Maple spring church of the brethren

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May God give dew from To encourage companionship

Heaven, Genesis 27:28 January 22, 2017 with Jesus Christ and

participate in the life and

work of the Church


106 Spring Road, Hollsopple, PA 15935

Phone 479-7062


Webpage address…
Pastor – Guy Myers Youth Coordinator – Krista Shaffer

E-mail – E-mail –

Phone – 814-536-2404 Phone – 814-525-0403
Mission Statement: The living water of Christ wells up within us and overflows!

It is our mission to be obedient to Christ by living in unity and with our neighbors,

by discipling one another through the Holy Spirit and by reaching out to our neighbors.

9:30 am Sunday School Supt.........Nancy Gindlesperger

10:35 am Morning Worship………….Pastor Guy Myers

Worship Leader…………................Connie Martin

Preschool church………………....Samantha Kane

Junior Church………………….…....Diane Bridge

Nursery…………….........................Alison Luprek

………………………….Kayla Luprek

Organist...……………………….......Patty Shaffer

Pianist ………………………………...Pat Shaffer

Acolyte………………….……….Tabitha Blanset

The Walnut Grove Church of the Brethren is our Prayer Partner church for 2017. Ron Barto is the Pastor.
The flowers gracing the altar today are in honor of Wally & Marilyn Ullery’s 37th wedding anniversary.

Reminder:.....Prayer Ministry Participants for Sunday, January 29th are: Deanna Fisher and Elsie Michael. We meet in the Pastor’s study from 8:45 to 9:10 am. Please join us; anyone is welcome to participate in this important ministry.
Pastor Guy will greet at the annex door following the service.
Pastor Guy will be in the office Tuesday through Friday 9 to noon.


After the service today, the youth will be serving a meat loaf dinner in the fellowship hall.

5:30 pm….Children’s Choir.

6:00 pm…Family Night

6:00-7:30 pm…Kidz Klub


9:00 am…Prayer Time in our Prayer Room.

7:00 pm……Choir Practice

7:00 pm…Council Meeting

UPCOMING – The Board of Administration will have a retreat on Saturday, March 4, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Our resource leader will be Craig Smith, district executive of the Atlantic Northeast District Church of the Brethren. Please plan on coming that day and keep the retreat in your prayers. Thank You. The Deacon Commission
There is a new Flower Chart posted in the elevator lobby for 2017. If you would like to dedicate the altar flowers to a loved one, please sign your name on the date and pick up an envelope. The cost is $15.00 and you just put the money in the envelope and place it in the offering plate. After the Morning Worship Service you may take the flowers home to be enjoyed. Please use the styrofoam cups in the back room to transport the flowers and leave the heavy plastic liners to be reused.

There is a set of plastic liners missing from the Altar vases. If you have them please return them to the church.

Note: There are Styrofoam cups to put the Altar arrangements in after the Morning Worship Service, please use them. The plastic liners are to stay with the gold vases. Thank You.
Please check to make sure that you have your coat. Three weeks ago someone took a black coat by mistake. The coat was a man’s coat and the black coat left here belongs to a women. There is a ladies pin on the lapel. Please check your closet and return the missing coat.
Humble Hands – We will resume our weekly meetings on February 7, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. At this meeting we will be crafting Valentines to be distributed to our special loved ones. Please bring a large can of your favorite vegetable, we will assemble Vegetable Soup to enjoy for our lunch. During lunch we will also discuss the upcoming years projects and events. Hope to see you there!
St Francis Sharing & Caring Food Pantry:

The food items for January are Toilet Paper, bar soaps & flour. There is a box in the annex for the donations.

Thank you: To the congregation, the Conemaugh Township Area Ministries would like thank everyone from Maple Spring who helped to make our 3rd year of the Live Nativity a success. Whether you baked cookies or other baked items, helped with the production and staging or provided your acting expertise…Thank You! There were over 1,300 visitors to Bethlehem this year. We were able to donate $3,300 to St Francis Sharing and Caring and over 1600 canned food items to the Food Bank.

Nursery Schedule for January

1/29 Jamie & Ryan Beahr

Congratulations to our mature (70+)members

January 28 Ray Mishler 81

In the Hospital

Chamayne Miller is in Conemaugh Hospital.

Please note: The church office will be preparing a 2017 Directory. If you have any corrections or additions to the old Directory please call the church office between 9 a.m. and 12 noon. We hope to have the new Directory ready to be picked up the week of Council meeting.
January 15, 2017

Traditional Service 171

$ 370.00  Total cash offering

4,043.40  Total envelope/check offerings

56  Number of envelopes/checks

    4,413.40  Unified Budget ($5,090 needed)  

25.00      Sister in Christ

    50.00  Roof Fund

20.00 Youth

155.00 Building Fund

  Spent Rec’d/date Bal.

 Roof Fd. 53,900.00 11,270.00 42,630.00 

Window Fd. 17,074.00 4,832.00 12,242.00

Total 70,974.00 16,102.00 54,872.00


(Located at the top of stairs in annex)

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

Courage to change the things I can; and

Wisdom to know the difference.

We invite you to leave your concerns and prayers at the foot of the cross by filling out a card at the

Prayer Chest

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