Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Card Name: # Type Force Notes

Hordak (Leader) 6 H 9 Leader of the Evil Horde (Spell caster)

Grizzlor 1 H 8 Hairy Henchman of the Evil Horde

Leech 1 H 7 Evil Master of Power Suction

Mantenna 1 H 4 Evil (Spy)

Modulok 1 C 9 Evil Beast of a Thousand Bodies

Multi-Bot 1 C 9 +5 if played with Modulok

Monstroid 1 C 10 Ancient Monster

Catra 1 H 5 Jealous Beauty (Spy)

Entrapta 1 H 6 Tricky Golden Beauty

Shadow Weaver 1 H 7 (Spell caster)

Horde Troopers 10 C 5 Robots (+2 for every other trooper)

Scorpia 1 H 6 Poison Sting

Imp 1 HF 4 (Spy)

Dragstor 1 H 5 Evil Transforming Warrior

Mosquitor 1 HF 5 Evil Energy-Draining Insectoid

Twinix 1 H 6

Hurricane Mace 1 W 4 Force = 9 with Hordak

Buzz-Saw 4 W 3

Spiked Mace 4 W 2

Forbidden Weapons 1 W 8

Mantisaur 1 V 6 Evil Insectoid Steed

Roton 9 VF 5 Spinning Blades & Guns

Dimensional gate 1 P 10

Mystical Cage 1 P 9

Betrayal 1 P 10

Summon Insect Swarms 1 P 9

Slime Pit 1 P 10 Conversion to Evil

Trojan Horse Ploy 1 P 10

Transform Innocents 1 P 10

Kidnapping 1 P 9

Capture Vehicle 1 P 9

Invisibility 1 P 10


Card Name: # Type Force Notes

King Hiss (Leader) 6 H 9 Leader of the Snake Men (Spell caster)

Rattlor 1 H 8 Quick Strike Poison Bite

Tung-Lasher 1 H 7 Coats Opponents in Venom Shell

Snake Face 1 H 7 Can turn Opponents to Stone

Viper 1 H 6

Spittor 1 H 6

Sssqueeze 1 H 8 Evil Long-Armed Constrictor

Blast-Attak 1 H 6 Robot Henchman

Kobra Khan 1 H 7 Master of Snakes with Poison Breath

Fangz 1 H 6 Poisonous Bite

Megator 1 C 10 Evil Giant Destroyer

Tyrantisaurus Rex 1 C 9 Terrifying Dinosaur

Plamydon 1 C 8 Slimy Teleporting Worm

Gorman 1 C 7 Bipedal Lizard

Snakemen 5 C 4

Snake Staff 1 W 3 Force = 7 with King Hiss

Stone Axe 1 W 3

Spear 1 W 2

Spiky Shield 1 W 2

Snake Gun 1 W 4

Dragonfly Crossbow 1 W 4

Venom Pistol 1 W 4

Bone Club 1 W 2

Weighted Net 1 W 3

Turbodactyl 5 VF 5 Reptile with "Jet" Wings

Bionatops 5 V 7 Bionic Triceratops with Horn Cannons

Energy Pool 1 P 10 Under Snake Mountain

Hypnotize 1 P 10

Time Travel 1 P 10

Towers of Eternia 1 P 10

Take Hostages 1 P 10

Diversion 1 P 9

Summon New Foe 1 P 10

Treachery 1 P 9

Steal He-Man's Sword 1 P 10


‘Masters of the Universe’ is a copyrighted/trademarked property.

This is just a fan site.



Goto Mattel

Goto The History of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe



Card game based on the Games Workshop Game called Man O'War.


Man-O-War is a trademarked, copyrighted property.

This is merely a fan site.


Each player chooses Ships from one list.

A Fleet will have 20 points worth of Ships.

Record your ships on a scrap paper.

A Fleet will get 5 draws from the Improvements deck.

Each Improvement card can modify one ship.

A ship can only be improved twice.


Sink all of your opponent’s Ships.


Play proceeds in Rounds.

During a Round each Ship gets its own Phase.

Players take turns giving one of their ships a phase.

The player with the most ships goes first.

For Example: Player X has ships A, B, and C. Player Z has Ships D and E.

Player X goes first. He uses Ship B. Player Z goes next with ship E. Player X then

goes with ship A, and so on.

A ship whose turn it is, is called the Active ship.

A Phase has 4 Segments:

Draw Segment

Move Segment

Attack Segment

End Segment


First discard any cards from your hand you don’t want.

Next, fill your hand to 7 cards.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.


Pick an enemy Ship to be the target of your attack.

Your opponent may discard a Row or a Sail card to force you to pick another target.

You may play Row cards or Sail cards.

Your Ship has stats for Rowing and Sailing.

Multiply the number of Row or Sail Cards you play by the corresponding stat.

The total you get is called your Speed Score.

Your opponent does the same for his target ship.

The target ship cannot play any cards if it rammed or boarded in its last phase.

If your Speed score is higher than his, you may attack the target this phase.

Discard played cards.


Play one Attack Card.

There are 4 types of attack cards: Broadsides, Fire-Forward, Ram, and Boarding Action

Your ship has a stat for each type of attack.

The value of the stat that corresponds to the played card is called the Attack Score.

Roll a number of six sided dice equal to your attack score.

Every roll of 4-6 on a six sided die does one point of damage to the target ship.

Subtract one from the roll for Indirect fire.

Record damage for all ships.

Any time a ship has damage equal to or greater than its Hull stat it sinks.

If you made a Fire-Forward attack the target may simultaneously play a Fire-Forward.

A ship cannot automatically return fire against a ship with Indirect

fire unless it also has indirect fire.

If you made a broadside attack the target may simultaneously play a broadside.

If your ship made a broadside attack it may attack a second ship using

the same attack card.

The second broadside attack must first repeat Move Segment with the new target.

If the attack is a boarding action the target may play a broadside first.

If the attack is a boarding action the target may simultaneously play a boarding action.

A ship cannot ram if it was rammed since its last phase.

Discard played cards.

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