Oosterse Studies

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Oosterse Studies
Aslan, M., Pouvoir de guerir, pouvoir social et prestige religieux: au tour du cheikh kurde. Universite d'Aix-Marseille-III. Promotor: Prof.dr. M.M. van Bruinessen (10-3-1998). D 1998

Atabaki, T. ‘Iran Nameh, A Persian Journal of Iranian Studies.’ In: Iran Nameh (1997) 5 pp. W 1997

Atabaki, T. ‘The International History Review.’ In: The International History Review (1997) pp. 918-920. W 1997

Atabaki, T. Lezing aan de School of Oriental African Studies, University of London. Londen. 1 januari 1997. L 1997

Atabaki, T. Lezing aan het Institut für Volkerkunde, University of Vienna. Wenen. 2 april 1997. L 1997

Atabaki, T. Lezing in het kader van de 31st Annual Conference van de Middle East Association of North America and Canada (MESA). San Francisco. 6 november 1997. L 1997

Atabaki, T. Lezing in het kader van de workshop ‘Opting out the Nation’. Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis. Amsterdam. 5 november 1997. L 1997

Atabaki, T. Lezing in het kader van de workshop ‘Soviet Legacy, Islam and Civil Society in Central Asia’. European Society for Central Asian Studies/ Universiteit Utrecht. Utrecht. 4 oktober 1997. L 1997

Atabaki, T. Lezing in het kader van de workshop ‘The Comintern and it’s Southern Neighbours’. Academy of Sciences. Baku (Republic of Azerbaijan). 3 mei 1997. L 1997

Atabaki, T., [Recensie van:] Chaqueri, C. The Soviet Socialist Republic of Iran, 1920-1921: Birth of the Trauma. , 1999. In: International review of social history(1999) pp. 110-113. W 1999

Atabaki, T., [Recensie van:] Shakeri, K. Jomhuri-ye Showravi-ye Sosiyalisti-ye, Sheklgiri-ye yek Zaye'eh. , 1999. In: Goftogu, On culture and Society(1999) pp. 125-129. W 1999

Atabaki, T., '-'. [Recensie van:] Alaolmolki, N. Life After the Soviet Union. The newly Independent Republics of the Transcaucasus and Central Asia. In: IIAS newsletter(2002) nr. 28 pp. 28-29. V 2002

Atabaki, T., '-'. [Recensie van:] Dmitriev, G.L. Indian Revolutionaries in Central Asia. In: IIAS newsletter(2002) nr. 29 pp. 29-36. V 2002

Atabaki, T., '-'. [Recensie van:] Roy, O. Central Asia: The Creation of Nations. In: Journal of Islamic studies, 13. (2002) nr. 2 pp. 219-223. W 2002

Atabaki, T., '-'. [Recensie van:] Smith, J. The Bolsheviks and the National Question, 1917-23. In: International review of social history, 47. (2002) nr. 1 pp. 119-122. W 2002

Atabaki, T., ‘20th Century Central Asia’. University of Amsterdam, Guest Lecture (11-6-2002). L (11-6-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘A 21st Century Silk Road: Local Resources and Global Challenges’. Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels, Silk Road Festival (18-1-2002). L (18-1-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Afghanistan crisis, clash of civilization or clash within civilization?’. Hanover (Germany), Lecture at the University of Hanover (23-11-2001). L (23-11-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘Angst voor terreur: Azië na 11 september’. Universiteit van Amsterdam, forum (26-9-2001). L (26-9-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘Authoritarian Modernization in the Reza Shah Pahlvi Iran’. Leiden, Leiden University (21-2-2000). L (21-2-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Azerbaijan and Iranian Nationalism’. In: Gofogu, Journal On Culture and Society(2002) nr. 33, pp. 17-35. W 2002

Atabaki, T., ‘Behind the Veil in Iran: Ottomans' Secret Service Activities in Iran’. Oxford, Workshop at The Middle East Centre, St. Anthony's College, University of Oxford: 'The First World War in Iran' (1-3-1998). L (1-3-1998)

Atabaki, T., ‘Beyond Essentialism: Who Writes Whose Past in the Middle East and Central Asia?’. University of Amsterdam, Inaugural Lecture (13-12-2002). L (13-12-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Beyond the Red in the Caucasus: the Fall of the Soviet Power and the Search for a New Identity in Former Soviet South’. BBC World Service, London, lezing (30-4-1999). L (30-4-1999)

