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Title: Special Publications-Chemical Society

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Title: Special Publications-Chemical Society

Title: Special Publications-Royal Societyof Chemistry (Spec. Publ. Chem. Soc.)

Sillén, L.G. and Martell, A.E. (1964), ‘Stability constants of metal-ion complexes’. Special Publications-Chemical Society. No. 17.

Title: Special Libraries

Full Journal Title: Special Libraries

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0038-6723


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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Piskur, M.M. (1956), Scientific serials - Characteristics and lists of most cited publications in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, physiology, botany, zoology, and entomology - Brown, CH. Special Libraries, 47 (10), 470.

Keywords: Characteristics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Publications, Serials

? Bloomfield, M. (1966), Simulated machine indexing. Part 2. Use of words from title and abstract for matching thesauri headings. Special Libraries, 57 (4), 232-235.

? Donati, R. (1977), Selective survey of online access to social-science data-bases. Special Libraries, 68 (11), 396-406.

Full Text: Spe Lib68, 396.pdf

? White, E.C. (1985), Bibliometrics - from Curiosity to Convention. Special Libraries, 76 (1), 35-42.

Keywords: Bibliometrics

? Noguchi, S. (1988), Japanese-style management: A bibliometric study. Special Libraries, 79 (4), 314-321.

Title: Spectroscopy Letters

Full Journal Title: Spectroscopy Letters

ISO Abbreviated Title:

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Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Armenta, S., Garrigues, S. and de la Guardia, M. (2005), Quantitative vibrational spectrometry in the 21st century: A scientometric evaluation. Spectroscopy Letters, 38 (6), 665-675.

Full Text: 2005\Spe Let38, 665.pdf

Abstract: The state of the art of research on vibrational spectrometry-based quantitative methodologies was evaluated from the literature compiled in Analytical Abstracts from 1980. Medium and near infrared, Raman spectrometry, and photoacoustic methods of analysis were considered. The evolution of the number of published papers, the distribution of the literature as a function of the different application fields in which the vibrational methods were employed, and a study of the impact on this area of chemometric and automation studies clearly shows that, from the 1990s until now, the importance of vibrational spectrometry in application analysis has grown to reach maturity. This field provides alternative methods for industrial, environmental, and food analysis and in clinical studies. The most active research groups on these subjects have been identified from their scientific production in the first years of this century and from the journals in which this research is commonly published.

Keywords: Chemistry, Evaluation, FTIR, Infrared Spectrometry, NIR, Photoacoustic, Prediction, Quantitative Analysis, Raman, Research, Scientific Production, Scientometric, Spectroscopy, Vibrational Spectrometry

? Ródenas-Torralba, E., Morales-Rubio, Á. and de la Guardia, M. (2006), Scientometric picture of the evolution of the literature of automation in spectroscopy and its current state. Spectroscopy Letters, 39 (6), 513-532.

Full Text: 2006\Spe Let39, 513.pdf

Abstract: The current study focuses on the status of automation and mechanization in spectroscopy for analytical chemistry publications compiled during the period 1980 2006, in Analytical Abstracts. Flow injection analysis (FIA), sequential injection analysis (SIA), multicommutation, and monosegmented and segmented flow strategies were considered. For assessing the evolution of scientific productivity, the total number of publications concerned with the different methodologies was evaluated. In order to provide a picture of the state of the art of this field, the most important journals, the most active authors, and the most productive countries in the field of automation were evaluated in the period of the first years of this century.

Keywords: Analysis, Analytical Chemistry, Authors, Automation, Chemistry, Continuous-Flow Analysis, Countries, Evolution, FIA, Field, Injection, Iron, Journals, Literature, Mechanization, Methodologies, Multicommutation, Multicommutation, Number of Publications, Productivity, Publications, Science, Scientific Productivity, Scientometric, SIA, Spectrophotometric Determination, Spectroscopy, System

? Armenta, S., Garrigues, S., de la Guardia, M. and Tahiri, S. (2007), Research on spectroscopy in Morocco from 1984 to 2006. Spectroscopy Letters, 40 (5), 681-693.

Full Text: 2007\Spe Let40, 681.pdf

Abstract: The evolution of spectroscopy-based research activity in Morocco was evaluated on the basis of publications that have appeared in the Science Citation Index, Expanded (SCI), during the cumulative period 1984-2006 (September). The most active research groups, and their universities or centers, were identified in this subject from their scientific production in the first years of this century. The preference to publish in specific journals, the main areas of interest to Moroccan authors, and the spectroscopy techniques most commonly employed for their studies were also appraised. This scientometric study was undertaken to introduce a group of papers in a special issue of Spectroscopy Letters on Moroccan research in spectroscopy.

Keywords: Analytical-Chemistry, Authors, Citation, Citation Index, Evolution, Journals, Morocco, Papers, Publications, Research, Research Activity, SCI, Science, Science Citation Index, Scientific Production, Scientometrics, Spectroscopy, Universities

? Armenta, S. and de la Guardia, M. (2009), Green spectroscopy: A scientometric picture. Spectroscopy Letters, 42 (6-7), 277-283.

Full Text: 2009\Spe Let42, 277.pdf

Abstract: The state of the art of green spectroscopy, as a sustainable and friendly alternative to the classical spectrometric methods of analysis, has been established from the evaluation of the scientific literature published about this topic in the frame of the so-called Green Chemistry paradigm. Special attention has been paid to the fact that keywords like Green Analytical Chemistry, environmentally friendly, or clean analytical method or sustainable analytical chemistry are far from being commonly used in analytical studies. In spite of this fact there are numerous studies that provide direct analytical methodologies, or a reduction of reagents consumption or waste generation, the recycling of used solvents, or the replacement of toxic compounds by non-toxic or, at least, less toxic ones. So, additional efforts must be made to engage the scientific community in the practice of making the work safer and more sustainable in the analytical laboratories.

Keywords: Analytical-Chemistry, Clean Analytical Chemistry, Environmentally Friendly Methods, Evaluation, Green Analytical Chemistry, Spectroscopy

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