Minutes of the work session of mayor and council of the borough of stone harbor held in the municipal building, August 4, 2015

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The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walters at 4:30 p.m.



Suzanne M. Walters, Mayor Joan Kramar

Suzanne C. Stanford, Borough Clerk Karen Lane

Michael J. Donohue, Solicitor Joselyn Rich

Jill A. Gougher, Borough Administrator Judith Davies-Dunhour

James Craft, CFO Barry Mastrangelo, Council President

Albert Carusi
Mayor Walters announced that the meeting was now open. Adequate notice of the meeting was provided by posting a copy of the time and place on the Municipal Clerk’s bulletin board and mailing a copy of same to the Press and the Cape May County Herald on January 8, 2015.
Mr. Catanese spoke about the changes that have been discussed in the Waterfront Business District Ordinance by the Planning Board and the Borough Council. He spoke about keeping the Boutique Hotel designation in the Ordinance, parking permits not being required, the addition of a 5 foot setback on the third floor and the removal of public walkways in the Shelter Haven basin. Length of building in this district was discussed and whether to have a 120 foot length restriction or no limit. These and other items will be discussed with the Planning Board and Mr. Catanese will compile an Ordinance for review by Borough Council in the near future.


Randall Turney – 9715 Third Avenue spoke about the Waterfront Business District Ordinance and said the “grandfathering” clause is onerous. He needed two variances for his property to build his residence and it was very expensive. He was also delayed with a lawsuit brought by a member of the Planning Board. He asked why the Borough makes it so hard to rebuild in this district and asked to have the height changed as the same everywhere else in town. Mr. Catanese briefly explained the history of Mr. Turney’s property and what he went through to get his permits.
Mrs. Turney 9715 Third Avenue spoke on a different subject. She stated that the property owners on the Bayfront own out into the water behind their property. She reported that Island Water Sports and Tom Tice who runs the business has his equipment out at least 100 yards into the basin, said the “fly boards” that he rents are all over the basin, has music outside and the noise and the language from his establishment is awful. She invited Council to her dock to witness the problems and would like someone to take a look.
Marion Myers 9410 Second Avenue asked if in the Waterfront Business District, where the 1st and 2nd floor can be business and the 3rd floor residential, can each unit be sold separately . Mr. Catanese said yes they could.


RESOLUTION 2015-S-147 (Appoint Judge)
Upon motion of Councilmember Al Carusi

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May and State of New Jersey, that GEORGE NEIDIG, JR. be appointed Municipal Court Judge for the Borough of Stone Harbor for a three year term, said term to expire on August 21, 2018 in accordance with R.S. 2A:8-5.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2015-S-148 – (Refund Surety Escrows - Various)

Upon motion of Councilmember Joan Kramar

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo
WHEREAS, the following submitted Surety Escrow amounts to the Borough; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Officer has requested and approved the return of the fees.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough of Stone Harbor as follows:

  1. That the sum of $ 575.00 be refunded to Gallo Concrete LLC, for 153 – 106th Street

  2. That the sum of $ 2,265.00 be refunded to JG Popper LLC for 5 – 104th Street

  3. That the sum of $1,965 be refunded to Brandywine Developers for 223 – 122nd Street

  4. That the sum of $765.00 be refunded to Mike Rennie Construction for 10829 Third Avenue.

That the Chief Financial Officer shall take any and all steps necessary to effectuate such refunds and shall make the proper adjustments to the financial records of the Borough.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2015-S-149– (Refund Fire & Transfer Fee – Diller & Fisher)
Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

WHEREAS, Diller & Fisher Realtors paid $50.00 for a Fire Safety Permit and $50.00 for a Zoning Permit for 221 – 102nd Street; and
WHEREAS, it has been established these fees are not required because the house is being torn down; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Officer and Fire Official have requested a refund of $ 100.00 to be sent to Diller & Fisher Realtors.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, on August 4, 2015, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May that $ 100.00 be refunded to Diller & Fisher Realtors and that the proper officers make the proper adjustments in their records.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2015-S-150 – (Refund Yoga Class Fee)
Upon motion of Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

