Introduction to Warpspawn Games


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1 PT Boat 1 6(x2) 1 6 1 Torpedo

1 Submarine 2 3 2 6 1 Torpedo, Underwater

2 Destroyer 3 5 3 3 1

1 Frigate 4 4 4 4 1

1 Cruiser 5 4 4 5 2

1 Battleship 6 3 5 6 2

1 Carrier 6 3 4(x2) 6 3


Use an 8 x 8 or larger square or hex map. All ships can move and

shoot vertical and horizontal but not diagonal. Each side starts

with 1 of each ship and 2 destroyers for a total of 8 ships.


1. INITIATIVE- Roll high to see who goes first

2. COMMAND ROLLS- Roll 6D6. These scores are the players command rolls for this turn.

A roll cannot be used for less than its value

3. MOVE- Use up a command roll to move a ship that many spaces in one direction

4. ATTACK- Use up a dice roll to set the Range of the attack and another to determine

the Damage in Hits Inflicted


A player rolls 1, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6. He moves a destroyer forward 1

space (He could have used a 3 or a 4, but not a 6; The maximum move

of a destroyer is 5) He removes the die showing 1. He Fires to the

right at a range of 3 (Maximum range for a destroyer is 3) and hits

a battleship for 3 Damage. He removes both dice showing 3's. The

Battleship is reduced to 3 Hits for the rest of the game (He would

have liked to do 6 damage which would sink the battleship, but the

maximum damage a destroyer can do is 3). He uses the roll of 4 to

move his cruiser to the left. He is unable to use the two rolls of 6

for anything useful so they are wasted.


On the Sea map mark several spaces as land obstacles. Ships cannot

move over land but they can shoot over it. Torpedo attacks cannot be

made over land.


Fast and maneuverable, PT Boats can move twice in a turn. Example: A

player uses a command roll of 6 to move the PT forward 6 spaces and

a second roll of 2 to move it left 2 spaces.


Since they are underwater and hard to detect, other boats can only

attack subs if they right next to them, range = 1.


Attacks (Up to 3 per turn) made by carriers are really made by their

fighters and bombers which have much longer ranges than ship

artillery. 2 command rolls can be used to determine the range of

the attack. Example: A roll of 3 and a roll of 4 can be combined to

hit a ship 3 to the left and 4 back. (4 is the max for either roll)


Completely destroy all enemy ships.


Increase the number of ships per side. Roll 4D6 instead of 6D6.

Allow diagonal movement and attacks. Destroy opponents carrier to

win. Rolls of 6 can be used to repair 1 point of damage.


The following amazing counter set was created by Janne Thorne:

Janne has also made counters and cards for Blitz, Midway, & Cannonade.

Download Sea Battle Counters


Introduction: Shared Universes is an addition to the universe of wargaming

and roleplaying. Gamers are often very creative and talented people.

Unfortunately there is often nowhere to go for the amateur writer or

artist. Poems get buried away never to be seen again. The doodles never get

turned into paintings. Ideas die, never having been fully explored. Most

gamers have a few drawings and adventure ideas hidden in old folders.

Shared Universes is an attempt to give this raw undeveloped talent a place

to go, to grow, to be seen, and to communicate. In Shared Universes,

like-minded artists band together, for inspiration and support, in

organizational units called journey groups. Players may decide to work on

group projects together called, appropriately, shared universes. Artifacts,

such as drawings and stories, not only have their own intrinsic value but

also contribute to a larger work of art, the shared universe. As players

build up their portfolios and the groups archives grow, the players and the

group will move onto continually more sophisticated and fulfilling projects.

Shared Universes is a gaming system that provides players with a framework

in which to create their own art and literature. The rules give guidelines

and starting points for the creative process. Players are not just playing

a game, they are producing permanent records of their ideas in writing and

in art. As players refine their skills the game becomes richer and more


The Journey: All players are considered to be on a journey. A journey

of imagination, self exploration, learning, creating, experience, ideas,

growth, sharing, and mastery.

Journey Names: Every player should take a journey name. These names

should be descriptive and fanciful. Some examples include: Earthborn,

Starbright, Dreamdancer, Lost Angel, Birdman. The journey name is one of

the players' many alter egos. Players should draw a picture of the

physical incarnation of their journey name. A player, of course, may use

different names for different journeys.

Journey Groups: Every artist and writer needs an audience. This is the

primary function of the journey group. Groups may be composed of just

several friends or they may be larger, community based, clubs or

organizations. Journey groups are called J-groups for short.

