Joint foi responses 2016 Request Reference

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Joint FOI Responses - 2016

Request Reference

Request Text

Date Received

Disposition/Closure Action

Disposition Further Info


Could you please disclose how many times a taser has been charged by an officer on your force during the last three years, with an annual breakdown for each year.
For each incident, could youplease disclose:
* Where the taser was discharged (city, town etc)
* The reason given by the force for the authorisation of the taser use (e.g threatening behavior, non-compliance etc)
* If a crime had been reported before the police arrived, what that alleged crime was.
* The age and gender of the person tasered. If an animal, what the animal was.
* If a police investigation was carried out in light of the taser being used and if so, what that outcome was.
* If the person tasered was subsequently charged. If not, what action was taken (NFA, caution etc)
Could you then please reveal:
* How many officers are currently authorised to use tasers. Could you then please disclose how many were authorised on this same date (January 3) 2013.
* How many complaints has your force had regarding taser usage, and how many of these were upheld.
* How many financial claims have been made against the force over taser usage, and how much has your force paid out in compensation over these or other complaints.


Partial Disclosure

Section 12


What is the biggest kennelling bill your force has had to pay to house a dog that was detained because it was considered potentially dangerous and/or a banned breed?

Please state the total bill, the time span that the kennelling bill covered, where the dog was seized from, what was the breed of the dog and what was its name. Please also state the ultimate fate of the dog? Was it put down, returned to owners or housed with a third party?


Partial Disclosure

Section 12


I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request information about breaches of the Data Protection Act 1998 in your police force, specifically I am requesting:

1. The number of a) Police officers and b) civilian employees that have been convicted for breaches of Data Protection Act 1998.

2. The number of a) Police officers and b) civilian employees that have had their employment terminated for breaches of the Data Protection Act 1998.

3. The number of a) Police officers and b) civilian employees that have been disciplined internally for breaches of the Data Protection Act 1998.

4. The number of a) Police officers and b) civilian employees that have resigned during disciplinary procedures.

5. The number of instances where a breach has not led to any disciplinary action.

In each case, I request that you provide a list of the offences committed by the individual(s) in question, for example "Accessed personal information for personal interest" or "Inappropriately shared victim information with a third party".

I request that the time period covered is 1st June 2011-31st December 2015.


Full Disclosure


Please could you tell me how many times in 2015 the constabulary's armed response unit carried out an armed deployment in an immediate response to a report of an incident involving a weapon?
For each incident, please could you tell me how long it took the unit to respond? In other words, the exact amount of time between when the call to the unit was logged and when the unit arrived at the scene of the incident.


Nothing To Disclose

Section 12


Please can you give details of any serving police officers across your force with a registered non-policing job or business interest?
I'd like to know how many officers have registered a business interest or other job; what rank each of those individuals are; and what is the job / business interest of each. That is, for each individual I would like to know their rank and the job / business interest they have registered.
I would be grateful if you could supply the most up to date figures which are correct as of January 2016. If the most recently collated information relates to 2015, that is fine.
In addition, and providing you hold this information: please could you supply the same figures below for the four previous years?
I.e. Please provide the same information as it was recorded in January 2014, January 2013, and January 2012.


Full Disclosure


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I seek the following information:
- How many murder cases, if any, being investigated by your Force since 2005 are unsolved? Where possible, please can you break down the information year-on-year for new cases.
For example, in 2005: six unsolved murders. In 2006: seven unsolved murders. In 2007: five unsolved murders etc.

I would prefer to receive this information electronically, preferably as a data set e.g. in Excel, NOT as a PDF.


Full Disclosure


I would like to submit a Freedom of Information request to your force relating to police informants.
1. Over the last five financial years, how much money has been paid out to police informants? Please note, this relates to the year that the money was paid, which may not necessarily be the year that an informant assisted police with inquiries.

Please break down by the following years:




2. How many informants were on the payroll during the following financial years? (I.e. How many persons did the sums broken down by year above relate to?) Again, please break down by year.




5. For the financial year 2014/15, please break down the cases individually (i.e. breaking down by each sum). Providing you can supply this information - please include what case the payment was made in relation to.

3. How many arrests have come directly from information from a paid informant?
4. How many convictions have come directly from information from a paid informant?
If it is not possible to specify exactly whether an arrest ensued through the assistance of informants, please specify (if possible) – whether an arrest was made at all in that particular case where a paid informant was used.
If part of this request is not available, please do not delay my request to let me know – but please provide the information which is available. Should my request exceed cost limit, please could I have the answers to questions (1.) and (2.) as a priority.


