The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Other Experiments
Other experiments spin off the foregoing experiments. The list of possible neurological experiments is endless. Perhaps that is why the number of targets does not diminish but instead grows ever larger, for as neurological research increases, the need for guinea pigs also increases. Likewise, to be considered valid, the experiments require continuity, which means that the same targets must be used throughout the entire experiment. That explains why once targets are “hooked,” they remain hooked. We are seeing only the beginning of these evil and inhuman neurological experiments.
In addition to preparing for neurological warfare, the government undoubtedly is also preparing to prevent civil disobedience from occurring. That is probably the reason why very liberal political, civic, and union activists, radical organizations, particularly those considered anti-government, environmental activists, whistleblowers, free thinkers, Survivalists, extremists, nonconformists, independent cult-like religious groups, and avowed socialists and anarchists are often targeted for experimentation.
The Creation of Multiple Personalities
The intelligence agencies and scientists have been interested in the creation of multiple personalities for many years. Called “split and control psychology,” the objective is to confuse the victim about his own identity for the purpose of total mind control. As in the Manchurian
Candidate, psychologists convince targets that targets have additional personalities that cause them to commit acts that they would not otherwise perform, such as murder. With that conditioning, a target readily accepts assignments that he would not ordinarily take. In the cases of multiple personalities, there is always an evil, calculating, deceitful personality versus a good or much less evil one.
Readers have already read that I accidentally discovered ways to hear the continual loop play tapes played to targets’ subconscious by their attackers. One day in late 2009, I rubbed my ears to hear what the loop play tapes were saying. In one ear, I heard a handler’s voice saying over the continuous loop play taped message, “You’re (the name of a person).” In the other ear, the same recorded voice was repeating, “You’re (the name of a different person).”
In the first case, the person was one of my oldest friends; in the second case, the person was

a distant cousin. To counter the obvious intentions of the attackers, I often tell them, “I am
NOT (name), and I am NOT (name). I am ONLY Max Harrison Williams, always have been, always will be, and nobody else.”
I have corresponded with only one other TI who has mentioned the multiple personalities theme; nevertheless, I suspect that it is very often used on unsuspecting targets. It does not require a super active imagination to think of the possible uses of multiple personalities in carrying out intelligence and military actions in both domestic and foreign situations. Ex- contractors. “killer-for-hire” types, for the military occasionally remember that their other
personalities were made to accomplish a mission and they were supposed not to remember it. In my case, I have no idea what my other personality is supposed to do, but I do know that my mind will never allow that other personality to develop. Despite the attempts to control my mind, it is still mine.

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