Testimonials since 2011 – Dec. 22, 2016

Active Living in Victoria County – Through the Eyes of Naturally Active

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Active Living in Victoria County – Through the Eyes of Naturally Active (Physical Activity Strategy Inc. 2011) Presentation


Seemed to go well with memorabilia passed out. Thank You Everyone who attended the Presentation April 21, 2015 at North Victoria Library: Received a nice testimonial from a participant last night: “You are certainly on the right track" - Leona Stockley, Librarian 

"Vince I have one thing to say and one suggestion ok. You are a good man and remember that ok" - A. (Amy MacKinnon), Bay St Lawrence Community Centre

"Hi Vince, Some of the GO group (Wagmatcookewey School After-school program,) went snowshoeing on the trail behind the school today. It was awesome -  and the weather was beautiful. Thought I'd send a few pictures along your way" - Jackie (Leader)

"Good evening, Here are a few photo's from my Kids Yoga participating in the after-school After the Bell Programs at local schools Boularderie and Baddeck in Victoria County in Partnership with Naturally Active Victoria County, Victoria County, NS Thrive, CBVRSB, ns health and wellness active living branch. “ They are going really well. - # 1 and #2 are Boularderie School. They loved their hoodies! Thank you! - #3 and #4 are Baddeck School. What a great group of Kids! as always, Thank you!” - Patsy MacKenzie, Program Leader

"Thanks again for making me a part of your strategic planning and implementation programming! It has been quite a ride and thank you for the acknowledgement!! I look forward to future collaboration" - Aron Ashton, Public Health Physical Educator and VCAN (Victoria County Action Network - Implementation Team) Strategy Member

"ACBC Partnership-It’s been great growing with you!"Ellen Polegato, Regional Physical Activity Consultant, Cape Breton Active Living Branch, Department of Health & Wellness

"You certainly are a dedicated Activity Coordinator for the County" - Lloyd Stone, Resident (Sept. 25, 2015)

"I have had lots of good feedback already!" (Baddeck Academy Kids After-school Yoga Program Fall/Winter 2015-16) - Patsy MacKenzie, Certified Yoga Instructor

"Thanks Vince and we’ll flip these same acknowledgements (Well done. Appreciate your efforts, leadership, expertise, commitment to HERSS in Victoria County which was on display last night and showed. You and your organization (s) both should be commended on your preparedness and presentation leading to the approval of the draft HERSS in VC. Nice turnout of the working group and always nice to hear the nice comments) back to yourself too! Like I said before, our commitment to this initiative showed through last night, seeing as how we were able to put the presentation and the draft policy together in such short notice. It shows a lot of resourcefulness on our part and you’re right, we all can be commended, Thanks again for making me a part of this great project!!" - Aron Ashton, Physical Educator, NS Health Authority Eastern Zone Public Health (July 26, 2016)  

Physical Activity Strategy Official Copy - Naturally Active Victoria …"I strongly support this program. It is wonderful to read and witness all the activities among the young and old enjoying with good leadership. Keep you the good work, Vince" - Mary Vandommelen-Ivey commented on Strategy (Oct. 6, 2015)

I want to congratulate the Municipality of the County of Victoria for its work the past 4.5 years to promote physical activity and healthy eating across its communities. The strategy has focused on key goals and objectives such as increasing awareness, building partnerships, developing/supporting public policy, and increasing opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity for residents and visitors of all ages. Physical activity and healthy eating are important to promoting and maintaining good health and preventing illness. The Rural Chronic Disease Steering Committee was established in 2009 to increase support for people with chronic illness who live in rural communities. The committee’s work has focused on providing both education and specific physical activity for participants. In addition the committee has worked with many partners to advocate for and develop community based supports so that there are opportunities for people with chronic illness to eat well and be more physically active. The partnership with Victoria County has been invaluable in developing community wellness rooms, increasing access to school facilities, supporting community groups in increasing many opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity and in supporting leadership development. I encourage the County to continue to fund the Strategy for the next five years so that policy, infrastructure and programming can be solidified and sustained. That way physical activity and healthy eating will become a way of life for residents of Victoria County. On behalf of the committee, we encourage Victoria County to continue this important work for at least the next five years. Sincerely” –  Carol Ferguson, Co-chair, Manager Heart Lung Wellness Program, Eastern Zone, Nova Scotia Health Authority & Eileen Woodford, Co-chair, Director Rural Health, Eastern Zone, Nova Scotia Health Authority - October 13, 2015

"Thanks for letting me know about the Skyline snowshoe hike (Jan. 3rd, 2016). It was fun. I also enjoy everybody's enthusiasm. You (Vince) sure have a large supply" - Larry Gibbons, Middle River Resident (Jan. 4, 2016) 

"On behalf of the South Haven Community Hall, we would like to add our support for the renewal of the Muncipal Physical Activity Strategy for an additional five years. Many in our community have benefitted greatly from this strategy over the past five years from activities such as physical exercise programs, square dance classes, healthy eating events and other organized outdoor activities. Yours truly" - Jim Eldridge, President -  South Haven Community Hall (Oct. 6, 2015) 

