Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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Kenton Company, Second Kentucky Infantry, 106:15

Kenton County, Ky., 72:132, 74:42–45, 49, 50, 90:324, 332, 98:156, 166–68; allegiances in during Civil War, 79:211–18; Democratic Party in, 104:518–19; members of Ky. Regiment from, 105:588; state capital relocation issue, 104:282

Kent State University (Kent, Ohio), 72:77, 83:36–63; National Guard Shooting at, 102:301

Kentucke Gazette, 78:109, 126

Kentucke: The Magazine of Bluegrass State Heritage, 96:305

Kentucke: The Story of a Proud Heritage, by Robert A. Powell: reviewed, 76:242–43

Kentuckian: ship magazine for the USS Kentucky, 88:77

Kentuckian, The (Paris), 72:138

Kentuckian-Citizen (Paris, Ky.), 108:360; and racial politics in Bourbon County, Ky., 108:367–68, 370–71, 374

Kentuckians, by Janice Holt Giles: noted, 87:92

Kentuckians Before Boone, by A. Gwynn Henderson: reviewed, 91:338–39

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, 99:257

Kentuckians in Gray: Confederate Generals and Field Officers of the Bluegrass State, edited by Bruce S. Allardice and Lawrence Lee Hewitt: noted, 107:627–28

Kentuckians in History and Literature, by John Wilson Townsend, 72:308

"Kentuckian's Victory-Bond Odyssey, A," by Thomas E. Stephens, 100:195–200

Kentucky: 1860 election, 103:759–64; and Abraham Lincoln, 106:307–32, 433–77, 479–94, 571–604, 107:173–76, 216–19; African–Americans, 83:237–66, 84:263–79, 85:29–45, 87:426–38, 89:338–61, 90:165–82, 91:65–76, 403–19, 93:159–79, 95:121–34, 96:351–76, 97:305–22, 98:1–22, 155–78, 241–60, 99:5–52, 53–68, 363–84, 100:15–27, 293–310, 101:243–74, 457–78, 105:386–39; agriculture, 83:347–55, 89:179–99, 338–61, 90:165–82, 92:267–87, 96:137–66; Appalachia, 83:123–39, 299–314, 87:40–57, 385–403, 91:176–202, 93:180–206, 94:225–46, 265–96, 95:57–78, 96:119–36; Appalachian Kentucky and the War on Poverty, 107:301–417; architecture, 103:493–516; athletics, 88:163–82, 93:422–45; basketball, 84:51–75; Black Patch War, 89:362–76; Bluegrass region, 92:347–99; business, 88:394–430; civil rights, 90:165–82, 99:5–51, 101:243–74, 104:217–48, 105:3–32, 383–416; Civil War, 79:122–35, 85:322–58, 86:52–69, 352–75, 89:362–76, 93:257–85, 94:134–73, 96:221–48, 315–50, 97:1–26, 247–86, 98:43–102, 101:401–56, 102:383–402, 103:517–42, 627–60, 661–90, 107:141–46, 173–76, 183, 189, 513–49; Clay, Henry, 89:32–60, 94:353–62, 100:427–72, 473–96, 583–84; coal, 97:189–201; and coal industry, 73:155, 162, 164–70; Confederate Seal of, 80:89–90; crime in, 81:134–53, 84:361–96, 88:1–23, 102:357–82; criminal justice, 91:129–49, 100:5–27; "dark and bloody ground," myth of, 90:1–25; democratization of, 95:337–67; development of radio in, 79:333–53; documentary photography in, 85:291–307; early heroes, 90:225–335; early population of, 80:253–66; education, 83:19–35, 36–63, 173–201, 85:46–68, 86:24–51, 103–18, 88:318–34, 431–56, 91:150–75, 93:307–32, 95:79–85, 96:29–60, 97:287–304, 98:1–22, 23–42; environment, 102:157–82, 183–206; family