Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Power cards can be used 2 ways:

Ying: Two Swords: Attack = 1 as a second attack made by one unit on the same

or a different target.

Yang: Dragon Magic: Defense

The special unit is the Tattooed Man.

The Tattooed Man can discard a power card to: Move = 1 or Attack = 1.


Power cards can be used 2 ways:

Ying: Strength of Purity: Move =1 and then Attack = 1.

Yang: Hand of Destiny: Negate a defense card or power card used by opponent.

The special unit is the Tactician.

The Tactician can discard a power card to: Move 1-3 friendly units 1-2 spaces.


Power cards can be used 2 ways:

Ying: Weaving Movements: Defense vs Range = 1 Attacks

Yang: Polearms: Attack = 2

The special unit is the Slayer.

The Slayer can discard a power card for: Attack = 1 as a second

attack made by self on the same or a different target.

Naga have no Cavalry, they have 6 Archers & 6 Infantry.

All Naga can use the Canter Movement card.


Power cards can be used 2 ways:

Ying: Master Archers: Archer Attack = 3

Yang: Elemental Magic: Attack = 2

The special unit is the Elemental Master.

All Phoenix Heroes can cast spells.


Power cards can be used 2 ways:

Ying: Ninja Ways: Move = K

Yang: Scorpion Strike: Attack = 1

The special unit is the Saboteur.

The Saboteur can discard a power card to:

Cause opponent to discard a random card.


Power cards can be used 2 ways:

Ying: Riders: Move = 4

Yang: Charge: Move = 3 and then Attack = 1

The special unit is the Scout.

The Scout can discard a power card to: Move = K or Defense on Self

All Unicorn bushi are mounted and can use cavalry movement cards.

All Unicorn Heroes can use up to 2 move cards per turn.


by Dale Poole

A modified version of Lloyd Krassner's ZEPPELIN BATTLES of the GREAT WAR,

Adapted for Play-by-E-Mail


Imagine if Orville and Wilbur Wright did not successfully fly their powered

airplane in 1903, but instead ten years later. In such an alternate history there

would be no effective combat airplanes. Commitments in military research and

industrial production might have instead, focused on the Zeppelin as a weapon

carrier. This game provides a tactical simulation of such Zeppelin warfare.

The Ships

Zeppelins as depicted in this game, have three statistics; Movement Points, Cargo

Slots and an amount of Gas, all measured in arbitrary units.

Movement Points are outlined below. They determine the maximum distance a Zeppelin

can travel in a turn.

Cargo Slots hold Weapons, Ammunition, Personnel and possibly other items as may

be required by a given scenario.

Gas determines your Zeppelin's buoyancy - if you lose all of your Gas, you plummet

to the ground!

Each Zeppelin in your fleet requires the expenditure of Resource Points, and

must be further equipped with various items at a further cost in Resource Points.


Airship Cargo Move Hydrogen Cost in

Class Slots Points Gas Resource Points

Scout 2 5 10 17

Escort 3 4 20 27

Destroyer 4 4 30 38

Frigate 5 3 40 48

Cruiser 6 3 50 59

Battleship 7 2 60 69


Cargo To hit Cost in

Weapons Slots Range Ammo on 1D6 Resource Points

Large Cannon 2 15 5 1-3 18

Small Cannon 1 10 10 1-4 14

Machine Gun 1 6 20 1-5 11

Flame Thrower 1 3 5 1-3 6

Small Arms* 0 4 Unlimited 1-3 7

*every Zeppelin can be equipped with one Small Arms, an no Cargo Slot cost


Other Cargo Slots Notes

Engine 1 Increase Base Speed +1

Ammo 1 10 Large or 20 Small Cannon Shots.

Patch Crew 1 Repair Punctures and put out fires.

Gas Tanks 1 10 Gas

Bombs 1 May be dropped on Zeps.

Target destroyed on roll of 1-3 on 1D6.

Passengers 1 May function as ‘Small Arms' weapon

Bulk Cargo 1 May apply to scenario victory conditions


1. Determine Initiative

2. Submit Movement Orders

3. Map Update

4. Submit Combat Orders

5. Wind Randomization

6. Map Update

7. Resolve Combat and Damage

8. Make Repairs


- initiative is determined by a simple die with the highest roll winning

the initiative. All ties are re-rolled.

- initiative is determined for all players before movement occurs.

- the player with initiative chooses whether he will move first or last.

- if he chooses to move last, then initiative takes place in the reverse order

of the rolls, with the lowest roller playing first, then the next lower and so on.

- if he choose to move first, then initiative takes place with the initiative

winner moving first, then the next highest roll moving and so forth.

- on subsequent turns, a die roll is made as usual, however the winner of initiative

in the previous turn determines if initiative will take place high to low or low to high.


- in each turn a Zeppelin can increase or decrease speed, changing

facing (direction) gain or lose altitude

- Zeppelins have a maximum number of Movement Points, which determines how many

hexes the Zeppelin can move.

- a Zeppelin can never move more than it's maximum Movement Points in

"Orders" (see 'Winds' below)

- a Zeppelin may be ordered to move zero in which case it will remain in place

- 1 Movement Point is expended to change direction my one hex face; Zeppelins

will always face a hex side

- 1 Movement Point is expended for each step of altitude gained or lost

- there are 10 steps of altitude, with '0' being ground level

- Zeppelins will also lose altitude when they start losing Gas

- after Combat Orders are received, all Zeppelins are subjected to a

randomized Wind Effect

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