Introduction to Warpspawn Games

GAME DESIGNERS NOTES This 'gaming system' was written before the advent of the Internet & the Web. LINKS

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This 'gaming system' was written before the advent of the Internet & the Web.


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Capture the opponents King.


Normal chess setup. Paper & writing instruments needed.


Players take their turns simutaneously.

1.) Write Move Orders in secret.

Indicate piece you want to move and where you want it to go.

2.) Reveal Orders Simultaneously.

3.) Move & Capture.


If opposing pieces are ordered into the same square, both are ‘captured'.

A piece cannot move this turn if it made a capture last turn.

You can never order a piece to move into a square occupied by one of your own pieces.



Ghostbuster Backgammon.

One player is the Ghostbusters (GB).

The other player is the Ghosts.


Use a regular backgammon board.

Same Rules as backgammon except for the following differences:

The Ghostbuster player has on only 5 pieces.

In setup these are placed one each on the last 5 points on his side of the board.

The Ghost player has 20 pieces.

In setup these are placed in 4 stacks of 3 on the last 5 points on his side of the board.

When a Ghostbuster piece captures a ghost piece it is sent to the bar.

The bar is called “The Containment Field”.

Ghosts cannot escape the bar.

If a ghost captures a ghostbuster the GB is “slimed”.

A slimmed GB remains where it is trapped under the ghost that caught it.

If the ghost moves, the GB is un-slimmed and may move.

Any number of Ghosts may stack onto a slimmed GB.

If only one Ghost is slimmimg a GB, another GB may land on the Ghost and capture

it, setting the first GB free.

The GB wins when all the Ghosts are put in the containment field.

The Ghosts win if all the GB are slimmed.

Pieces never “end-off” the board, they keep going around.

Pieces continue to circle the board until the victory conditions are met.


Ghostbusters is a copyrighted, trademarked property.

This is only a fan-site.



The premise of sorcery chess is that the king is also a powerful wizard.

The rules are that of normal chess plus the following differences.

Spell Acquisition & Spell Books

At the end of a players turn, that player makes one roll on the Spell

Table. The player records the spell on a record sheet called the spell book.

Both players may look at each others spell book.

5's the Limit

A player can have no more than 5 spells in their spell book. If by the

end of the turn the player has acquired more than 5 then that player

must cross off (forget) spells of his choice until only 5 are left.

Move or Magic

On your turn you may move a chess piece normally or cast a spell.

Most spell merely modify the way a piece can move.

Optional Rule: Magic Chivalry

Players cannot check or checkmate on a turn they cast a spell.


If a piece is given the power to skip it can jump over pieces like a

king in checkers. Pieces that are jumped are not captured.


These are not spells. They occur immediately.


These behave like permanent spells. A player may only have 1 of each

type of artifact.

Optional Card Version

Make 1 card for each spell on the list.

Instead of rolling on the list draw 1 card.

Hands are played face up.

Maximum hand = 5 spell cards.


D100 Spell

01-02 Lordly Standing: Knight moves like a King

03-04 Masonic Secret: Rook moves like a King

05-06 Divine Authority: Bishop moves like a King

07-08 Squires Errand: Pawn moves like a King

09-10 Feebleness: Opponent forgets 2 spells of his choice

11-12 Arcane Study: Roll again Twice on Spell Table

13-14 Counterspell: Negate an opponents spell as it is cast

15-16 Teleport: Move one of your pieces anywhere except capture or check

17-18 Pawn can skip

19-20 Queen can skip

21-22 Rook can skip

23-24 Knight can skip

25-26 Bishop can skip

27-28 King can Skip

29-30 Probability shift: Reroll a diceroll

31-32 Knight Templar: Move knight like bishop

33-34 Holy Ground: Move rook like bishop

35-36 Divine Moment: Move king like bishop

37-38 Monks Deliverance: Move Pawn like Bishop.

39-40 Move bishop like rook

41-42 Move knight like rook

43-44 Move pawn like Rook.

45-46 Kings Highway: Move King like Rook.

47-48 Move Queen like Knight

49-50 Move King like Knight

51-52 Move Rook like Knight

53-54 Move bishop like Knight

55-56 Move pawn like Knight.

57-58 Move Knight like King. No Capturing.

59-60 Move Rook like King. No Capturing.

61-62 Move Bishop like King. No Capturing.

63-64 Move pawn like King. No Capturing.

65-66 Procession: Move Queen twice. No capturing

67-68 Joust: Move Knight twice. No capturing

69-70 Pilgrimage: Move bishop twice. No capturing

71-72 Siege Tower: Move Rook twice. No capturing

73-74 Forced March: Move Pawn twice. No capturing

75-76 Master Stroke: Move king twice. No capturing

77-78 Charge: Move 2 pieces this turn one after the other.

