26. OR bilan bo’langan otlarning kesimi OR dan keyingi otga qaraladi.
John or George is bringing the car.
singular singular
John or the boys are bringing the car.
My aunt or my uncle is arriving by train today.
Ko’plik ot
Sanalmaydigan ot
Ko’plik kesim
Birlik kesim
Birlik ot
Birlik kesim
no one
Everybody who has not purchased a ticket should be in this line.
Something was under the house.
Anybody who has lost his ticket should report to the desk, (note the
singular pronoun)
Nobody works harder than John does.
Birlik ot
Sanalmaydigan ot
Birlik kesim
Ko’plik ot
Ko’plik kesim
None OF
Sanalmaydigan ot
Birlik kesim
None OF
Ko’plik ot
Ko’plik kesim
None of the counterfeit money has been found.
None of the students have finished the exam yet.
No example is relevant to this case.
No examples are relevant to this case.
29. Agar bir ot boshqa otdan oldin kelsa u paytda bu COMPOUND NOUN (qo’shma ot) hisoblanib, oldingi ot aniqlovchi vazifasida bo’lib unga hech qanday qo’shimcha qo’shilmaydi.
BIRLIK shakli
Ko’plik shakli
Tennis court
Video player
Class room
Bed room
Wedding party
Fish soup
Chocolate ice cream
Mathematics teacher
Tooth brush
Hanger on
Mother in law
Passer by
Tennis courts
Video players
Class rooms
Bed rooms
Wedding parties
Fish soup----
Chocolate ice cream-----
Mathematics teachers
Tooth brushes
Hangers on
Mothers in law
Passers by
30. Quyidagi otlar doim ko’plidir va ko’plik kesim talab qiladi. Ularni olmosh bilan almashtirsak They (these, those) ga tengdir.
Arms belongings, clothes, contents, savings, thanks, steps, stairs, customs, congratulations, tropics, wages, spectacles, earnings, outskirts, goods, wits
The clothes were in the closet.
The goods have been loaded
My belongings are all packed up in suitcases.
Izoh: Compound noun shaklida quyidagicha.
Customs tax customs taxes
Clothes shop clothes shops
31. Agar bir necha otlar boshqa otdan oldin kelsa u paytda oldingi otlar aniqlovchi vazifasida bo’lib ularga hech qanday qo’shimcha qo’shilmaydi.
A ten year Old girl A girl of ten years old
A ten year Old girl
a girl of ten years old
A three room flat
A flat of three rooms
A four door car
A car of four doors
A two hundred page book
A book of two hundred pages
A five speed bicycle
A bicycle of five speeds
Three ten year old girls
Three girls of ten years old
Five three room flats
Five flats of three rooms
Two four door cars
Two cars of four doors
Three two hundred page books
Three books of two hundred pages
Ten five speed bicycles
Ten bicycles of five speeds
Izoh: ba’zan «‘s» yoki «‘» dan foydalanamiz agar bu struktura vaqt o’lchovidan iborat bo’lsa
A week holiday = a week’s holiday = a holiday of a week
A month course = a month’s course = a course of a moth
A two week holiday = a two weeks’ holiday = a holiday of two weeks
A six month course = a six moths’ course = a course of six moths
I've got a week's holiday starting on Monday.
Jill has got three weeks' holiday.
I live near the station - it's only about ten minutes' walk.
32. Quyidagi so’zlar «s» bilan tugagan ham birlik ham ko’plikdir.
A means = some means
A series = many series
A species = 200 species
means a means of transport = many means of transport
series a television series = two television series
species a species of bird = 200 species of bird
A car and a bike are my means of transportation.
Possessive Case (NING (qaratqich kelishigi))
1. Kishi va hayvonlar bilan.
A) Birlik bo’lsa « ’s »
Tom’s book
Nick’s notebook
My father’s room
My brother’s friend My brothers’s friend
The butcher’s shop The butchers’s shop
The bull’s horns The bulls’s horns
The teacher’s bag The teachers’s bag
The eagle’s nest the eagles’ nest
Elephant’s ears Elephants’s ears
Horse’s tail Horses’s tail
Owl’s eyes Owls’s eyes
Mr. Jones’s house The Jones’ house
Smith’s car The Smiths’ car
B) Izoh:
my brother’s friend’s book
Jack’s sister’s room
C) Izoh: Qo’shma otlarda oxirgi ot ning qo’shimchasini oladi.
My brother in law’s guitar
The Prince of Wales’s helicopter
The PM’s secretary
The MP’s briefcase
The VIP’s escort
D) Ko’plik bo’lsa «’»
My brothers’ friends
My parents’ room
The girls’ dresses
The dogs’ kennels
E) Izoh: Jack and Sarah’s house
Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s garden
My sister and brother’s friends
G) Ko’plik qo’shimchasini olmaydiygan otlar «’s»
A man’s job men’s job
A woman’s intuition women’s intuition
A child’s book Children’s book
A person’s life People’s life
H) Izoh: “s” bilan tugagan atoqli otlarga “’” o’zi yetarli
Pythagoras’ theorem Archimedes’ Law Sophocles’ plays
I) kasblar bilan “’s” otsiz keladi
The butcher’s
The chemist’s
The baker’s
The florist’s
The doctor’s
You can buy it at the chemist’s.
He is going to the dentist’s.
J) Xo’jayin nomiga atalgan binolar “’s” bilan ishlatiladi
Macdonad’s Craridge’s Sotheby’s
2) Predmetlar bilan «___ of ___»
the door of the room
the blackboard of the room
the page of the book
the keyboard of the computer
the handle of the door
the walls of the town
the roof of the church
the keys of the church
I) kema va qayiqlar bilan
The ship’s bell
The yacht’s mast (machta)
J) Samolyot, poyezd, mashina va transport lar bilan
Glider’s wings or the wings of the glider планёр ( летательный аппарат )
The tram’s heating system or the heating system of the tram
K) For + Noun + sake = for goodness’ sake, for heaven’s sake
L) quyidagi iboralarda
A stone’s throw water’s edge journey’s end
N) Tashkilot va korxona “ ’s ” yoki “___ of ___”
the school’s yard or the yard of the school
the university’s library or the library of the university
the company’s staff or the staff of the company
O) Shahar davlat “ ’s ” yoki “___ of ___”
Italy’s city or the city of Italy
Buchara’s monuments or the monuments of Buchara
The world’s population or the population of the world
The exports of Russia or Russia’s exports
The intervention of America or America’s intervention
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