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Fund-raising and Use of School Funds

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8.0 Fund-raising and Use of School Funds

8.1 Fund-raising

All fund-raising must conform to Board regulations. No fund-raising efforts may be undertaken without the approval of the Principal.

8.2 Purchasing from Sources Outside APS

Request for purchases from suppliers should be routed through the school secretary and then to the Principal. If the Principal approves the purchase, the designee will order the items. The school will not be responsible for any debts incurred without the Principal’s written approval.

8.3 Clubs & Organizations Accounting

All student clubs and organizations must route all funds following APS accounting procedures. All students are expected to participate in at least one school club or organization. All faculty members are expected to serve as a club sponsor. Time will be allocated monthly for clubs and organizations to meet. All guidelines and bylaws must be on file in the main office.

8.4 Handling of Funds

All money collected in the name of the school or any school organization must be submitted to the school secretary. UNDER NO CONDITION CAN A SCHOOL ORGANIZATION HAVE AN ACCOUNT IN ANY BANK, NOR IS CASH TO BE KEPT AT THE HOME OF STUDENTS OR TEACHERS.

Any purchase made by a member of a group, teacher or student, must be approved by the group in a regular meeting or by the sponsor and paid for by a Board of Education check. Small approved purchases may be made by the sponsor or student from his/her own funds. All reimbursements must be pre-approved by the principal.

8.5 Financial Accounting

  1. All the student groups or clubs handling funds or monies must deposit their funds with the Principal’s secretary.

  2. All faculty sponsors must adhere to the following procedure when handling funds or monies for student groups or clubs:

    1. All income must be deposited and all expenditures must be made by check from the fund. No cash will be disbursed.

    2. Receipts may be used to pay obligations.

    3. Deposits should be made in the secretary’s office daily.

    4. Deposit slips should be completed in duplicates.

    5. Faculty sponsors will be given a receipt book to use when they collect money.

    6. A bona fide invoice or statement from the creditor is required before a bill can be paid.

    7. The situations where an invoice or receipt cannot be secured, the sponsor must complete a payment voucher to be reimbursed.

    8. The payment order form must be attached to the invoice. Completed forms should be given to the Principal's secretary.

  3. The Atlanta Public School System will keep an account of funds. A monthly statement will be available as requested.

  4. The student treasurer and faculty sponsor should verify the accuracy of the balance each month.

  5. The faculty sponsor must clear with the Internal Fund Manager (Principal’s secretary) as part of the end-of-year check out procedure.

9.0 General Information

9.1 Organizations

D. M. Therrell, School of Health Sciences and Research offers a wide variety of clubs. The requirements for participation follow the eligibility standards that are required by the State of Georgia. They are as follows:

  1. The student must have passed six out of seven subjects from the previous semester.

  2. The student must be currently enrolled in seven subjects.

  3. The student must be “on track” for graduation.

(Reference: APS Board Policy, Extracurricular Activities IDE and I 3.6)

Additionally, some clubs may have requirements specific to the subject area. It is the teacher/sponsor’s responsibility to certify that these standards are met.

All officers must be elected by club members and approved by the administration. All clubs must have an adult sponsor present at all meetings. Meeting dates must be submitted for the school calendar and may be held before or after school. Special meetings must be approved by the administration through the club sponsor.

Fund raising activities will be conducted following APS Board Policy. All requests for fund-raising by organizations must be submitted to the principal in advance for approval.

9.2 Establishing Clubs

The establishment of a club should be either to meet a curricular need or to respond to a student or staff interest. The following procedure should be followed to establish any new club:

  1. Establish a need:

    1. Nine or more students signing a statement of interest letter which adequately documents students’ interests and a mission/goal, admission requirements, and sponsor for the prospective club.

    2. Faculty advisor(s) must be willing to work with the students during the club's formation period (at least one semester or until the end of the year, whichever is longer).

