Inventory of the ceip centre Européen Records Table of Contents and Organization

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Inventory of the

CEIP Centre Européen Records Table of Contents and Organization

Columbia University Libraries

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Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Centre Européen Records

Table of Contents and Organization

Collection Summary 5

Administrative information 6

Organizational history 7

Scope & Content note 9

Container list and Series descriptions 10

I. Activités, 1911-1914, 1918-1938 10

A. Académie de Droit International de la Haye, 1925-1934, 1936-1937 10

B. Albanie, 1920-1923 10

C. Allemagne, 1921-1927 10

D. Austro-American Institute of Education (Dr. Paul Dengler), 1928-1937 11

E. Les Balkans, 1932-1937 11

F. Bibliothèque Américaine (American Library in Paris), 1922-1934 12

G. British and American Students' Conference, 1929 12

H. Carnegie Visiting Professors, 1928-1929 12

I. Chambre de Commerce Américaine (American Chamber of Commerce in Paris), 1925 12

J. Chambre de Commerce Internationale, 1938 12

K. Cité Universitaire. Université de Paris. Fondation des États-Unis (La Maison Américaine), 1921, 1928-1937 12

L. Conference Économique et Monétaire, 1934-935 12

M. Correspondants de la Dotation, 1928-1931 12

N. Dossier Économique, 1931-1932 13

O. Dunford House (Richard Cobden Memorial) Association, 1925-1937 13

P. Efremoff, Jean (Special Correspondent - Russia), 1928-1930 13

Q. Enquête sur les Livres Scolaires d'Aprés-Guerre, 1922-1931 13

R. Exposition de Séville, 1928-1929 13

S. Fargniers, 1921-1933 14

T. France-America Society (Société France-Amérique), 1920-1924 14

U. Geneva Research Centre, 1938 14

V. Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle (International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation), 1926-1938 15

W. Institutions Carnegie Diverses, 1928-1932 15

X. International Auxiliary Language Association in the United States Inc. (IALA) [Association pour las Langue Auxiliaire Internationale], 1924-1925, 1933-1934 15

Y. International Conference for International Peace (1935 March 5-7) - Transcripts, 1935 16

Z. International Mind Alcoves, 1925-1927 16

AA. International Moral Education Congress (Congrès International d'Éducation Morale) (G. Lane Fox Pitt), 1927-1930 16

BB. International Relations Clubs, 1930-1937 16

CC. International Student Service, 1936-1937 16

DD. Louvain University Library, 1927-1929 16

EE. Miyaoka, Tsunejiro (Special Correspondant - Japan), 1911-1914, 1924-1931 16

FF. Reims. Bibliothèque Municipale, 1922-1928 16

GG. Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1937-1938 16

HH. Semaine de Dantzig, 1933 16

II. Société des Nations (League of Nations), 1918-1921 16

JJ. Traité pour une Paix Permanente entre États-Unis d'Amérique et France, 1927 16

KK. Union Internationale des Associations pour la Société des Nations, 1938 17

LL. Visites, 1921-1930 17

MM. Wilson, Florence, 1927-1929 17

NN. Women's International Organisations. Peace and Disarmament Committee, 1938 17

