Introduction to Warpspawn Games


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Card Name: Number Type Attack Defense Notes

Offensive Phasers 8 C +2 -

Defensive Phasers 4 C +1 - Destroy opposing Fighter or Drone

Boarding Party 2 C +6 - Negate opposing Boarding Party

Transporter Mines 2 C - - Do 4 Damage to Attacking Ship

Tractor Beam 2 C +1 - Negate Evasion Card

Shields 8 C - +3 Negate opposing Boarding Party

Evasion 8 C - +3

Tactics 4 C - - Ship gains Initiative this turn

Legendary Captain 1 P +3 +3 Ship gains Initiative

Elite Officers 2 P +2 +2 Ship gains Detect

Veteran Crew 2 P +1 +1

Tholian Webs 10 C +3 +5 Negate Evasion & Drone Cards

Command Corvette 2 MS 3 4 Command

Destroyer 4 MS 4 3

Patrol Corvette 5 SS 3 3

Black Widow 3 SS 3 2 Webs +1/+1

Scout 2 SS 2 3 Detect

Patrol Escort 2 SS 2 4

Commando Ship 1 SS 2 3 Boarding Parties +3

Emergency Repairs 1 X - - Put ship in discard into your hand

Probes 2 X - - Ship gains Detect this turn

Reinforcements 2 X - - Fleet Total +5


Card Name: Number Type Attack Defense Notes

Fusion Beam 6 C +3 -

FB Overload 2 C +5 -1

FB Suicide Overload 1 C +7 -2

Hellbore Fusion Bomb 4 C +6 - Negate opposing Shields

Offensive Phasers 4 C +2 -

Defensive Phasers 4 C +1 - Destroy opposing Fighter or Drone

Boarding Party 2 C +4 - Negate opposing Boarding Party

Transporter Mines 2 C - - Do 4 Damage to Attacking Ship

Tractor Beam 2 C +1 - Negate Evasion Card

Shields 8 C - +3 Negate opposing Boarding Party

Evasion 8 C - +3

Tactics 4 C - - Ship gains Initiative this turn

Legendary Captain 2 P +3 +3 Ship gains Initiative

Elite Officers 2 P +2 +2 Ship gains Detect

Veteran Crew 2 P +1 +1

Paladin Dreadnaught 1 LS 9 9

Lord Marshall Cruiser 1 MS 5 7 Command, 2 Fighter Tokens (1/1)

Cavalier Heavy Carrier 1 LS 2 5 Carries 7 Fighter Tokens (1/1)

Ranger Cruiser 1 MS 2 4 Carries 3 Fighter Tokens (1/1)

Dragoon Cruiser 1 MS 5 7 Carries 1 Fighter Token (1/1)

Lancer Destroyer 1 MS 2 4 Carries 1 Fighter Token (1/1)

Horseman War Cruiser 1 MS 3 3 Carries 2 Fighter Tokens (1/1)

Destroyer Escort 1 MS 2 4 Carries 2 Fighter Tokens (1/1)

Uhlan Carrier 1 MS 1 4 Carries 5 Fighter Tokens (1/1)

Traveler Light Cruiser 1 MS 5 5

Knight Destroyer 1 MS 4 4

Hunter Frigate 1 SS 3 2

Cuirassier Frigate 1 SS 3 3

Scout 1 SS 1 2 Detect

Escort Hunter 1 SS 2 3

Emergency Repairs 1 X - - Put ship in discard into your hand

Probes 2 X - - Ship gains Detect this turn

Reinforcements 2 X - - Fleet Total +5


Card Name: Number Type Attack Defense Notes

Expanding Sphere Gnrtrs 10 C +2 +1 Destroy Fighter, Mine or Drone

Offensive Phasers 8 C +2 -

Disruptor 4 C +3 -

Defensive Phasers 4 C +1 - Destroy opposing Fighter or Drone

Boarding Party 2 C +5 - Negate opposing Boarding Party

Transporter Mines 2 C - - Do 4 Damage to Attacking Ship

Tractor Beam 2 C +1 - Negate Evasion Card

Shields 8 C - +3 Negate opposing Boarding Party

Evasion 4 C - +3

Tactics 4 C - - Ship gains Initiative this turn

Legendary Captain 2 P +3 +3 Ship gains Initiative

Elite Officers 2 P +2 +2 Ship gains Detect

Veteran Crew 2 P +1 +1

Lion Dreadnaught 1 LS 11 11

SaberTooth Tiger Mauler 1 LS 10 6

Wildcat Battlecruiser 1 LS 8 9

Tiger Heavy Cruiser 3 MS 6 7

Panther Light Cruiser 1 MS 4 5

Leopard Destroyer 1 MS 4 4

Cheetah Frigate 1 SS 4 2

Ocelot Scout 1 SS 2 3 Detect

Escort Frigate 1 SS 3 4

Siberian Tiger Carrier 1 MS 2 7 Carries 4 Fighter Tokens (1/1)

