Ncaa athletics certification saint louis university

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A. Purpose

Saint Louis University (SLU) has undertaken a major self-assessment in preparation for re-certification of its intercollegiate athletic program by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The University has sought to demonstrate, through the self-study process, its fundamental commitment to institutional control of intercollegiate athletics within the academic setting and to the integrity of its intercollegiate athletic program.

B. Goals

The self-study process has achieved the following goals:

  1. it has developed a greater self-awareness and understanding of intercollegiate athletics through the broad involvement of the University community,

  2. it has affirmed the integrity of our intercollegiate athletics program through careful self-review, and,

  3. it has resulted in recommendations for improvement of intercollegiate athletics in our academic context.

The self-study process has drawn upon institutional data and planning documents, as well as significant discussion among its participants, in achieving these goals and developing the Self-study Report (available at to be presented to the Peer-Review Team.

C. Process

The self-study process was organized through a Steering Committee and four subcommittees (membership attached). The Steering Committee met monthly throughout the self-study process in order to guide the overall effort and draw the work of the four subcommittees together into the Self-Study Report.

The subcommittees’ work focused on the certification program’s four basic topic areas:

  1. Governance and Commitment to Rules Compliance

  2. Academic Integrity

  3. Fiscal Integrity

  4. Equity, Welfare and Sportsmanship.

Each of the subcommittees was charged with the collection and review of data, policies and procedures for the purpose of evaluating the institution’s compliance with the NCAA operating principles in each topic area. The subcommittees’ preliminary reports were made available to the University community for comment, and then assembled into the final report by the Steering Committee.
A Peer Review Team (membership attached) will receive the institution’s final report after it has been reviewed by the President’s Coordinating Council, the Board of Trustees Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees. This Peer Review Team will visit campus from April 13-16, 2003 in order to confirm our self-study findings and recommendations through interviews with administrators, faculty, students and others associated with the athletic program.
Our Final Self-study Report and the Report of the Peer Review Team are then used by the NCAA to make a decision about re-certification of our athletic program.

D. Findings and Plans for Improvement

While our previous NCAA certification process had a positive outcome, many improvements have been made in our athletic program over the past five years. Our current self-study process, while identifying areas for further improvement, suggests that we are in compliance with the Operating Principles of the NCAA. Specific findings and plans for improvement are outlined below.

  1. Governance and Rules Compliance

    1. Operating Principles — mission of the athletics program and the institution; institutional control, presidential authority and shared responsibilities; compliance with NCAA rules;

    2. Findings — In compliance. Mission of athletics is consistent with the institution. Institution’s Board of Trustees provides oversight and broad policy formulation for athletics consistent with other institutional units. President has ultimate responsibility and authority over athletics. Campus constituencies have opportunities for input into athletics policies. Policies and procedures are in place to ensure compliance with NCAA rules. Persons outside athletics provide oversight and monitoring of NCAA compliance. NCAA rules education is ongoing. Personnel evaluations include NCAA rules compliance. The institution’s compliance program is reviewed every 3 years by Conference USA.

    3. Plans for Improvement Revise written compliance manual. Accurately reflect reporting lines for the Faculty Athletic Representative and the Director of Compliance. Enhance rules education for incoming student-athletes and their parents regarding agents, gambling, eligibility, and financial aid.

  1. Academic Integrity

    1. Operating Principles — academic standards for admission and graduation; academic support services; missed class time

    2. Findings In substantial compliance. Student-athletes are admitted using the same processes and policies as the general student population. The academic profile of entering student-athletes is generally comparable to the general student population; there are minor disparities by gender and ethnic minority. Graduation rates are generally higher for student-athletes than for the overall student population, although there has been a recent decline in the graduation rate for student-athletes. Graduation rates are significantly lower for black students generally and for black student-athletes compared to their white counterparts; graduation rates for black student-athletes are higher than for black students generally. Men’s basketball graduation rates are significantly lower than other sports and have been trending lower over the last several years. Adequate academic support services are available. There are no written policies to minimize missed class time.

    3. Plans for Improvement — Establish written policies regarding missed class time. Annually review policies and procedures for tracking continuing and transfer eligibility. Document appeals process for student-athletes who are denied transfer request or athletics aid. Clarify policies regarding declaration of degree major for student-athletes.

III. Fiscal Integrity

1. Operating Principles — financial practices; fiscal management and stability; established fiscal policies and procedures

2. Findings In compliance. Funds raised for and expended on athletics are subject to institutional practices for documentation, review and oversight. Budget and audit procedures are consistent with institutional practices and NCAA regulations. A qualified external firm conducts annual financial audits. Full and stable opportunities for athletics participation. Expenditures for athletics are in compliance with NCAA rules, and neither recruits nor student-athletes are provided with extra benefits in violation of NCAA rules.

3. Plans for Improvement — Enhance rules education for booster groups. Clarify policies for distribution of complimentary tickets by staff members. Clarify policies for faculty and staff discounts for summer camps and clinics.

IV. Equity, Welfare and Sportsmanship

  1. Operating Principles — completion of previous gender equity and minority opportunity plans; gender equity is monitored, evaluated and addressed, including athletic scholarships, interests, equipment, scheduling, travel, support services, facilities, recruitment and publicity; minority issues are monitored, evaluated and addressed, including employment opportunities, participation in decision-making and governance, programs and activities, and enrollment and graduation; student-athlete access to educational enhancement programs (e.g., career guidance, life skills programs, health care, counseling); grievance and appeals procedures for student-athletes; commitment to, and programs for, developing appropriate sportsmanship.