II. Administration, 1912-1938 18

A. Banque, 1912-1932 18

B. Coupures de presse, 1927-1938 18

C. Fondation et Organisation du Centre Européen, 1911-1922 18

D. Hôtel, 1922-1937 19

E. Invitations Diverses, 1933-1937 20

F. Noms, 1932-1933, 1939-1941 20

G. Notes et mémentos divers, 1923-1926, 1930-1935 20

H. Offres d'emplois, de services, de collaboration, 1925-1937 20

I. Pension de famille, 1926-1927 20

J. Personnel, 1927-1937 20

K. Publicité, 1925-1936 20

L. Rapports, Budgets, Listes, 1921-1938 21

M. Receptions, 1918-1936 21

N. Trustees, 1937-1934 21

III. Associations Diverses, 1927-1937 22

IV. Bibliothèque, 1920-1921, 1926-1937 23

A. Bibliothèque et annexe du Centre, 1926-1937 23

B. Bibliothèque Lammasch, 1920-1921 23

C. Salle de Lecture, 1926-1933 23

V. Comités, 1912-1938 24

A. Assemblées generales, 1912-1925 24

B. Comité d'Administration (Comité du Centre Européen), 1924-1938 24

C. Comité du Désarmement, 1926 24

D. Comité d'Entente des Grandes Associations Internationales, 1937-1938 24

E. Comité d'Etudes, 1923 24

F. Comité Mixte (Joint Committee Carnegie Endowment-International Chamber of Commerce), 1935-1937 24

G. Commission des Balkans, 1914 24

H. Commission de la Presse, 1913-1914 24

VI. Correspondance, 1911-1938 25

A. Correspondance du bureau, 1911-1927, 1930-1931 25

B. Correspondance diverse, 1914-1938 25

VII. Cours et Conférences, 1924-1938 41

A. Cours, 1926-1937 41

B. Chaire Carnegie, 1925-1938 42

1. Paris, 1925-1938 42

2. Berlin (Carnegie Lehrstuhl), 1926-1934 42

C. Conférences diverses, 1924-1933 42

D. Cartes d'Invitations, 1925-1934 42

VIII. Directeurs, 1913-1940 43

A. Estournelles de Constant, Paul Henri Benjamin, baron d', 1913-1924 43

B. Babcock, Earle B., 1924-1935 43

1. Correspondance diverse, 1924-1935 43

1. Correspondance diverse (continué) 44

2. Butler, Nicholas Murray - correspondance avec, 1931-1934 44

3. Haskell, Henry S., 1925-1934 44

4. Voyages, 1925-1934 44

C. Davis, Malcolm W., 1935-1940 44

1. Correspondance personnelle, 1935-1937, 1940 44

2. Butler, Nicholas Murray - correspondance avec, 1935-1937 44

3. Haskell, Henry S., 1935-1938, 1940 45

4. Voyages, 1935-1938 45

D. Butler, Nicholas Murray - Voyages en Europe et Discours, 1921-1937 45

E. Carnegie, Andrew 45

F. Carnegie, Louise - Correspondance, 1923-1925 45

IX. Dotation Carnegie (Autres bureaux et sections), 1912-1938 46

A. London Office, 1935-1938 46

B. New York Office, 1912-1938 46

C. Washington Office, 1922-1938 46

D. Section Historique et Économique, 1912-1933 46

1. Divers, 1923-1926 46

2. Comptabilité, 1912-1916, 1921-1933 46

3. Correspondance, 1912-1926 46

3. Correspondance (continué) 47

4. Notes de Service, 1924-1925 47

5. Notices Biographiques 47

6. Plans, ca1921-1925 47

7. Presse, ca1921-1925 47

8. Presses Universitaires, 1921-1926 47

9. Proces-Verbaux, 1921-1927 47

X. Photographies 48

XI. Publications, 1920-1940 49

A. Brochures sur le Centre Européen, 1928-1933 49

B. Conciliation Internationale, 1927-1937 49

C. Distribution, 1920-1938 49

1. Demandes, abonnements, échanges, 1927-1938 49

2. Dons de volumes, 1920-1937 49

3. Listes diverses 49

4. Remerciements, 1927, 1936-1938 49

D. L'Esprit International, 1925-1940 50

1. Divers, 1925-1940 50

2. Collaborateurs, 1927-1940 50

3. Librairie Hachette, 1926-1940 50

E. Imprimeurs, 1926-1937 50

F. Livres, 1921-1928, 1936 50

G. Manuscrits, 1933, 1935 51

XII. Subventions, 1912-1914, 1921-1937 52

XIII. Oversize Material (from) 53

Collection Summary


Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Centre Européen Records



Collection ID:


316 boxes (131 linear feet)


The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace established Le Centre Européen de la Dotation Carnegie pour la Paix Internationale in Paris as part of its Division of Intercourse and Education (Division des Relations et de L'Education) in 1912. The Centre was founded with an Advisory Council composed of representative and distinguished statesmen and public leaders of Europe and Asia. An Executive Committee was appointed from this Council with the authority to carry out the work of the Division abroad. The Centre Européen Records (1911-1940, 316 boxes) consist of correspondence; clippings; meeting minutes, agendas, and transcripts; lectures in typescript and printed form; memoranda; financial documents; books, pamphlets, speeches, reports, and brochures in typescripts and printed versions; invitations; maps; posters; architectural plans and drawings; and photographs, which document the founding, administration, and activity of the Centre Européen specifically and, in a more general sense, the work of the Carnegie Endowment in Europe.

Administrative information


Gift of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1954.

Custodial History

The records were sent to the New York office of the Endowment some time before the Centre moved to Geneva from Paris in 1954. All of the records were donated to RBML through the New York office.



Available for faculty, students, and researchers engaged in scholarly or publication projects. Originals of materials on microfilm are not available for consultation without the curator's approval.


Permission to publish must be obtained in writing from the Director of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library.


Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Centre Européen Records, 1911-1940.

Compiled by

William Stingone

Date Completed

January 2003

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