Introduction to Warpspawn Games

FIEFS INTRO Medieval Dukes contest for gold and lands. OBJECT

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Medieval Dukes contest for gold and lands.


The player with the most gold at the end of the game wins.


The board is a 3x3 grid.

The Central square is the Palace.

The 8 Surrounding squares are the lesser Fiefs.


Players use a common deck.

The deck contains 78 cards.


Use coins to represent Gold.

Each player has a set of pieces of a unique color.

Use colored cardboard counters (chits) for pieces.

There are 4 types of pieces in a set:

Control markers, Bishops, Nobles, & Knights.

A set should have 9+ of each piece type.

Control markers are blank.

Bishops, Nobles, & Knights are called pawns

Mark bishop counters with a “B”

Mark noble counters with a “N”

Mark knight counters with a “K”



Bishops 1 Inquisitions +2

Nobles 1 Coups +2

Knights 1 Sieges +2


Each player starts in control of one corner Fief.

Players put all of their pawns into their starting Fief.

Each player starts with 3 Bishops, 4 Nobles, and 5 Knights.

Each player starts with 6 gold and a hand of 7 cards.

Determine turn order alphabetically.

The first player to go in a game must lose 4 gold & 1 card.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 6 phases:

1. Draw Phase

2. Taxes Phase

3. Move Phase

4. Event Phase

5. Contest Phase

6. Recruit Phase


Draw 1 card.

You may pay 2 gold to draw an extra card.

If the deck runs out the game ends.

Maximum hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards.


Gain 3 gold.

Gain an additional 1 gold for each Fief you control.

Gain an additional 2 gold if you control the Palace.


You may move any 1 of your pawns to an adjacent space.

Pawns may move orthogonally but not diagonally.

You may move your pawns into Fiefs controlled or occupied by other players.

You may discard a move card from your hand to move a pawn of

the type indicated on the card.


You may play an Excommunication card to cause any target opponents pawn

to be removed from the game.

You may play a plague card on a target square.

All players with pawns on the square must remove 1 of those pawns from the game.

You may play a Peasant Revolt to cause a target control marker to be removed.

Play a Crusade card to cause a target Knight to be removed from the board for

3 turns. The Knight returns to the palace in Event phase with 5 gold.

The Pilgrimage card is a “crusade” card for Bishops.

The Envoy card is a “crusade” card for Nobles.

All “Played” cards are discarded.


Play a contest card to try to gain control of target Fief (or Palace).

You must have a Pawn in the target Fief.

There are 3 types of contest cards:

Siege, Inquisition, and Coup cards.

If no one controls the Fief you gain control of it.

Place a control marker on Fiefs you control.

If another player controls the Fief there will be a contest.

Both players must determine their force total for the contest:

A pawn is worth 1 Force point.

A knight is an additional +2 in Siege contests.

A bishop is an additional +2 in Inquisition contests.

A noble is an additional +2 in Coup contests.

Certain cards can be discarded (Armies, Courtesans, and Heresy) to

add additional Force. These are called ally cards.

Players may increase force by +1 per gold paid.

Players secretely write down how much gold they are bidding on scrap

piece of paper. The gold bids & allies are revealed simultaneously.

The player with the most Force wins the contest.

The current controller wins ties.

The winner gains control of the Fief (or the Palace)

The loser must retreat one his pawns into an adjacent space.

You may play as many contests as you have contest cards.

You may initiate a contest of any type, for any square, once on your

turn, without discarding a Contest card, for a price of 3 gold.

Sieges cannot take place at the palace.


You may discard a “Gain” card to gain a pawn of the type indicated on the card.

You may pay 3 gold to gain a pawn of any type.

New pawns start in a Fief you control or the Palace.


# Card Name: Effect:

6 Move Bishop

6 Move Noble

6 Move Knight

6 Siege

6 Inquisition

6 Coup

4 Courtesans Force = +2 in coups

4 Armies Force = +2 in battles

4 Heresy Force = +2 in Inquisitions

4 Gain Knight

4 Gain Bishop

4 Gain Noble

3 Crusade

3 Pilgrimage

3 Envoy

3 Excommunication

3 Plague

3 Peasant Revolt

# = Number of that card in the deck



Party Game. Relive the 60s or experience them for the first time.


Three six-sided die are needed.

A pawn for each player is needed.

Lots of tokens of 5 different colors are needed.


Players pawns start on the first line of the Game board List.

Roll high on the D6 to determine turn order.


On their turn a player rolls one die and moves that many lines down the list.

Each line begins with a one letter symbol:

Symbol Experience Token Color

S Sex (Love) Red

D Drugs Green

R Rock & Roll Blue

P Political Activism Purple

A Self Actualization Yellow

H History None

V Vietnam War None

When you land on a line take one colored token according to the type of experience.

History lines do not provide tokens.

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