A Course
T Course
M Course
use the design process to address manufacturing problems
use the design process to address manufacturing problems
use the design process
develop, research and communicate manufacturing projects using digital technologies where applicable
develop, research and communicate detailed manufacturing projects using digital technologies where applicable
identify properties of resistant materials and methods of processing them
explain the properties and production of various manufacturing materials and their uses
analyse properties and production of various manufactures materials and their uses
describe basic processes related to design and technology
demonstrate awareness of rapid prototyping techniques including additive and subtractive manufacturing techniques
demonstrate an understanding of rapid prototyping techniques including additive and subtractive manufacturing techniques
produce a basic example demonstrating an understanding of resistant materials
explain the impact of design and manufacturing on society and the environment
evaluate the impact of design and manufacturing on society and the environment
communicate basic solutions using digital technologies where applicable
describe manufactured processes (for example, CFD, FEA, PLM, kinematics etc.)
evaluate manufactured products (for example, CFD, FEA, PLM, kinematics etc.)
demonstrate safe working practices in accordance with risk management principles
demonstrate safe working practices in accordance with risk management principles
follow WH&S practices
explain the different roles in the design & manufacturing environment
evaluate the different roles in the design & manufacturing environment