Chapter-1 Introduction

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Functions of NABARD-

NABARD functions are amalgam of activities inherited from its parental organizations rather than those of a unified new apex institution.1 It assumes leadership in rural development and coordinates the efforts of all the grass-root level agencies. NABARD facilitates credit flow for agriculture and rural development; promotes and supports policies, practices and innovations conducive to rural development; and strengthens rural credit delivery system through institutional development and supervise rural financial institutions.

While discharging its functions under the NABARD Act, the bank shall be guided by such directions on matters of policy involving public interest as the Central Government in consultation with RBI may give in writing.

The primary functions of NABARD can be classified under following heads:

Credit functions- Credit is a critical factor in development of farm and rural sector as it enables investment in capital formation and technological upgradation. Hence strengthening of RFIs delivering credit to the rural sector has been identified as a thrust area by NABARD. Various initiatives have been taken to strengthen the cooperative credit structure and the RRB’s, so that adequate and timely credit is made available to the needy people. NABARD's credit functions cover planning, dispensation and monitoring of credit. It frames policies and guidelines for RFIs, provides credit facilities to issuing organizations, prepares PLP’s annually for all districts to identify credit potential and monitors the flow of ground level rural credit. Its credit facilities to various eligible institutions include:

NABARD provides various credit facilities to Short Term Cooperative Institutions; like SCBs, DCCBs, and PACS in form of Short-term credit for agricultural and allied activities (for crop and seasonal agricultural operations, marketing of crops, pisciculture activities, purchase and distribution of fertilizers etc); Medium-term credit for conversion of loans; and Term loans for investment purposes. NABARD also provides finance to production/procurement and marketing of Weavers’ Cooperative Society Industrial Cooperatives, and State Handloom Development Corporations for working capital by SCB’s, and individual rural artisans PACS.

NABARD also provides term loans for investment purposes to long term cooperative institutions also; like SCARDB’s, PCARDBs. NABARD provides short-term loans for crop and other purposes and term loans for investment purposes to RRBs. NABARD helps the State Governments also by providing long-term loans for equity participation in co-operatives and RIDF loans for infrastructure projects. NABARD facilitates the credit delivery of NGOs by revolving fund assistance for various micro-credit delivery innovations and promotional projects. NABARD also refinances the cottage/village/SSIs located in rural areas.

Developmental and Promotional functions: NABARD provides institutional and capacity development assistance to its client banks. NABARD coordinates operations of rural credit institutions; and develops expertise to deal with agricultural and rural problems and assists the Government, RBI and other institutions in rural development efforts. It provides facilities for training, research and dissemination of information in rural banking and development. It assists the State Governments in contributing to the share capital of eligible institutions and provides direct loans in cases approved by Central Government. 

In order to reinforce the credit functions and to make credit more productive, NABARD has been undertaking a number of developmental and promotional activities. NABARD helps cooperative banks and RRB’s to prepare development action plans; helps RRB’s and the sponsor banks to enter into MoUs specifying their respective obligations to improve the affairs of the RRB’s in a stipulated timeframe; monitors implementation of development action plans of banks and fulfillment of obligations under MoUs; provides financial assistance to cooperatives and RRB’s for establishment of technical, monitoring and evaluations cells; provides organization development intervention through its reputed training institutes; provides financial support for the training institutes of cooperative banks ; and provides training for senior and middle level executives of CBs, RRB’s and cooperative banks.

Besides it NABARD creates awareness among the borrowers on ethics of repayment through VVV and Farmer’s clubs; and provides financial assistance to cooperative banks for building improved MIS, computerization of operations and development of human resources. NABARD also provides financial support for the training institutes of cooperative banks.