Journey Group Names: Every journey group should give itself a name. Some

sample names: The Ghost Writers; Anonymous Artists Political Action Group;

Sidereal Messengers; Prometheans; The Underground; Undead Poets Society;

The Fellowship; Futurians; Tech Hombres Gang; The Journeymen.

Journey Sessions: When a journey group meets it is called a session.

Formal sessions may occur once a week, once a month, or whenever

convenient. A session is broken down into two main parts: show and tell,

and brainstorming. During show and tell, players take turns showing off

and reading out loud whatever art and writing they have done since the

previous session. During brainstorming players work on group projects and

give feedback about each others personal projects.

Guardian of Knowledge: Abbreviated GK, this individual is the groups'

leader, organizer, record keeper, and judge. The actual responsibilities

of the GK may be spread among several people. This position has more

responsibility than authority as most decisions of a group will be arrived

at democratically.

The role of the GK includes the following tasks:

-Inspire players

-Maintain interest or call for a change of topic

-Mediate disputes; Keep the peace; Negotiate compromises

-Call Votes

-Award Story Teller Points

-Offer suggestions and advice

-Maintain the archives

-Provide focus and organization if and where it is needed.

Artifacts: Artifacts are another name for anything created for a journey

universe. Drawings, songs, stories, and jewelry are all artifacts.

Artifacts also include events such as performances and festivals.

Special Projects: A player or group may decide to do a special project.

Special projects, in the most general sense, are collections of artifacts,

usually with a unifying purpose or theme, displayed together. An example of

a special project would be a series of books, each containing a collection

of short stories and illustrations. A special project may incorporate work

from many universes.

Universes: The concept of the ‘Universe' is central to the Shared

Universes game. A universe is simply a fictional background that players

use as a framework for creating artifacts. Artifacts help to detail a

universe and detailed universe gives inspiration for the creation of more

artifacts. Imagination is the only limit to the number of possible

universes. Universes may be of several types: shared, closed, personal, and


Shared Universe: Everyone in the journey group may use a shared

universe. The GK may keep a file in which anyone who wishes may keep a

copy of their work. All players should have full access to the GKs Shared

universe files.

Closed Universe: In this universe only certain people may contribute

under certain conditions. Players should make a charter document detailing

who has access to the universe.

Personal Universe: This includes very personal, private work of a single


Parallel Universe: This is material that supplements another universe

but is kept separate for whatever reason. For example, if a player creates

an artifact for a specific universe and the other players do not feel it

belongs there, the GK may decide to put the artifact in a parallel universe

file. The most common use for a parallel universe is as a place to keep

rough draft material which will outnumber finished artifacts.

Archives: An archive is a collection of artifacts. Players will have

their own personal archives and the GK will keep the journey groups

archives. Artifacts of a single universe may be kept together in what is

known as a single "library". To help keep the archives organized,

individual artifacts should be recorded, cataloged, and labeled with the

creators name, the date of creation, the artifacts title, the universe it

was created for and any other important information.

Possession: They say possession is nine tenths of the law. No player is

under any compulsion to give their work to another player. Avoid potential

problems by making copies of your work. Players should avoid plagiarizing

published authors. Always include references and credits where necessary.

Story Teller Points: Story teller points or STPs are an abstract measure

of productivity, quality, and ideas generated by players. The GK awards

STPs either during or after a Journey session. The GK's award may be

influenced by players opinions. Players keep track of their STP totals

from session to session. As players accumulate STPs they increase in level

and corresponding title. An artifact may be used to acquire points only

once in a particular Journey group. If a player belongs to more than one

group that player will have different STP totals and ranks in each.

Awarding Story Teller Points:

1 for attending a Journey session

1 for being a GK at a Journey session

1 for a quick Sketch

1+ for a Poem, story outline, or character concept

1+ per page of writing

1+ for a really good idea

1+ for creating a new Universe

5+ for a detailed Illustration

5+ for a Short Story or Essay

5+ for a game design or set of RPG rules

10+ for a detailed Painting

20+ for a Book or Novel

5+ for a Comic Strip

1+ for a Photograph

5+ for completing a special project

1-20+ for Craft items: Metalwork, Sculpture, Jewelry, Glass, Costumes, Clothing, etc

5+ for Acting, Orations, Speeches, Monologues

10+ for putting on a Play, Concert, or Festival

5+ for a Song or Instrumental piece

10+ for an Album or Video

1+ for attending Craft or Renaissance Fairs

1+ for selling an Artifact

10+ for having your work published or displayed in public

10+ for having your own Webpage

1+ for every 1,000 hits

A single artifact or project may acquire points in several categories.