Atabaki, T., ‘Central Asia Enters the Twenty-first Century’. Leiden University, Guest Lecture (7-5-2002). L (7-5-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Central Asia: 10 Years after Independence’. Leiden, Leiden University (17-8-2000). L (17-8-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Covering Iran, Aghanistan and Central Asia’. Utrecht, International Institute for the study of Islam in the Modern World (5-6-2000). L (5-6-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Crisis of Identity in Modern Turkey’. University of Amsterdam, Lecture (18-2-2002). L (18-2-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Currents, Cross-Currents and Conflict: Transnationalism and Diaspora in Central Asia and the Caucasus’. University of California, Berkeley, Guest Lecture (15-3-2002). L (15-3-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Disgruntled Guests: Iranian Subaltern on the Margins of the Tsarist Empire’. Washington DC, Biannual Conference of the Society for Iranian Studies (24-5-2002). L (24-5-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Khorasan’. Utrecht, RASA Cultural Centre (11-11-2000). L (11-11-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Ethnic Conflicts and the Formation of the Turkish Republic’. Leiden, Leiden University (17-5-2000). L (17-5-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Ethnicity and Regional Autonomy in the Islamic Revolution of Iran’. Hanover, Lecture at the Iranian Cultural Society (16-12-2001). L (16-12-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘Ethnicity and Territorial Integrity in Iran’. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University (18-10-2000). L (18-10-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Eurocentrism and the 'Metamorphosis' of Modernity in the Turko-Iranian World’. Hannover, Germany, Department of Sociology, University of Hannover (19-11-1999). L (19-11-1999)

Atabaki, T., ‘Everyday Stalinism in the Caucasus’. Baku, Khazar University (22-10-2002). L (22-10-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Forced labour migration in the former Soviet Caucasus, 1920-1950s’. Baku, Lecture at Khazar University (16-7-2001). L (16-7-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘Foreign Labourers of the Caucasus Oil Industry in the Early 20th Century’. Baku, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences (13-4-2000). L (13-4-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘From 'Camarade Rouge" to 'Enemy of the People', The Life and Time of Ehsânollâh Khan Dûstdâr in the Soviet Union’. Washington, USA, Third Biannual Conference of Iranian Studies (26-5-2000). L (26-5-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘From Comrade Rouge to the Enemy of the People’. In: Gofogu, Journal On Culture and Society, 31 (2001) pp. 143-165. W 2001

Atabaki, T., ‘From Karabakh to Samerkand, Central Asia: 10 Years after Independence’. Leiden, Leiden University, Studium General (14-11-2000). L (14-11-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Goftogu: Vajh-e Adabi-ye No dar Goftar-e 'Asr-e Mashruteh' (Dialogue; a Literacy Form in Persian Nineteenth/Twentieth-Centuries Polictical Discourse)’. In: Goftogu, On culture and Society, 8 (1999) nr. 23, pp. 106-114. W 1999

Atabaki, T., ‘Going East: Ottomans' Secret Service Activities in Central Asia and the Caucasus’. Venetië, 6th Conference of the European Society for Central Asian Studies (1-10-1998). L (1-10-1998)

Atabaki, T., ‘Guest editor: special issue on the Iranian left, introduction+article’. In: Gofogu, Journal On Culture and Society, 31 (2001) W 2001

Atabaki, T., ‘Incommodious Hosts, Invidious Guests, the life and Time of Iranian Revolutionaries in Soviet Union (1921-1939’. Tbilisi, Deportation and Forced Labour in the Caucasus 1920-1950 (25-10-2002). L (25-10-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Iran and Its Neighbours in post September 11’. Amsterdam, de Balie (4-10-2002). L (4-10-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Iran and the former Soviet South’. Tehran (Iran), Lecture at the Institute of the International Relation (27-2-2001). L (27-2-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘Iran and Turkey's Rivalries in the Former Sovies South’. London, BBC World Service (2-8-2000). L (2-8-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Iranian Communist(s) in the Soviet Russia (1921-1939)’. London, Historical and Intellectual Perspectives on the Left in Iranm, London University, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) (30-6-2000). L (30-6-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Iranian Migrant Labour in Former Soviet South’. Amsterdam, International Institute of Social History (27-6-2000). L (27-6-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Khanate of Khiva’. In: (red.) Encyclopaedia of Islam and the Muslim World. New York, Macmillan Reference, 2002. W 2002