Partial Disclosure

Section 12


Under the Freedom of Information Act I would like to request the number of threats to life warning notices (otherwise known as Osman notices) that have been issued by the force since 2011 – whether by calendar or financial year. If this would be too time-consuming I am happy to reduce the time period up to 2012.

If you could provide information on the location of these notices – e.g Ipswich – that would be great, but if this would breach Data Protection please feel free to disregard this.
I would also like your general policy on sending the letters – what must happen before you do so.


Partial Disclosure

Section 12


I would like to submit a Freedom of Information request which relates to the organisation’s Wi-Fi contract(s) especially around managed guest and visitor WiFi.
Please acknowledge this request for information!
Please can you send me the following contract information?
1. Wi-Fi Provider- Who is the contracted supplier for the Wi-Fi contract.
2. Average Annual Spend – Please state the annual average spend over three years for each supplier. If this is a new contract please state the estimate annual average spends. If there is more than one Wi-Fi provider please split annual for each individual provider.
3. Number of Wi-Fi Users- Please state the number of users the Wi-Fi contract is in place for. An estimate number of users will also be acceptable. If there is more than one Wi-Fi provider please state the number of users for each individual provider.
4. What is the contract Type: 1. WiFi= WiFi contract, 2. Managed=Part of a larger contract, 3. In-house=is the Wi-Fi managed and maintained in-house.

4. Number of Locations/Site- I require the number of locations/sites the Wi-Fi contract is contracted for. If there is more than one Wi-Fi provider please state the number of sites for each individual provider.

5. End User Offer- What the Wi-Fi offers to the end users e.g. Unlimited, Pay as you go, free 1 hour access or just free access. If there is more than one Wi-Fi provider please state the number of sites for each individual provider.
6. Manufacturer Name/Brand- Please provides me with the brand names of the Wi-Fi equipment which many include manufacturers of the access points and routers. If there is more than one Wi-Fi provider please state the Manufacturers Name for each individual provider.
7. Contract Description- Please provide me with a brief description of the solution in place for Wi-Fi and any other services provided under the contract. If there is more than one Wi-Fi provider please state the contract description for each individual provider.
8. Actual Contract Start Date- Please can you state the Start date of the contract. If there is more than on Wi-Fi provider please split contract dates for each individual provider.
9. Actual Contract Renewal/Expiry Date- Please can you state the renewal/expiry date of the contract. If the contract is coming up for renewal if possible please state the likely outcome of the Wi-Fi contract.
10. Contact Details- I require the person from within the organisation responsible for the Wi-Fi contract. Can you please provide me with their full contact detail including contact number and an email address? If there is more than one Wi-Fi provider please state the contract details for each individual provider.
If the organisation doesn’t have a Wi-Fi contract in place please state when the organisation plans to have a Wi-Fi contract in place. Please do this by providing me with a month and year and if possible what type of solutions they plan to want in place and the number of locations.
If this service is provided in-house please provide me with:
1. Number of Users

2. Number of Locations/Site

3. End User Offer

4. Manufacturer Name/Brand

5. Contact Details- I require the person from within the organisation responsible for the Wi-Fi

If the organisation has this service (Wi-Fi) as part of a managed service please can you provide me with the contract details of the managed contract including:

1. Current Provider

2. Number of Users- This is normally the total number of staff with the organisation.

3. Contract Description- Please can you provide me with a brief contract description of the overall contract.

4. Contract Expiry Date- Please

5. Contract Review Date

6. Contact Details- I require the person from within the organisation responsible for the Wi-Fi contract. Can you please provide me with their full contact detail including contact number and an email address.

Please can you acknowledge my request for this information?


Nothing To Disclose

Information not held


A) the number of police dogs that the force currently has

B) The number of police dogs the force had in 2010


Full Disclosure


1. As of 01.01.16 how many of your force's officers were suspended on full pay? Please provide me with a breakdown showing the number of officers suspended in each rank of your force as of 01.01.16.

2. Please also provide me with a list showing the date (month/year) that each officer suspended as of 01.01.16 was first suspended from duty on full pay.

3. How many of the suspended officers as of 01.01.15 (this is the correct date) have since returned to work and how many were dismissed or resigned?

Please note this question only relates to police officers and NOT special constables or PCSOs.


Full Disclosure


Re: Request for Information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this request, I am outlining my query as specifically as possible.
Background information
I am interested in obtaining comparative data on the number of actual firearms officers – excluding those only trained in the use of tasers - deployed across each police force in the UK annually over a specified historical period, as well as comparable data on the number of officers more generally trained to use firearms across each police force in the UK.
I appreciate that the issue of police use of firearms, or their potential use, can be a sensitive subject. However, I am only interested in entirely anonymised data in respect of this request – and I do not wish to receive any personal information or information sensitive to any particular police investigation or response plan - during the course of this request.

