Report 4: Interim Evaluation

E.4Export and trade promotion

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E.4Export and trade promotion

The rationale for the export and trade promotion focus in the legacy of the 2012 Games is the expectation that the international spotlight on the UK as a result of the Games will open up new export markets to UK companies. The legacy strategy anticipates that the build up to the Games, and particularly the Games period itself, will have given UK businesses the opportunity to showcase and promote UK innovation, enterprise and creativity, with opportunities to access new export markets and international contracts. There is also potential for businesses to build on their successes in delivering Games contracts by exploiting innovation and their enhanced reputations in international markets.

The logic model below provides a summary of the activities, outputs, results, outcomes/impacts for the export and trade promotion sub-theme. It should be noted that there is limited evidence to date of outputs and outcome achievements and in relation to progress made in delivering the specified results/outcomes/impacts.

Figure 4: Export and trade promotion summary logic model

(i)Legacy programmes and initiatives

The following initiatives aim to use the Games as a hook to promote exporting, as detailed below.

British Business Embassy: The British Business Embassy, which involved a series of global business summits during the Games, promoted UK exports as well as promoting the UK as a place to invest. The activities and outputs are covered in section 4.4. above.

British Business Club: launched in September 2011, this will provide a one-stop-shop where up-to-date details of networking events, future business opportunities and potential partners will be posted. The content will cover not only information related to business activity around the 2012 Games, but also other future international sports events;

National Programme: working with Devolved Administrations and UKTI's Regional Directors 60 events ran from June to September 2012, linking business opportunities to the Olympics and Paralympics. Key sectors covered include Creative Services, Creative Content, Education, Life Sciences, ICT, Energy, Infrastructure, Retail, Food & Drink and Advanced Engineering and country days on China and Brazil. 37 of these local programmes were enhanced by using either live streamed or on-demand content from the British Business Embassy Summits.

(ii)Evidence available: Outputs & expenditure

Figure 4: Public expenditure on exporting and trade promotion

Legacy programme/ initiative

Lead Organisation

Budget (£m)

Actual (£m)

Time period

British Business Club



Not available at this time

2010 - 2012

National Programme


Within existing budgets


2012 - 2013

Figure 4: Outputs achieved

Legacy programme/ initiative

Lead Organisation

Total Outputs/KPI achieved


Time period

British Business Club


Not available at this time

Not available at this time

2010 - 2012

National Programme


Not available at this time

Not available at this time

2012 – 2013

(iii)Evidence available: Evaluation and research

No project level evaluations have been undertaken to date under this theme. It is understood that future evaluation work will examine the degree to which Games-related initiatives such as the British Business Embassy and Global Investment Conference in the period leading up to and during the Games have influenced export levels.

(iv)Conclusions: Outcomes and additionality

There is no evidence available yet as the key interventions are occurring around Games-time.

(v)Progress in answering the research questions

To what extent has hosting the 2012 Games enabled UK businesses to move into new export markets (including through export promotion in host and other nations, in support of development goals, and through the development of 'soft networks'), and what were the GVA and employment benefits?

To date there is no evidence available to answer this question. In relation to the impact of Games-related contracts on export opportunities, data from the final CompeteFor evaluation will be utilised for the meta-evaluation. The evaluation's final beneficiary survey will allow a qualitative analysis of how far businesses have been able to access export markets as a result of using CompeteFor and bidding successfully for Games contracts.

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