Part of the stage
The method
Organisation part of the lesson
b.Warm up
Revision part
a.Checking up homework
“True or False
Main part of the lesson
Authentic materials Jigsaw matching
Handouts Pictures and paperes
End of the lesson
b.Giving homework
The procedure of the lesson:
Organizational part
a. Greeting
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you today?
Pupils: Good morning, teacher.We are fine , thank you!
Teacher: I’m glad to see you.
Pupils: We are glad to see you too.
Teacher: Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Answer my questions, please. What date is it today?
Pupil 1: Today is the …..
Teacher: Fine. What season is it now?
Pupil 2: It’s winter now.
Teacher: You are right. What’s the weather like today?
Pupil 3: It’s frosty, windy and cold.
Teacher: Do you like winter?
Pupil 4: Yes, I do.
Teacher: What can you do in winter?
Pupil 4: I can play snowballs with my friends and make a snowman.
Teacher: Well done! Thank you. Today we shall speak about “My day” .
b. Warm up
Teacher: And now let’s play a game “Clockline” Please, stand up. You should tell me what time each of you get up on Sundays and at the same time you should find and stand in the right place in a line. Please, What time do you get up on Sundays and find your place in the Clockline.
Introduce the proverbs:
“Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
“The early bird gets the worm”
Revision part
a.Checking the homework
Lets play a game”True or false”
Divide the class into two groups,teacher says the things in the classroom if it’s true they should go to the sign “True”,if it’s false they should go to the sign “False”,who goes first, he or she will get a point.
There is a blackboard in the classroom T
There is a window in the classroom F
There are many desks in the classroom T
There is a canteen in the school T
There are many pictures on the wall T
There is a gym in the school T
There is a pupil in the classroom F
Main part
Work on new theme
New vocabulary
wake up
get up
get washed
do my hair
brush my teeth
get dressed
have breakfast
often always usually sometimes
Read the new vocabulary in chorus, in row and individually
Make up sentences to the new words
1.I usually brush my teeth in the morning
2. We often play football
3.You have breakfast in the morning
They go to school in the morning
B. Practice
Doing activities
Divide the class into three groups
The teacher gives sentences in Uzbek, the first group translates the sentence into English,the second group says negative form of the sentence,the third group says interrogative form of the sentence
Darslar soat 9 da boshlanadi
Men ertalab soat 7 da uyg’onaman
Biz soat 8:30 da maktabga boramiz
Men odatda kechqurun uyga vazifamni tayyorlayman
Men ba’zan televizor ko’raman
The first group:
1.Lessons begin at 9 o’clock
I wake up at 7 o’clock
We go to school at 8:30.
Usually I do my homework in the evening.
Sometimes we watch TV.
Matching game( Jigsaw pictures)
1.Look at the pictures
2.Put the pictures in order
3.Match the words to the pictures
IV. Closure
Do you like this lesson?
2.Giving homework
Activities 1,2 on page 78.
3.Assessment to assess pupils according to their answers
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