WHEREAS, Wilton Megargel signed up for a SUP yoga class with Angali Yoga the last week-end in June; and
WHEREAS, the class on Saturday morning was canceled because of weather; and
WHEREAS, the Recreation Director received and approved a request to refund the fee paid for the Yoga class.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, on this 4th day of August, 2015 by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May that this refund be approved and $ 41.94 be refunded to Wilton Magargel at 425 east 86th St., Cpt 5a, New York, N.Y 10028.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2015-S-151 (Authorizing Use of Keystone Purchasing Network KPN)
Upon motion of Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Authorizing use of Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN)
WHEREAS, P.L. 2011, c.139, allows local contracting units to utilize national cooperative contracts as a method of procurement.
WHEREAS, the Borough of Stone Harbor, desires to participate in the purchasing program known as The Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN), and in the opinion that participation in this program will be highly beneficial to the taxpayers through the anticipated savings to be realized.
WHEREAS, after a competitive solicitation and selection process KPN has set up a number of Master Agreements to provide goods, products and services based upon regional volumes.
WHEREAS, the competitive solicitation and selection process required that suppliers allow

Participating Public Agencies to purchase goods, products and services on the same terms,

conditions and pricing KPN; subject to the applicable local purchasing rules and laws of the state of New Jersey;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, County of Cape May, State of New Jersey, duly assembled in public session this 4th day of August, 2015, authorizes the Borough Purchasing Agent to Join the Keystone Purchasing Network.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

MOTION – Approve RV – Prepare design documents and provide construction phase services for installation of sentinel well within the 800 foot sands formation in the County Airport Site – not to exceed $22,500
Upon motion of Councilmember Karen Lane

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
MOTION – Approve PO - $15,000 – V-COMM – Develop Site Plan & Site Specifications, Develop Bid Package, Bid Opening and Review – Wireless Facility and Tower at DPW yard – 81st Street
Addition: Administrator added that the successful bidder will be responsible for paying the $15,000 back, will not cost the Borough anything.
Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
MOTION – Approve Special Event – Spin Art Brendon Borek done without a fee, which was waived.
Upon motion of Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

That this Special Event be approved
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
MOTION – Approve Special Event – Brown Family Sand Castle
Upon motion of Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

That this Special Event be approved
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

MOTION – Approve Mayor to sign papers for 75,000 FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant that the Borough has received for Generator project at 92nd Street well.

Upon motion of Councilmember Karen Lane

Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
MOTION –Councilmember Carusi asked for the Mayor to sign letter of support for the American Legion to attach to an Open Space Application pending by the American Legion

for historic preservation. Specifically to replace the front concrete steps with wood to recreate the original design, additionally the Legion wishes to purchase original US Life Savings Station artifacts for display to the public.

Councilmember Davies-Dunhour asked when the application was due, Carusi said he believes it will be submitted by the end of the week. Councilmember Rich said she has no objections but thinks they should write us a letter so we have it documented and then we respond to that. Councilmember Davies-Dunhour said or if the application is complete, could we just see the application, so we know exactly what we are supporting.
Mayor, do we want to make a motion to approve sending this letter if we feel comfortable with the application.
Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

FYI…..Mayor – Announced that tonight is National Night Out across the street and invites everyone to attend.
Also this week-end August 8th is the Cape Regional Medical Center Home & Health Show in Avalon. Health Show is at Avalon Elementary School and involves all kinds of screening, take advantage of it, it is all free.
The following bills were presented to Council for their approval:
August 5, 2015 BOROUGH OF STONE HARBOR Page No: 1 02:04 PM Check Register By Check Id