STP Rank & Title Table:


0 0 Initiate

100 1 Novice

200 2 Aspirant

300 3 Adept

400 4 Artisan

500 5 Artist

600 6 Seeker

700 7 Loremaster

800 8 Dreamspeaker

900 9 Shaman

1000 10 Oracle

2000 11 Prophet

3000 12 Demi-God

4000 13 Lesser God

5000 14 Greater God

Journey Roleplaying & Storytelling Resolution: Many of the shared

universes will, after some development, become ripe settings for

roleplaying. In Shared Universes style roleplaying the distinction between

players and game master is blurred. Players are collectively creating a

story and have some control over all elements of the story. Players

resolve events, actions, and plot lines by debating what result would be

the most dramatic and appropriate to the story. If it improves the story,

players may change events that occurred earlier.

SHARED UNIVERSES The following universes are available as starting points

to any player and any group. These suggestions are by no means exhaustive.

Discover and explore new universes:

ANIME MAYHEM Japanese animation is sterotypically postapocalyptic,

violent and intensely sexual. Common elements include big eyes and

transformers. Players may enjoy taking turns drawing sequential scenes for

an action sequence. Artifacts: Character sketches; Storylines; Technical

diagrams; Haikus; Film festivals; and of course, merchandising.

FANTASY ARMIES Two player-generals draw 10 or more units that are in their

armies. The GK draws a map of the battlefield. Other players determine the

result of the confrontation. Artifacts: First hand written accounts of the

battle by soldiers and commanders; maps depicting troop movements;

General's battle plans; Historian's notes; and drawings of the battle in


PERSONAL MYTHOLOGY This concept is best suited for a personal universe.

Examine your own psychological landscape. Depict personal problems as

battles between heros and monsters. Transform places in the real world into

legendary lands. People become gods and titans. Goals become quests. Sorrow

becomes the destruction of nations. Anger becomes earthquakes and tidal

waves. Obstacles become mountains. Love is a golden age. Minutes become

eras of a thousand years. Artifacts of this soul searching include: Poetry;

Fables; Pantheons; and fine art.

MYSTIC JOURNEYS Players create artifacts with mystical, occult, spiritual

and religious themes. The goal is for players to create a personal religion

for themselves. Through the meditative and reflective act of creating

artifacts players discover what they really believe in. Artifacts: Rituals;

Holy symbols; Scriptures on Universal truths, Mans relationship to the

universe, the structure of the cosmos, Self actualization, and the nature

of God.

ART HISTORY Get Some books on an artist, such as Picasso. First try

duplicating some of their paintings, then try making some new paintings in

the same style. This journey will be the most rewarding if the players have

adequate supplies (paints, brushes, canvasses) on hand.

STELLAR LANDSCAPES Draw, or preferably, paint a landscape of one of the

planets or moons in our solar system. Some are rocky, some are volcanic,

some are icy, some have atmospheres, some do not. This journey will be most

rewarding if you first do some research on the heavenly bodies you are

depicting. From Triton you can see the rings of Saturn. If you run out of

places in our solar system do landscapes of alien planets.

FLOORPLANS OF A SPACESHIP Make a detailed technical diagram. Types of

ships might include: research vessels, space stations, colony ships,

fighters, battleships, world ships. If everyone in the group does a few,

you may have enough for a whole fleet. Tie this in with Space Fury.

Artifacts: Captains logs; Ship recognition manuals; Histories of each ship


INN OF THE GOURMET GORGON The Inn is located in Findell, a fantasy realm

filled with magical creatures of every description. The house specialty is

Dragontail steak and Fireberry wine. Artifacts: Menus; Recipes; Actual

edible meals; Bistro magic; and short stories.

LANTASIA A classic fantasy realm complete with elves, dwarves, orcs,

wizards, knights, dragons, and mighty spells.

FANTASTIC ARCHITECTURE Using the laws of physics, magic, and aesthetics,

players design buildings. Mix ancient with modern styles. Experiment with

materials, cultures, and locations. Artifacts: Exterior and interior

views; Floorplans.

FUTURE HISTORY Players speculate about what changes in science, medicine,

technology, transportation, culture, government, art, sports, computers,

agriculture, energy, entertainment, economics, work, and human evolution

will occur in the next 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 500, 1000 years. Artifacts:

Essays; Histories; Timelines.

DREAM LOGS Players make records of their dreams. After doing this for

awhile players might try lucid dreaming. Artifacts: Dream journals; Dream


RAYGUNS & ROCKETSLEDS This universe is straight from 1930's science

fiction comics. Be sure to include bubble helmets, jetpacks, and

cliffhangers. Artifacts: Serial adventure comics.