history, 103:465–92; film, 98:367–84, 405–28; foreign observers, 90:26–44, 94:59–66; Freedmen's Bureau, 84:343–60; frontier agriculture, 107:3–32; future of, Ed Prichard on, 104:602–8; governors of, 76:285–306; historiography, 80:65–88, 90:45–63, 92:400–410, 96:295–306, 307–14, 377–84, 97:83–112, 123–36, 99:385–92, 101:479–88, 103:11–445, 104:95–126, 105:33–92, 247–76, 461–74; horse breeding and racing, 100:473–96; Jackson Purchase, 99:339–62; James Monroe and the Confederation Congress, 74:261–80; Jefferson Davis visits to, 107:231–32; journalism, 94:247–64; judicial system, 93:387–421; labor, 85:111–37, 86:216–29; land acquisition, 84:241–62, 85:103–10, 91:176–202, 105:44–45; law, 90:165–82; literature, 86:142–65, 89:121–46, 90:368–76, 91:24–50, 96:1–28, 97:113–222, 98:139–54, 104:77–94; lotteries, 87:405–25; medicine, 87:20–39, 94:396–421, 102:157–82; Melungeons, 102:207–24; memory of Jefferson Davis in, 107:210–18; Mexican War, 90:323–44, 95:227–84; military, 83:315–46, 88:45–81, 148–62, 278–86, 99:123–52, 104:43–76; Mormons, 105:229–46; music, 93:286–306, 98:385–404; in the nation's history, 97:123–35; Native Americans, 91:249–59, 260–97, 95:219–36; New Deal, 84:107–45, 90:256–83, 345–67, 93:446–64, 97:45–82; New South, 103:341–43; and the Old South, 98:369–71, 376; oral history, 104:395–608, 609–42, 643–74, 685–98; orators of, 73:356–89; photographs of, 90:90–116; politics, 78:98–114, 80:281–308, 309–29, 367–91, 84:18–50, 192–210, 397–421, 85:1–28, 138–61, 86:330–51, 88:245–77, 89:239–65, 266–86, 92:24–43, 93:133–58, 96:245–68, 98:343–66, 99:213–301, 100:29–57, 102:3–12, 69–88, 103:185–200, 349–76, 661–90, 104:249–83, 105:675–77; politics in, 76:285–306; Prohibition, 92:175–99; railroads in, 73:122–35; and Reconstruction, 107:227–28; regional identity of, 107:521–22; religion, 79:354–68, 85:308–21, 87:144–61, 88:121–47, 91:1–23, 97:305–22, 347–74, 101:275–96, 102:13–38, 106:165–90; during the secession crisis, 72:91–110, 99:339–61, 106:409–32; Shakers, 94:33–58; slavery, 80:281–308, 87:1–19, 92:1–23, 96:167–94, 97:375–402, 101:93–108, 401–56, 102:13–38, 103:691–726, 727–43, 105:51–56, 64–65; slavery in, 75:92–111, 106:312–13, 378–80, 412, 434–35, 571–604; Spanish–American War, 89:287–99, 94:363–95; sports, 88:163–82, 93:422–45, 97:403–44; statistical overview in 1860, 103:743–64; tobacco, 92:305–9, 100:313–14; transportation, 87:118–43, 94:4–32, 95:1–28, 369–94, 395–425, 98:279–96; Underground Railroad, 101:93–108; Vietnam War, 90:140–64, 95:285–303, 97:323–36, 102:287–355; War of 1812, 83:93–107, 104:5–42, 105:195–228; women, 83:19–35, 87:1–19, 93:4–24, 25–42, 43–78, 79–85, 422–45, 94:363–95, 99:213–48, 213–301, 249–86, 287–301, 101:45–74; World War II, 83:108–22, 86:230–77, 88:287–317, 89:61–84, 90:64–89, 92:288–304, 93:333–39, 95:135–80, 96:61–87, 265–94, 98:179–204, 100:129–38, 139–66, 167–94, 195–200, 101:75–92, 297–318, 102:39–68, 104:675–84, 105:417–60; . see also Kentucky capitol buildings, Kentucky constitutional conventions, Kentucky constitutions, Kentucky frontier, Kentucky General Assembly

