5.1 Classroom Discipline
Each teacher is responsible for the discipline of his or her students. Teachers who have well-planned and engaging lessons rarely experience discipline problems. Teachers who have class rules clearly posted, and who have an orderly learning environment characterized by fairness and consistency generally have well-disciplined students and well-managed classrooms. Occasionally, teachers have students who fail to respond to the most brilliant lesson plan and most nurturing environment, and elect to act out in ways that disrupt the instruction. It is expected that each teacher will deal with these behaviors before they get out of hand. Teachers may keep students after school or assign other appropriate penalties for acting out. Experience and research show that telephoning the parent and holding mandatory conferences with the parent are the most effective strategy in correcting student misbehavior. Should these efforts fail, the administrator and counselor are able to recommend other strategies that the teacher may find effective.
Once the teacher has contacted the parent, conferred with the parent, and exhausted other strategies for behavior modification and the problem persists, the student should be referred to the administrator for official sanctions. The teacher should send a referral form and the supporting documentation to the administrator stating the problem, steps that have been taken to correct the problem, and other pertinent information. Teachers are not to put a student out of class.
5.2 Detention
A teacher may hold his or her own detention hall after school. In assigning teacher detention, at least one day’s notice must be given. A record of attendance should be kept, along with the reason the student was detained. This record is helpful when holding parent conferences or referring the student to the counselors, social worker, administrator and Student Support Team.
If the detention assigned by the teacher is not served, contact the parent and reschedule the detention. If detention is not served after contacting the parent and rescheduling the detention, refer the student to the administrator.
5.3 Disciplinary Referrals
If it becomes necessary to refer a student to the administrator for serious misconduct, the teacher should complete a disciplinary referral form on the student indicating the behavior and any pertinent circumstances surrounding the conduct and all previous actions taken. The referral form, Appendix O, should be given to the administrator or hall monitor. Forms are available in the Main Office and on the teacher resource disk.
Must be referred by teacher to an Administrator (Not optional)
Drugs and alcohol
Blatantly refusing to follow instructions or extreme rude/disrespectful language or behavior
Inappropriate bodily contact
Threatening a student or staff member
Smoking (must actually see student involved in act)
Engagement in inappropriate activities
Failure to accept disciplinary action
May be referred (Optional)
Chronic classroom disturbance
Profanity or vulgarity not directed to staff member
Should not be referred
Minor first, second, or third offenses (gum chewing, angry looks)
Not bringing books to class or turning in homework
Failure to return a signed paper
An offense where the classroom rule violates the rights of student
5.4 Student Use of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs
D. M. Therrell High Educational Complex is a drug-free school zone. Teachers should immediately report to the administration any student who is suspected to be under the influence or have in his or her possession or attempting to sell use or distribute any tobacco product, alcoholic beverage or drugs on the school grounds, school bus, or at any school activity. Smoking in the building and on campus is prohibited at all times. It is in violation of board policy.
5.5 Weapons
Teachers should report to the administrator any student or teacher who is suspected of possessing a weapon or supplying a dangerous instrument on school property or at a school event.
5.6 Dress Code
Students are encouraged to use good taste in their dress and exercise good personal hygiene. Teachers are expected to have students follow the school dress code. See the Student Handbook.
5.7 Lockers
Lockers are distributed and accounted for the principal designee. There is a minimal charge for lockers, and lockers will be assigned based upon advisory locations. Students are not allowed to use their own pad/combination locks or to share lockers. Students who do not follow the rules for using lockers will have a school issued lock placed on the locker until further notice. Teachers are not to send students to their lockers for any reason once the students are in class.
5.8 Hall Passes
Any student on the hall during class time must have a hall pass. Students will be sent to class and/or referred to the administration. Teachers are urged to not give students permission to leave class unless it is absolutely unavoidable. If the teacher does send the student into the hall, the student must be given a dated and signed hall pass indicating the time and destination. Teachers should monitor the time students leave and return to class. Students should not be issued hall passes during the first and last 15 minutes of class.
5.9 School Dances and Social Functions
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