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by Geo Gibson (

Here's that extra stuff I'd done for Space Cruisers. It's mostly been

used in solo games, so I can't say it's been extensively playtested :)

Some of the modifications have been left out, either because they

aren't in any kind of usable form yet or else because they only make

sense in scenarios.

Extra "Space Cruisers" rules

These are the extra rules I've been using for some solo games. I use

miniatures on a hexless surface (two sections of posterboard that

have a starfield painted on them); each hex is assumed to be 1 inch

on the table. Two inches might work better if you have the space.

Fighters: Fighters are fielded in squadrons (usually 2-5 fighters);

each squadron moves as a unit and rolls one initiative die. Hits are

always assigned to any damaged fighters first. Fighters do not have

to move between turnings (see below).

Movement (additional): Ships cannot usually turn twice; some

forward movement must occur in between. A ship may turn twice

(without a move in between), but the second facing change costs 2".

Fighters ignore this rule.

Extra Systems

Enhanced Battle computer: allows Critical rolls to be modified by

plus or minus one. A ship with an EBC only suffers -2 when

targetting a Cloaked Ship.

Tractor Beams (all Military ships have one): Range is 3". A ship can

use its tractor beam to latch onto another vessel (same size or

smaller) to tow it. Towed ships remain within 3" of the other vessel;

the towing ship loses 1" of movement while the beam is engaged.

Ships with operable drives cannot be towed unwillingly. Stations

cannot be towed and fighters cannnot possess tractors. If a second

tractor is added, a ship can tow a vessel one size larger at a cost of

1 extra inch of movement (a small vessel with 2 tractors could tow a

medium vessel at -2" to its move, or a large vessel if it had three

tractors, though it would then be at -3" movement). These usually

have a 120 degree rear arc.


Sometimes a Captain will destroy his/her/its own ship rather than

allow it to fall into enemy hands (or tentacles, etc.). Self-Destruction

is announced during the Cloaking phase and replaces the ship's

Movement Phase (on its initiative). Normally, a ship will self-destruct

on a 10 or less on a d10 (automatic success). For each Critical it

has taken the roll is at a penalty of 2 (so a ship that has taken 3

criticals will only self-destruct on a 4 or less).

If the die roll is made, the ship is utterly destroyed. Nearby vessels

may take damage as well. This is equal to 1d6 for each two of the

following systems the vessel had intact when it exploded: Weapons,

Fighter Bays, Drives. This damage is rolled (seperately) against

each vessel within 1"; for every further inch the damage drops by a

die. A self-destructing fighter does no damage to anyone else, as

the explosion is too small.

Damage Control Parties

All ships and stations (but not fighters) have crew that can attempt to

repair ship damage. Each vessel has 1 roll per Size Category (small

ships 1, medium ships 2, large ships 3) per turn. This roll is made

after the Cloaking Phase and before Initiative. Shields and criticals

can be repaired; hull points can be repaired between games. The

specific damage that is to be repaired must be declared before the

die is rolled (repairs Shields or Drives or Phasers, etc.). Repairs are

rolled on 1d6 as follows: for shields 5-6, for Criticals, destroyed

drives or weapons systems 6.

The following is used for my pseudo-campaign, where a day or two

may pass between battles and I want damage to carry over. Assume

each Damage Control party not otherwise occupied can repair d3

hull points per day, though never more than half the original hull

points of the vessel (without access to a shipyard, repair dock, etc.).

Access to a friendly base adds +1 to chances of success and

number of hull points repaired. Larger bases (or repair docks, etc.)

probably repair ships faster. Note that since a space station is

usually a base, it always gets the +1 bonus.



Two player card game set in the StarCraft universe.


StarCraft is a licensed, copyrighted product.

This is merely a fansite.


Each player gets one unique deck.

For example: Terran Deck vs Zerg Deck.


Six sided dice are needed to play.

Tokens to record damage are also needed.


Destroy your opponents Command Structure.


Every player starts with a hand of 5 cards.

Every player starts with their Command Structure in play.

Roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 4 phases:

Logistics Phase

Deploy Phase

Attack Phase

End Phase


Draw 3 Cards.

If your deck runs out, you may shuffle your discard and draw from it.

You may discard 2 cards from your hand to draw 1 card.


You may play (deploy) any 3 cards from your hand.

Deployed cards are placed face up onto the table in front of you.

Deployed cards stay in play until destroyed.

Some of your deployed cards may allow you to deploy additional cards.

Instead of deploying a card, you may issue a Repair Order.

A Repair Order removes 1D3 damage counters from your units.

Instead of deploying a card, you may draw a card from the top of the deck.

Instead of deploying a card, you may put the top card of the discard pile into your hand.

Instead of deploying a card, you may issue a Battle Plan Order.

A battle Plan Order gives all of your units a +1 to either Move, Force, Range, or Armor.

Instead of deploying a card, you may issue a Scout Order.

A Scout Order lets you look at your opponents hand.

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