2. Findings In compliance. Goals and objectives of previous gender equity and minority opportunity plans have been met. Gender equity is monitored, evaluated and addressed on an ongoing basis. Equity in enrollments, scholarships, opportunities, equipment, facilities, scheduling, travel, support services and publicity. Salaries have been adjusted, but need to maintain progress in light of changing market. Recruiting budgets have been lower for women sports, but trending higher. Minority issues are monitored, evaluated and addressed on an ongoing basis. Minorities participate in governance and decision-making. Some progress in identifying and hiring minority candidates has been achieved, but further increasing the ethnic and racial diversity among administration, staff and coaches is encouraged. Mission statement lacks specific reference to minority opportunities. Smaller percentage of minority student-athletes (10-11%) compared to minority students in general at SLU (15-19%); graduation rates for minority student-athletes are higher than minority students generally, but an increased graduation rate for minority student-athletes is a goal. Academic and educational support services are available, accessible and utilized by student-athletes. Grievance and appeals procedures are in place, with the exception of transfer and scholarship denials. Sportsmanship is expected, monitored and addressed on an ongoing basis.

3. Plans for Improvement — Gender equity and minority opportunity plans have been revised and updated; monitor and enhance gender equity in recruiting, salaries and operating budgets; enhance efforts in diversity education and awareness; enhance efforts in recruitment and employment of ethnic minorities. Enhance rules education for student-athletes and parents regarding professional opportunities, agents, gambling and academic services. Enhance rules education for tutors; annually review tutoring program with particular attention to minority student-athlete outcomes. Create written policies for transfer and financial aid appeals. Create an inventory process for equipment and apparel.


NCAA Self-Study Committee Membership

Steering Committee

Chair: Edwin Harris, Ph.D., associate provost

Members: Lawrence Biondi, S.J., president

Donald Brennan, Ph.D, dean, graduate school

Judy Durham, Ph.D., associate professor, chemistry

Lori Flanagan, associate director of athletics

Jeff Fowler, director, Univ. marketing & comm.

Mary Elizabeth Hogan, Ph.D., assoc. dean, arts & sciences

Ruth Marquis, Ph.D., director, HR training

Michael Ross, Ph.D., professor, psychology

Neil Seitz, Ph.D., dean, John Cook School of Business

Doug Woolard, director of athletics

Governance and Rules Compliance

Chair: Judy Durham, associate professor of chemistry

Members: Hal Deuser, director, financial aid

Mary Flick, associate director, campus ministry

Kathy Hagedorn, vice president, human resource management

Jay Jones, director of compliance, athletics

Marque Perry, student athlete

Michael Ross, Ph.D., professor, psychology

Gretchen Salsich, Ph.D., assistant professor, physical therapy

Stephen Smith, J.D., associate dean, law school

Lynn Stewart, assistant director, undergraduate admissions

Joseph Weixlmann, Ph.D., dean, arts and sciences

Academic Integrity

Chair: Donald Brennan, Ph.D., dean, graduate school

Members: Cindy Anzelmo, academic coordinator, athletics

Peggy Edwards, chair, clinical laboratory sciences

John Jaffry, University registrar

John Kavanaugh, S.J., professor, philosophy

Brandon Rochon, student

Michael Ross, Ph.D., professor, psychology

Denise Sleet, Ph.D., assistant director, academic services

Thomas Westfall, Ph.D., chair, pharmacology & physiological sciences

Nina Westhus, Ph.D., assistant professor, nursing

Alan Weinberger, J.D., professor, law

Fiscal Integrity

Chair: Neil Seitz, Ph.D., dean, John Cook School of Business

Members: Robert Altholz, vice president, business and finance

Camille Nelson, LL.M., assistant professor, law

Robert Clark, University trustee and president, Clayco Construction Co.

Matthew Oldani, assistant director, athletics

Philipp Stoeberl, Ph.D., professor, management

Kim Tucci, University trustee and partner, Pasta House Restaurants

Sara Van Den Berg, Ph.D., chair, English

Elizabeth Winchester, director, internal audit

David Young, student

Equity, Welfare and Sportsmanship

Co-Chairs: Mary Elizabeth Hogan, Ph.D., associate dean, arts and sciences

Ruth Marquis, Ph.D., director, HR training
Members: Greta Bujaker, student athlete

Anthony Daly, S.J., chair, modern & classical languages

Denis Daly, S.J., assistant vice president, development

Kenneth Fleischmann, senior associate general counsel

Richard Harvey, Ph.D., associate professor, psychology

Kathy Humphrey, vice president, student development

John McGowan, Ph.D., chair, accounting

Gary Northam, chair, aviation science

Steven Puro, Ph.D., professor, political science

Susan Tebb, Ph.D., dean, social service

Travis Threats, Ph.D., asst. professor, comm. sciences & disorders

Peer Review Team

Chair: Ms. Lane Bove, VicePresident of Student Affairs, Loyola Marymount University

Members: Dr. Sally Thibodeau, Assistant Professor, Providence College

Mr. Jeff Archer, Director of Athletics, Stetson University

Ms. Robin Truiett, Assistant Director of Athletics, Loyola College (Maryland)

Mr. Ed Grom, Associate Commissioner, Mid-Continent Conference

NCAA Staff Liaison: Susan Peal, Assistant Director of Membership Services, NCAA
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