  2. Procedure:

    1. Complete a club interest letter

    2. Submit a roster of students to the Principal

    3. Conduct regular meetings to:

      1. Develop a constitution

      2. Develop a purpose and budget

      3. Develop and carry out a plan to recruit members

      4. Elect officers

      5. Plan activities and/or fund-raisers

      6. Establish a calendar for meetings and activities

      7. Operate the club successfully for one semester and at least nine meetings

3. Annual Evaluation:

  1. Submit an Advisor's Semester Report to the Principal or designee. The Principal will review the report with the club advisor.

  2. Submit sign-in log sheets to the Principal or designee.

  3. 9.3 Athletic Department Information
    1. Philosophy

Interscholastic athletics are an integral part of the school’s program offering students a means to develop self-discipline, accept responsibility, and make decisions in preparation for the adult world. Athletics are wholesome activities because participants are judged by their ability to perform singly or within a team as they strive toward athletic excellence.


  1. Achieve academically by first being a good student.

  2. Exhibit high standards of social behavior.

  3. Display sportsmanship.

  4. Respect other athletes, cheerleaders, officials, spectators, and those in authority.

  5. Be cooperative.

  6. Maintain a good appearance including cleanliness and grooming.

  7. Use language that positively reflects family, school, and staff.

  8. Be a positive leader by example, words, and/or actions.

  9. Comply with the rules to be in good standing at the completion of the season.


As outlined by the GHSA, a student must have completed a school-approved physical examination before the first practice, be in good standing with the school, have passed five (5) classes for the previous grading period, be enrolled in six (6) classes, and be “on track” for graduation.

To be “on track” for graduation a student must have completed the following number of classes/hours:

Unit Hours Classes Passed

10th Grade 5 10

11th Grade 10 20

12th Grade 15 32

General Rules

The principal shall enforce all rules and regulations for D. M. Therrell High Educational Complex. The rules stated herein are in addition to the school rules and pertain to members of

D. M. Therrell High Educational Complex Athletic Department

The following general rules have been established:

  1. A participant shall not violate local and state law, GHSA regulations, and all rules governing students.

  2. Each participant must have insurance. This coverage may be the insurance purchased from the Atlanta City Schools Athletic Department, or insurance carried by the participant’s parent(s) or guardian(s).

  3. An insurance waiver form must be completed for all participants not purchasing the school athletic insurance.

  4. The athletic insurance must be purchased from the athletic director’s office.

  5. Insurance covering varsity and junior varsity football is separate from, and DOES NOT apply to any other sport or activity.

  6. A participant must attend at least half of the school day on the day they participate in competition or practice unless excused by the principal or designee.

  7. A participant shall not possess or use tobacco products.

  8. A participant shall not consume or be in possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs.

  9. 9.4 Personal Property

State law prohibits possession of electronic devices at school. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO BRING electronic devices included by not limited to CELLULAR PHONES, RADIOS, IPODS, and CD PLAYERS to school unless needed for a specific approved activity. Administrators and teachers will confiscate such equipment until the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) reports for a conference and receive the confiscated property. The school will take reasonable and necessary precautions to secure confiscated property. However, the school cannot be held responsible for stolen items.

All acts of theft and vandalism involving a student’s personal property or school property should be reported at once to an administrator. Restitution will be required and/or criminal charges will be filed against the perpetrator, if warranted.

Large sums of money and unnecessary valuables should not be brought to school. Students who are found in the possession of stolen property will be turned over to the school detective.

Book bags may be brought into the building; however, the bags must be clear or housed in the student’s locker. Books bags, purses, and other containers may be searched there is suspicion of illegal activity.

Lost & Found

In the event that students misplace personal belongings during the school day, they should check with Lost and Found, located in the main office.

9.5 Bus Regulations

Buses will leave ten (10) minutes after the end of the school day.

Students on school buses are under the jurisdiction of the school. Any misconduct on buses will be considered a major infraction. Misbehavior on buses is subject to indefinite suspension from riding the buses. If warranted, criminal charges will be filed.

9.6 Student Indebtedness

Staff and students who owe money to the school for any reason must pay in a timely manner. Checks will not be accepted. Seniors will not be awarded diplomas until all outstanding debts are cleared.