Freedom of Information request

I am interested in four basic and anonymous data sets. With this in mind, I would like to receive the following…
a) The number of incidents of firearms use (excluding those only involving tasers) by officers across your police force for each of the past eight years (that is, since and including 2007/08).

b) The number of firearms officers (excluding those only trained on tasers) actually deployed across your police force for each of the past eight years (since and including 2007/08)

c) The number of firearms officers trained to use firearms (excluding those only trained to use tasers) across your police force for each of the past eight years (since and including 2007/08).

d) Information, should it exist, on any official figures for the number of trained firearms officers that your police force would like to achieve (excluding taser-only training) in the future.

I would be interested in any information held by your organisation regarding my request. I understand that I do not have to specify particular files or documents and that it is the department’s responsibility to provide the information that I require.


Nothing To Disclose

Section 12


Please detail the amount spent on language translators, used during the custody process for the years 2015, 2014 and 2013. And please specify the languages required for translation in this process.


Partial Disclosure


For the years 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011, please detail the number of murders that remain unsolved by the police force.


Full Disclosure


For the years 2015, 2014 and 2013, please detail the number of terrorists, or those linked to terrorist activity, that are known and under surveillance by the force.


Nothing To Disclose



For the years 2015 and 2014 please outline the number of mental health patients kept in police custody, under the mental health act, because of a lack of suitable provision for their care. For each, please outline how long they were held past the government stipulated time.


Full Disclosure


In Feb 2015 the IOCCO published the results of an Inquiry into the use by police of RIPA to intercept journalists’ communications data for the purpose of identifying sources (’the Inquiry’).
I refer you to the attached decision notice issued by the ICO yesterday in which the Information Commissioner ruled that the following question valid for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘the Act’):
"Please either confirm or deny whether Devon and Cornwall Police was one of the 19 forces identified by the IOCCO as having intercepted journalists’ electronic communications data."
I therefore writing to request answers to the following questions under the Act:
1) Please either confirm or deny whether your force was one of the 19 forces identified by the IOCCO as having intercepted journalists’ electronic communications data.
2) The Inquiry identified "34 investigations" under RIPA which "concerned relationships between 105 journalists and 242 sources." How many investigations did your force carry out, how many journalists did they concern and how many sources did they concern?
3) Please provide all submissions by your force to the IOCCO in relation to the Inquiry.
I expect you to release all non exempt material.


Nothing To Disclose



Could you please supply the following information for each year where available 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 with regards to digital forensic investigations?
1. How many cases were submitted for investigation/analysis? (cases, not exhibits)

2. In how many of these cases was evidence found? (Positive cases)

3. How many cases were contested by the defence?

4. How many cases went to court?

5. How many cases were dismissed as evidence in court?
In addition, please supply the following;
6. What internal auditing procedures do you have in place to ensure the quality of digital forensic work is maintained?


Partial Disclosure

Section 12


Please provide me with the number of armed officers who have discharged their firearm by mistake. Please provide me with the

number broken down by the following years:

2010 - 2011

2011 - 2012

2012 - 2013

2013 - 2014

2014 - 2015

Please provide the circumstances for each accidental fire, including details of what was shot and any injuries caused (who was

injured and what the injury was).

Please can you provide me with the number of incidents which have required a firearms officer to discharge their firearm according to

the time frame above.


Full Disclosure


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I would like to request the following information in relation to your telecommunications services:

1. The current incumbent supplier for your telecommunications services including: business calls and lines, mobiles, internet and maintenance.

2. Type of phone system and equipment you have installed i.e. Avaya, Siemens, Nortel or Cisco?

3. The contract term/duration.

4. When the contract is due for renewal.

5. Could you confirm your tender process i.e. PQQ and Tender or RFQ / Quick Quote and also where the invitation to bid will be published i.e. BIP Tracker, Crown Commercial Services?


Full Disclosure


Dear Freedom of Information Officer,

This is a request from BBC News to your police force for the following information using the Freedom of Information Act:

- How many suspected banned breeds of dog have been seized by your force under the Dangerous Dogs Act, during the following financial years 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 to date?

- Where possible and within the cost limit, can you please tell me how many of the dogs seized were pitbull type breeds?


Full Disclosure


1. The number of police officers who were formally disciplined for a) drugs offences and b) sexual misconduct or sex offences in each of the last two complete calendar years (i.e. 2014 and 2015).

2. In each case I would like to know the rank, gender and of the officer disciplined, the year of the disciplinary proceedings, the outcome of the proceedings and a brief description of their misconduct.


Partial Disclosure


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