Stockbridge & Inverleith Community Council Minutes of the General Meeting held on May 18th

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Stockbridge & Inverleith Community Council

Minutes of the General Meeting held on May 18th, 2016

at Stockbridge Parish Church
These minutes are draft until adopted.

Gregan Crawford – (Acting Chair)

Ian Hooper (Acting Secretary)

Hal Osler

Joan Beattie
Ward Councillors

Cllr Nigel Bagshaw

Police Scotland Representatives

PC Andy Sparrow, PC Emily Grimwood

Members of the Community

Andrew Brough, John Cowie, Mae Douglas (Stockbridge Traders), Nick Evans, Maggie Ferguson, Ann Jamieson, Duncan Osler, Andy Smart

Apologies: Penny Richardson, David Chamberlain, Tannis Dodd, Pam Barnes, Marion Blythman, Fiona Finlayson, Cllr Gavin Barrie, Cllr Lesley Hinds, Cllr Iain Whyte
1 Minutes of last Meeting on April 20th, 2016 were approved.
2. Matters Arising:
CC Elections: The Chair informed the meeting that, contrary to what was stated at the last meeting, Cllr Bagshaw had now learned that candidate information would be published even in the event of an uncontested election; published information would be limited to candidate names and street addresses (not house numbers) and this information would be removed after the election was concluded. The City Council was considering a City-wide publicity programme.

Loose / uneven pavement in Raeburn Place / Comely Bank: The Chairman reported a detailed response from Cllr Whyte which advised that the Council could not undertake repairs to the unadopted street at Veitch’s Square but would consider serving an amenity notice. Failing any effective response they would consider adopting the streets in question. The Chairman proposed to ask for further information from the Council on the timescale for securing action.
3.Brief reports:
i.Chairperson – no items to report
ii Secretary – ditto

iii. Treasurer – ditto.
iv.Police - PC Emily Grimwood and PC Pete Sparrow reported on the proposal to revert to community policing arrangements along the lines of the pre-Police Scotland approach with individual officers attached to areas. This should result in greater continuity and understanding of local issues. A consultation document on the changes had been published on the Police Scotland website. He also reported on a recent rise in opportunistic housebreaking incidents where intruders had gained access to common stairs to break into tenement flats in the area. While some entry systems had been upgraded to make them more secure others had not. More local patrols were planned. No pattern of incidents had yet been identified.
v. Environment Joan Beattie reported that there were still some issues with the functioning of the new communal refuse bins which Councillor Bagshaw said were being addressed by the Council. She also reported the publication of a City Council consultation on Open Space Strategy.
vi. Transport Joan Beattie relayed the Highways Department reports on local roadworks. The Circus Place works are now expected to be complete by end June, following which, work on St Stephen’s St would commence. The Chair noted the Community’s concern at the disruption which was being caused by cable installation works on North West Circus Place including damage to well laid setts.

vii. Licensing The Chair reported that the Council was undertaking a public consultation on Music on Licensed Premises which would result in a relaxation of the previous requirement that music should not be audible outwith the premises in question and replace it with an obligation that noise levels should not result in unreasonable disturbance. It was unclear how this would be evaluated. He encouraged members of the community to respond to the consultation.
vii Planning Pam Barnes was not able to attend the meeting but had advised that there were currently no cases requiring a response from the Community Council.

viii. Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership next meeting 6th June 1830-2030 in Drylaw

  1. Stockbridge and Inverleith Joint Community Meeting – 8th June 2016

The Chair said that this meeting jointly organised by Stockbridge Parish Church, and the Community Council would take place at 7pm on Wednesday 8 June in Stockbridge Parish Church, Saxe Coburg Street.

  1. Lothian Buses decision to stop selling books of single tickets

Hal Osler said that it was common for foodbanks to give users a paper ticket to help them transport groceries home. The LB decision would have a serious negative impact and no sensible alternative had been offered. She obtained the support of the meeting to write to the City Council seeking their support in reversing the LB decision.

Rev John Cowie reported that Stockbridge Church had purchased the premises of the former barber shop “Capelli” on Raeburn Place to use as a meeting place/information centre.

7 Dates and Times of Next Meeting

Wednesday 15 June 2016 AGM at 7pm (open to all) followed by Community Council Meeting at 7.15pm Venue – Stockbridge Parish Church, Saxe-Coburg Street

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