Atabaki, T., ‘Mapping and territorial-States Building in Central Asia’. Oxford, St. Antoney's College, Oxford University (2-5-2000). L (2-5-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Mapping Iran 1500-1900’. Delft, Delft University (6-2-2000). L (6-2-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Mensen en politiek in de Kaukasus’. Amsterdam, Landelijk Bureau Vluchtelingen Werk Nederlands in Amsterdam (11-12-1999). L (11-12-1999)

Atabaki, T., ‘Mensen en politiek in de Kaukasus’. Amsterdam, Lecture at the Landelijk Bureau Vluchtelingen Werk (9-6-2001). L (9-6-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘Narrating the Nation: A study on Reshaping Identity in Azerbaijan’. In: Journal of Azerbaijani Studies, 2 (1999) nr. 2, pp. 79-99. W 1999

Atabaki, T., ‘Pan-Turanism’. In: (red.) Encyclopaedia of Islam and the Muslim World. New York, Macmillan Reference, 2002. W 2002

Atabaki, T., ‘Patterns of Conflict and Cooperation in the Caucasus and Central Asia’. Tehran, Institute of the International Relation (5-11-2002). L (5-11-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Post September 11 Central Asia’. Amsterdam, de Balie (5-9-2002). L (5-9-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Post-Soviet Historiography: Who Speaks for the Central Asian Past?’. Bordeaux (FRA), 8th Conference of the European Society for Central Asian Studies ( ESCAS) (25-9-2002). L (25-9-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Post-Soviet Nationalism and Elasticity of the Existing Borders’. Baku, Azerbaijan, Khazar University (21-4-2000). L (21-4-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘Post-Taliban Afghanistan’. Den Haag, Lecture at the forum organized by the Kerken in Aktie (26-11-2001). L (26-11-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘Recasting Oneself, Rejecting the Other: Pan-Turkism and Iranian Nationalism’. Hannover, Department of Sociology (1-12-1998). L (1-12-1998)

Atabaki, T., ‘Recasting Oneself, Rejecting the Others: Pan-Turkism and Iranian Nationalism’. In: Zürcher, E.J. & Schendel, W. van (red.) Identity Politics in Central Asia and the Moslim World. Nationalism, Ethnicity and Labour in the Twentieth Century. London, I.B. Tauris, 2001. pp. 65-85. V 2001

Atabaki, T., ‘Reclaiming Islam in Central Asia: Soviet Legacies and Post-Soviet Realities’. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, French Institute in Tashkent (20-9-1999). L (20-9-1999)

Atabaki, T., ‘Repression in the Caucasus 1920-1950 (Based on the newly-find documents in the former-Soviet Secret Police's archives)’. Baku (Republic of Azerbaijan), Organizing workshop at Ministry of Information (6-7-2001). L (6-7-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘Russification and Sovietization of Central Asia’. In: (red.) Encyclopaedia of Modern Asia. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2002. W 2002

Atabaki, T., ‘Safar-e Ahmad-e Danesh be Sant Petersburg’. In: Baqerzadeh, M. (red.) Arjnameh-e Iraj. Tehran, Tus, 1998. W 1998

Atabaki, T., ‘State and Society in early Twentieth-Century Iran’. Tehran (Iran), Lecture at Centre of Encyclopaedia of Iran and Islam (10-3-2001). L (10-3-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘Terrorisme, een nieuwe wereldmacht’. Utrecht, Lecture at the forum organized by the Koninklijke Utrechtse Studenten Weerbaarheid (6-10-2001). L (6-10-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘The Caliphate, the Ulema and Republicanism in Turkey and Iran: Some Comparative Remarks’. International Inst. of Social History, Amsterdam, Authoritarian Modernization in Turkey and Iran (20-5-1999). L (20-5-1999)

Atabaki, T., ‘The Impediments Confronting the Formation of the Civil Society in Iran’. Hannover, Iranian Cultural Society (1-5-1998). L (1-5-1998)

Atabaki, T., ‘The Perception and Practice of Modernity in Central Asia’. Vienna, 7th Conference of the European Society for Central Asian Studies (27-9-2000). L (27-9-2000)

