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Need to know Court cases

Court Case


Marbury v. Madison


Establishes Judicial Review- the right to determine the constitutionality of laws.

(is the law constitutional or not?)

McCulloch v. Maryland


Established the principle of national supremacy. The Constitution & federal laws overrule any state laws.

Dred Scott v. Sanford


Ruled African Americans were not citizens. Enslaved people were property and the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.

Plessy v. Ferguson


Provided equal but separate accommodations for white and African Americans

Schenck v. United States (1919)

Established limits on free speech. (Can’t yell fire in a crowd if there is not one!!)

“Clear and Present Danger”

Korematsu v. United States (1944)

Upheld the power of the president in wartime to limit a group’s civil liberties. (Japanese Interment Camps)

Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

Ends segregation in public schools.

Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

Established the requirement prior to questioning to inform the accused of crimes that they have rights. (you have the right to remain silent…….. ) “Miranda Rights”

Roe v Wade


Declared that states could not make abortions illegal and women had the right to privacy.

United States v. Nixon


Court ruled that Nixon had to turn over Watergate Tapes to the Special Prosecutor

Planned Parenthood of Southern PA v. Casey


Upheld Roe v. Wade….. Women’s privacy.

Unit VIII Quiz

1. President Jimmy Carter’s decision to criticize

South Africa’s apartheid policy and President Bill

Clinton’s decision to send troops to Bosnia were

both responses to

(1) human rights abuses

(2) civil wars

(3) immigration policies

(4) trade agreement violations

2. One important conclusion that can be drawn as a result of the United States experience in both the Spanish-American War (1898) and the Persian Gulf War (1991) is that

  1. only the President should decide issues of war and peace

  2. the media are a powerful influence in shaping American public opinion toward war

  3. the public has little confidence in the ability of the American military

  4. international organizations play a decisive role in determining the outcome of a war

3. President Bill Clinton’s decision to send troops to Bosnia in 1995 and to participate in the bombing of Kosovo in 1999 were both in response to international concern over

  1. trade agreement violations

  2. access to world oil reserves

  3. human rights violations

  4. monetary policies

4. Which list of wars that involved the United States

is in the correct chronological order?

(1) Vietnam War → War on Terrorism →

Korean War → World War II

(2) Korean War → World War II →

Vietnam War → War on Terrorism

(3) World War II → Vietnam War →

War on Terrorism → Korean War

(4) World War II → Korean War →

Vietnam War → War on Terrorism

5. The Department of Homeland Security was

created as a direct response to the

(1) Persian Gulf War (1991)

(2) Oklahoma City bombing (1995)

(3) terrorist attacks on September 11 (2001)

(4) flooding of New Orleans (2005)

6. The federal government responded to the 2001

attacks on the World Trade Center and the

Pentagon by

(1) creating a cabinet-level agency for homeland


(2) deporting most illegal aliens

(3) decreasing defense spending

(4) expanding the civil liberties of American

7. The disputed elections of 1876 and 2000 were

similar because in both contests the

(1) winner was chosen by a special electoral


(2) states were required to hold a second election

(3) winner of the popular vote did not become


(4) election had to be decided in the House of

Gasoline Prices Soar in 2008”

U.S. Oil Consumption and Imports Continue to


OPEC Votes to Reduce Oil Production”

8. Which conclusion is most clearly supported by

these headlines?

(1) The United States exports more oil than it


(2) Energy policies are not affected by domestic


(3) The demand for alternative energy sources is


(4) United States dependence on foreign oil is a

major problem.

9. The growth of modern technology has resulted in

  1. a decrease in the population of the world

  2. increasing interdependence among nations

  3. a growing need for unskilled labor

  4. a sharp decline in the need for oil and coal

10. Support for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) reflected the United States commitment to

  1. globalization

  2. Manifest Destiny

  3. collective security

  4. isolationism

11. In which case did the United States Supreme

Court rule that segregated public facilities were


(1) Worcester v. Georgia

(2) Plessy v. Ferguson

(3) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

(4) Miranda v. Arizona
12. The Supreme Court decision in Schenck v.

United States (1919) and the USA Patriot Act of

2001 both dealt with the power of the federal

government to

(1) suspend the writ of habeas corpus

(2) restrict freedom of religion

(3) deny civil rights to those who lack citizenship

(4) limit civil liberties for reasons of national security
13. One similarity between the laws being challenged

in the United States Supreme Court cases of

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and Korematsu v.

United States (1944) is that

(1) specific groups of people were being targeted

based on race or ethnicity

(2) state laws were declared unconstitutional

(3) immigrants were relocated to prison camps

(4) federal laws segregating public transportation

were upheld
14. The Supreme Court rulings in Roe v. Wade

(1973) and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern

Pennsylvania, et al. v. Casey (1992) are similar in

that both cases dealt with a woman’s right to

(1) privacy

(2) medical insurance

(3) equal pay for equal work

(4) participate in school sports

15. The Dred Scott decision on the issue of slavery upheld the Southern viewpoint that

  1. the power of the Supreme Court does not extend to cases of race

  2. Congress could not pass a law depriving territorial residents of their property

  3. a national vote should be held to decide the legality of slavery

  4. the economic well-being of the western states depended on slave labor

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