Jaguar War Cruiser 3 MS 5 6

Alleycat War Destroyer 1 MS 5 4

Puma Battle Tug 1 MS 4 6

Cougar Battle Tug 1 MS 6 6

Emergency Repairs 1 X - - Put ship in discard into your hand

Sensors 2 X - - Ship gains Detect this turn

Reinforcements 2 X - - Fleet Total +5


1Q) Unblocked attack: only possible when there are no enemies or also in the

case when the attacker has more ships than the defender?

1A)Or if you target opponents fleet and he declines to block.

2Q) The effect of a card must be applied (an then the card is discarded) or

you can choose? As an example: shields; you can choose to use them or play

the card to negate a boarding party card.

2A)You get all benefits of the card when you play it. If you play shields on

your ship you get defense +3 & you negate a boardng party card if one was or is

played against that ship.

3Q) Combat cards that do not have an effect clearly stated as "this turn

..." are left on the ship at the end of the turn if the ship is not

destroyed or you must discard them in any case?

3A)Only Personnel remain from turn to turn. Combat cards are discarded.


Need to get info on the Orions, etc.


Starfleet Games


by Michael Callahan (



Add thusly this new Trait to the list: "Wherewithal=1. Wherewithal

represents such traditional characteristics and proficiencies such as

intuition, intelligence, experience, education, talents, and skills. If

a player chooses to use "The Deliberate Creation Rule", he or she may

raise the level(s) of Wherewithal by applying one or more Construction

Points to that end. However, if one prefers the original generation

method, merely implement the following amendment: if the player has

rolled an 8 on the "Superhero Powers Table", then he or she rolls their

1D10 again-on a 1-5 the character is assigned a "Split Attack", and on a

6-10 the character's Wherewithal in increased by one. For every level

the player rolls a 1D6, the sum reveals the number of Wherewithal Points

that can be expended on behalf of the character during one 'game day'.

Whenever, in the course of a 'game day', the player describes to the

G.M. an unusual or toilsome goal that they want their character to

attain, or the Game Master decides to challenge a character with an

extraordinary or daunting task (such as hitting a grand slam, pulling a

plane out of a tail-spin, or performing brain surgery with cutlery) the

following procedure is undertaken. The G.M. assigns a number between

1-10, this simulates the intensity of the difficulty incumbent upon the

character to overcome-be fair! Then the player spends as many

Wherewithal Points as he or she wishes to and can consume (other

players, with the Game Master's consent, may contribute their own

Wherewithal Points to the primary player's attempt). Lastly, the player

rolls a 1D10, adding the W.P. previously expended and subtracting the

G.M.'s complication factor. On a result of 6+ the endeavor succeeds. In

the case of exceptionally trying, hazardous, or complex tasks, the Game

Master may require multiple successes.

Hero Generation

Add this sentence: "For all characters (henceforth, unless otherwise

specified, this term always refers to both player and non-player

characters) double their Speed Trait and triple the range of ordinary

and special attacks (except for, and any specific attacks involving, the

detection of hidden characters)."

"Oh, if only I had another roll...." or, "Can't I have just one more

Construction Point?" Because I feel your pain do the following. Reduce

the Basic Trait Value of "Range" for your beginning character from 1 to

0-this is how one acquires that extra roll or C.P.; this option must be

exercised before the character creation process. If a player rolls a 6

on the "Superhero Powers Table", it is ignored and rerolled, nor can

this Trait be increased by the expenditure of a Construction Point. Any

ranged attack, i.e., a strike attempted against a target that is located

in a space beyond the one the attacking character is occupying, is made

a -3.

The Deliberate Creation Rule

In order to produce a prepared character, players may avail themselves

of this simple generation method. A player is given 10 Construction

Points with which to buy their character's Powers and/or Special

Abilities. Each improvement of a Trait or the acquisition of a Power or

Special Ability usually costs one C.P.


Add this sentence: "All hand-to-hand combat must occur in the same



Add the following subtable:

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