Kentucky (film), 98:370–71

Kentucky (horse), 100:475, 482

Kentucky (snagboat), 95:386

Kentucky, by I. J. Schwartz: reviewed, 90:286–87

Kentucky, The, by Thomas D. Clark, 103:208; correspondence about, 103:214–16; essays cut from reprinted, 103:75–107; noted, 91:122–23

Kentucky & Ohio Journal, 73:130

Kentucky A&M College (Lexington, Ky.), 100:488

Kentucky: A Bicentennial History, by Steven A. Channing: reviewed, 77:46–49

Kentucky Abolitionists in the Midst of Slavery, 1854–1864: Exiles for Freedom, by Richard Sears: book review by, 92:201–3

Kentucky Abolition Society, 88:136, 137, 139

Kentucky Academy (Lexington, Ky.): merger with Transylvania University, 86:107

Kentucky Academy of Trial Attorneys, 99:257

Kentucky Adjutant General's Report of Union Soldiers, 79:216–17

Kentucky Advisory Commission on Public Documents, 75:141

Kentucky Agricultural & Mechanical College (Lexington, Ky.): and Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge, 101:55

Kentucky Agricultural and Mechanical College (Lexington, Ky.), 73:386

Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station (Lexington, Ky.), 92:277

Kentucky Agricultural Society, 89:197, 199; and Charles S. Todd, 105:196

Kentucky: A History of the State, by W. H. Perrin, J. H. Battle, and G. C. Kniffin: noted, 78:193

Kentucky Album: Farm Security Administration Photographs, 1935–1943, edited by Beverly W. Brannan and David Horvath: reviewed, 85:71–72

Kentucky-American Water Company (Fayette County, Ky.), 96:305

Kentucky Ancestors, 101:43; founding, 101:34

Kentucky and the Bourbons: The Story of Allen Dale Farm, by Ronald R. Van Stockum: reviewed, 91:204–5

"Kentucky and the Cincinnati-Charleston Railroad, 1835–1839," by Stuart Seely Sprague, 73:122–35

Kentucky and The Second American Revolution: The War of 1812, by James Wallace Hammack Jr.: reviewed, 75:238–40

Kentucky Anthology, The: Two Hundred Years of Writing in the Bluegrass State, edited by Wade Hall: reviewed, 103:765–67

Kentucky: A Pictorial History, by J. Winston Coleman Jr., 73:100

Kentucky Archaeological Survey (University of Ky.), 102:462

Kentucky Archaeology, edited by R. Barry Lewis: reviewed, 95:90–91

Kentucky Association (racetrack), 100:495

Kentucky Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis, 72:343

Kentucky Association of Professional Teachers, 82:221

Kentucky Bankers' Association, 91:196

"Kentucky Baptist Aid to Reconstruction Georgia," by Derrell C. Roberts, 79:219–26

Kentucky Baptist Children's Home (Hardin County, Ky.), 90:249, 250

Kentucky Baptist Relief Association, 79:221, 225

Kentucky Baptists, 1925–2000: A Story of Cooperation, by James Duane Bolin: reviewed, 99:72–73

Kentucky Baptist Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen, 91:263

"Kentucky Bend—The Lock That Had To Be Released," by Allen Anthony, 77:108–11

Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf, 73:100, 322, 324, 74:232, 233

Kentucky Bicentennial Commission, 90:45

Kentucky Bicentennial Oral History Commission: . see Kentucky Oral History Commission

"Kentucky Blacks: The Transition from Slavery to Freedom," by Marion B. Lucas, 91:403–19

Kentucky Bluegrass Country, by R. Gerald Alvey: reviewed, 91:331–33

Kentucky Board of Claims, 95:173, 177

Kentucky Book, by Wade Hall: reviewed, 79:266–67

Kentucky brigade: advances to Fort Meigs, 104:15–20, 23–29; casualties of, 104:39; disciplinary problems of, 104:16–18, 20; division of, 104:18; Green Clay in command of, 104:14; measles in, 104:16