"My name is Angela MacKinnon, and I had the pleasure of being the Facility Development and Enhancement Coordinator of the  Northern Victoria Community Center, in Cape North, Victoria County. This job opportunity was made possible through a Job Creation Program brought to us by Naturally Active Victoria County. Thanks to the work experience I earned, ( April - July 2015) I was ultimately offered a full time position being the Coordinator of the NVCC after my JCP work term ended. Our center did not have a Coordinator in 5+ years, and with the help of Naturally Active Victoria County, we finally had someone here to answer the phones, write the emails, and apply for the grants that we needed to develop our center once again. Our community center has counted on the support from Naturally Active Victoria County and coordinator Vince Forrestall immensely in the last 6 months.  With his great leadership, interpersonal skills and genuine care for residents and visitors, Naturally Active Victoria County has benefited our small community, the ''North of Smokey' area, and the county as a whole. Renewing the strategy for another 5 years ensures this great work will be able to continue, benefiting all those involved. Thank you for your time and consideration" - Angela MacKinnnon, Coordinator, Northern Victoria Community Center 29235 Cabot Trail, Cape North, Victoria County  902 383 2515 (Oct. 6, 2015)  



"It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of support for the Physical Activity Strategy of Victoria County. Since its inception in 2011, I personally have seen and enjoyed the many initiatives that this strategy has produced. The County’s dedication to this program has enabled each community to have access to physical programs, information and resources that otherwise may not have been as easily obtainable. Mr. Forresstall’s resilience and friendly manner has moved the physical aspirations of individuals in a positive direction. Having access to programs and services of the strategy in our own backyards, so to speak, has provided individuals with entertainment, choices, triumphs and, of course, much needed physical activity. As a member of several community organizations within the County, I also see the wealth of information on grants and services that has been brought to the attention of county residents and organizations. I have had the pleasure of working with Mr. Forrestall on a community level and enjoy his enthusiasm and hard work to make the strategy a benefit for everyone. Regards" - Donna MacDonald Nova Scotia C@P Regional Coordinator, Victoria County, NS donna@vccaps.com (Oct 7, 2015)

"Great job organizing (River Denys Mtn Hike, Dec. 20, 2015)" - Claire Drinnan (Dec. 18, 2015)

"The investment in continuing to support the Municipal Physical Activity Strategy in Victoria County will have a payback many times greater than the dollars spent. We will not only save health dollars but we will have safer, happier communities. We will have more viable communities that will attract new residents. One of our greatest assets is the natural beauty of our wilderness, but we can only take advantage of it by staying healthy ourselves. A physically active lifestyle is the best way to insure the physical and mental health of our residents. Becoming physically fit is not a ‘one shot deal.’ A person does not engage in physical activity, get into shape, and then stay in shape. Fitness must be an ongoing process. Life style changes require sustained hard work over a long period of time. Our needs change as we get older. The activities we engaged in last year are not the same as the activities we need next year. As young people grow they need to have programs available to keep them physically active. School sports programs do not reach the majority of our students. The challenge of engaging young people in physical activity is becoming more critical and cannot be left to the schools. In our rural county we have few recreational facilities. But we do have many community halls and we are very sociable. We have a rich tradition of community gatherings. The coordinated leadership of the Municipal Physical Activity Strategy in the county has been able to capitalize on the many small diverse groups to get people together and to get them physically active. Activities like yoga, walking, hiking, snowshoeing, exercise groups are both social and healthy. But they require continual renewal and reinvention. Individuals with an idea need the help and support of a coordinator to bring the idea to fruition. A coordinator’s job is never done. As adults age, their needs and abilities change. Young people grow and require leadership to get out and be active. The composition of our communities is constantly changing. If we are going to maintain a physically active healthy community lifestyle we need a coordinator who can keep an overview of our changing needs. I urge Council to continue to support Vince Forrestall and the Municipal Physical Activity Strategy and to renew its funding for at least another five years. Sincerely yours" - David Rasmussen, Money Point Rd, Bay St. Lawrence NS B0C 1G0 (Oct. 12, 2015)

"Excellent job! Your efforts deserve to be commended. Good on you" (It’s Official - Municipality of Victoria County to Receive Gold Workplace Wellness Award at Upcoming AMANS Conference) - Robin Stuart (Oct 5, 2015)

"This is awesome news Vince! A job well done and an award well deserved. Yet another feather in the proverbial cap that is Victoria County! Again, well done to you all!" (It’s Official - Municipality of Victoria County to Receive Gold Workplace Wellness Award at Upcoming AMANS Conference) - Aron Ashton, Public Health Services Physical Educator (Oct. 6, 2015)

"Should be commended along with the partners on what you are doing here" (HERSS-Healthy Eating in Recreation Sports Settings Municipal Policy Partnership Team) - Debbie Madore, Dietitian, CBVRSB Nutrition for Learning (Sept. 30, 2015)

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