Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Include an Enigma phase after exploration phase.

If the planet has an Enigma roll 1D6.

Add +1 to the Enigma roll if the stack contains a Command ship or Science Vessel.

On a roll of 5 the Enigma is solved.

On a roll of 1-4 the Enigma causes unintended consequences. Roll 1D6 to see what they are:

1D6 Consequence:

1-3 The Exploring stack is destroyed.

4-5 The Exploring stack must retreat.

6 Roll again plus if there was a Minor Race Present, it is destroyed.

A system cannot be controlled by diplomacy or conquest if it has an unresolved Enigma.

If the stack is destroyed the Enigma remains and must be faced again.

If the Enigma is solved, it goes away forever.


Include a Diplomacy phase after Enigma phase.

If the newly explored planet has a Minor Race roll 1D6.

On a roll of 6 or better, the race willingly joins your empire.

If you roll a 1-2 the race will never join your empire through diplomacy.

The Federation and Ferengi players get +1 to the Diplomacy roll.

The Federation cannot conquer newly discovered Minor races, they can only use diplomacy.

If a diplomacy attempt fails, you can try again next turn.


Each system generates revenue equal to its:

Resource type + Minor Race Type.

If the system has no minor race, you must first build a colony.

Terraformed Systems generate +1 Income.

Homesystems generate 10 Revenue points per turn.

Cardassians generate an extra point of revenue from Minor Races due to their

oppressive rule of The subjugated race

Borg generate an extra point of revenue from Minor Races due to their

assimilation of manpower.

Ferengi generate one less point of revenue from Minor Races because their

control is based strictly on trade.


Units must start at your Homeworld, a Starbase, or a planet with a Shipyard.

You may build colonies and shipyards and Terraform on

systems other than your Homesystem at will.

A system can have a maximum of 1 colony and 1 shipyard and 1 Terraform.

A Minor Race Planet cannot be Terraformed.

A system must first have a colony to have a functioning shipyard or to Terraform.

A Starbase may be built in a non-system space adjacent to a system you control.


Opposing stacks in the same space do not have to attack each

other if they both declare that they are on Diplomatic missions.

If the Borg win a battle (engagement) they get to keep and control (assimilate) half

the enemy casualties.

Treat Leaders like other units with respect to casualties.

Players may attempt to conquer minor races.

The Minor Race will generate 1D6 x 1D6 Force in its defense.

When attacking a colony or Minor Race controlled by an enemy the defender will

get +10 Force. (Garrisons, Planetary Defenses)

When attacking a Homesystem controlled by an enemy the defender will get +20 Force.

Klingons get +5 Force when battling at a system.

Units in Battle adjacent to a friendly Starbase get +5 Force.


Name # Move F Notes

Command Ship 8 F 10

Strike Cruiser 10 M 8

Warship 12 M 6

Raider 12 F 4

Scout 12 FF 2

Science Ship 6 M 1 Costs 2

Legendary Commander 8 - 10 Leader

Starbase 10 No 20 Costs 10


Type Cost

Control Markers 0

Colony Markers 6

Shipyard Markers 5

Terraform Markers 10



Shield Cards generate +5 Force

Scanner Cards generate +5 Force

Heavy Weapons Cards generate +5 Force (Photon Torpedoes)

Special Card: Use as a Diplomacy, Peace treaty, Research, or Science Officer card

Federation Leaders have +5 Force


Surprise cards generate +5 Force (Some Cloaking)

Evasion Cards generate +5 Force (Fast Ships)

Boarding Party Cards generate +5 Force (Hand-to-Hand Ferocity)

Special Card: Use as a Warp card

Klingon Warships have +1 Force


Surprise Cards generate +10 Force (due to espionage & Cloaking)

Special Card: Use as an Espionage, Revolt, or Sabotage card

Romulan Raiders have +1 Force


Heavy Weapons Cards generate +5 Force (Federation Torpedoes)

Shield Cards generate +5 Force

Special Card: Use as an Increase Production, Steal, or Heavy Trade card

Ferengi Strike Cruisers have +2 Force


Phaser Cards generate +5 Force

Strong Hull Cards generate +5 Force

Special Card: Use as an Increase Production or Security card

Cardassian Scouts have +1 Force


Shield Cards generate +10 Force (Subspace Shields)

Strong Hull Cards generate +5 Force (Quick Repairs)

Special Card: Use as a Security or Boarding Parties card

Borg Command Ships have +3 Force (Cubes)


Card Name # Notes

Warp 15 Move 1 Stack

Warp Fleet 6 Move 2 or 3 Stacks

Phasers 2 Battle: Each ship Gains Force +2

Shields 2 Battle: Each ship Gains Force +2

Surprise 2 Battle: Gain Force +10

Scanners 2 Get +1 on Enigma Roll or Battle: Gain Force +3

Heavy Weapons 2 Battle: Gain Force +5 (Torpedoes & Disruptors)

Boarding Parties 2 Battle: Gain Force +5

Strong Hull 2 Battle: Gain Force +5 or negate one casualty

Diplomacy 2 Get +1 on Diplomacy Roll

Science Officer 2 Get +1 on Enigma Roll

Sabotage 2 Opponent must discard 2 Cards

Raiding 2 Opponent generates 5 less Revenue points this turn

Espionage 2 Look at opponents hand

Reconnaissance 2 Look at target stack

Special Card 4 Specific to Race

Intelligence 2 Steal one random card from opponent

Security 2 Negate an Espionage, Sabotage, Steal, or Recon card

Peace Treaty 2 Opponent cannot attack you this turn

Decoys 2 Negate Target Move

Steal 1 Take 2 revenue points from target player

Warp Core Breach 1 Battle: Opponent loses an extra casualty

Increase Production 2 Gain 5 extra Revenue points this turn

Heavy Trade 2 Gain 2 extra Revenue this turn per Minor Race you control

Research 2 Draw 2 cards

Revolt 1 Target System with Minor Race becomes neutral

Intercept 2 Move 1 Stack any time during opponents Move Phase

Retreat 2 Battle: Neither side suffers casualties

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