Atabaki, T., ‘They All Get Along?: Ethnicity and Territorial Integrity in modern Iran’. Nurenberg, The Middle East Centre (19-2-1998). L (19-2-1998)

Atabaki, T., ‘Towards a Greater Turan, The World War I and the Ottoman Secret Service Activities in Iran, the Caucasus and Central Asia’. Tehran (Iran), Presenting paper at the Centre for Documents and Diplomatic History's Seminar on Iranian World and Turan (13-2-2001). L (13-2-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘Trans-Caspian Connections of the Jadidists: A Study in the History of Central Asian Modernism’. In: Alimova, D. (red.) Modernisation and Colonialism in Central Asia. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1999. W 1999

Atabaki, T., ‘Trans-Caspian Connections of the Jadidists’. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Central Asia at the Beginning of the 20th century (15-9-1999). L (15-9-1999)

Atabaki, T., ‘Twentieth-Century Iran, History from Below. Presenting paper: "Disgruntled Guests: Iranian Subaltern on the Margins of the Tsarist Empire"’. Amsterdam, Organizing workshop at the International (24-5-2001). L (24-5-2001)

Atabaki, T., ‘Updating Central Asia’. Washington, International Convention of Asian Scholars (5-4-2002). L (5-4-2002)

Atabaki, T., ‘Victims of Faith, the Stalinist Purges and Foreign Communists’. Hanover, Germany, Iranian Cultural Society (13-10-2000). L (13-10-2000)

Atabaki, T., 6th Conference of the European Society for Central Asian Studies. [Organisatie] (1998) Venetie. O 1998

Atabaki, T., 'A Century of Revolution, Social Movements in Iran'. [Recensie van:] Foran, J. boekbespreking. , 1998. In: International review of social history, 43-2. (1998) W 1998

Atabaki, T., Azarbayjan dar Iran-i Mo'asir. Tus, Tehran, 1998. W 1998

Atabaki, T., Azerbaijan: Ethnicity and the Struggle for Power in Iran. London, I.B. Taurus, 2000. 246 pp. W 2000

Atabaki, T., Iran-Turan: A Blithe and Bitter Tale of Neighbourhood. London, BBC World Services, 2000. 2 cds + guide pp. W 2000

Atabaki, T., Persian Speakers of Central Asia. Londen, BBC World Service Publication, 1998. W 1998

Atabaki, T., Post-Soviet Central Asia. Londen, Tauris, 1998. W 1998

Braam, H. en M. Vandamme. ‘Types, Polynoms and Collocations: A Method for Detecting Complex Expressions in Turkic Text Corpora.’ In: Etudes Mongoles et Sibriennes (1997) pp. 129-143. W 1997

Braam, H. en M. Vandamme. ‘Using Robust CD ROM Techniques in the Preservation and Disclosure of Oriental Manuscripts.’ In: Bazi dannih po istorii Evrazii v srednie veka (1997) pp. 174-182. W 1997

Braam, H.E. ‘Structure and Design of the Histar Research Data Collection on the History of Turkisch Architecture.’ 35th International Congress of Asian and North Arfican Studies, Symposium ‘Computers and Oriental Studies’. Budapest. 7-12 juli 1997. L 1997

Braam, H.E. ‘The Central Asian Languages Corpora Project: an Overview of its Context, Content and Future Development.’ 6th International Conference about the Use of Computers in Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Frankfurt am Main. 21-24 oktober 1997. L 1997

Bruinessen, M. van en M. Leezenberg. ‘De Koerden in 1996.’ In: De wereld in 1996. Het Spectrum, Bonaventura, Kluwer Editorial. Utrecht (1997) pp. 72-75. V 1997

Bruinessen, M. van. ‘‘Aslini inkar eden haramzadedir!’: the Debate on the Ethnic Identity of the Kurdish Alevis.’ In: K. Kehl Bodrogi, B. Kellner Heinkele en A. Otter Beaujean (red.) Syncretistic Religious Communities in the Near East. Brill. Leiden (1997) pp. 1-23. W 1997

Bruinessen, M. van. ‘A Note on Source Materials for the Biographies of Southeast Asian ‘ulama’.’ In: La transmission du savoir dans le monde musulman priphrique. Lettre d’information (1997) pp. 57-66. W 1997