Range of Checking Accts: DISBURSEMENT to DISBURSEMENT Range of Check


Check # Check Date Vendor Amount Paid Reconciled/Void Ref Num

39656 07/29/15 BORSH BOROUGH OF STONE HARBOR 322,538.49 39657 08/05/15 5STARPLU 5 STAR PLUS, INC. 1,235.00

39658 08/05/15 ACEBIRDS ATLANTIC CITY ELECRIC 5.38 39659 08/05/15 ACMJI A.C.M.J.I.F. 97,892.00 39660 08/05/15 ACTIUNIF ACTION UNIFORM COMPANY 512.00 39661 08/05/15 AIGBENEF AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE INS. CO. 375.16 39662 08/05/15 ALKODIST ALKO DISTRIBUTORS 203.67 39663 08/05/15 ALLIEDPR ALLIED PRODUCT, INC. 246.91 39664 08/05/15 ALLIN ALL INDUSTRIAL SAFETY PRODUCTS 345.04 39665 08/05/15 ALLST ALL STATE LEGAL 330.00 39666 08/05/15 ANJALIPO ANJALI POWER YOGA 992.10 39667 08/05/15 BAILEYJA JAMES E. BAILEY 600.00 39668 08/05/15 BALLDANI DANIEL RYAN BALL 50.00 39669 08/05/15 BASILEFR FRANK BASILE 260.00 39670 08/05/15 BILLO BILLOWS ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 207.82 39671 08/05/15 BLANEYDO BLANEY & DONOHUE, P.A. 12,257.68 39672 08/05/15 BOROA BOROUGH OF AVALON 154,892.02 39673 08/05/15 BOSACCOD DAVID C. BOSACCO 400.00 39674 08/05/15 BRANNONL BRANNON, LINDA MICHELLE 400.00 39675 08/05/15 BRIDGEMA BRENDEN BRIDGEMAN 400.00 39676 08/05/15 BSNSP BSN SPORTS/SPORT SUPPLY GROUP 1,031.73 39677 08/05/15 BUCKLOND BUCK LONDON, LLC 2,580.00 39678 08/05/15 BURKE BURKE MOTORS 292.83 39679 08/05/15 CAPEMINI CAPE MINING & RECYCLING, LLC 249.12 39680 08/05/15 CASAP CASA PAYROLL SERVICES 403.55 39681 08/05/15 CHATTENL LINWOOD CHATTEN 400.00 39682 08/05/15 CMCTO C.M.C. TREASURER'S OFFICE 2,550,037.13 39683 08/05/15 CMCTOANI C.M.C.TREASURER'S OFFICE 1,222.25 39684 08/05/15 COLLETT CHRIS COLLETT 400.00 39685 08/05/15 CRAFTSNA NANCY C. CRAFTS 1,413.60 39686 08/05/15 CRIPPSWM WILLIAM J. CRIPPS 450.00 39687 08/05/15 CRUZA CRUZAN'S FREIGHT LINER TRUCK 170.93 39688 08/05/15 CUEVASRY ANCHOR DOWN TENNIS 2,208.00 39689 08/05/15 DEERELAN JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 1,900.30 39690 08/05/15 DENFENCE COLLINS/DENNISVILLE FENCE 7,209.91 39691 08/05/15 DEROSEMA MATTHEW DEROSE 400.00 39692 08/05/15 DIGIOVAN HEATHER M. MCNENNY 400.00 39693 08/05/15 DONOFRIO LEWIS T. DONOFRIO, JR. 50.00 39694 08/05/15 EASTERNW EASTERN WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS 179.20 39695 08/05/15 FANCHDON DONALD J. FANCHER 400.00 39696 08/05/15 FARINA THEODORE FARINA JR 400.00 39697 08/05/15 FASTENAL FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTI 65.90 39698 08/05/15 FUNKRYAN RYAN J. FUNK 450.00 39699 08/05/15 GALETON GALETON 358.80 39700 08/05/15 GIULIANK KARL GIULIAN 200.00 39701 08/05/15 HAFELERO ROBERT G. HAFELE 200.00 39702 08/05/15 HAWKFIRE KENNETH J. HAWK 400.00 39703 08/05/15 HERAL HERALD NEWSPAPERS 147.10 39704 08/05/15 HOMED HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 170.48 39705 08/05/15 HOOVER HOOVER TRUCK CENTERS 1,436.15 39706 08/05/15 HOWE CRYSTAL HOWE 400.00 39707 08/05/15 INKBLOTG INK BLOT GRAPHICS 470.00 39708 08/05/15 JERC1 JERSEY CAPE DIAGNOSTIC CENTER 198.00 39709 08/05/15 JESCOJOH JESCO INC. 47.21 39710 08/05/15 KINDL KINDLE FORD MERCURY LINCOLN 394.73 39711 08/05/15 LAKOSE JONATHAN LAKOSE 100.00 39712 08/05/15 LAMACHFI JAMES LAMACH JR 400.00 39713 08/05/15 LAMANTEE MATTHEW J. LAMANTEER 400.00 39714 08/05/15 LAWSO LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 692.58 39715 08/05/15 LEINERDI DIANE LEINER 32.00 39716 08/05/15 LILLISTO LILLISTON HONDA, INC. 109.24 39717 08/05/15 LOEFFLAD JACOB LOEFFLAD 400.00 39718 08/05/15 LOWES LOWE'S 113.88 39719 08/05/15 MARRIII CHARLES MARRINER III 500.00 39720 08/05/15 MARTM MICHAEL P. MARTIN 220.00 39721 08/05/15 MCCLURER ROBERT C. MCCLURE 400.00 39722 08/05/15 MCCLURJR ROBERT MCCLURE JR 50.00 39723 08/05/15 MCMAS MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO. 303.58 39724 08/05/15 MCNENNY GLENN MCNENNY 400.00 39725 08/05/15 MIRACLEF MIRACLE FITNESS 4,232.00 39726 08/05/15 MONAR MONARCH DECALS 318.07 39727 08/05/15 MONZO MONZO CATANESE HILLEGASS, PC 459.00 39728 08/05/15 MORGANED EDWARD T. MORGAN, JR. 550.00 39729 08/05/15 MOTOR MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC. 1,008.00 39730 08/05/15 NEOPOSTU NEOPOST USA, INC. 210.00 39731 08/05/15 NEWDECKC CHRISTINA NEWDECK 960.00 39732 08/05/15 NIELSONK KEITH NIELSON 400.00 39733 08/05/15 NOLAN KATLYN NOLAN 400.00 39734 08/05/15 ODBIN OLD DOMINION BRUSH CO. 960.00 39735 08/05/15 ORZECHED EDWARD ORZECH 400.00 39736 08/05/15 OTTONJOS JOSH OTTON 400.00 39737 08/05/15 PARAM PARAMOUNT CHEMICAL & PAPER CO. 1,218.00 39738 08/05/15 POGUE POGUE INC. 150.00 39739 08/05/15 RACINGNJ RACING NJ MGT. SERVICES 1,443.95 39740 08/05/15 RENTCITY RENTAL CITY, LLC 475.00 39741 08/05/15 REYNPCAS PAUL REYNOLDS 63.26 39742 08/05/15 RRSPEC R & R SPECIALTIES 137.50 39743 08/05/15 SANDP SANDPIPER EMBROIDERY 92.00 39744 08/05/15 SCHEUERM GEORGE SCHEUERMANN JR. 400.00 39745 08/05/15 SCHWA SCHWAAB 92.74 39746 08/05/15 SCHWARTD DOUGLAS SCHWARTZ 200.00 39747 08/05/15 SCHWARTZ JONATHAN SCHWARTZ 200.00