9.7 Telephone Use

Students have access to the phone in the main office before and after school. Students may not be excused from class to use the phones.

9.8 Tornado & Fire Drill Information

Tornado and fire drills will be conducted throughout the school year. Fire drills will be conducted monthly.

  1. At the sound of the fire or tornado alarm, everyone will stop talking, leave their books, and move single-file from the room to the designated area. THE NO-TALKING RULE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED DURING THE DRILLS.

  2. Fire drill routes to be followed are posted in each room.

  3. Students will line up in their designated area with their teacher, and teachers will take roll.

  4. At the sound of the bell, students will move quietly back into the building and return directly to their classrooms.

  5. 9.9 Duties for Fire Monitors

Teachers are to assign one student as Fire Monitor and one alternate for each class to:

  1. Close all windows and doors.

  2. Check the room to make sure it is clear of students.

  3. Be the last person in line to the designate area.

  4. 9.10 Tornado Drill Procedure

Tornado Watch

Weather conditions favor the development of a tornado in the area. No tornado has been sighted yet, but emergency plans should be reviewed.

Tornado Warning

When a tornado has been sighted in the area, the following emergency plans will go into effect immediately.

  1. Tornado warning alarm (sound of the bells).

  2. The teacher should escort the students into the halls as far as possible form those corridors that contain glass. Teachers should also bring their attendance records.

  3. If doors leading to tornado resistant areas contain glass, doors should be opened against the adjacent wall.

  4. Students should be given the command “assume the protective position.” They are to drop to their knees and elbows, covering the backs of their necks and heads with their hands. (Teachers designated as monitors will help supervise students.)

  5. If students have coats or jackets with them, those should be used as blankets to provide additional protection for their head, neck, and body.

  6. If there is not time to move students, have them assume the protective position under their desks or other heavy furniture.

  7. No one should leave the shelter area until the “all clear” is sounded on the radio weather advisory station. This is important because a storm may spawn more than one tornado funnel, and a single funnel may behave erratically.

  8. 9.11 Intruder Alert Procedure

The following Intruder Alert Procedure will be used when unauthorized persons gain access to the building and threaten the safety of school personnel and/or students.

Signal - Threat

The principal will instruct the staff on the “emergency phrase” which will be stated over the PA system, during an imminent school-wide danger.


  1. Ensure that all doors to the classrooms are locked from outside.

  2. Do not issue hall passes.

  3. Remain calm.

All Clear Signal

An “all clear alert” will be announced over PA system by the principal or principal designee.


  1. Resume normal activities.

  2. Unlock classroom doors.

  3. 9.12 Clinic


8:15 AM - 3:30 PM (Days TBA)

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM* (Lunch)

*Any student with an emergency should report to the Main Office.

Clinic Rules

  1. A clinic pass with the student’s name, time and teacher’s signature is a must when sending a student to the clinic.

  2. If a student is ill enough to go home, the nurse will call a parent or guardian. If the student is given permission to leave school, the nurse will confirm that the student is properly signed out in the attendance office.

  3. If prescription medication has to be taken by a student, a special form (67071) must be filled out. The form will be kept in the clinic during the school day. This special form may be secured from the nurse.

  4. If there is an accident during the school day (student or staff), please send for the nurse immediately. If an accident should occur after 4:00 PM, on school property, please report in detail to the nurse the following day and complete a Student Accident Report, which can be obtained from the nurse.

  5. Students are discouraged from attending school when running a fever. The body temperature should be normal for 24 hours before returning to school.

  6. In an emergency, personal items for female students are available in the clinic or the Main Office.

  7. 9.13 Media Center

It is the aim of the media center to serve as an integral support component of the total educational program. When using the media center, the media specialists should be informed of classroom assignments, objectives, and materials to be used in order that proper guidance can be given.

9.14 Student Parking

Student parking is available in designated areas. All students wishing to park on school property must complete a vehicle registration form, display a parking decal, and park in their assigned place. There is no parking on the streets near the school. Cars improperly parked will be subject to ticketing and/or towing.

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