Kentucky Building (Western Kentucky University), 92:68, 105:80

Kentucky Building Trades Council, 99:233

Kentucky Bureau of Immigration, 90:97; efforts to establish, 1870-1880, 75:222, 223

Kentucky Bureau of Negro Affairs, 104:236; and C. Ewbank Tucker, 104:230

Kentucky capitol buildings: capitol relocation issue, 104:249–83; first, construction of, 104:250; first, destruction by fire, 104:253; first, illus., 104:253; fourth, Abraham Lincoln bicentennial celebration at, 106:471–77; fourth, funds for construction of, 104:280–81, 283; fourth, illus., 103:476, 104:280; second, and Matthew Kennedy, 103:497, 506–7; second, approval to build in Frankfort, 104:253; second, destruction by fire, 104:253; second, illus, 104:255; third, design of, 104:256–57; third, funds for construction of, 104:254–55; third, illus., 104:257; third, illus, 104:257; third, rededication of, 73:337–39

Kentucky Career Employees Association, 99:217

Kentucky Cavalry: at battle of Buena Vista, 105:586

Kentucky Central Railroad, 95:386; consolidation with Louisville and Nashville Railroad, 105:415; and the Green v. Gould case, 105:383–84, 403

Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, 91:196

Kentucky Christian, 74:122

Kentucky Civil Liberties Union, 104:244; Fayette County, Ky., school integration suit, 101:251–53; formation of, 104:229; suit against Ky. High School Athletic Association, 101:255

Kentucky Civil Liberties Union (KCLU): desegregation suits of, 105:5; Fayette County, Ky. school desegregation suit, 105:4–5; Louisville-Jefferson County school desegregation cases, 105:11–12; merger of Louisville and Jefferson County school districts, 105:14

Kentucky Civil Rights Act of 1966, 98:258

Kentucky Civil Rights Hall of Fame, 99:8

Kentucky Civil War Round Table, 74:147

Kentucky Classical and Business College (North Middleton, Ky.), 105:395

Kentucky Coal Council, 107:338

Kentucky Coal Mining Museum (Benham, Ky.): history and exhibitions of, 107:475, 504–8, 511–12

Kentucky College for Women (Danville, Ky.), 93:148

Kentucky Colonels: . see Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels

Kentucky Colonization Society, 75:94, 96–98, 101, 294, 101:97

Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, 91:65, 99:10–11, 47; Fayette County, Ky., school integration, 101:257; opposition to Fayette County, Ky., busing plan, 101:265–66

Kentucky Commission on Human Rights (KCHR), 105:21; desegregation suits of, 105:5; merger of Louisville and Jefferson County school districts, 105:14

Kentucky Commission on Women, 99:255, 283, 295

Kentucky Common School Society, 82:222

Kentucky Commonwealth (Frankfort, Ky.), 93:394

Kentucky Conference on Oral History, 104:391–92; roundtable discussions of, 104:609–42, 643–73

Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers (KCPT), 95:59, 66, 67, 70, 72

Kentucky constitutional conventions, 103:85–92; 1787, 105:253, 263; 1792, 73:217, 95:337, 338, 341–42, 348, 353, 102:22–24, 32; 1792, slavery debate, 102:22–24; 1799, 77:77, 78:2; 1799, and John Breckinridge, 105:48–49; 1849, and state capital location issue, 104:257–58; 1890–1891, 96:30, 44–59, 98:249; 1891, and state capital relocation issue, 104:261–67; 1892, Ed Prichard's senior thesis on, 104:426

