Chapter-1 Introduction

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Main hypothesis-

In order to arrive at precise inference based on the objectives of the study, the following hypotheses have been developed and the conclusions of the study shall be drawn in accordance to the objectives and hypotheses drawn for the research work. The main hypotheses are given below:

H1. Among the rural financial institutions at national level, NABARD has a significant share in rural development of India.

H2. Uttarakhand State is a hub of unexploited natural resources and thus has a great potential for rural development.

H3. NABARD has created a deep impact on the lives of the rural residents of Uttarakhand by its promotional and developmental activities.

H4. The rural industrial development in Uttarakhand is restricted to few districts located mainly in plain areas.

H5. The major constraint in the rural industrial development of Uttarakhand is infrastructural problems.

The above mentioned hypotheses shall be tested along with the objective of the study during the research process and accordingly the research has been designed to meet out the objectives. Various techniques are used for analysis and for arriving at precise conclusions whenever needed.

Objectives of study-

The main purpose of the study is to identify the problems encountered by the non-farm sector and thereby to suggest some suggestive measures that would resolve these problems. The detailed objectives of the study are as follows-

  1. To study the importance of non-farm sector in Indian economy,

  2. To study the working of NABARD for rural development of India,

  3. To study the developmental and promotional initiatives of NABARD,

  4. To study the performance and role of NABARD in the financing the RNFS,

  5. To know about the future prospects of NABARD for rural development,

  6. To know about the prospects of NABARD in Uttarakhand,

  7. To study the issues and development prospects of Uttarakhand,

  8. To know about the practical difficulties faced by NABARD in implementing non-farm schemes in Uttarakhand,

  9. To investigate the nature and extent of problems faced by the rural industries in order to suggest suitable remedial measures.

Scope of Study-

The scope of this study is to find out the present rural development status in Uttarakhand and the role of NABARD in rural development of Uttarakhand and other Indian states too with special emphasis on Rural Non-farm Sector. To know about the initiatives, policies, schemes, sanctions, disbursements and other related physical, financial and technical assistance by NABARD for rural development in the state especially related to Rural Non Farm Sector, and suggestions thereon with their impact on the lives of the rural residents of the state, the study has following components:

  • The characteristics and dynamics of Indian Rural Economy with special emphasis on rural non-farm sector,

  • The initiatives of NABARD for rural development and the extent up to which these initiatives have been implemented in the Uttarakhand state,

  • The rural development status in Uttarakhand and the influence and the role of NABARD on the development of the rural economy of the state,

  • The major issues in the development of rural non-farm sector and in implementation of such schemes and suggestive measures thereon.

Period of the Study-

Since its establishment NABARD is continuously working for the rural development of India. The study covers the period of 30 years of establishment of NABARD. The data collection process of the study followed the research in two phases. During each phase a theory and questions were first diagnosed then followed by planned projects and initiatives.  Each project or initiative was then evaluated. These evaluations then served as the basis for more specific exploration in the next phase.

In the first phase the study covers initiatives of NABARD for whole India from 2001 to 2012 while in the second phase for the case study of Uttarakhand it covers initiatives of NABARD in the state from 2000 to 2011. Each phase adopted a different strategy in order to observe and analyze policies in action.  The insights and advice that emerged then derived as conclusions and suggestions.

2.5: Research Design

The research design is the basic framework that provides specification of the procedure for collection and analyzing the data. It is a map or blueprint accordingly to which the research is to be conducted. Fundamental to the success of any research project is sound research design. A research design has the characteristic of problems, definitions, specific methods of the data collection and analysis. A research design is purely and simply the framework or plan for a study that guides the collection and analysis of data.

There are three basic designs (exploratory research, descriptive research and casual research) as stages which are often the initial step in a continuous research process. These research designs are not mutually independent but a combination of all three is used in the research process. Normally research starts with an exploratory design and goes to casual research through the descriptive research.

The present research work is also a combination of basic three- research designs. The exploratory phase of the study includes proper definition of the problem. It has covered stage of idea generation and looked into the depth of the problem accordance to the hypothesis and objectives of the study. During the exploratory stage of the research the following tools were employed for the study.

Sample Design-

In most of the research studies, it is impossible to examine the whole universe so the only alternative is to resort to sampling and this also with the present study. Care has been taken to select a sample that represents the whole universe. The finance and time constraints tend to limit the large size of sample.

In the present study our universe is composed of rural residents of Uttarakhand performing non-farm activities under different working conditions in different locations of the state and is willing to provide information as per requirements of the research. Utmost care is taken in sampling to carry out the research without any business. However, sometimes the respondents were unwilling to part with their personal information, but in general it can be assumed that the sampling error have not affected the study to a significant extent.

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