Bruinessen, M. van. ‘Alimn Kurd u sagirdn wan n Endonezyay.’ In: ira (1997) pp. 14-32. W 1997

Bruinessen, M. van. ‘Chapter Commentaries.’ In: S. Meiselas (red.) Kurdistan in the Shadow of History (passim). Random House. New York (1997) 17 pp. V 1997

Bruinessen, M. van. ‘Hewti le goranhatw netewayet w ttink: Kurdekan le Turkiya w Ewrpa.’ In: Gizng-govark werzaney zanist siyas w ferheng ye (1997) pp. 11-20. W 1997

Bruinessen, M. van. ‘Kurden zwischen ethnischer, religiser und regionaler Identitt.’ In: C. Borck, E. Savelsberg en S. Hajo (red.) Ethnizitt, Nationalismus, Religion und Politik in Kurdistan. Lit Verlag. Mnster (1997) pp. 185-216. W 1997

Bruinessen, M. van. ‘Krt toplumu ve ulusu akim.’ In: Cumhuriyet Dnemi Trkiye Ansiklopedisi: Yzyil biterken. Iletisim Yayinlari. Istanbul (1997) pp. 863-870. W 1997

Bruinessen, M. van. ‘Les Kurdes en Turquie et en Europe: entre deux identits.’ In: Confluences Mditerrane (1997) pp. 39-48. W 1997

Bruinessen, M. van. ‘Mem  Zn Ehmed Xan  dewr w le derkewtin wushyary netewayet Kurd da.’ In: Gizng-govark werzaney ferheng-edebye (1997) pp. 15-22. W 1997

Bruinessen, M. van. ‘Mencari ilmu dan pahala di tanah suci: orang Nusantara naik haji.’ In: D. Douwes en N. Kaptein (red.) Indonesia dan haji. INIS. Jakarta (1997) pp. 121-133. W 1997

Bruinessen, M.M. van, [Recensie van:] Göyünç, N. & Hütteroth, W. Land an der Grenze: Osmanische Verwaltung im heutigen türkisch-syrisch-irakischen Grenzgebiet im 16. Jahrhundert. Istanbul, Eren, 1997. In: Turcica, 31. (2000) pp. 558-560. W 2000

Bruinessen, M.M. van, [Recensie van:] Mélikoff, I. Hadji Bektach, un mythe et ses avatars. Genèse et évolution du soufisme populaire en Turquie. Leiden, 1998. In: Turcica, 31. (2000) pp. 549-553. W 2000

Bruinessen, M.M. van, [Recensie van:] Vorhoff, K. Zwischen Glauben, Nation und neuer Gemeinschaft: Alevitische Identität in der Türkei der Gegenwart. , 1999. In: Bibliotheca Orientalis, 56. (1999) nr. 1-2 pp. 246-248. W 1999

Bruinessen, M.M. van, [Recensie van:] Wiessner, G. Hayaths Dzor - Xavasor: Ethnische, ökonomische und kulturelle Transformation eines ländlichen Siedlungsgebietes in der östlichen Türkei seit dem 19. Jahrhundert. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 1997. In: Turcica, 31. (2000) pp. 580-581. W 2000

Bruinessen, M.M. van, "The Kurds and Islam", Working Paper no. 13. Tokyo, Japan, Islamic Area Studies Project, 1999. 24 pp. W 1999

Bruinessen, M.M. van, "The Kurds in movement: migrations, mobilisations, communications and the globalisation of the Kurdish question", Working Paper no. 14. Tokyo, Japan, Islamic Area Studies Project, 1999. 20 pp. W 1999

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘"Abd al-Samad b. Muhammad Sâlih al-Kalantânî, dit Tuan Tabal", "Abdul Halim Majalengka", "Abdurrahman Siddiq Banjari", "Ahmad bin Muhammad Zain Patani", "Ahmad Khatib Sambas", "Ahmad Sanusi bin Abdurrahman", "Ahmad Surkati", "Da'ud Patani", "Fatimah al-Ba’. In: Gaboriau, M. (red.) Dictionnaire biographique des savants et grandes figures du monde musulman périhérique, du XIXe siècle à nos jours, fasc. 2. Parijs, CNRS/EHESS, 1998. pp. 9-27. W 1998

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘[De Koerden] Eerder verdeeld dan verenigd’. In: NRC Handelsblad. (17-5-1999). O 1999