Kentucky constitutions: 1792, 72:309–10, 95:337–67; 1792, and John Taylor, 73:105–21; 1792, and state capital location issue, 104:249–50, 257; 1792, illus., 103:187; 1792 and slavery, 106:359; 1799, 72:310, 78:15, 18, 20, 23, 137, 82:218, 93:257; 1799, and state capital location issue, 104:256–57; 1799, changes from 1792, 73:108; 1849, 74:192; 1850, 74:198–204, 75:1–19, 87:429, 96:33; 1850, and African Americans, 108:351; 1850, issue of elective judiciary, 93:387–421; 1891, 93:389, 420, 421; 1891, and African Americans, 108:351, 375–77; 1891, and state capital location issue, 104:260, 266, 283; 1899, and slavery, 73:217–40

Kentucky Correspondence College (Lexington, Ky.), 88:438

Kentucky Council on Higher Education, 99:32

Kentucky Country: Folk and Country Music of Kentucky, by Charles K. Wolfe: reviewed, 81:427–28

Kentucky County, 72:395

Kentucky County, Va., 78:308, 95:123, 97:137, 138, 139, 146; founding of, 102:538; horse breeding in, 100:473

Kentucky County Court: at Harrodsburg, Ky., 107:41

Kentucky Court of Appeals, 72:310, 321, 73:64, 360, 74:124, 78:16–20, 48, 93:391, 393–94, 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 420, 94:251, 98:257, 348, 99:21, 226, 280; gifts to Ky. Historical Society, 101:23; state capital relocation issue, 104:260

Kentucky Crafts: Handmade and Heartfelt, by Phyllis George: reviewed, 88:462–63

Kentucky Dam (Livingston and Marshall counties, Ky.), 84:178, 182–84, 88:189, 97:45, 46, 50, 51, 57, 80

Kentucky Dam Village State Park (Gilbertsville, Ky.), 91:200, 99:38

Kentucky Democrat (Millersburg, Ky.), 73:146

Kentucky Democratic Convention: (1919), 78:244, 255, 258

Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives: support for oral history, 104:631

Kentucky Department of Education, 99:19

Kentucky Department of Health, 92:283

Kentucky Department of Military Affairs (Frankfort, Ky.), 72:202–3

Kentucky Derby (Louisville, Ky.), 98:370; 1878 winner, 100:480, 482; 1890 winner, 100:485; 1902 winner, 100:492–93; security for, 105:421; winners from Clay family stables, 100:473

Kentucky Distillers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers' Association (Louisville, Ky.), 75:43

Kentucky Domestic Violence Association, 99:255, 257

Kentucky Early-American Studies Seminar: Kentucky Historical Society (Frankfort, Ky.), 108:251

Kentucky Educational Association (KEA), 72:349

Kentucky Educational Improvement Commission, 72:346–47

Kentucky Educational Society, 82:230

Kentucky Educational Television (KET), 96:133, 99:235, 273; Ed Prichard special on, 104:399–400

Kentucky Education Association (KEA), 74:14, 18, 21, 87:148, 88:439, 440, 443, 444, 451, 93:309, 312, 313, 314, 318, 321, 326, 329, 331, 99:220, 256–57; supports Paul E. Patton, 102:76

Kentucky Education Convention, 84:355

Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA), 96:30, 297, 99:239, 104:397; issue in 1995 gubernatorial campaign, 102:74–75

Kentucky Emergency Relief Act (KERA), 98:396

Kentucky Emergency Relief Administration, 90:276

Kentucky Encyclopedia, edited by John E. Kleber, 90:45, 96:30, 97:84, 99:385, 387, 392, 105:90; reviewed, 90:380–83

Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission: Thomas D. Clark essays for, 103:335, 369–70

Kentucky Equal Rights Amendment, 90:83, 86, 88

Kentucky Equal Rights Association, 72:342, 344, 347, 349–51, 353–55, 357, 360–61, 73:387, 388, 74:234, 93:1, 2, 4–5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 20, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 94:257–58, 99:251, 100:467

"Kentucky Exceptionalism in Gray," by James Russell Harris, 107:141–46

Kentucky Farmers' Alliance, 78:228–30, 233, 239, 242

Kentucky Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW), 99:255, 257, 268

Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs, 72:344, 346–47, 73:324, 74:21, 23, 85:247, 88:439, 95:59, 60; and education reform in Ky., 83:19–35

