Design Technology and Graphics

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Industrial Design Foundation Value: 1.0

Industrial Design Foundation a Value: 0.5

Industrial Design Foundation b Value: 0.5

This unit introduces students to basic industrial design concepts and methods.



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Specific Unit Goals

This unit should enable students to:

A Course

T Course

M Course

apply a design process to design briefs, for example:

client design brief – constraints and considerations

design research


design refinement

environmental considerations

design evaluation


apply a design process to design briefs, for example:

client design brief – constraints and considerations

in-depth design research


design refinement

environmental considerations

design evaluation


apply a design decision to a design problem using the design process

develop and communicate solutions using digital technologies where applicable

explain properties of common materials and make production process decisions

evaluate materials and production processes

identify materials and processes

use technologies to produce designs

use technologies to produce designs

demonstrate planning, documentation and communication of information

apply appropriate written and graphical communication techniques and standards to plan, record and report on design processes

apply appropriate written and graphical communication techniques and standards to plan record, analyse and, report on design processes

identify a solution to a design brief using the design process

use design terminology

use design terminology

describe how technologies and design impacts upon society and the environment

analyse how technologies and design impacts upon society and the environment

identify how technologies and design impacts upon society and the environment

explain risks in a workshop situation (WH&S)

evaluate risks in a workshop situation (WH&S)

follow safe working practices in accordance with WH&S practices


A Course

T Course

M Course

design process

use the design process to develop simple design solutions

design brief, research, idea generation, testing & evaluation

project constraints and considerations


principles of design, eg. aesthetics, form and function, usability, lifecycle & sustainability

current trends in emerging technologies

design process

use the design processes to develop complex solutions

design brief-research-idea generation-testing-evaluation

project constraints and considerations


principles of design, eg. aesthetics, form and function, usability, lifecycle & sustainability

current trends in emerging technologies

historical & cultural aspects of design

design process

design choices in the development of design solutions

project constraints and considerations


drawing production and presentation:

free-hand concept sketching techniques

drawing layout

simple assembly drawings

pictorial drawing systems

orthographic drawing

materials and media for drawing production

convert 3D models to 2D technical representation

planning, recording and communication of design process


drawing production and presentation:

free-hand concept sketching techniques

drawing layout

detail and assembly drawings

pictorial drawing systems

orthographic drawing

materials and media for drawing production

convert 3D models to 2D technical representation

detailed planning, recording and communication of design process

communicate design ideas

sketching techniques of simple objects:

reading plans and workshop drawings

simple pictorial drawings

technology skills and processes (includes CADd interface tools and workshop environment and equipment)

technology skills and processes (includes CADd interface tools and workshop environment and equipment

technology skills and processes (includes CADd interface tools and workshop environment and equipment)

use of a range of introductory production processes, techniques, technologies and skills relevant to the applied field of study to produce technology products (eg workshop or CADd lab)

product presentation and finishing techniques

work place safety and risk management processes.

use of a range of production processes, techniques, technologies and skills relevant to the applied field of study to produce detailed technology products (eg workshop or CADd lab)

product presentation and finishing techniques

work place safety and risk management processes.

use of a range of basic production processes, techniques, technologies and skills relevant to the applied field of study to produce simple technology products (eg workshop or CADd lab)

product presentation and finishing techniques

work place safety and risk management processes.

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