39748 08/05/15 SEAGE SEA GEAR MARINE SUPPLY INC. 203.80 39749 08/05/15 SEASHASP SEASHORE ASPHALT CORP. 142.04 39750 08/05/15 SHIPSHAP SHIP SHAPE HEALTH/FITNESS LLC 1,232.00 39751 08/05/15 SHOREVET SHORE VETERINARIANS, PA 666.67 39752 08/05/15 SHOUGHDO DONALD LEE SHOUGH 450.00 39753 08/05/15 SHSURFPA STONE HARBOR SURF & PADDLE LLC 6,366.02 39754 08/05/15 SIGNWORK SIGNWORKS 680.50 39755 08/05/15 SJINTERP SOUTH JERSEY INTERPRETERS 206.00 39756 08/05/15 STAHLWIL WILLIAM F. STAHL, JR. 400.00 39757 08/05/15 STANFORD ROGER W. STANFORD 400.00 39758 08/05/15 STAPLEBU STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 187.17 39759 08/05/15 STAUFFER DOUG STAUFFER 400.00 39760 08/05/15 STILTNER KIRBY STILTNER, JR. 400.00 39761 08/05/15 STOCK STOCKTON UNIVERSITY 300.00 39762 08/05/15 STRATEGI STRATEGIC PRODUCTS & SERVICES 651.20 39763 08/05/15 SWANKMOT SWANK MOTION PICTURES, INC. 602.00 39764 08/05/15 TIMMSMAR MARILYN H. TIMMS 5.00 39765 08/05/15 TIROTTA KEVIN TIROTTA 200.00 39766 08/05/15 TRES2 TREASURER, STATE OF NJ 720.00 39767 08/05/15 TRIONGRO TRION GROUP,MARSH MCLENNAN AGE 294.50 39768 08/05/15 TUCKNURS TUCKAHOE NURSERIES, INC. 381.75 39769 08/05/15 UKELLADI DINI UKELLA 120.00 39770 08/05/15 ULINEINC ULINE 641.84 39771 08/05/15 USPO3 U.S.POSTAL SERVICE (HASLER) 5,000.00 39772 08/05/15 VANDENGE GERALD A. VANDENBRAAK 200.00 39773 08/05/15 VANDENJG JOHN G. VANDENBRAAK JR. 400.00 39774 08/05/15 VERDINCL THE VERDIN COMPANY 25.16 39775 08/05/15 VERI1 VERIZON WIRELESS 1,011.72 39776 08/05/15 VERKIOSK VERIZON WIRELESS 295.44 39777 08/05/15 VERRA VE RALPH 456.00 39778 08/05/15 WALKE WALKER, ROBERT 320.00 39779 08/05/15 WAVEO WAVE ONE 2,715.00 39780 08/05/15 WESTB WESTBROOK MARKETING,LLC 4,948.30 39781 08/05/15 WETLA WETLANDS INSTITUTE 5,000.00 39782 08/05/15 WIERMANS SAMUEL A. WIERMAN 400.00