Kentucky Female Eclectic Institute (Frankfort, Ky.), 79:316

Kentucky Female Orphan School (Midway, Ky.), 90:79

Kentucky Fighting Men, 1861–1945, by Richard G. Stone, Jr.: reviewed, 81:303–4

Kentucky Folk Architecture, by William Lynwood Montell and Michael Lynn Morse: noted, 94:347; reviewed, 75:323–24

Kentucky Folklore Record, 73:72, 322

Kentucky Foot Volunteers: in Mexican War, 105:578, 580, 583, 585, 589, 592, 594, 596, 597, 602

Kentucky Freemasonry, 1788–1978: The Grand Lodge and the Men Who Made It, by Charles Snow Guthrie: noted, 81:111–12

Kentucky frontier: African Americans on, 95:121–34; agricultural implements on, 107:9–10, 13–14; agriculture on, 107:3–32; Bluegrass powdermen, 87:99–119; Boone, Daniel, 83:202–36, 88:373–93, 91:324–29, 95:219–36, 100:497–504, 102:449–513, 514–34, 535–66; Boonesborough, visit to, 86:315–29; Bowman, John, recollections of, 97:137–58; child labor on, 107:28–29; cloth-making on, 107:21–25; crops grown on, 107:7–8, 10–13, 20–26; democratization of, 95:337–68; demography of, 80:253–66; effects of migration and out-migration on, 106:339–42; frontier thesis, 92:239–66; fruit cultivation on, 107:26–28; game on, 107:14, 20; gender roles, 107:18, 28–29; Hanks, John, recollection of, 92:131–48; journalism on, 76:98–111; land acquisitions on, 78:297–321; Lincoln family in, 106:333–72; livestock on, 107:15–20, 24; McDowell, Samuel, family papers, 100–329-348; Meade, David, letter of, 90:117–39; migration of slaves to, 106:351–54, 360; Native Americans on, 86:4–23, 90:1–25, 91:249–59; revelry and religion on, 79:354–68; roundtable discussion, 102:461–88; settlement of, 106:338; significance of, 91:298–323; slavery on, 92:1–23; slaves on, 107:29–30; and the Traveling Church, 79:240–65; Wade, James, account of, 89:1–31

Kentucky Gazette (Lexington, Ky.), 72:146–47, 151–52, 157, 160, 167, 414, 73:341, 342, 76:105, 156, 77:15, 84, 80:273, 81:152, 91:10, 94:126, 128, 102:482, 105:200, 223, 106:207; on 1792 constitutional convention, 95:337, 338, 341–42, 348, 353; and the Cane Ridge revival, 106:204; on cholera, 88:428; on early Lexington drama, 76:268, 271, 273, 275–76; on French Revolution, 82:119–20; on gunpowder, 87:102, 109, 88:421–23; history of, 100:39–40; illus., 100:43

Kentucky Gazette (Lexington, Ky.): illus., 107:16

Kentucky Gazette (Lexington, Ky.): and John Bradford, 100:36–40; poetry and politics in, 82:115–35; political stances of, 100:36, 38–40, 42–44, 50–51, 54–55; on prices (1786–1792), 77:186, 188; on runaway slaves, 92:7; on slavery, 82:117–18, 90:233; stallion ads in, 100:474; theater ads in, 100:57; on William Henry Harrison, 105:204–5