GIANT ASPARAGUS FROM PLANET X This universe is that of the 1950's

B-movies. Common elements include: earth invasions, mutant monsters, and

mad scientists. Artifacts: Movie posters; Short films in black and white.

KUNG FU FIGHTERS This universe is that of contemporary martial arts

movies and arcade games. Common elements include gratuitous death and

special moves. Artifacts: Character descriptions, high scores.

EXPLORERS Human exploration of the galaxy is still incomplete after

hundreds of years of missions. The history logs are filled with thousands

of incredible accounts of first contacts. This shared universe is

particularly good for short stories. Artifacts: Survey crew logs.

PRIMEA An alternate universe of human and dinosaur evolution on planet

Earth. Dinosaurs still exist and several races of hominids have built

civilizations. The cities of Cro-Magnon, Homo Erectus and the Neanderthals

live in a delicate balance of competition and coexistence. Artifacts: Maps;

Descriptions of the relationships between the races of man; Dinosaur based


CHILDRENS BOOKS Players create stories and illustrations for childrens

books and fables. A lot of great art has been created since the mid 1800's

for childrens books. Artifacts: Illustrated Fairy tales.

UNDERGROUND This is the universe of 1960's under-ground comix. Common

themes are sex, drugs, rock n roll, changing morals, psychedelia, political

protest, and dark humor. Players should experiment with the possibilities

of the comix format.

CITY PLANNER Players design in detail a utopian city that they create

using current technology. This should also include the cities government

and legal system.

NATURALISTS Players make collections of natural phenomenon. This can

turn into a very satisfying pastime and a nice change from wargames.

Artifacts: Rock and crystal collections; Pressed leaves; Insects;

Seashells; Bird watching; Camping trips; fishing trips.

BEATNIK SCENE Players dress in black, make some coffee, and read some

homegrown poetry. As extra incentive give the hippest cat a prize, dig.

Make sure to have some jazz in the background.

FILKING Players write songs and music for their favorite novels. This is

a sign of a real fan.

SCIENCE FANTASY THEATER Costumed players enact scenes from their favorite

works of fiction. Big STP's for this category, especially for long


DRAGONBAIT Do a RPG in a cartoon style with gags, puns, mayhem, and

punchlines. Artifacts: Character sketches, strips.

NOVA A science fiction universe where human empires fight using every

weapon of war and every form of treachery at their disposal.

HISTORIAN Players do projects using their favorite historical period as

subject matter. This may require some research. The possibilities for

Historical Roleplaying are very rich.

MUTOG This universe details the years and centuries on planet earth after

a nuclear holocaust. Menaces include radiation, mutants, and rebuilding


HORROR SHOW Save your scariest and strangest stuff for this universe.

Stories may or may not be unconnected.

CONSPIRACIES In this universe there is some truth behind most conspiracy

theories. Watch your back.

THE PUZZLING Players create mathematical, word, and visual puzzles to

confound each other.

BROKEN LANDS The broken lands is a fantasy setting populated with savage

barbarians, beautiful amazons, foul beasts, filthy cities, constant

warfare, and exotic locations. Magic is ritualistic and diabolic. This is a

good universe for artists who love drawing muscles, and writers who love

describing fierce, grisly combats.

D-TRAVELERS D-Travelers is a universe in which dimension travelers have

both high tech and magic at their disposal.

SUPERHEROS A universe where super heros and supervillans are behind every

nook and cranny.

CYBERPUNK In the not so distant future

EROTICA Players Artifacts: Drawings, Letters, Photos, Sculpture,


LOVE BONDS This is a closed universe shared by two lovers.

HISTORICAL WHAT IFs Players recreate history. What if the Roman Empire

did not fall?

NEW SPORT Players design a new type of team sport. Artifacts: Rules;

Playing equipment; Demonstration game.

ANATONOMY Players produce artifacts describing human, animal and

monstrous figures.

SCAVENGER HUNT The GK creates an elaborate scavenger hunt, puzzle or

mystery for the players to solve.

COSMIC BALANCE Demons, Titans, Gods, Deities, and Avatars are locked in

an eternal struggle for control of the multiverse. Artifacts: Epics

ALL THE QUEENS MEN Set in the Victorian era, intrepid English scientists

and their companions explore the hollow earth, the planets, and other

fantastic places.

VEHICLES Players produce designs for fantastic vehicles. Artifacts:


WESTERNS Players pay tribute to the legends of the old west.

COMPUTER ART Players produce artwork using computers.

THE SIMULATORS What do humans of the 5th millennium do for entertainment?

They engage in highly elaborate holographic simulations. The simulation

controllers easily mix historical and fantastic elements in the most

bizarre combinations possible. Roleplayers will often find themselves in

very awkward situations.

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