Report Totals Paid Void Amount Paid Amount Void

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Checks: 127 0 3,226,193.10 0.00

Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Authorize Jim Craft, CFO, to pay the bills provided the funds are available and vouchers are properly endorsed.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

Michael DiPaloni owner at Regis Harbor Condominium on Second Avenue & 99th Street stated they have 7 units, through the winter we had one owner who had his water shut off due to a leak. There are some problems with meters not properly identified by the serial number and this is what happened here. Six out of the eight were improperly identified but they were physically identified to each unit with water flow, which took place on June 14th . Has owned for 16 years and there is a problem. Unit 200 did receive paperwork that his water was shut off and his leak was fixed. Mr. DiPaloni was sent paperwork that his water was shut off and another owner, his brother, owns 202. Problem #2 is since February his paper work states that his water was shut off, and his water is still on. He wanted Council to know that for 15 years these numbers have been wrong and hopefully we can get it straightened out, the serial number of the meters to the proper account number.
Councilmember Lane said this situation has been discussed at several meetings and it was her understanding that this issue occurred because when it was constructed the plumber who connects the meters, connected them wrong and gave the wrong information to the utility department and no one every complained so we had no way of knowing. She asked that Mr. DiPaloni please take time after the meeting to talk to her and there is a meeting on Friday and this will get resolved.


Upon motion of Councilmember Barry Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

That the Regular Meeting of Mayor and Council be adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
APPROVED___________________________________, 2015
_____________________________________________, Mayor

ATTEST______________________________________, Borough Clerk

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