Training development in support of the operational domain

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C-2. WTSP checklist

See table C-2 for the WTSP checklist.

Table C-2
WTSP checklist




Checklist item




1. Is the WTSP developed to support the approach?

2. Is the WTSP designed to reduce planning time?

3. Was there a valid requirement for a WTSP to be developed?

4. Did the training developer select the appropriate components of the WTSP?

5. Is the WTSP flexible, allowing tailoring to meet the needs of the organization?

6. Does the WTSP identify the events and methods most appropriate for the echelon?

7. Does the WTSP list only those approved collective and individual tasks that apply?

8. If applicable, does the WTSP adequately define any required training gates?

9. Does the WTSP include role player requirements?

10. Does the WTSP include support for the role players?

11. Does the WTSP reflect the required preparation for the exercise?

12. Does the WTSP include detailed execution guidance?

13. Does the WTSP include environmental impacts?

14. Does the WTSP include safety/composite risk management (CRM)?

C-3. Collective task checklist

See table C-3 for the collective task checklist.

Table C-3
Collective task checklist




Checklist Item




1a. Is the task based on current doctrine and linked to the appropriate AUTL task?

1b. If more than one unit or proponent would perform the task, was the entire target population considered in the analysis of the task?

1c. Is the task executable through one training event type from beginning to end?

2a. Does the task number comply with the PP-EE-NNNN format?

2b. Does the task number reflect the designated proponent responsible for the task area?

2c. Does the task number represent the highest echelon that would logically train the task?

3a. Is the task behavior/title written in title case (example: Occupy an Assembly Area)?

3b. Does the task behavior/title begin with an approved action verb?

3c. Does the task behavior/title contain only one object?

3d. Does the task behavior/title provide complete clarity when read?

3e. Does the task behavior/title have no conjunctions, or conjunctions by exception (and/or)?

3f. Does the task behavior/title have no parenthesis unless enclosing an acronym, or for the purpose of identifying multiple echelons?

Table C-3
Collective task checklist, continued




Checklist Item




3g. Does the task behavior/title contain no conditions or unnecessary constraints (does not address "who," "how," "with what," or "when")?

4a. Does the reference list include only the minimum number of current valid references and identify the primary reference?

4b. Are CATS, STPs, and TSPs avoided as references?

4c. Are TMs avoided unless used as a primary reference for a specific performance step or performance sub-step?

5a. Does the condition statement begin with a trigger or cue? (What has occurred that requires this task to be performed?)

5b. Does the condition statement use terms applicable to the target population in order to avoid unnecessarily restricting the applicability of the task to other units? (Example: unit, unit leader, machine gun)

5c. Does the condition statement address relevant aiding and limiting factors required to establish the appropriate situation required in order to conduct the task?

5d. Does the condition statement allow the Commander to apply variables of METT-TC to the extent applicable to the task?

5e. Is the condition statement not unnecessarily restrictive (allows units and/or other proponents to use the task, if appropriate)?

6a. Does the task standard describe clearly what the collection of Soldiers must do to succeed at the task?

6b. Is the task standard measurable and/or observable?

6c. Is the task standard written in present tense and paragraph format?

7a. Are performance steps written in present tense and subject, verb, and object format? (The subject may be omitted, if implied.)

7b. Are the performance measures written in subject, past tense verb, and object format? (The subject may be omitted, if implied.)

7c. Are performance measures both measurable and observable, and is the criteria for how well each measure is to be performed defined?

8a. Are performance step and/or measures notes "by exception"?

8b. Do performance step or measure notes provide only amplifying information that is not otherwise appropriate for inclusion in an existing or an additional performance step or measure?

9a. Is each supporting individual task the most current proponent task?

9b. Does each supporting individual task enable successful performance of the supported collective task?

9c. Is proficiency in each supporting individual task essential to ensure successful accomplishment of the supported collective task?

10a. Is each supporting collective task the most current proponent task?

10b. Does each supporting collective task enable successful performance of the supported collective task?

10c. Is proficiency in each supporting collective task essential to ensure successful accomplishment of the supported collective task?

11a. Is the inclusion of equipment and/or material items limited to those that have relevance to most or all members of the target population?

12a. Is each OPFOR task relevant to most or all users of the collective task?

12b. Are OPFOR tasks limited to the most likely threat course of action(s)?

12c. Does the listed OPFOR task(s) have opposing relevance to the collective task being trained? (attack-defend)

12d. Does performance of an assigned OPFOR task not require the unit to stop performing the BLUFOR task?

12e. Has TRADOC G2 written or approved the OPFOR task?

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