Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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By Tom Higgins

In the course of working up the first issue of the zine

(countermoves) I have been flooded with urls to game sites, aid,

rules and graphics. I have discovered the world of gamming is

both bigger and MUCH smaller than I thought.

In gaming there are also two extreme levels of representing the

game environment.

There is the super realistic miniatures camp where every thing,

the units, the trees, the grass, the houses, etc, are hand

crafted miniatures and the game is played by moving them about

either freestyle (using rulers and strings) or on some sort of

hex grid system built into the terrain.

Then there is the counter and map camp where a flat map depicts

all the environs and flat cardboard counters represent the

movable units.

In between there are some interesting and , I think, fertile

grounds for us to explore.

One of the things I have been stumbling across again and again

are Cardboard or Cardstock minatures/battle fields.

A good example of this can be found at

These folks sell PDF's that can be printed out and folded to

make 3d style environs and units. If you got a color printer you

can also add color to em.

This is sort of a cheaper way to use miniatures in your game.

Instead of investing time and money

Earlier this year, as a birthday present, I got the

Campaign Cartographer 2 bundle from a bud who was getting out of

the RPG world. One of the modules of it is called the Dioramas

expansion. It aids in creating these types of things.

What I’m wondering here is are there any Warpsapwn games that

would be a good test to try this out on? If so we can bundle the

rules with the cardboard cut outs and have a really nice package.

In the same sense I am looking at a way to come up with a good

standard Warpsapwn Card template, something that would have a

Warpspawn logo for the back and a standard layout for the cards

grfx and text. I have though of just ripping MTG's layout, but

if there’s better ideas I would rather do them.

With a standard card layout it will be much easier to bang out

card sets for old games and new ones as they come out.

I have also been digging working on and seeing PDFs being made

for the games. It makes it easier to pass on to other as a

complete ready to play package.



Two player card game simulating the struggle between the forces

of good and evil in Tolkein’s "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings".


There are two decks.

One player uses the Forces of Light Deck.

The other player uses the Dark Powers Deck.

Each deck contains one of each of the cards described in its list.


The first player to have 10 Quest tokens or 10 War tokens wins.

If at the end of a turn one player has 10 Quest tokens and the other

Player has 10 War tokens the player with the 10 Quest tokens wins.


Each player starts with 5 Quest tokens and 5 War tokens.


Draw Phase

Aid Phase

Scout Phase

Action Phase

Resolution Phase


Each player fills his hand to 9 cards.

If a deck runs out shuffle the discard and draw from it.


Each player may discard up to 3 cards and draw replacements.


Reveal a card with the Scout property to look at your opponents hand.

The revealed card may not be your reserve card this turn.


Each player puts 4 cards face down in 2 piles:

The War Pile and the Quest pile. (Each pile will contain 3 cards)

When both players have made 2 piles, the piles are revealed (flipped face up)

This will leave each player with one card in their hand.

The remaining card is called the reserve card.


Each card has a Quest value and a War value.

Each player adds up the Quest values of the cards in his Quest pile.

The player with the highest total value wins the Quest Contest.

The winner of the Quest contest takes one Quest token from his opponent.

In ties, no tokens are exchanged.

If one player’s total value is twice his opponents, he may take 2 tokens.

Each player adds up the War values of the cards in his War pile.

The player with the highest total value wins the War Contest.

The winner of the War contest takes one War token from his opponent.

In ties, no tokens are exchanged.

If one player’s total value is twice his opponents, he may take 2 tokens.

A pile may only contain one location card.

The player with the most armies in his war pile gets +3 to his War total.

The player with the most cavalry armies in his war pile gets +1 to his War total.

If 2 cards in a pile share the same alliance the pile gets +1.

If 3 cards in a pile share the same alliance the pile gets +3.

If 4 cards in a pile share the same alliance the pile gets +5.

A single card may belong to more than one alliance at a time.


A = Alliance

W = War

Q = Quest


Unit Name: A W Q Notes:

Sauron the Dark Lord M 7 6 Maiar: Lord of the Rings

Saruman the White I 4 4 Istari: Maiar

Witch King of Morgul AU 5 5 High Nazgul

Nazgul Ring Wraiths MU 4 4 Black Riders: Scout: +1 vs One Ring

Barrow-Wights U 0 3 Monster: Undead

Mouth of Sauron M 2 0 General: All your armies get +1W

Orcs of the Red Eye MG 2 2 Army: Goblins

White Hand Orcs IG 2 2 Army: Goblins

Orcs of Angmar AG 2 2 Army: Goblins

Uruk-hai G 3 2 Army: Hobgoblins

Half Orcs IG 3 0 Army

Trolls T 4 3 Army: Giants

Olog-hai T 5 3 Army: Black Trolls

Balrog Demon U 6 5 Monster

Shelob the Great S 0 4 Monster: Spider

Great Spiders S 0 3 Monsters

Cave-Drake D 4 3 Monster: Dragon

Winged Fire-Drake D 4 4 Monster: Dragon

Smaug D 5 5 Monster: Dragon

Black Numenoreans - 2 0 Army: Men

Umbar Corsairs M 2 0 Army: Men

Easterlings of Rhun A 3 0 Army: Men: Sagath: Cavalry

Men of Harad M 2 0 Army: Men: Southrons

Balchoth Barbarians M 2 0 Army: Men

Wargs W 2 3 Monsters: Great Wolves

Wolf Riders GW 3 2 Army: Orcs & Wargs: Cavalry

Great Bats - 0 2 Monster

Vampires U 0 3 Monsters: Undead

Gaurhoth Werewolves UW 0 3 Monsters: Shapeshifters

Fell Beasts U 0 2 Monsters: Nazgul get +1

Wainriders M 3 0 Army: Men: War Chariots: Cavalry

Flies of Mordor M 0 2 Monster: Swarms

Dunlendings I 2 0 Army: Men

Haradrim Mumakils M 3 0 Army: War Elephants: Cavalry

Hillmen A 2 0 Army: Men

Smeagol Gollum - 0 5 Monster: +3Q vs Frodo or the One R

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