Supervisory functions- As an apex bank involved in refinancing credit needs of major financial institutions in the country engaged in offering financial assistance to agriculture and rural development operations and programmes, NABARD has been sharing with the RBI certain supervisory functions. These functions include inspection of RRB’s and cooperative banks (other than urban/primary cooperative banks) under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949; inspection of SCARDBs and apex non-credit cooperative societies as Apex Weavers Societies, Marketing Federations, etc. on a voluntary basis; and portfolio inspections, systems study, besides off-site surveillance of Cooperative Banks and RRBs.

NABARD also administers the credit monitoring arrangements in SCBs and CCBs. RRB’s and SCB’s have to obtain the recommendation of NABARD for seeking permission of RBI to open new branches. Besides it RRB’s and cooperative banks are required to file returns and documents with NABARD in addition to the RBI under the provision of Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

Through these functions NABARD helps in protecting the interest of the present and future depositors; in ensuring the conformity of business activities of these banks with the provisions of the relevant Acts/Rules, regulations/Bye-Laws and the observance of rules, guidelines formulated and issued by RBI/NABARD or the government; in examining the financial soundness of banks and suggesting ways and means for strengthening these institutions so as to enable them to play more efficient role in rural credit.  For execution of these functions NABARD use various supervisory instruments like; Periodic On-Site Inspection, Supplementary Appraisal, Off-site Surveillance System, Portfolio inspection/System study and CMA returns. Board of Supervision for SCB’s, DCCB’s and RRB’s has been constituted by NABARD under Section 13(3) of NABARD Act, 1981 as an Internal Committee to the Board of Directors of NABARD.

Consultancy functions- NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS) is the subsidiary of NABARD, the world renowned apex development bank, to provide various consultancy services and to conduct various studies. NABCONS is a wholly owned subsidiary registered under the Company's Act, 1956, with an authorized capital of ` 250 million and is promoted by NABARD. In tune with NABARD's mission to bring about rural prosperity, NABCONS has more than just commercial interest in the undertaken assignments. It leverages on the core competence of NABARD in the areas of agricultural and rural development, especially multidisciplinary projects related to banking, institutional development, infrastructure, and training.

NABCONS takes up consultancy assignments of feasibility/sectoral studies; potential/investment surveys; financing arrangement; concurrent and impact evaluation; restruction of debt and developmental institutions; vision documentation of agreements/contracts in development banking and service matters; development administration and reforms; turnaround of rural financial institutions; performance rating of rural agencies; and bank supervision. Besides these assignments NABCONS is also related with action research studies, seminars on rural development themes, micro finance related training, International Visitors' Programme, exposure visits- national and international, capacity building, training of trainers, building up training institutions, nonfarm enterprise promotion, and legislative drafting and model laws. It is also involved in conceptualization, design, implementation, management, monitoring and impact evaluation of developmental programmes/ projects/ policies.

Training functions: NABARD also provides training services through its training centres for its employees as well as for client banks. Staff training is a service activity to be pursued in keeping with the goals and objectives, while client-bank training is an operational activity. For its own staff NABARD provides induction training programmes at the time of recruitment; job specification training for developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for the job; training at the time of promotion for the high graded post; and training for skillful performance- expertise in rural banking etc. For client banks’ training NABARD delivers training primarily through BIRD, and monirot the number of courses and participants through its Training Division and Regional Office Training Cells.

NABARD’s objective for client bank training is to provide professional training, advisory service and to guide them in making training more effective; to deliver specific training programmes in case of lack of necessary resources; to develop the capabilities of the client banks’ internal training centres; and to monitor and evaluate their overall effectiveness for the training of rural credit.

For training of client banks, various professional training support activities should be used such as, developing curricula for client banks’ training centers; identifying their organizational training needs; and assisting them in developing methodologies for the analysis of training needs, in selection and development of the faculty of their training centers, in evaluating the effects of training programmes and in monitoring and evaluating its overall effectiveness for rural credit. It should be carried out in a participate manner to ensure that NABARD’s assistance can ultimately be replicated by the banks using their own resources. NABARD may conduct more workshops and seminars on rural credit for the benefit of senior officials of client banks and government agencies.

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