79-80 Transferral: Switch locations of two pieces you control.

81-82 Call Defender: Move any one of your pieces to an

unoccupied square adjacent to the king

83-84 Knighting Ceremony : Promote any pawn to a Knight

85-86 Opponent forgets one spell of your choice.

87-88 Antimagic: Event. No one can cast spells on their next 3 turns.

89-90 Steal one of opponents Spells.

91-100 Roll on Wild Magic spell table


D100 Spell

01 Fey magic: Forget all current Spells and roll for new spells equal

to the number you had.

02 The Meek Shall inherit: Event. All pieces move as pawns on both

players next 3 turns.

03 Shield: Target piece cannot be captured by pawns on opponents

next 3 turns.

04 Invulnerability: Target piece cannot be captured on opponents

next turn.

05 Hand of Fate: Cause opponent to reroll a Spell roll immediately

after it is made. Cast on Opponents turn.

06 Kings Crown: Artifact. You may have an extra spell in your


07 Hex: Target unoccupied space cannot be moved into or through for

both players next 3 turns.

08 Petrify: Target non king piece cannot move or be captured for next

3 turns of both players.

09 Plague: Event: Each player must destroy one of their pieces.

10 Eldritch Barrier: Target piece cannot be target of spells for next

3 of both players turns.

11 Exchange: Players exchange Spellbooks.

12 Mirror Image: One row or column is reversed this turn.

13 Excommunicate: One of opponents Knights is turned into a pawn.

14 Thief: Steal one of opponents artifacts.

15 Merlins Staff: Artifact: You may change your Spell roll by +1 or -1.

16 Magical Vortex: Event. Both players forget all their spells.

17 Drain: Destroy an artifact

18 Dispel: Destroy a spell that lasts longer than 1 turn

19 Hallucinatory terrain: Shift whole column or row over 1 square

distance this turn. Cannot cast if this results in a captures or

figures going off board.

20 All the Kings Men: You may move some or all of your pieces this turn.

21 Battle Frenzy: Move 2 pawns this turn.

22 Invisibility: Piece is removed from board. Its moves are recorded on

paper in secret. Piece may capture or be captured. Piece may move

this turn. Lasts for next 3 of both players turns.

23 Death Spell: Forget 2 Spells and Destroy target non king piece.

24 Mystic Ward: Opponent may not cast spells on his next 3 turns.

25 Barring Ways: Prevents a normal move. Opponent must do something

else. Cast on opponents turn.

26 Resurrection: One of your captured pieces reenters play on an

unoccupied space on your back row.

27 Reverse Time: Undue the last 2 turns. This spell is forgotten.

(No time loops)

28 Word of Recall: Send target piece to its original starting square

if the space is not occupied.

29 Translocation: Switch places of one of your pieces with opponents

piece of same type.

30 Father to Son: Switch places of your king and one of your pieces.

31 Black Magic: Force opponent to cast one of his spells this turn.

You choose the target and the spell results.

32 Old Tricks: Event. Regain a spell you previously cast.

33 Major Arcana: Event. Gain any one spell.

34 Possession: Play on opponents turn. Opponent must make a normal

move of your choice.

35 Spellbind: Neither player may make a normal move on their next turn.

36 Banish: Destroy target pawn.

37 Hold: Target nonking piece cannot move next turn.

38 Confusion: Switch location of two of opponents pieces.

39 Cursed ground: Mark a box of 4 squares. Any pieces remaining within

after opponents next 3 rounds are destroyed.

40 Destiny: Opponent must capture next turn.

41 Tempest: Move any 4 of opponents pieces like kings

42 Chaos: Move six of opponents pieces this turn.

43 Weird: Move any or all of your pieces like kings this turn. No


44 Mislead: Move an opponents nonking piece twice this turn.

45 Cowardice: Opponent must move a piece backwards twice next turn.

46 Delude: Move an opponents piece like a king this turn.

47 Turn the tides: Opponent may not move any pieces forward on his

next 2 turns.

48 Phase: Move one of your rooks. It may move through 1 figure.

49 Ritual: You may cast this and two other spells this turn.

50 Wrap: Move one of your pieces. It may move off the side of the

board and reenter through the opposite side.

51 Morganas Orb: Artifact. Roll for 2 spells and pick one.

52 Kings Scepter: Artifact. You may have an extra spell in your


53 Excalibur: Artifact. King may move like a Knight.

54-100 Roll again or create your own spells.

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