Kentucky General Assembly, 97:288, 294, 301, 374, 98:165, 242, 247, 248, 249, 107:492; 1798, 72:430; in 1837, 73:218; 1861, 72:365; 1874, 75:28; 1912, 72:348; (1916), 74:26; 1916, 75:52; (1922), 74:112, 119; (1924), 74:115; 1964 sit-in of, 99:34–35; (1972), 74:147; African American petitions to, 105:390; African Americans in, 99:63, 271–73, 364–65, 371, 374–76, 384; Breathitt and, 99:8, 16–17, 26–28, 33–34, 45–48; and Carl D. Perkins, 107:308; and civil rights legislation, 99:8, 26–28, 33–34, 45–48; Collins and, 99:220, 222–23, 235–37; compensated emancipation, 106:579–80, 582–83, 600–601; illus., 104:275; and the Jefferson Davis monument, 107:214; Ky. Historical Society, 101:10, 16, 19, 24, 29, 37–38; on land distribution for squatters, 75:190; legislation regarding Louisville, Ky., 107:47–48, 50, 56, 64–65, 67–68; and lobbyists, 99:256–57; and Louisville-Jefferson County school desegregation, 105:18; during Mexican War, 106:21; ministers barred from, 73:237, 238; opposition to African American recruitment, 106:591; Paul E. Patton's loss of influence, 102:80–81; petition of Denton Offutt to, 108:196–98; Republican control of state senate, 102:80; rooms in state capitol, 101:21; and secession crisis, 99:344, 355, 357, 359; state capital relocation issue, 104:258–59, 267–80; and strip mining legislation, 99:8, 47–48; and whipping criminals in Ky., 100:5–27; women in, 99:268–74, 289–93

Kentucky Geological Survey, 72:306, 96:1; in 1880, 75:222; founding of, 78:209; and Nathaniel S. Shaler, 80:408–31

Kentucky Government and Politics, edited by Joel Goldstein: noted, 84:234

Kentucky Governors, by Robert A. Powell: reviewed, 75:325–26

Kentucky Harmonist (hymnbook), 98:399

Kentucky Harness Horse, by Ken McCarr, 100:487; reviewed, 77:302–4

Kentucky Herald (Paris, Ky.), 73:146

Kentucky Heritage: and anticommunism, 104:242

Kentucky Heritage Commission, 72:427; Survey of Historic Sites in Kentucky: Ballard County, reviewed, 80:92–93; Survey of Historic Sites in Kentucky: Clark County, reviewed, 79:374–76

Kentucky High School Athletic Association: integration suit, 101:255

Kentucky Highway Commission: Boss Ben Johnson and Ky. politics, 1927–1937, 84:18–50

Kentucky Historical Events Celebration Commission, 73:324

Kentucky Historical Highway Marker Program, 101:34, 43; founding, 101:31

Kentucky Historical Society (Frankfort, Ky.), 72:201, 301, 306, 429, 78:25, 96:308, 99:1, 117, 122, 158, 209, 284, 287–88, 295, 104:639, 107:143, 216; awards of, 105:277–80; Boone Day, 101:8–12, 27; collections of, 100:1, 498, 101:14, 17–18, 21–23, 27, 30–31; General Assembly, 101:10, 16, 19, 21, 24, 29, 37–38; Hall of Governors, 101:8–12; highway marker program of, 107:510; history of, 101:7–44; history seminars at, 108:251; library, 101:7, 12, 27; photographs from collections, 90:90–115; and Project MUSE, 108:2; Register, 101:19–22; resolutions adopted in 1975, 74:160–61; scholarly research fellowship program, 106:605, 107:297–98, 108:113; . see also Kentucky History Center, Register of the Kentucky Historical Society

Kentucky Historical Society Foundation (Frankfort, Ky.): funding for Ky. History Center, 101:38–39; funding for scholarly research fellowship program, 107:297–98

Kentucky History: An Annotated Bibliography, by Ron D. Bryant: noted, 99:90

Kentucky History Center (Frankfort, Ky.), 94:174–75, 99:52, 158, 280, 281, 295, 302, 362, 101:18; Ernie Fletcher at, 102:5, 9; exhibit at, 102:156; funding of, 101:37–41; illus., 101:37, 39, 102:81, 82; Keeneland Changing Exhibits Gallery, 101:43; A Kentucky Journey, 101:41, 43; opening, 101:41; plans for, 101:38–41; Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:370–72; Thomas D. Clark Research Library, 101:40, 42, 43

Kentucky Home Life, 104:446

Kentucky Horse Park (Fayette County, Ky.): and Steven L. Beshear, 106:3

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