and ________ __________.

*Plays acting out scenes of the _________ were popular. In some English villagse ___________ (traveling groups of actors) would give elaborate performances with masks, drums and bells, dances and make-believe ____________fights.

3.8 Monks, Nuns, and Mendicants

The Monastic Way of Life

*Define the following:

*Monasticism- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Illuminated Manuscript- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Monks were ________ who joined monasteries, communities devoted to prayer and service to fellow Christians. Saint ________ founded the monastic way of life in Western Europe. Benedictines made promises of _________(to not own property), ___________(never to marry) and __________(to obey their leaders).

*Monks spent their days in prayer, ______ and work. Monks attended _______ church services a day. They copied ___________ texts. Monks farmed the land, tended the gardens and ___________livestock.

*A monastery was laid out around a __________, a covered walkway. On the north side was the church. On the south side was the ________ and dining hall. On the third side was the ___________ where they slept. On the final side was the ____________ where books were copied by hand and beautiful illuminated manuscripts were made.

*Women who became nuns lived in ___________. Nuns performed much of the same work as monks.

*Define religious order- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


*Define friar- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*Rather than stay in a monastery, mendicants traveled among ordinary people to care for the _______ and sick. Mendicants lived in complete _________ and had to work or beg for food for themselves and the poor.

*Saint Francis of Assisi founded the _____________ an order that is also called the Little Brothers of the Poor.


Class Period_________________

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