This is THE ADNOC WAYWhen temperatures rise, so does the stress that heat puts on your body. Heat, when combined with other stresses such as hard physical work,
loss of fluids, fatigue or some preexisting medical conditions, may lead to heat-related illness,
injuries, disability and even death. Learn to recognize heat illness symptoms and prepare for the heat.
HEAT RASHSYMPTOMS:▪ Small, red clusters of blisters or pimples
▪ Skin itches or feels prickly or hurt Appears on upper chest, neck, groin,
elbow and under the breastHEAT SYNCOPESYMPTOMS:▪ Dizzy or lightheaded
▪ Nausea
HEAT CRAMPSSYMPTOMS:▪ Painful muscle cramps or spasms Typically in arms,
legs or abdomenHEAT STROKESYMPTOMS:▪ High body temperature (above C Hot, dry skin (no sweating Slurred speech Throbbing headache Confusion/disorientation
▪ Fast pulse Chills Weak
▪ Hallucinations Later stages of heatstroke may lead to death if untreated
WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF A HEAT-RELATED ILLNESSES?▪ Stop activity and rest in cool area Loosen any unnecessary
clothing If conscious, give sips of cold water Apply wet cloths to head and body If vomiting or unconscious, call for immediate medical aid If you are feeling unwell, inform your supervisor!
WORKER RESPONSIBILITY▪ Properly hydrate (before, during, and after work Always follow the rehydration and break flag recommendations Drink a sufficient amount of water following the TWL guidelines
▪ Take a break following the TWL guidelines – rest in a cool place when needed Avoid caffeinated drinks Lookout for symptoms of heat illnesses for yourself and your coworkers
▪ Wear your PPEs and attach apiece of light-colored fabric to protect your neck Ensure good nutrition and a well-balanced healthy
diet If you are fasting, do not skip Suhoor and do not break your fast with a feast Break the fast gently with dates and water
HEAT EXHAUSTIONSYMPTOMS:▪ Excessive sweating Rapid/shallow breathing Nausea/vomiting
▪ Muscle cramps Dizziness/confusion
▪ Weak Pulse Pale
complexion or clammy skin ▪ Extreme fatigue, weakness