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Apo in Italië: Europa en de PKK’. In: Soera. Tijdschrift over het Midden Oosten, 6-4 (1998) pp. 3-8. V 1998

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Atjeh: verzet tegen Nederlands en Javaans kolonialisme’. Amsterdam, Lezingencyclus "Europa onder de halve maan", Felix Meritis/Europees Centrum voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen (31-1-2000). L (31-1-2000)

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Back to Situbondo? Nahdlatul Ulama attitudes towards Abdurrahman Wahid's presidency and his fall’. In: Schulte Nordholt, H. & Abdullah, I. (red.) Indonesia: in search of transition. Yogyakarta, Pustaka Pelajar, 2002. pp. 15-46. W 2002

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Bibliographie selective de l'islam kurde’. In: Les Annales de l'Autre Islam, 5 (1998) pp. 371-382. W 1998

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Contending varieties of Muslim politics in post-Suharto Indonesia’. Tehran, Colloquium "Political Islam at the dawn of the twenty-first century" (28-10-2001). L (28-10-2001)

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Controversies and polemics involving the Sufi orders in twentieth-century Indonesia’. In: Jong, F. de & Radtke, B. (red.) Islamic mysticism contested: thirteen centuries of controversies and polemics. Leiden, Brill, 1999. pp. 705-728. W 1999

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Das Globale und das Lokale im indonesischen Islam: eine konfliktreiche Wechselwirkung’. Berlijn, lezingencyclus (Universitätsvorlesung) 'Islam ist nicht gleich Islam: Annäherungen an eine Weltkultur', Freie Universität Berlin (5-1-1998). L (5-1-1998)

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘De betekenis van de jihad in de islam’. Utrecht, Symposium ´Religie: middel of obstakel voor vrede?´. Studium Generale Utrecht (13-5-2002). L (13-5-2002)

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘De Koerdische kwestie: een nationale beweging van een staatloos volk’. Universiteit Groningen, Geografische Studentenvereniging Ibn Battuta (26-2-1999). L (26-2-1999)

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘De opkomst van de Islam vanaf de jaren tachtig’. Amsterdam, Discussieavond "De politieke toekomst van Indonesië en de rol van de Islam in het bijzonder", SIB, (18-2-1999). L (18-2-1999)

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘De opkomst van etniciteit in Turkije in de jaren '90’. Amsterdam, onderzoeksdag MOI (Vereniging Midden-Oosten en Islam) (27-11-1998). L (27-11-1998)

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Derebeys, Banditen, Aleviten: Soziale Formationen der Peripherie des osmanischen Reiches; Anfänge einer Zivilgesellschaft in Anatolien?’. Bielefeld, Symposium "Das Alevitentum und die Anatolische Volkskultur im osmanischen Reich/Osmanli doneminde Anadolu halk kulturu ve Alevilik" (15-1-2000). L (15-1-2000)

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Deux institutions centrales de la structure sociale du Kurdistan, la tribu et l'ordre mystique’. INALCO, Paris, gastcollege (6-5-1999). L (6-5-1999)

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Die Türkei, Europa und die Kurden nach der Festnahme von Abdullah Öcalan’. In: INAMO, Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten(1999) nr. 18, pp. 9-15. V 1999

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Diversiteit in de islam’. Eindhoven, Studium Generale, Technische Universiteit (2-10-2002). L (2-10-2002)

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Ebb and flow of political Islam in Indonesia: the Muslim students association HMI and its radical breakaway section HMI-MPO’. Paris, Sciences Po, International conference "Vingt ans après.: quel bilan pour les mouvements islamistes contemporains? An assessment of modern Islamist movements (21-6-2000). L (21-6-2000)

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘From Adela Khanum to Leyla Zana: women as political leaders in Kurdish history’. In: Mojab, Shahrzad, (red.) Women of a non-state nation: the Kurds. Costa Mesa, California, Mazda Publishers, 2001. pp. 95-112. W 2001

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Genealogies of Islamic radicalism in post-Suharto Indonesia’. In: South East Asia Research, 10 (2002) nr. 2, pp. 117-154. W 2002

Bruinessen, M.M. van, ‘Global and local in Indonesian Islam’. In: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 37 (1999) nr. 2, pp. 46-63. W 1999

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